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Posts: 10,109
23:40 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
2pac786 and legend_pot have both been offline messaged.

Why didn't you let us know 2pac786 was an option earlier??

If neither come on for say 10.30 - 11pm, would you be prepared to stop posting for 30 mins to play a game? After all, moving a touchpad or a mouse takes much less effort than typing loads of words on a phone screen!!!
Posts: 14,736
23:46 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why didn't you sub yourself in all day instead of being obstructive and dictatorial?
Why haven't we had any actual cooperation today?
Why can't you seen to comprehend all I've been trying to do all day along with ghost_chili and friendyboy on occasions is TRY and get the match played with our ONLY available players?
I'll tell you why 2pac786 wasn't mentioned as it's his first clan match and really one of this magnitude is not ideal when he is new to pool. You'll see him as a simple and easy target, so I was not prepared to give you that opportunity.

Look faust I'm honest!
Posts: 7,297
23:47 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 6,417
23:48 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why didn't you sub yourself in all day instead of being obstructive and dictatorial?
Why haven't we had any actual cooperation today?
Why can't you seen to comprehend all I've been trying to do all day along with ghost_chili and friendyboy on occasions is TRY and get the match played with our ONLY available players?
I'll tell you why 2pac786 wasn't mentioned as it's his first clan match and really one of this magnitude is not ideal when he is new to pool. You'll see him as a simple and easy target, so I was not prepared to give you that opportunity.

Look faust I'm honest!

Lol where is pot when u need him?
Posts: 7,297
23:59 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why didn't you sub yourself in all day instead of being obstructive and dictatorial?
Why haven't we had any actual cooperation today?
Why can't you seen to comprehend all I've been trying to do all day along with ghost_chili and friendyboy on occasions is TRY and get the match played with our ONLY available players?
I'll tell you why 2pac786 wasn't mentioned as it's his first clan match and really one of this magnitude is not ideal when he is new to pool. You'll see him as a simple and easy target, so I was not prepared to give you that opportunity.

Look faust I'm honest!

You cant not use a player due to him being new to clans and it would be his first clan match , he might suprise you and do well
Posts: 14,736
00:00 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
He's listed now - so why don't you all just clear off now FFS!

Posts: 9,456
00:04 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not going to go into the detail but come on pages and pages of crap to arrange a clan game which can be arranged easy enough offline is ridiculous in all my time playing in clans for many years I have never once needed my captain to post on the forums, like an adult I contact my player arrange a time and play..... Simple!!!!. For the sake of the forums and not reading crap posted on here and other team threads can you all please stop it now. The site numbers are low enough but you members are the ones that are active on a day to day basis so make funky look better and cut out all the petty arguments please. Clans and games are meant to be fun, has anyone from pros or MVP retired from all the success??? NO it's a game enjoy it and stop fighting.

Edited by forum moderator crazzymadman, at 10:01 Mon 14/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
00:10 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
We'll look out for legend_pot and 2pac786
Posts: 2,327
00:18 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
2pac is a great player and one of my finest on snooker. He may take a while to find his feet here but most other snooker players did/do too, including myself.
However, he messaged me on snooker a few days ago because he's having trouble with java/opera getting onto the server. Perhaps the issue is resolved now, I'm not sure..
Posts: 19,967
00:24 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
2pac is a great player and one of my finest on snooker. He may take a while to find his feet here but most other snooker players did/do too, including myself.
However, he messaged me on snooker a few days ago because he's having trouble with java/opera getting onto the server. Perhaps the issue is resolved now, I'm not sure..

He has played games for the last 3 days so it looks like he has no issues on pool at the moment
Posts: 10,109
00:57 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
_knightmare_, am I to take it you can stand being near your screen now you've logged into the game?
Posts: 10,109
01:07 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
could you stop playing thegame26 and play corsair instead _knightmare_? Seeing as though it seems you're not unable to play anymore!
Posts: 3,359
01:07 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
don't drag me into this
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:08 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
2pac is a great player and one of my finest on snooker. He may take a while to find his feet here but most other snooker players did/do too, including myself.
However, he messaged me on snooker a few days ago because he's having trouble with java/opera getting onto the server. Perhaps the issue is resolved now, I'm not sure..

He has played games for the last 3 days so it looks like he has no issues on pool at the moment

tbh i didn't even know he was available as he was on holiday. good to see him back maybe he will be around. would be nice.
Posts: 2,588
01:09 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
could you stop playing thegame26 and play corsair instead _knightmare_? Seeing as though it seems you're not unable to play anymore!

It's an embarrassment that you can come online at this time, knowing your clan is 2 hours away from going to default, and still won't sub yourself in because you are scared to lose.

Absolute embarrassment.
Posts: 14,736
01:15 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry guys I just tried to log on and play a bit but the truth is I'm just not well, Rich will vouch for the shocking display. He know me and my game better than anyone apart from shadwell.

Logging on to receive a torment of abuse too is not my idea of fun - so if that's how people want to play it then quite frankly that's their problem (in a polite way!) and they can all go to HELL.

Sorry hopefully the other 2 might log on, failing that it's default - i did try.
Posts: 2,588
01:17 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry guys I just tried to log on and play a bit but the truth is I'm just not well, Rich will vouch for the shocking display. He know me and my game better than anyone apart from shadwell.

Logging on to receive a torment of abuse too is not my idea of fun - so if that's how people want to play it then quite frankly that's their problem (in a polite way!) and they can all go to HELL.

Sorry hopefully the other 2 might log on, failing that it's default - i did try.

Thats because you are shocking!

"I did try".. What an absolute joke. Keith should really rescind your rights to be called "captain" for the rest of the season. Absolutely embarrassing to even think you are a captain. Its like you are literally playing a game called "Funkypool Clan Manager"..
Posts: 6,417
01:18 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 38,097
01:26 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry guys, I know your not well Ash and i really do understand your pain but if you can play Richie then you could play Corsair or anyone Uprising offer.

If you didn't come on the game tonight then i would still support both teams in this debate and say you were rightfully unavailable, when people said your scared of playing, i wanted to defend you but was sworn to secrecy so had to sit back and let them mock you further.

but you are online and playing (or were as browsing as i post) so could maybe play some vs Corsair even if the game wasn't complete. Refusing at this point could be seen as you want the game to go to default.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:32 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
you say "anyone uprising offer" but they wouldn't offer anyone. we had players on earlier and they refused to swap.
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Firestorm Phoenix: 'Ready To Set The Leagues Alight' :)

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