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Posts: 7,940
04:02 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If the SL removes bonuses isn't it just a quicker FCL with a slightly different league format?

If that happens to the FBL then surely there is no reason why straight can't be increased to 4 frames?

You can have as many games of straight as you want as it will still be 2 points for the individual that wins and 1 for the draw if FBL scoring remains the same
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04:03 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If the SL removes bonuses isn't it just a quicker FCL with a slightly different league format?

If that happens to the FBL then surely there is no reason why straight can't be increased to 4 frames?

You can have as many games of straight as you want as it will still be 2 points for the individual that wins and 1 for the draw.

That was precisely my point....

Not that that is different to other formats but ah well...
Posts: 6,417
04:03 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I really like arcade though cause when im not in mood i hit random shots. And 90 % of the time im sure a ball will drop in :)
Posts: 2,463
04:05 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I too, assumed the new idea meant FBL remains a specialist league.
1 player plays 8us, 1 plays straight, etc.
keeping it scored by indiv matches like it is now.
I don't care really, but why change it if it's upsetting people?
The reason for FBL having 6 frames (keeping a short format league) is fine either way right? 2 points out of 12 isn't gonna have much weight in decisions.

edit: sorry ab, you guys were posting faster than I could keep up. (I'm distracted, and a little drunk) , and I misunderstood your last response to me at first.
I see now that this is your idea already

Edited at 01:29 Wed 22/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
04:05 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Is arcade in the snooker clan league ?

Yes it is but its the most popular game there.

Arcade has had far more games than straight yet we have had arguments for days about not losing straight. Before it has had that many games played there are obviously people playing it and playing it more than straight

A very flawed comparison considering that a frame of 9 ball arcade takes thirty seconds and 8 ball arcade around a minute (not that I have anything against Arcade!)

Not arguing how long things take, the point is that people want straight as people enjoy it and want it included, yet arcade had a lot more games played (yes probably as they are quicker) but everyone is complaining at the thought of them being added yet clearly people play them just like they play straight.
Posts: 10,109
04:05 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
There isn't a league with a long enough format, FCL is 15 frames, why would you want longer ?

Personally, I think the FCL is perfect and that's why I call it a "medium" format - It's certainly never felt "long" to me. I know many that would prefer a longer format. After all, most people log in to funkypool to play pool. The reason the site is dying but clans survive is that the casual players now have to join clans to get games. Shorten the amount of games/cut team numbers/do ANYTHING to reduce rather than grow - and it's a backwards step.

We need to increase participation numbers and increase the amount of times current users log in. Neither of these things will happen if we start thinking decrease rather than increase!
Posts: 7,940
04:06 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If the SL removes bonuses isn't it just a quicker FCL with a slightly different league format?

If that happens to the FBL then surely there is no reason why straight can't be increased to 4 frames?

You can have as many games of straight as you want as it will still be 2 points for the individual that wins and 1 for the draw.

That was precisely my point....

Not that that is different to other formats but ah well...

Its different because you'll only get 2 points total instead of a possible 8 that was suggested earlier.
Posts: 10,109
04:08 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Not arguing how long things take, the point is that people want straight as people enjoy it and want it included, yet arcade had a lot more games played (yes probably as they are quicker) but everyone is complaining at the thought of them being added yet clearly people play them just like they play straight.

As I said in a previous post - if there is a genuine demand for clan arcade (and I don't believe for one minute there is), I am more than happy to run an arcade league either alongside, or inbetween the current leagues.
Posts: 6,417
04:09 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Is arcade in the snooker clan league ?

Yes it is but its the most popular game there.

Arcade has had far more games than straight yet we have had arguments for days about not losing straight. Before it has had that many games played there are obviously people playing it and playing it more than straight

A very flawed comparison considering that a frame of 9 ball arcade takes thirty seconds and 8 ball arcade around a minute (not that I have anything against Arcade!)

Not arguing how long things take, the point is that people want straight as people enjoy it and want it included, yet arcade had a lot more games played (yes probably as they are quicker) but everyone is complaining at the thought of them being added yet clearly people play them just like they play straight.

If we have enough people who like arcade then Lets include it. We saw how many people were in favour of straight nt to be removed, if people have the same interest in arcad then lets include it. But aprt from the priest i cant see anyone else atm.
Posts: 7,940
04:11 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
There isn't a league with a long enough format, FCL is 15 frames, why would you want longer ?

Personally, I think the FCL is perfect and that's why I call it a "medium" format - It's certainly never felt "long" to me. I know many that would prefer a longer format. After all, most people log in to funkypool to play pool. The reason the site is dying but clans survive is that the casual players now have to join clans to get games. Shorten the amount of games/cut team numbers/do ANYTHING to reduce rather than grow - and it's a backwards step.

We need to increase participation numbers and increase the amount of times current users log in. Neither of these things will happen if we start thinking decrease rather than increase!

SL will increase by 3 for each individual and FBL decrease by 2, not a big enough change to call it a backward step, there wont be any less individual fixtures, could possibly be more if Keith increases SL to 8v8 as suggested by been.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:11 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If the SL removes bonuses isn't it just a quicker FCL with a slightly different league format?

If that happens to the FBL then surely there is no reason why straight can't be increased to 4 frames?

You can have as many games of straight as you want as it will still be 2 points for the individual that wins and 1 for the draw.

That was precisely my point....

Not that that is different to other formats but ah well...

Its different because you'll only get 2 points total instead of a possible 8 that was suggested earlier.

Still the exact same proportion of points so I'm not sure why it's not an issue with you now, was actually better with a frame counting format as more scores are possible - This way it's just 0, 1 or 2.

