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Posts: 19,819
18:36 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Right just spent 20 minutes adding the FBL scores that have NOT been added to results threads!!!
Also had to work out some subs as they have simply not been put in the correct spot.
And I know horse has done this last week as well.
Can caps and vcaps PLEASE put scores in the right places and at the very least at the end of the fixture post complete scores.

Can league runner assistants please try to put FBL related rants on the correct thread please. I've just spent 20 minutes looking for FBL related rants on the FBL discussion thread, only to find it HERE!!!

This is a general clan related rant. Fcl grn thread is where most look.
in fact uprising always post results so wasnt aimed at you.
Posts: 19,967
19:06 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
. The transfer window idea is just not thought through at all. You don't want players to move clans because it unfair to them, so you want to implement a window to give clans no say in the matter and allow players to be able to move without a restriction and allowing clans to be picked apart.

With the current situation the clans can be picked apart anyway. As long as a team is short of players its ok to "knock up" a player from another team and enroll his services if he demands to be released from his current team. We have no say in that and by the sound of it never will.

As for not being tied to one team. I thought that was what a commitment was. When i ask someone to play for us i expect it to be for the season. Not till they feel like sodding off. Thats what a commitment is in my book.

They can have players leave, but they wouldn't be put in danger of folding by allowing a player to move to another clan who doesn't have such trouble (though nothing stops them from simply leaving). Even if you accept that they can be picked apart, it is nowhere near the scale of a transfer window where clans have gone lower than 8 players in the past and folded because of the window. A clan won't fold because 1 or 2 left/were drove away.

My point was that players don't make a commitment, they agree to join a clan but don't make a commitment. Even if in your eyes a player does, in their eyes they don't. They are free to leave at any time without restriction. The only thing they can't do is then play for another clan unless the captain or runner allows it.
Posts: 254
19:56 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz, perhaps you could kindly indulge us as to what contributes being unhappy in a clan for the sake of transparency and also what constitutes being able to then leave a clan mid way through a tiny season. An essay isn't needed to answer this, just some examples you've either experienced yourself or maybe some examples of what would be deemed worthy of changing clans in the future.

Maybe 5 good reasons, just fill in the blanks? An example could be a clan member not being given enough fixtures.


One last point, could you PLEASE explain if it's okay or not for any member of any clan to leave mid season if they state they are not happy. Is it the case that certain people will look at the depth of the unhappiness to decide if it's warranted instead of actually taking the clan members word for the unhappiness? In other words does a panel actually decide how unhappy a clan member is or is it a case of some clan members may actually lie about their being unhappy, which is the reason it's done on an individual basis and requires a panel?

As things stands, rightly or wrongly, it seems yourself and others are unwilling to commit to saying it's one rule for everyone straight down the line.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. It's much appreciated.
Posts: 254
20:12 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My point was that players don't make a commitment, they agree to join a clan but don't make a commitment. Even if in your eyes a player does, in their eyes they don't. They are free to leave at any time without restriction. The only thing they can't do is then play for another clan unless the captain or runner allows it

Sorry, i've just noticed this passage where you explain anybody is allowed to leave mid season. Basically a free for all, which is entirley fair to all.

So now all we need are the examples of what constitutes unhappiness and what doesn't. Nice and easy plus extremely transparent.

Thanks again.
Posts: 4,046
21:04 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It is not necessary for a player to be upset or unhappy to be able to leave. No restrictions. Just as long as the captain agrees. If he doesnt then he gets verbal as it may harm the future of another clan or make them stronger who cares which. I get it now. Thanks

And when a player signs on (which is a comittment in any other part of life) he is just actually having his name placed on a team sheet and may or may not play for that team depending on how he feels on a given day. Brilliant!

Thats all sorted and i know exactly where i stand.

Edited at 18:10 Tue 26/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
21:10 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It is not necessary for a player to be upset or unhappy to be able to leave. No restrictions. Just as long as the captain agrees. If he doesnt then he gets verbal as it may harm the future of another clan or make them stronger who cares which. I get it now. Thanks

Pretty much yeah mate but in some circumstances the Captain could be negative against you which could prompt leaving a clan as why would you want a negative captain? another could be Arguments, Fixtures or other things.

