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Firestorm Phoenix: 'Ready To Set The Leagues Alight' :)

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Posts: 14,736
03:51 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
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03:57 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good match Ash. Unlucky on the slight defeat. Like I said to you right after my match with turtle, my missed dbl in my last match would come back to haunt me and it did. Match was decided by 1 frame.

Next set we have our chance to avenge it. Letss do it!!!
Posts: 14,736
04:03 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate and don't worry about your match vs turtle, was the closest we've ever pushed them so we have no regrets.

Just read a few posts on their thread, no that wasn't tinie and I am still not very well but knowing I played the match and gave a good, true and honest account of myself does make the morale a little more blissful. 2 runouts and I nearly got a 3rd in 8uk but stupid me chose the wrong pot option, by then the nerves were jittery from the pair of us.


klien: Hope I'm no longer an embarrassment to the site or my team - those words really hurt , lighten up a bit.
Posts: 14,736
04:20 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
*** OLD Fixtures ***

FBL Fixture Set 1:
Deadline: 20th September 2015.
Subs Permitted From: 13th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix (10) vs (2) F.P.D

8us: joeyy vs fatmikee
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) _psmon_ (7-1)
9us: slimeball (2) vs (0) fasteddie_ (5-3)
9us: alex_lewis vs buckjam (s)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) anoneeemouse (5-2)
8uk: davybaumers (0) vs (2) scottyjr (3-5)
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) watchinawe
Str: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) _pot_luck_

Firestorm Phoenix (3) vs (5) Uprising

8us: miss_harriet vs cgibson92
8us: achpfsk (0) vs (2) dv8 (3-5)
9us: _payback_ vs fran_
9us: (swp) davybaumers (1) vs (1) nike (4-4)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) r1p0m4n_v2 (6-2)
8uk: (swp) ghost_chili vs corsair (Monday 9:30)
Str: legend_pot vs turtle1560
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) clifton188

Firestorm Phoenix (7) vs (5) Pros

8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) bigcjl2 (5-0)
8us: achpfsk (1) vs (1) crazy_greg (4-4)
9us: _payback_ (2) vs (0) nzym_visual (5-0)
9us: ghost_chili (0) vs (2) silent_hill (2-5)
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) tension (4-4)
8uk: davybaumers (1) vs (1) alfie1966 (4-4)
Str: legend_pot vs sean_92
Str: joeyy vs dvz

Completed: 16/24
Only 8 left

Edited at 04:27 Mon 14/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
04:21 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 1:
Deadline: 27th September 2015
Subs Permitted From: 21st September 2015

Firestorm A

1. Firestorm A (8) vs (12) FPD A
legend_pot vs _huts24_
_fresh_ (2) vs (4) whocares8x8
achpfsk (3) vs (5) scottyjr
slimeball (3) vs (3) klien

2. Firestorm A (4) vs (2) PD's A
legend_pot vs bulletzzzz
_fresh_ vs toon_lad
achpfsk (4) vs (2) jasonb
slimeball vs marksmith

3. Firestorm A (0) vs (6) Uprising A
legend_pot vs _niall_
_fresh_ vs horse10000
achpfsk vs fran_
slimeball (0) vs (6) turtle1560

4. Firestorm A vs Firestorm B
legend_pot vs davybaumers
_fresh_ vs _payback_
achpfsk vs joeyy
slimeball vs ghost_chili

5. Firestorm A (12) vs (7) Pros A
legend_pot vs alfie1966
_fresh_ (5) vs (1) triple_b
achpfsk (5) vs (2) vixen_xox
slimeball (2) vs (4) silent_hill

Firestorm B

1. Firestorm B (13) vs (7) PD's B
davybaumers (5) vs (2) w_hoolahan
_payback_ (5) vs (1) the__priest
joeyy vs _siber_man_
ghost_chili (3) vs (4) letsgochamp

2. Firestorm B (3) vs (4) Uprising C
davybaumers (3) vs (4) cgibson92
_payback_ vs corsair
joeyy vs dv8
ghost_chili vs nike

3. Firestorm B (6) vs (0) Rev's B
davybaumers (6) vs (0) _equality_
_payback_ vs mrmagic
joeyy vs derik_dalton
ghost_chili vs mad_matt

4. Firestorm B vs Pros B
davybaumers vs destroyer_v2
_payback_ vs crazy_greg (swp)
joeyy vs nzym_visual (swp)
ghost_chili vs tension
Posts: 14,736
04:29 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just wanna say: Thank you today to ghost_chili, friendyboy and those from the team who have sent me messages offline supporting us by our stance earlier. Thanks to slimeball for staying on after his SL match and also to off_white for being online too - hope you do stay with us.

