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22:56 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)
Correct Result !
FCL Default
_egotistical 8 - 3 joeyy
Any questions regarding this please feel free to message me offline.
_egotistical 8 - 3 joeyy
Any questions regarding this please feel free to message me offline.
Correct Result !
23:39 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)
Player Inactive 10 days I suggested an allowance for a sub, backed by count_raven......no idea who this player is, but thanks.
Thinking on I can predict the ruling on this.
Opportunity is still there for Captain to remove Player from Clan, therefore no need for my initial suggestion.
Can also be used by players who wish to leave a clan I guess
So many twists ffs :s
Thinking on I can predict the ruling on this.
Opportunity is still there for Captain to remove Player from Clan, therefore no need for my initial suggestion.
Can also be used by players who wish to leave a clan I guess
So many twists ffs :s
23:53 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)
There is no issue. None at all. The rules have been fine. The 2 weeks sub rule is fine. I still think if a sub is made available from the final monday then captains should do everything they can to get the game played. If they dont then its not in the spirit of the game. Its just being awkward really.
There was one default in the whole set so it aint broke so why fix it!! I love that one..............its great
There was one default in the whole set so it aint broke so why fix it!! I love that one..............its great
00:14 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
I think for this to not undermine the two week rule you would need to include a rule that all players put in must not be offline more than 3 days else they cannot be subbed out without being removed. Else captains go back to putting inactive players in knowing that they can sub them out without removing them.
I think maybe a more effective rule would be a 5 point deduction (doesn't have to be exactly 5) to make a sub in the first two weeks, or something similar. Or to sub out a player in the third week who has been offline 7 or more days, you face a deduction. Whatever rule you want in has to encourage active players to be put in, not just make it easier for them to be put in.
Player Inactive 10 days I suggested an allowance for a sub, backed by count_raven......no idea who this player is, but thanks.
Thinking on I can predict the ruling on this.
Opportunity is still there for Captain to remove Player from Clan, therefore no need for my initial suggestion.
Can also be used by players who wish to leave a clan I guess
So many twists ffs :s
Thinking on I can predict the ruling on this.
Opportunity is still there for Captain to remove Player from Clan, therefore no need for my initial suggestion.
Can also be used by players who wish to leave a clan I guess
So many twists ffs :s
I think for this to not undermine the two week rule you would need to include a rule that all players put in must not be offline more than 3 days else they cannot be subbed out without being removed. Else captains go back to putting inactive players in knowing that they can sub them out without removing them.
I think maybe a more effective rule would be a 5 point deduction (doesn't have to be exactly 5) to make a sub in the first two weeks, or something similar. Or to sub out a player in the third week who has been offline 7 or more days, you face a deduction. Whatever rule you want in has to encourage active players to be put in, not just make it easier for them to be put in.
00:58 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
Would also help if Captains were able to get the ball rolling by informing oppo of who the sub is enabling them to get match played.
00:59 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
If it is for messages sent, ash deserves 15 points As he sends 7 messages a hour.
If it is for times being available to play, Ash deserves 0 points as he is a available one hour a week.
If it is for times being available to play, Ash deserves 0 points as he is a available one hour a week.
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03:44 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
Not sure what you expect for making no attempt to get the game played till the last 3 days out of a 3 week fixture, can't argue with the outcome at all tbh.
Despite Joey not been subbed in till the start of the third week, he's not easy to arrange a game with, his way of arranging is by hoping he can catch his opponent online, by the time he's realised that wasn't happening with ego it was 2 late to start making an effort then, explains why he's got very little info.
Despite Joey not been subbed in till the start of the third week, he's not easy to arrange a game with, his way of arranging is by hoping he can catch his opponent online, by the time he's realised that wasn't happening with ego it was 2 late to start making an effort then, explains why he's got very little info.
03:57 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
I haven't spoken with joeyy on this so it's not fair for me to comment on what was and wasn't done.
My concern is how a team who clearly tried and applied zero effort to try to accommodate the fixture not just necessarily their opponents (US) in the 3rd week (see the amount of posts on their thread (mostly ignored)) can be awarded 8 points in ludicrous.
My concern is how a team who clearly tried and applied zero effort to try to accommodate the fixture not just necessarily their opponents (US) in the 3rd week (see the amount of posts on their thread (mostly ignored)) can be awarded 8 points in ludicrous.
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04:10 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
If your opponent is inactive for most of the fixture tho then what can you do, my FCL opponent has been offline for nearly 10 days I've sent a message and that's the only thing ya can do, pointless keep messaging someone that is inactive.
04:12 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
Again you are posting your own version to suit as opposed to actual facts, have you seen the default information provided by Black Scorpions for the fixture?
We both know the answer is no so you have decided that you are right as you have posted on there thread a couple of times near the end of a fixture demanding a sub to get game played after making no effort for about 18 days.