Just depends what the situation is.
Posts: 4,046
21:21 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
So no i dont agree with a transfer window. Players would then leave during the window and then whenever else they fancied a change. Double whammy.

In the end it comes down to the scruples of your players as to where and when they go. A transfer window wont change that.
Posts: 38,097
21:26 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
So no i dont agree with a transfer window. Players would then leave during the window and then whenever else they fancied a change. Double whammy.

In the end it comes down to the scruples of your players as to where and when they go. A transfer window wont change that.

Maybe not mate but guys are making out they are moving for fun or pointless reasons, some may but sometimes there is a big reason why they want to switch clans which viewers with the naked eye doesn't know about.
Posts: 19,967
21:38 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
1. A captain verbally abusing his/her player
2. A captain attempting to control/dictate a player against their will
3. A player assisting a clan low on numbers
4. A player having no enjoyment from a particular clan
5. Conflict between players within the clan

There's 5 off the top of my head that are from examples I've experienced, but the point was that there is no absolute list for changing clans. Though your initial question was about just leaving a clan and not changing, for which no reason is needed.
Posts: 19,967
21:45 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My point was that players don't make a commitment, they agree to join a clan but don't make a commitment. Even if in your eyes a player does, in their eyes they don't. They are free to leave at any time without restriction. The only thing they can't do is then play for another clan unless the captain or runner allows it

Sorry, i've just noticed this passage where you explain anybody is allowed to leave mid season. Basically a free for all, which is entirley fair to all.

So now all we need are the examples of what constitutes unhappiness and what doesn't. Nice and easy plus extremely transparent.

Thanks again.

So you didn't know that a player could leave a clan mid season? They can leave whenever they want, you don't need a reason. It is different to changing clans.

Things aren't always transparent, you haven't a clue what happens behind the scenes.
Posts: 19,967
22:01 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
And when a player signs on (which is a comittment in any other part of life) he is just actually having his name placed on a team sheet and may or may not play for that team depending on how he feels on a given day. Brilliant!

There is no commitment to play a game for that clan, to perform any action for or on behalf of that clan or to stay for a specific length of time. Similar to me joining a sports club, I make no commitment to attend training sessions or play a match for them. It's a choice that is entirely down to the individual.

If it was a professional league, there would be a commitment. Therein lies the difference.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:06 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz, perhaps you could kindly indulge us as to what contributes being unhappy in a clan for the sake of transparency and also what constitutes being able to then leave a clan mid way through a tiny season. An essay isn't needed to answer this, just some examples you've either experienced yourself or maybe some examples of what would be deemed worthy of changing clans in the future.

Maybe 5 good reasons, just fill in the blanks? An example could be a clan member not being given enough fixtures.


One last point, could you PLEASE explain if it's okay or not for any member of any clan to leave mid season if they state they are not happy. Is it the case that certain people will look at the depth of the unhappiness to decide if it's warranted instead of actually taking the clan members word for the unhappiness? In other words does a panel actually decide how unhappy a clan member is or is it a case of some clan members may actually lie about their being unhappy, which is the reason it's done on an individual basis and requires a panel?

As things stands, rightly or wrongly, it seems yourself and others are unwilling to commit to saying it's one rule for everyone straight down the line.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. It's much appreciated.

Lol I was going to commend this guy for such a well written piece, then realised that A) he isn't in a clan, and B) he has deactivated pmsl
Posts: 254
23:18 Tue 26 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the clarification zantetsukenz.
Posts: 4,046
00:34 Wed 27 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
And when a player signs on (which is a comittment in any other part of life) he is just actually having his name placed on a team sheet and may or may not play for that team depending on how he feels on a given day. Brilliant!

There is no commitment to play a game for that clan, to perform any action for or on behalf of that clan or to stay for a specific length of time. Similar to me joining a sports club, I make no commitment to attend training sessions or play a match for them. It's a choice that is entirely down to the individual.

