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Posts: 6,417
22:57 Sat 30 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Fine thanks Alan, was a bit annoyed from yesterday but soon as i spoke my mind, i felt better.

Anyways onto better things,

Any format changes etc? (e.g. FBL, Killer, 2 Weeks or 3 Weeks etc)
Who will be the Admin in charge of spreadsheets? (Keith still Runner but wants to take a step back from updating)

One thing i thought strange was the main competitions are three weeks but most playoffs are 7-10 days, caught me by surprise

I can update spreadsheets if no one else wants to do it dgen. Message me with what i have to do mate
Posts: 38,097
23:06 Sat 30 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll try and work on GC tomorrow, If i do Plan B with less code with columns (Calc Sheet), i may be able to do GC in a few Afternoons so possible my new sheet could still be used.

Plan A going to get rid of with Set One, Two, Three and Four in same line as i seemed to have figured out, the more data in a column the worse it gets.

I'll work on it properly after the Snooker on Tuesday. FCL Table already done but that takes me 30 minutes at most after match templates are done.

FBL copy, add columns for game modes, Table shouldn't be affected. GC wise would change from Frame % to Games %.

SL, copy FCL, remove 4 games, GC wise would change from Frame % to Games % + remove code from extra games.

doable, may take me a fortnight to three weeks but if i go with Plan B for GC then less exhaustion and more motivation.

If i used my sheet, all you would have to do is enter schedule, players and results. Clan Name + Player Name has to match though with no spaces or the code won't work, only catch
Posts: 4,046
23:21 Sat 30 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If you tell us what needs doing we can split it up into three weeks and me, eri, faust, your self and vixen can do a bit each. Just need info on how things are done and when and it will be easy. Just spread the load
Posts: 38,097
23:32 Sat 30 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Mainly the code is designed to search for Clan and Players and automatically update the results, Table and Golden Cue so every result would be a live version.

It is based from a "Stats" Page where i change the format and i wouldn't have to change code except remove code when games have been deleted.

This is why it takes a while but the end result is less work for the Result Admin which is the plan. No more manual labour on GC/Tables as code would do it for you.

Only things what would need to be added is Clans in Schedule, Player Names for Matches, Score in Match and enter Player Names for Golden Cue. Then after each season remove those you would need to add and then its fresh and ready for new season.

Also done code so you can copy and paste games into the forum with Bold Tags etc. First time i used it on Snooker, people thought it looked ugly (and it does) but when they found the benefits, its basically like saving time doing it manual.
Posts: 38,097
23:38 Sat 30 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
code wise you can't do much as its complex and may not understand it, i'll work on it more on Tuesday afternoon and work on it daily. mornings is my xbox time and evenings is generally funky time.
Posts: 38,097
23:41 Sat 30 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Brother just got The Division, early Birthday Present i think as its in 3 days after tonight (May 3rd) and i enjoyed the mini walkthrough Jingles did so when brother installs it, i have 3 games to play in morning, Tanks, Division and Neverwinter.

If Division is only one character i may leave it for him though as its his present
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00:17 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Step back a bit dgen and share the load

You do more than is even asked for.

Some wouldn't even offer
Posts: 38,097
00:23 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
yup i know pal but i'm the only one who can code, what i could do however is on Golden Cue, On Tuesday is copy code 4 times of Set 1-4 and ask them to change Fixture Set One to Two, Three, Four (Same on League Table, FCL done tho) and work on FBL and do same again.

Only way i feel they can help at the moment as most is code work but when i separated Set 1-4 in same column to 4 different columns, it should load quickly and easy to change.

Once excel is done then i wouldn't need to touch it unless format changes

Edited at 21:36 Sat 30/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 643
00:55 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yours does sound really complicated but then again i was used too google docs myself. Had it coded in that it would add or subtract percentages in GC and league games and stuff as well just by putting in one result. Many times had too fix it as one button mistake could mess the code up

Anything else been mentioned about a Killer League?
Posts: 38,097
00:57 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
it is google docs mate, changed from Docs to Drive by google.

