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22:08 Tue 19 May 15 (BST)
On the issue of the aim bot video, the person that made it shared it with the site. It was never a secret, he made us and admin aware it exists and the reasons he made it. He also stated it is obvious it is in use as it is a slow process.
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22:12 Tue 19 May 15 (BST)
you would have to actually play games against the players you thought used it to actual have any basis for your allegations. You aren't available to play any games so your thoughts on it (which no-one said you couldn't air) hold no water.
I believe in leprechauns. I have no proof they exist and have never seen anything to suggest they exist but because I believe in them it must be true. That is basically the same as your arguement.
Entitled to my opinion, IF I see it could be to the detriment to the site then i will speak it whether you like it or not.
I happen to thnk there are cheats as stated before - human error is natural - missing pots, misjudging pace control, poor positioning. Breaking and recording run outs in most frames back to back is not to be genuine.
Only using some aiming aid - can seriously be a cause for being 'perfect' in EVERY single frame. Sorry don't wash with me - there are cheats and wouldn't be surprised if many are in on it to cover up.
Game's been ruined ever since the aimbot were mentioned now there will always be some cynicism.
I happen to thnk there are cheats as stated before - human error is natural - missing pots, misjudging pace control, poor positioning. Breaking and recording run outs in most frames back to back is not to be genuine.
Only using some aiming aid - can seriously be a cause for being 'perfect' in EVERY single frame. Sorry don't wash with me - there are cheats and wouldn't be surprised if many are in on it to cover up.
Game's been ruined ever since the aimbot were mentioned now there will always be some cynicism.
I believe in leprechauns. I have no proof they exist and have never seen anything to suggest they exist but because I believe in them it must be true. That is basically the same as your arguement.
22:15 Tue 19 May 15 (BST)
^ same with Santa Claus, except i stopped believing about 10 years ago
22:16 Tue 19 May 15 (BST)
also others like Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny etc
22:59 Tue 19 May 15 (BST)
You would be interested to know that it used to be possible to hit a runout off every break without fail because the racks were identical - meaning once you found a great break, it would work everytime and some people were able to get a lot back to back. An update was brought in to randomize each rack so the balls would be slightly different each rack (like in real life), so that back to back runouts became much harder but not impossible to achieve back to back. It isn't uncommon for those runout specialists to hit a lot, it's also not unheard of for those same people to have a dry patch. If that is all they focus on, then they'll be pretty good at it (though it may be at the expense of their general play).
I would say the mention of an aimbot has tainted some peoples opinion on the true achievements. Right now there could be no one using it, yet any decent achievement will be scrutinized. As people have said though, you can spot it when you're playing them so I wouldn't worry.
Breaking and recording run outs in most frames back to back is not to me being genuine.
Only using some aiming aid - can seriously be a cause for being 'perfect' in EVERY single frame. Sorry don't wash with me - there are cheats and wouldn't be surprised if many are in on it to cover up.
Only using some aiming aid - can seriously be a cause for being 'perfect' in EVERY single frame. Sorry don't wash with me - there are cheats and wouldn't be surprised if many are in on it to cover up.
You would be interested to know that it used to be possible to hit a runout off every break without fail because the racks were identical - meaning once you found a great break, it would work everytime and some people were able to get a lot back to back. An update was brought in to randomize each rack so the balls would be slightly different each rack (like in real life), so that back to back runouts became much harder but not impossible to achieve back to back. It isn't uncommon for those runout specialists to hit a lot, it's also not unheard of for those same people to have a dry patch. If that is all they focus on, then they'll be pretty good at it (though it may be at the expense of their general play).
I would say the mention of an aimbot has tainted some peoples opinion on the true achievements. Right now there could be no one using it, yet any decent achievement will be scrutinized. As people have said though, you can spot it when you're playing them so I wouldn't worry.
15:52 Wed 20 May 15 (BST)
Aimbot - don't think any of our top players would use it IMO. I don't get the point. I don't cheat at games as, you are only cheating yourself!
Game Time - I like the idea of less time per shot, tho I'd prefer 10 seconds over 5! Reckon I'd still have a bash at 5 tho. I know some members don't rate SL, so if I was gonna implement less time for shots in matches, it would be there.
