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01:11 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That would just lead to you punishing people from every other team and
ignoring everything from your own players or friends.
Posts: 9,926
01:20 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That would just lead to you punishing people from every other team and
ignoring everything from your own players or friends.

Oh dear you still accusing me of bias and favouritism, it is people with minds that small and believe such nonsense that is the reason why I probably won't bother to continue running the leagues as it is not worth the hassle

Or is it just you are worried as you post as much nonsense you will be always be on a suspension?

For any player who doesn't post nonsense the rule would have no relevance as it would not concern them it would only be for those who choose to attack others. If you choose to post something that could be deemed as a personal attack just be aware that there could be a punishment for it.
Posts: 14,736
01:31 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
There wouldn't be any arguments if players and Captains alike minded their own business and allowed the 2 who are in disagreement to resolve their own issues amicably.

I lot are escalated from simply that and either misinterpretation and crossed wires.

I'm all for those who abuse to be reprimanded and not so much punished, we aint kids, treat us like one then the other toys will appear and so will the muppets. Also those who provoke should face similar consequences instead of just being the silent instigators then watching the dismay and fireworks they helped start to fire.

So IF you think suspension or warnings are the way to go then make sure they are consistent and not just used to amplify a witch hunt.

I have NO Issues with anyone on this site, don't agree with certain practises/views but none to say i hate someone. I'd like you to be the League Runner, have a small team and keep them in check as much as any of the players will be. A little bit of power and some allow it to get to their head and next they're on power trips.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:50 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes horse you are biased as is everyone, we all have opinions of everyone which changes the way we interpret posts and situations.
You run a clan for another and you have even proved your bias straight away in that post.
You have also proved yoir firm intention of stomping your feet and saying you won't run the league if anybody questions you.
I'm sure last season I would have received a suspension from you for arguing over our super league match whilst your team would have escaped unpunished...that just proves my point more.
With onevisit and fran you wouldn't have a team left if this was brought in and done fairly
Posts: 914
02:09 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
There's gonna be loads of arguments next season because Chips n' Gravy are back lol
Posts: 9,926
02:12 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes horse you are biased as is everyone, we all have opinions of everyone which changes the way we interpret posts and situations.
You run a clan for another and you have even proved your bias straight away in that post.
You have also proved yoir firm intention of stomping your feet and saying you won't run the league if anybody questions you.
I'm sure last season I would have received a suspension from you for arguing over our super league match whilst your team would have escaped unpunished...that just proves my point more.
With onevisit and fran you wouldn't have a team left if this was brought in and done fairly

Still claiming I am biased as I gave your clan the only chance it had of winning against my own team, I cannot be very good at it then.

I have already messaged people offline advising that I doubt I will take it on as I can not be bothered dealing with people who will accuse me of bias and having a conflict of interest if it goes against your clan. There is a group of runners that work behind the scenes, I do not make decisions on my own even since Chris has left.

The leagues are here for everyone's fun and enjoyment but I have better things that I could be doing with my time than running this and dealing with players like you. I have posted as if I got a group I could run with I may well continue but I will not bother if the posts from others are in the same vain as yours.

The facts are that the leagues have been a lot better since a moderator ran them, there is reasons why this is the case. I am never going to be a Chris but I know that in my position i can help the leagues but if the teams want to go to someone else I am more than happy to leave them to it.
Posts: 9,926
02:13 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
There's gonna be loads of arguments next season because Chips n' Gravy are back lol

I knew you would like that rule if it was introduced
Posts: 9,926
02:19 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
League season is over.

Well done to professionals for winning FCL, FBL, SL and Killer

Well done to Uprising for winning the Cup and Players Championship

Thanks to chris for all he has done running the leagues and also thanks for updating league tables and stuff after he left as I am no computer whizz

Next season:-

Can anyone who is interested in assisting with the running of the leagues, please message me offline. I want to see who replies and from that I will decide if I wish to continue running the leagues next season or not as long as everyone is happy with this.

Next season any points to discuss or updates that are required?

Subs for me personally still requires to be addressed as any sub is 'tactical' so there is no point in saying others are doing them when all teams do subs. So either we accept that 'tactical' subs are part of the game or we come up with something else.