None mate but most seem to like the idea, just need a thumbs up from the horse himself
Posts: 643
01:06 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I never seen you mention it sorry Its always been Docs and Drive by the way there is two parts too it. You should just go with a real simple code especially if your looking for help from others mate. You know as i do that you explain stuff in a really complicated way sometimes when there is an easy way.

Does not have too be fancy at all mate just have it simple and it will all work out. Depends on how long you leave too update it as well, leave it long and it will take longer if you know what i mean. I don't think i ever went more than two days without updating as i knew it would take ages if i missed a week or something I used too sign in, do the updates (20/30 minutes) depending on the day it was into a fixture was sometimes less than that, then i would play some games and go off. I used too update twice a day sometimes just depending on time really.
Posts: 38,097
01:21 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep i don't ever want to change code between seasons however. I could do it an easier way but each season would have to work on code every season. This way you don't have to as its designed to search each match regardless of team position.

On Tuesday i'll create a GC (Calc) page and copy Set One code 4 times then Jamie and Eri can change to Set Two, Three and Four if they like. Same on League Table when i do FBL.

On FBL, i'll do the basics and Set One code and let Jamie and Eri edit to Set Two, Three and Four if they want to help
Posts: 9,926
22:32 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer League

Some further suggestions as it appears there is support for having one.

Could we run this between seasons so players still had the chance to play some games?

I was thinking just clan v clan and all clans to play every clan twice, so with 5 teams as it looks currently, each clan would have 8 games of killer.

5 v 5 or would you prefer allowing up to 7 players from each side, good to allow large numbers but games may be one sided 7 v 2 or 3.

Games could be played back to back or on different days, up to the clans involved but each game there would be points for the winning clan.

Klien has messaged me a suggestion that if a team has won with 7 lives remaining you could use this instead of frames for a difference to split teams tied on points. Winning team gets the positive number and losers would get the negative.

Thoughts please on all of the above?
Posts: 38,097
22:41 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
5 v 5, feel leaves room for spectators and can't guarantee 7 players online at one time.

Round Robin sounds good. Inbetween seasons i'd say is good too as those clans just forming has some experience and can see what their activity before FCL etc.

Points, not sure, maybe more players survive, better the points?

1 Survivor: 1 point
2 Survivor: 2 points
3 Survivor: 3 points
5 Survivor: 5 points
Posts: 4,046
22:45 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
5 v 5, feel leaves room for spectators and can't guarantee 7 players online at one time.

Round Robin sounds good. Inbetween seasons i'd say is good too as those clans just forming has some experience and can see what their activity before FCL etc.

Points, not sure, maybe more players survive, better the points?

1 Survivor: 1 point
2 Survivor: 2 points
3 Survivor: 3 points
5 Survivor: 5 points

How many points for four survivors?
Posts: 14,736
22:46 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Good points there James, I think in-between seasons seems a logical time if only to determine a players reliability and actual commitment to the cause/team.

My only question as i think this is a good idea is could the match days alternate and not necessarily be only played on a Sunday evening as the Killer Cup fixtures all seem to fall?

I will more than likely have a designated KILLER team from 5-7 players only - that way everyone will be aware and in the know before any fixtures.

Good Luck klien if this goes ahead - this could be a blessing in disguise for Clans and ultimately the site which we all want.
Posts: 38,097
22:46 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  

could put 4 but feels if all survives should be more rewarded
Posts: 38,097
22:51 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think clans could agree, maybe do a schedule and each week a match has to be played minimum? If not then play the match on the schedule Sunday at 8 pm?

Only flaw is if another clan has played one match but nearly every idea has flaws
Posts: 14,736
23:01 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We can play Sundays just have others on the team who can't - I'm sure we''ll sort it though.
Posts: 10,109
23:08 Sun 1 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Not keen at all on the idea of doing it in the off season. With the instability of the site, I was hoping for a really quick turnover. And the killer would take too much time to keep an entire squad active and interested. I believe it has to be run in season, or attached to one of the other leagues.
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