Game Time - I like the idea of less time per shot, tho I'd prefer 10 seconds over 5! Reckon I'd still have a bash at 5 tho. I know some members don't rate SL, so if I was gonna implement less time for shots in matches, it would be there.
21:06 Fri 22 May 15 (BST)
I like the players champ but alot of byes.
Maybe players who wee responsible shouldnt be allowed back in Next season?
Maybe players who wee responsible shouldnt be allowed back in Next season?
02:30 Sat 23 May 15 (BST)
Discussion about aimbots: There was an aimbot here not too long ago. But unless someone is extremely clever about it, they're usually incredibly easy to spot. And let's be honest- pool is simply not that difficult. It's perfectly possible to pot something like 100-200 balls in a row. Look at straight runs...
02:35 Mon 25 May 15 (BST)
Right just spent 20 minutes adding the FBL scores that have NOT been added to results threads!!!
Also had to work out some subs as they have simply not been put in the correct spot.
And I know horse has done this last week as well.
Can caps and vcaps PLEASE put scores in the right places and at the very least at the end of the fixture post complete scores.
Also had to work out some subs as they have simply not been put in the correct spot.
And I know horse has done this last week as well.
Can caps and vcaps PLEASE put scores in the right places and at the very least at the end of the fixture post complete scores.
12:41 Mon 25 May 15 (BST)
Can league runner assistants please try to put FBL related rants on the correct thread please. I've just spent 20 minutes looking for FBL related rants on the FBL discussion thread, only to find it HERE!!!
Right just spent 20 minutes adding the FBL scores that have NOT been added to results threads!!!
Also had to work out some subs as they have simply not been put in the correct spot.
And I know horse has done this last week as well.
Can caps and vcaps PLEASE put scores in the right places and at the very least at the end of the fixture post complete scores.
Also had to work out some subs as they have simply not been put in the correct spot.
And I know horse has done this last week as well.
Can caps and vcaps PLEASE put scores in the right places and at the very least at the end of the fixture post complete scores.
Can league runner assistants please try to put FBL related rants on the correct thread please. I've just spent 20 minutes looking for FBL related rants on the FBL discussion thread, only to find it HERE!!!
02:18 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)
In theory, are there enough Fixture Sets in 1 Season for me to play for every team?
02:26 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)
I also take the point that a player can deactivate and set up a new account, but I'm not in agreement.
Players on here know who their Captain is, know the team that they are playin for, and, therefore make that choice for themselves.
No transfers and no window for me now. Seems from what I've read in other posts and from others' opinions, that:
Transfer Window causes teams to fold,
No Transfer Window and No Releases causes teams to fold,
No Transfer Window and Releases causes teams to fold.........is there a right way to do it?
Players on here know who their Captain is, know the team that they are playin for, and, therefore make that choice for themselves.
No transfers and no window for me now. Seems from what I've read in other posts and from others' opinions, that:
Transfer Window causes teams to fold,
No Transfer Window and No Releases causes teams to fold,
No Transfer Window and Releases causes teams to fold.........is there a right way to do it?
04:18 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)
Answer to your question is It's not fair. The whole basis of the rule bending basically amounts to I'm in charge and somebody wasn't happy. To change a clan just say you are unhappy lol. It's kids stuff and there's no getting around it, simple as that. If you join a clan you stay and see it out and if you can't see it out don't join a clan in the first place! For league runners to entertain the minority of players that can't stick it out because quote "I'm not happy" makes a complete mockery of what their trying to achieve in the first place and no amount of counter argument is going to change that.
Bring back Chris, more concerned with fairness than strutting his feathers IMO.
So can you tell me how it is fair for the league runner to bend over backwards to help a player who can legitimately play for a clan already yet there are players - like _siber_man_ - who have to sit out for a month?
If we are struggling for players so badly why are we conforming to an outdated rule like the one month rule on new accounts yet we are now breaking rules that are there to stop players swapping between clans all the time, in essence creating more havoc than necessary.
