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Another Idea to Boost the Site

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Deleted User
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19:55 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Looking at it a different way from the site's point of view as a business I would..

Take control of the clan leagues and use them, say that only premium members could participate, you already have an admin running the leagues so no difference there and instantly you would get 100 more premium members.
Promoting the clan leagues then through the game server and hosting clan events would generate more interest and things could grow.
Clan achievements could go onto profiles and proper records could be kept which would make people more inclined to stat on one account.

I know instantly the replies
- Too much effort
- Nick won't take on clan leagues

Just seems like a wasted opportunity
Posts: 38,097
20:01 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I still wouldn't pay for Premium and Nick has always said Paying for Premium generates the same money the adverts does so your not much better off
Deleted User
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20:17 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If 100 more people buy premium they're better off James
Deleted User
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20:27 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Here is what I think the chance of 3 outcomes are of this being installed.

60% - people leave the site.
30% - Clans are simply run off-site with only games played on site and the forums die.
10% - Everyone actually stumps up a tenner to play a game that has said it will be "Free forever"
Deleted User
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21:16 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think people would happily pay if the site was putting effort into it
Posts: 38,097
21:35 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
probably, i personally wouldn't pay for it though.

My philosophy has always been though "if a game is free, you shouldn't have to pay for it", Only time i put money into a game when friends sent £10 to buy some garage slots on World of Tanks.

When i think of Premium i don't think of no adverts as i rarely get lag unless i go on Youtube or another Flash based site but even then its only little lag.

Only benefit for me paying for Premium would be the coloured cues which i admit look fancy (I have taken accustomed to Spider cue) but those are only worth £5 at best.

As i say though Ads and Premium make Nick the same amount of money so theres no need for me to buy Premium.

Personally i would only pay if the site was 100% not free (e.g. Xbox Live) but as the core is free, i won't be buying Premium
Deleted User
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22:19 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you paid for premium the adverts would still be there james but Nick would be a tenner richer...this isn't the truman show
Posts: 38,097
22:37 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Only like friends online, last posts etc not the ones what make you lag like Jackpotjoy.

Don't even know what Truman Show is but while the game core is free then i refuse to pay for Premium for only a little less lag and coloured cues.

If it was made into a site where you had no alternative but to pay then i probably would as i enjoy this site but i don't see the point of paying for something that is free.

Its like paying for a game twice on Marketplace or giving you a free game then being forced to pay to play.
Deleted User
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23:43 Sat 31 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hence why I suggested making the clans for premium only so you have some reason to buy it.
I would just like to see the site as popular as it used to be again like everyone else would.
Posts: 9,456
00:15 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great idea tappy!

James you say its a online free game? This is true but Nick obviously has costs to run the site so adding premium wasn't just for a new cue but to boost the revenue on top of the advertisement return. If it was me I would only let premium members play the game then there is some incentive for him to continue the updates and game improvements. If you want to play then pay for it. Adding clans to the site I would back it up 100% as this can then be run from the team with no biased opinions

If you can't be bothered to pay a tenner for the site and all that it gives then I don't think you should have a huge moan about the lack of updates as you don't even contribute to the site!

Edited at 22:19 Sat 31/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
01:01 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just because someone is Premium doesn't mean that their opinion is higher than those without.

Nick has said he gets the same money with or without Premium so personally i would lose out on money and nick wouldn't be much better off.

If it happens, it happens, i might then pay but you also have to think of the unemployed, i can't really afford £20 in one sitting and wouldn't be willing to pay for a FREE game, its the code i have lived by and i will stick to it. On Other games i enjoy i don't pay for extras either (only did once as it wasn't my money) so funky is no different to me.

I have also contributed a lot to the leagues over on Snooker perhaps more hard working than any other member on the site (except Staff) so my opinion should be just as good as those with Premium.

As i said before "As long as the site core is FREE then i will continue without paying
Posts: 6,417
01:07 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I wont become premium for whatever reason, unless silenthill decides to pay it for me
Deleted User
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01:31 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe there could be another membership package implemented ie, £4.50 for 6 months - can only deactivate/reset so many times () This would accommodate those who cannot fork out £9.99 in one lump payment. Would also increase the diversity and not discriminate against those who as not as wealthy as some others.

Would be £1 down on a 12 month subscription fee but hardly a massive loss

Some people aren't really bothered about what the membership itself endorses or provides, some may just appreciate the sense of 'belonging' to something. The 5 cues aren't anything special nor do they increase the luck factor (which i've heard before - it's just a myth), but they add a variation to the actual game play which if more people did would look good IMO.

Posts: 9,456
02:23 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't say non premium members opinion wasn't valid or listened! James I'm not going into people's finance if they can't afford 30p per week to join this site then that's their choice as you say it's free!

What Nick takes on adverts is not relevant to this, if he had another 1000 paid members then he would be better off unless you can show me financially

What you do for both games is your own personal effort and not forced, all I am saying is I would prefer if all members paid in some kind of way! You are true the site is free so why pay! I hope it changes
Deleted User
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03:50 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash and James you are both saying it isn't worth buying at the moment...I agree and so does everyone, that's both the problem and the point.
Paying £10 for however many hours enjoyment you get in clans plus the cues etc is nothing especially if then the site put efforts into building the clan leagues.
£10 would get you a ps2 game
Deleted User
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04:15 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
True but I'm also offering an alternative in to paying for the full subscription (12 months). I think if it were made EXCLUSIVE to members only say if the PROS tables were re-introduced and maybe other extras (i.e Clans) then that may entice those who like everyone else appreciates the FREE aspect but also wants the site to continue to EXIST.

Deleted the other jargon.

Edited at 02:28 Sun 01/02/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:38 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The old tables back as pro tables for premium members would be a great idea on top and if all clan members were premium then you could incorporate them into games in the leagues

I agree keep the main site free but if people are seeing pro table tournaments and clan leagues with premium then they'll pay the tenner.
Posts: 7,974
13:54 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
great idea
tappy and crazy
totally agree with these comments

I don't pay a tenner for a cue

I do it to support the site and a hobby I enjoy
30p a week cheap I think

I would like to see Funkypool, Snooker advertised more

its competitive, it ticks a lot of boxes
if candy crush can be so good why cant

needs thought on how to get it out there
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:47 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll never pay premium because I prefer to enjoy myself than tiptoe on eggshells trying not to get banned again. I've paid it once and got banned through a stupid reason 3 weeks later. Not a chanceeeeeeeeee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:52 Sun 1 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You gotta find a way to get Americans playing. We are few and far between here and it is only by dumb luck that we find the site.
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Another Idea to Boost the Site

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