If it was a professional league, there would be a commitment. Therein lies the difference.

Sorry but that doesnt ring true. By joining a sports club i make no commitment to playing in a pre-arranged comp. By joining Funky pool or snooker i make no commitment to play clan pool or snooker. However, by applying or being asked to join a clan within that club and agreeing too i am making a commitment to abide by the rules and help the team in its aim, whatever that may be

Whilst i realise that now-a-days commitments are made and broken with ease and with no thought to how it effects others, that doesnt make it right. I for one thank my team members for keeping to the commitment that they made at the start of the season.
Posts: 14,736
14:48 Wed 27 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Could we not have a transfer window but maximise the amount per team to 2 transfers, that be incoming or replacements? That would result in moving on the discontented players and sprucing up the teams shoul
d that be required.

No one wants to see any team fold and if this is a possible solution to cease the what I would define 'improper activity' this season then I'd much rather have the knowledge only 2 players can be moved/replaced than a potential 15 when they felt like it.

Agreed it's only a minority atm but allowing such a loophole could create a snowball effect at any given time. A Captain should be able to select their team lists per fixture with the comfort knowing their actions are for the good of the team not the detriment, last thing we need is knowing if a player is not selected or 'benched' they will still remain within the team and try when called upon. At the present time it could just be used as an excuse to apply the 'old chestnut - I'm unhappy'.
Posts: 750
15:06 Wed 27 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Only trouble is, we'll never get around it whatever solution people come with. If someobody isn't happy and wants to leave, they'll leave. You can join a clan and then decide you don't want to be in that clan and you can leave...the captain isn't going to keep a player in the clan that isn't wanting or willing to be part of it because they're effectively a player down. Which is why it's bizarre that huts wouldn't release him after saying he's leaving it.

Nobody signs contracts to joina team and it is only an online game made for fun....
If you're not enjoying it at one team but you would at another because you're good mates with the majority; why would you stay there?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:16 Wed 27 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Whilst i realise that now-a-days commitments are made and broken with ease and with no thought to how it effects others, that doesnt make it right. I for one thank my team members for keeping to the commitment that they made at the start of the season.

That is down to the individual/clan, not something for the league to enforce.

But hey, I'm all for virtual contracts - Who wants to offer me the best salary?
Posts: 14,736
16:24 Wed 27 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Only trouble is, we'll never get around it whatever solution people come with. If someobody isn't happy and wants to leave, they'll leave. You can join a clan and then decide you don't want to be in that clan and you can leave...the captain isn't going to keep a player in the clan that isn't wanting or willing to be part of it because they're effectively a player down. Which is why it's bizarre that huts wouldn't release him after saying he's leaving it.

Nobody signs contracts to joina team and it is only an online game made for fun....
If you're not enjoying it at one team but you would at another because you're good mates with the majority; why would you stay there?

I agree with the majority but surely if you're mates with many on a particular team why even bother entertaining playing for another. Common decency is to not waste people's time and make a mockery of their efforts. I'd like to think that ALL my players on my team have one common goal and that's to try their best for the ONE team for the WHOLE season/campaign.

We can't stop players wanting to move or stop them from moving at the present time but what we could do is tighten the obvious loophole and bring a rapid halt to players taking it upon themselves to up sticks and move on their own accord.

Surely it messes up the Golden Cues too? Players moving about increasing the possibility to face the same opponent again. That could be another rule implemented?
Posts: 750
16:32 Wed 27 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Whilst i realise that now-a-days commitments are made and broken with ease and with no thought to how it effects others, that doesnt make it right. I for one thank my team members for keeping to the commitment that they made at the start of the season.

That is down to the individual/clan, not something for the league to enforce.

But hey, I'm all for virtual contracts - Who wants to offer me the best salary?

I'm sure CnG could must up £1.50 per frame won for you?
Posts: 14,736
19:35 Wed 27 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Is there an Updated League table?
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