Personal attacks and abuse on the forums, this shouldn't happen and it is usually the same group of players that are involved. Constructive posts and discussions should be encouraged but personal and abusive posts have no place on here. Suggestion to throw out for discussion any players who post abuse etc. get a league warning first then a game suspension and if it continues the length of suspension increases. (Please note this is separate from any Funky rules that the individuals break, these would still be dealt with by the site)

Posts: 4,046
02:41 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would like to see you doing the job Horse. In my opinion there are some posts that need a response and some that dont. You can't please all the people all of the time.Some ......never
Posts: 914
02:47 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deffo got my backing Keith, I reckon Dgen would be a good co-runner too. I'd like to see ab_rfc getting back involved too but he can't until he joins Chips n' Gravy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:53 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
'Dealing with players like you' is the sort or crap I am on about keith, you show your bias that way, I wasn't referring to the game..get over it and yourself please
Posts: 9,926
02:59 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
'Dealing with players like you' is the sort or crap I am on about keith, you show your bias that way, I wasn't referring to the game..get over it and yourself please

If the cap fits you can wear it

And again I think you will find it was a factual post as I would have had nothing to go on if you hadn't posted in the first place.

If others think you are right and I am biased I am quite happy to leave everyone to it, but if others disagree with you and realise I am not then its all good I am more than happy to let the players who play in the leagues decide
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:06 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Didn't say anything about running the league keith and if you learnt to read before spouting off I was simply saying that everybody has bias so you shouldn't be dishing out league bans for forum posts as it's impossible to be impartial.
I can see you're determined to twist everything as always...very sad...dowhat you want I'm honestly not bothered
Posts: 19,967
07:22 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think that is more a matter of unhappiness about what was generally agreed (Keith included) was then acted out with no opposition til you lost the match. Can't see all the nonsense sprouting if the game had been won by your side Lee. Quite frankly that was the call Chris would've made too, so would you still argue if it had been him and not a new runner you could act out at?

Keith is the ideal replacement, the backstage supporting him is how most league runners manage so there's nothing new there and nothing wrong with that. Get the team in and keep Krith because other options aren't going to be as strong. An experienced head to front an efficient team? Who else is there in contention?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:46 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sod all to do with that game, won't get drawn into the wrongs of that again. Don't agree with a word of your gibberish on the matter as usual but that's a long time gone.
I just answered his question on the suggestion of league bans for forum posts, he asked for an opinion on the subject and got one.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:36 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If any players have any problems with each other then it should be left to be sorted between the two players like Men. Seems simple enough to me :)

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 10:34 Wed 18/03/15 (GMT)
Posts: 914
10:59 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Still blistered now
Posts: 38,097
11:12 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deffo got my backing Keith, I reckon Dgen would be a good co-runner too.

Thanks mate but i don't want to run the league, if elected i'll just help behind the scenes and let Keith do his thing.

Think one of main problems why runners leave is because of needless arguments, can't remember why potty left and think jan left due to work but nearly the rest of us except chris has left due to arguments and not being able to cope with that.

I do welcome a code of conduct or whatever to try and cut down arguments, if the argument is minor then no punishment but if its severe then you can hand out warnings etc.

If its even worse you could hand out a suspension without warning.

The counter would be to argue on Facebook but i would welcome that as well as keeps threads tidy
Posts: 38,097
11:15 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
There's gonna be loads of arguments next season because Chips n' Gravy are back lol

Self-Admitted, ban them now
Posts: 7,974
11:41 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
the forums are the biggest source of nastiness these days
nearly all are personal, same people same rubbish
the comments are becoming more and more personal

it was probably the worst ever last season, it needs stamping out, mods and admin seem very reluctant to ban people these days, comments made once over would lead to an instant ban, these days you would be unlucky to receive a week long mute

this is the problem because this leads to said players, thinking they are above the rules of the game

the use of terms like moron, idiot, retard and tool
are not acceptable terms in any walk of life, however on threads it appears standard language.

I've said this many, many times, if new users came onto
the site for the first time reading threads, would you stay
not a chance, the chat room isn't much better, these are 2 areas that seem to be less and less moderated

I say everyone take a look at yourselves, everyone says they want more from the site, well its down to you, me everyone

tidy your threads up, captains set the example
its simple, make clan pool a happier place to be

yes Keith I agree with most of what you posted, I also think you and Sarah would make a good job of it

nothing is broken with most of leagues and format
don't change anything

maybe look at down sizing teams maybe go back to 2 divisions
its not great new teams new players getting wiped out
game after game, make it competitive for all

Edited at 09:45 Wed 18/03/15 (GMT)
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