It's been a very annoying day tbh - not good health wise and stress is not a welcome factor neither. The main thing is We are Firestorm Phoenix: We aren't no pushovers and will continue to try to be as fair as possible to our players and try to accommodate you all.

Let's not leave ANY matches for Deadline Day any longer - I officially hate Deadline Days (the Footy one's are okay though )

We beat the mighty Pros I don't care about their personnel or players, it's still Pros, beat Pocket Dynamos with all their reinforcements and pushed the notorious Uprising to within 1 frame.

Superb stuff, that's just the beginning.
Great team we have here!!!

*** Speaking about Alex (friendyboy): I believe he is Officially a DAD to a little baby GIRL (born at 9:45pm 13/09/2015) - Many congratulations mate!!! Delighted for you and Emma. ***

Posts: 9,926
04:37 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Season 26

Fixture Set 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK time on 4th October 2015

Players Championship

Round 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 27th September 2015
Posts: 14,736
04:42 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
*** NEW ***

FCL Fix Set 2
Deadline: 4th October 2015
Subs Permitted: 27th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix vs F.P.D

miss_harriet vs the__saint
2pac786 vs blackcabman7
alex_lewis vs fasteddie_
slimeball vs _jesus_
friendyboy vs _flukez_
_knightmare_ vs anoneeemouse
ghost_chili vs ferretlady
achpfsk vs _psmon_

Firestorm Phoenix vs Revs

_fresh_ vs mad_matt
davybaumers vs tip_doctor
_payback_ vs tinie_v17
achpfsk vs poolbiird
legend_pot vs lolurmadbro
alex_lewis vs derik_dalton
joeyy vs veyron
friendyboy vs mrmagic

Firestorm Phoenix vs Uprising (2nd)

miss_harriet vs clifton188
_fresh_ vs cgibson92
davybaumers vs corsair
_payback_ vs turtle1560
slimeball vs erigert
legend_pot vs dv8
joeyy vs r1p0m4n_v2
ghost_chili vs rubber_duck

Good Luck

Format: 5 X 8us, 9us & 8uk - Please message you opponent straight away. Thanks and remember the most important thing: ENJOY THEM!!!
Posts: 14,736
04:44 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship - Round 2
Deadline: 27th September 2015

_payback_ vs vixen_xox
_knightmare_ vs jasonb
legend_pot vs silent_hill
_fresh_ vs ritcho
miss_harriet vs nzym_visual
davybaumers vs alex_lewis
ghost_chili vs cgibson92

Format: 4 X 8us, 9us & 8uk (No Bonuses)

Good Luck to you all and remember this is entirely Optional.

Posts: 1,029
05:34 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
could you stop playing thegame26 and play corsair instead _knightmare_? Seeing as though it seems you're not unable to play anymore!

It's an embarrassment that you can come online at this time, knowing your clan is 2 hours away from going to default, and still won't sub yourself in because you are scared to lose.

Absolute embarrassment.

I don't see you messaging faust trying to force him into playing ash. Strange that. And stop pming abuse to ash, nothing to do with you or your clan. And in reference to your pms, you are an embarrassment. Trying to climb the popularity pillar by licking it. People like you are the fuel in the fire without fail and an embarrassment to your clan.
Posts: 14,736
07:27 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL FPD vs Firestorm Pheonix

jacksealy21 vs alex_lewis

is now

buckjam vs alex_lewis

Thank You
Posts: 7,297
12:14 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
legend_pot Offline 4 days do you know when he can play our final SL match ?
Posts: 10,109
12:36 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Mixed feelings. I've logged to see that Zante subbed in and won it for us. I hate defaults so I'm pleased that happened. Well done on what must've been a high pressure game. Well done Ash on stopping a default happening too.