But never mind it sounds good!
Posts: 10,109
04:16 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
There isn't a league with a long enough format, FCL is 15 frames, why would you want longer ?

Personally, I think the FCL is perfect and that's why I call it a "medium" format - It's certainly never felt "long" to me. I know many that would prefer a longer format. After all, most people log in to funkypool to play pool. The reason the site is dying but clans survive is that the casual players now have to join clans to get games. Shorten the amount of games/cut team numbers/do ANYTHING to reduce rather than grow - and it's a backwards step.

We need to increase participation numbers and increase the amount of times current users log in. Neither of these things will happen if we start thinking decrease rather than increase!

SL will increase by 3 for each individual and FBL decrease by 2, not a big enough change to call it a backward step, there wont be any less individual fixtures, could possibly be more if Keith increases SL to 8v8 as suggested by been.

I would be very happy overall with that marginal increase, although I'm only the guy that selects the team. I still think your specialists will feel like they've taken a hit in the FBL though.
Posts: 9,926
04:17 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Is arcade in the snooker clan league ?

Yes it is but its the most popular game there.

Arcade has had far more games than straight yet we have had arguments for days about not losing straight. Before it has had that many games played there are obviously people playing it and playing it more than straight

A very flawed comparison considering that a frame of 9 ball arcade takes thirty seconds and 8 ball arcade around a minute (not that I have anything against Arcade!)

Not arguing how long things take, the point is that people want straight as people enjoy it and want it included, yet arcade had a lot more games played (yes probably as they are quicker) but everyone is complaining at the thought of them being added yet clearly people play them just like they play straight.

If we have enough people who like arcade then Lets include it. We saw how many people were in favour of straight nt to be removed, if people have the same interest in arcad then lets include it. But aprt from the priest i cant see anyone else atm.

There is only going to be a minority that will like arcade games the same as straight as like straight they are not everyone's cup of tea but there is no reason why they shouldn't be included to add in extra variety to the leagues.
Posts: 6,417
04:21 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
People who play straight isnt a minority. Just because some people arent good at it doesnt mean that they dont like the format more than the others. But until you give us a list of players who want arcade included in the leagues, then i think your idea has no legs to stand.
Posts: 7,974
04:24 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not for or against anything tbh

all I read over and over is the same people
telling and dictating what they think is right for everyone
when in reality, its the same peoples opinions going back and forth

longer games suit who ( the vast majority ) really
all it means is weaker players get thumped harder

do you truly think new players will play clan pool to get beat 17, 21 or even 30 nil
behave yourselves

the leagues need to attract players not humiliate them even more

introduce anything that brings fun back to clans

clans like
monkey business
wolf pack

all fun clans gone
so before saying its improving things, ask why these clans folded and why we only have 6 clans next season the worst participation ever
Posts: 10,109
04:24 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

There is only going to be a minority that will like arcade games the same as straight as like straight they are not everyone's cup of tea but there is no reason why they shouldn't be included to add in extra variety to the leagues.

I'd like to research this Keith. I'm happy for you to send me questions, or I will comprise them myself. I'll mail every single player involved in clans and see how many would like arcade entered in the leagues, in which league, and how many frames. I'd also ask their views on straight in the same manner, and then if they could choose one game type over the other, which they'd prefer. I'd be fascinated at the response tbh. I know I hated the last time arcade was included, but I'm sure not everyone felt that way.
Posts: 10,109
04:31 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not for or against anything tbh

all I read over and over is the same people
telling and dictating what they think is right for everyone
when in reality, its the same peoples opinions going back and forth

longer games suit who ( the vast majority ) really
all it means is weaker players get thumped harder

do you truly think new players will play clan pool to get beat 17, 21 or even 30 nil
behave yourselves

the leagues need to attract players not humiliate them even more

introduce anything that brings fun back to clans

clans like
monkey business
wolf pack

all fun clans gone
so before saying its improving things, ask why these clans folded and why we only have 6 clans next season the worst participation ever

What is all this dribble about fun??? I was in two of those mentioned clans, and neither clan was any more "fun" than any other clan I've been in. Wolf Pack and Crazy 8's had MASSIVE arguments with other clans. Underdogs was almost NEVER fun, and in the last 3 seasons was virtually dead. Vipers were perennial strugglers who I used to help out signing players for, and only ever started a season with banter, before dying out halfway through. The other two clans you mentioned did nothing except post cartoon pictures. If that's what "fun" is to you, then head to CBeebies where they have loads of Children's animation games.
Posts: 7,974
04:43 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
reading your above post
it is your opinion, it wasn't an answer

6 teams is the worst ever participation in clan pool
over the last 14 seasons
ask yourself a simple question.
why is that ???????????

because frame count isn't included

its a little more simple in my opinion
to much crap on threads, lead by the same old

if people want to have fun, post animations etc
so what !
its there choice
did they get all there games played ? yes

you say the other 2 clans did nothing !
they participated in a league and never finished bottom

why not remove yourself, pros and maybe knights
set up your own leagues, maybe let fun come back to clans
no disrespect meant to the other 2 clans
but before you came to clans Faust
it was set up to be completive fun
read the forums, smell the coffee, its hardly that

take it back to where it was
Posts: 9,926
04:54 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

US8 Arc x 6 Frames
US9 Arc x 6 Frames
US8 x 6 Frames
US9 x 6 Frames
UK8 x 6 Frames
Straight x 4 Frames

2 points for a win each game like last season, 6 players one more than SL last season but with arcade it increases the chances of upsets.
Posts: 7,940
04:57 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
That way if you dont like arcade you dont need to play it
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