If we are struggling for players so badly why are we conforming to an outdated rule like the one month rule on new accounts yet we are now breaking rules that are there to stop players swapping between clans all the time, in essence creating more havoc than necessary.
Answer to your question is It's not fair. The whole basis of the rule bending basically amounts to I'm in charge and somebody wasn't happy. To change a clan just say you are unhappy lol. It's kids stuff and there's no getting around it, simple as that. If you join a clan you stay and see it out and if you can't see it out don't join a clan in the first place! For league runners to entertain the minority of players that can't stick it out because quote "I'm not happy" makes a complete mockery of what their trying to achieve in the first place and no amount of counter argument is going to change that.
Bring back Chris, more concerned with fairness than strutting his feathers IMO.
04:20 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)
Brought all this over here because - put simply - the way that a league runner can discriminate between players, deciding who should be in what clans mid-way through a season and deciding whether or not someone is truly happy, is a bit of a joke.
Plus doesn't help our team thread when this discussion is taking place there.
Can the league runners please answer clearly and without multiple paragraphs a simple question.
Can any player leave a clan if they are not happy?
Please don't answer that it's at the league runners discretion to decide if a player is truly not happy because that's playing god. You either state it's not ok for any player to leave due to unhappiness (lol) or it's ok for any player to leave due to unhappiness. It's one or the other.
Edited at 01:06 Tue 26/05/15 (BST)
Can any player leave a clan if they are not happy?
Please don't answer that it's at the league runners discretion to decide if a player is truly not happy because that's playing god. You either state it's not ok for any player to leave due to unhappiness (lol) or it's ok for any player to leave due to unhappiness. It's one or the other.
Edited at 01:06 Tue 26/05/15 (BST)
Brought all this over here because - put simply - the way that a league runner can discriminate between players, deciding who should be in what clans mid-way through a season and deciding whether or not someone is truly happy, is a bit of a joke.
Plus doesn't help our team thread when this discussion is taking place there.
05:21 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)
Having read all this i have a question. If a player had wanted to leave UB and join BS would the decision have been the same and handled in the same way. I think Keith does an awesome job but he must stand above all this bickering and be totally impartial.Why is he trying to keep one of the teams afloat, Thats their captains job. Not his!! If he has recruited unreliable players thats his lookout , again not his. Having rows with _huts_ is not something he should need to do. Leave that to the moderators of the threads and the runners.
In regards to people leaving and just joining new teams.Its called poaching .........plain and simple. One teams short of players, approaches a good player and in a pm explains the way he can join another clan. Not rocket science and not fair. When a player signs on for a team he makes a comittment to that team. Its for the season as far as im concerned.
If its not then it makes a mockery of the rules
In regards to people leaving and just joining new teams.Its called poaching .........plain and simple. One teams short of players, approaches a good player and in a pm explains the way he can join another clan. Not rocket science and not fair. When a player signs on for a team he makes a comittment to that team. Its for the season as far as im concerned.
If its not then it makes a mockery of the rules
11:34 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)
The problem is here that keith is allowing these silly things to happen about players moving when they want and it is causing majoy problems which is being ignored.
The job of being a league runner is to keep the league running well and stick to the rules that have been written. I also think common sense and fairness is important as when you see things like players crying to get a move its only going to harm clans and cause many arguements which we dont want .
We have so many people on here including myself that feel its important to have some sort of transfer window to stop this childish behaviour.
A vote would be good here and if you would like your say then speak up guys .
Transfer window - yes
Players crying to get a move - no
The job of being a league runner is to keep the league running well and stick to the rules that have been written. I also think common sense and fairness is important as when you see things like players crying to get a move its only going to harm clans and cause many arguements which we dont want .
We have so many people on here including myself that feel its important to have some sort of transfer window to stop this childish behaviour.
A vote would be good here and if you would like your say then speak up guys .
Transfer window - yes
Players crying to get a move - no
13:00 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)
They are not breaking the rules they just have a different interpretation of them, pmsl.
Once they start breaking the rules THEY set, then chaos is the only outcome.
Once they start breaking the rules THEY set, then chaos is the only outcome.
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