Do you think if you keep accusing others and saying how bad everything is it will deflect away from the facts which are it was Phoenixs own fault for not removing andyw1 to sub early like Black Scorpions had done or the facts that even in week 3 you could only manage effort in the last 3 days of a 3 week fixture, was that Black Scorpions fault as well, when will you take responsibility for your own actions which then have an impact on your clan, it is no one else's fault.
I haven't spoken with joeyy on this so it's not fair for me to comment on what was and wasn't done.
My concern is how a team who clearly tried and applied zero effort to try to accommodate the fixture not just necessarily their opponents (US) in the 3rd week (see the amount of posts on their thread (mostly ignored)) can be awarded 8 points in ludicrous.
My concern is how a team who clearly tried and applied zero effort to try to accommodate the fixture not just necessarily their opponents (US) in the 3rd week (see the amount of posts on their thread (mostly ignored)) can be awarded 8 points in ludicrous.
Again you are posting your own version to suit as opposed to actual facts, have you seen the default information provided by Black Scorpions for the fixture?
We both know the answer is no so you have decided that you are right as you have posted on there thread a couple of times near the end of a fixture demanding a sub to get game played after making no effort for about 18 days.
Do you think if you keep accusing others and saying how bad everything is it will deflect away from the facts which are it was Phoenixs own fault for not removing andyw1 to sub early like Black Scorpions had done or the facts that even in week 3 you could only manage effort in the last 3 days of a 3 week fixture, was that Black Scorpions fault as well, when will you take responsibility for your own actions which then have an impact on your clan, it is no one else's fault.
04:24 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
We couldn't sub him out - you have enforced a 2 week rule - I will NOT just remove players especially when I'm told he could and should be active. Why do you think I posted earlier asking for a relaxed rule with regards to Inactive players?
If we were permitted to sub him out then i sure would have done - i don't make the rules.
If we were permitted to sub him out then i sure would have done - i don't make the rules.
04:28 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
The rules are clear and same for all the clans, if you want to leave players who are inactive for 2 weeks in a fixture that is your choice but for some reason you cannot understand why this will go against you if the game is not played. The only game that went to default was the one game that you chose to allow a player to remain in for 2 weeks yet the player was never online. Every other clan who had inactive players removed them, this was done by their captains so the buck stops with them, no one else.
We couldn't sub him out - you have enforced a 2 week rule - I will NOT just remove players especially when I'm told he could and should be active. Why do you think I posted earlier asking for a relaxed rue with regards to Inactive players?
The rules are clear and same for all the clans, if you want to leave players who are inactive for 2 weeks in a fixture that is your choice but for some reason you cannot understand why this will go against you if the game is not played. The only game that went to default was the one game that you chose to allow a player to remain in for 2 weeks yet the player was never online. Every other clan who had inactive players removed them, this was done by their captains so the buck stops with them, no one else.
04:37 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
For cryin out loud Ash. What is up with you? You lost the default 8-3. It should have been 12-3. Andy didnt show up and still hasnt. You didnt know he was going to go awol but thats no one elses fault either. Huts had players he could play but didnt because you wound him up from day 1 of the 3rd week. He had lost anyway so what difference did it make to him. You lost 5 points which will not decide the league so what is the point of this crap. You are just looking like a petulant child now and not helping your cause any at all. Sort yourself out and play the game.
04:39 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
I finished saying what I did earlier - it was re-addressed so I replied.
04:41 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
As for the rules, as i said earlier. They work, they worked last season and the only one person on here that continues to moan about them is you. Just you and only you. Doesnt that tell you something? What that we are all thick? Play by the rules we all follow or dont play thats your choice but dont moan every 5 mins when they dont suit just you.
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04:47 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
It works well as there's very few defaults but it still doesn't stop captains picking inactive players, either that or I've just been a bit unlucky lol.
04:50 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
No mate we never will be able to stop that unfortunately, but as long as you message each week if they choose to leave the player in they will get punished if game does not get played, which i believe is fair as why should you be active and make effort for 2 weeks only for them to demand a sub in last week to replace you. It is up to them to find a player who meets your times in the third week if they want to allow 2 weeks to pass of a fixture when game is impossible to play that is the captains choice.
It works well as there's very few defaults but it still doesn't stop captains picking inactive players, either that or I've just been a bit unlucky lol.
No mate we never will be able to stop that unfortunately, but as long as you message each week if they choose to leave the player in they will get punished if game does not get played, which i believe is fair as why should you be active and make effort for 2 weeks only for them to demand a sub in last week to replace you. It is up to them to find a player who meets your times in the third week if they want to allow 2 weeks to pass of a fixture when game is impossible to play that is the captains choice.
05:55 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
< No comment >
Edited at 04:03 Sat 06/02/16 (GMT)
Edited at 04:03 Sat 06/02/16 (GMT)
13:21 Sat 6 Feb 16 (GMT)
whatever, people will always make me out to be the bad guy when its not about past history so ill try and not post as much.
Edited at 14:07 Sat 06/02/16 (GMT)
Edited at 14:07 Sat 06/02/16 (GMT)
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