However, my view remains the same that it was a calculated move to manipulate our best player out of the fixture. It is the second time this exact situation has happened in an FCL match v Phoenix and if I was not dealing with a screaming toddler, I'd probably have put my foot down last night and told Zak not to play it. I think it's totally unfair on Jack who met every arranged time, and had such a portfolio of messages - the default was watertight.

Still, let's move on and attempt to play the next fixture without anything either side could suspect as skullduggery. All the best!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:40 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
21 games played this morning. 11 break shots: 3 run outs and 4 seven ballings. All run outs was a seven balling included.

09:24 Mon 14/09/15 8 Ball Billiards - davybaumers broke and cleared up!
10:29 Mon 14/09/15 8 Ball Pool UK - davybaumers broke and cleared up!
10:57 Mon 14/09/15 8 Ball Pool UK - davybaumers broke and cleared up!

What a bad performance, only 3 run outs in 11 break shots

Dedication to Firestorm team
Posts: 14,736
14:11 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Absolutely Brilliant form Davy. So great to see you playing back to your best. Keep it going and enjoy it.

Posts: 14,736
14:17 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Mixed feelings. I've logged to see that Zante subbed in and won it for us. I hate defaults so I'm pleased that happened. Well done on what must've been a high pressure game. Well done Ash on stopping a default happening too.

However, my view remains the same that it was a calculated move to manipulate our best player out of the fixture. It is the second time this exact situation has happened in an FCL match v Phoenix and if I was not dealing with a screaming toddler, I'd probably have put my foot down last night and told Zak not to play it. I think it's totally unfair on Jack who met every arranged time, and had such a portfolio of messages - the default was watertight.

Still, let's move on and attempt to play the next fixture without anything either side could suspect as skullduggery. All the best!

You will always think there's a hidden agenda and had my 1mm error not have happened in the Final frame we would have drawn overall. Then all HELL would have been let loose this morning.

Zante proved last night not only confirming to me how great a player he is but also what a proper Captain should be like. He remained online up till the actual Deadline instead of logging out beforehand.

Also there was no manipulation no kicking or screaming from Firestorm at all. We tried to involve our only available players who happen to live the other side of the world only to be greeted with an an.adamant no and you putting you foot down... Tbc
Posts: 14,736
14:26 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

On numerous occasions I tried to keep corsair involved even offline messaged him asking if he could play earlier than the dictated too 6pm. So if that is your idea of me trying to remove your best player then you're sadly mistaken faust.

I waited for as long as possible hoping legend_pot would have logged on but the closer the deadline plus the abusive offline messages, pms and pathetic amount of duress you decided to target at me (when I'm ill and still am) I took the decision to try and shut you up once and for all.

Well that was short lived but you know what, I'm pleased and glad I played the match. Hopefully gave zante a great one, proved I can play this silly game at times and also wanted to represent my team and the fact: We win, lose or draw as a Team and you're mightily lucky it wasn't the Third one.

One match done - slight defeat, thanks to all Uprising players for completing it but this 2nd match we are going for the WIN!!!

Cheers to zante again. Top Player, Bloke and Captain.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:31 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

A captain shouldn't have to stay online for the entire deadline day.

We gave an adamant "no" to your sub requests but you don't seem to understand that Uprising had NOBODY available before 6pm yesterday who was eligible to play. We weren't purposely avoiding subbing somebody in for me (even though we wouldn't have liked to do it, we would have done - Which we did in the end!).

Dress it up all you like, it comes across suspicious that Phoenix magicked it up a sub for the game half an hour after I went offline when I'd been on for four and a half hours. I'm not accusing you of trying to freeze me out of the fixture, that's just the impression we have got from our side of things.

Anyways, shouldn't be an issue this time around as myself and Davy have arranged for 12am midday on Friday, so please untag me.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:31 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I have just reached an agreement with corsair to play friday at 12 midday.

It will be a tough match, but i try my best for a good result.
Posts: 334
14:33 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Close match Ash. Well done on getting it played an keeping it close, it seems as if it could have gone either way.
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Firestorm Phoenix: 'Ready To Set The Leagues Alight' :)

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