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Another Idea to Boost the Site

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Posts: 38,097
19:44 Sat 7 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
so what your saying is if everyone had to pay you wouldn't have got rid of no_talking?

Its all about personal preference and personally if i was forced to pay i wouldn't look at the site the same again, maybe i would pay, maybe i would find a new hobby (and hopefully keep in touch with members on here on Facebook).

If each member was forced to pay i would expect drastic changes to the site such as a Killer Pool layout, Recording Games as you play where you can send to Youtube with one click, People make their own leagues and run them officially with trophies and other stuff but those are my ideas at top of my head.

At the moment only cues you get for Premium but Recording Games, Livestreaming, Official Leagues etc are three perks to make Premium really beneficial.

I can't see it happening though personally, especially the forcing members to pay as nick would break his word that the core of the site is always free.
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20:51 Sat 7 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We should pay for a site where the folk that run it do it half heartedly, where someone who might have been an asset to the site gets banned, where admin have double standards with regards to punishment or a complete lack of more like and a site that is currently failing?

Admin step up their game I'll pay. Until then it's a ridiculous idea.
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20:52 Sat 7 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
And if someone's saying something you don't like then ignore them. Really not complicated.
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21:09 Tue 10 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
i really think only premier members players should be allowed to enter the main tournaments
this would stop people making new names up
also i think you need to stop people resetting their accounts
this would stop members moaning on here
If your not a premier member they can only enter the micro tournaments
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13:32 Thu 12 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The issue with this site is evident from the moment you log on to play as a guest. Any potential 'member' won't bother signing up because there are usually no visible games and the site shouldn't presume that new people will know how to work the game filter to see there ARE actually a few games around.

Guests should also be able to chat in the guest room again and not just in game. It's ridiculous that you need to sign up just to chat to another person. So you basically see no games as a guest and the moment you ask in the room for anyone to play you get a knock back message! Great start.

The complete focus now seems to be on these tiny tournaments with no merit. I believe the site owner vastly overestimated the people that enjoy playing in tournaments VS people that like to play lobby games. As it stands you may as well just make it a tournament site only with no games or REDUCE the amount of tournaments to get the game rooms going again. I want to play in a tournament with lots of people and win VS play a tiny tournament for a badge on my profile. We are SWAMPED with tourney invites, which is in itself annoying.

As a product this site is failing and not acting on member input is one of the main reasons for this imo.
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13:46 Thu 12 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Totally agree m8. I think a lot of tournaments got removed but there's still way to many, the problem is, most people that are left are obsessed with tournaments they can't get enough of them. I don't think the poor moderating has helped the site at all either tbh
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14:00 Thu 12 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't think the poor moderating has helped the site at all either tbh

Agreed and example linked.

A harmless thread on a general chat forum that says 'Post about anything here!' and it's just capped with the reason being..

"A silly thread so I am going to cap it!"

"If you want to boast about who is better etc then feel free to set up player v player game then post it :-)"

Really? I mean really?? There is no offensive language, other members are being receptive to the thread and then some guy comes busting in to stop the fun with a reason that goes against the basic forum description.

With respect, it's 'silly' to cap a harmless thread.

EDIT: Just noticed the mod that capped the thread is now an admin. Good going Funkypool.

Edited at 12:03 Thu 12/02/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
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14:01 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Totally agree m8. I think a lot of tournaments got removed but there's still way to many, the problem is, most people that are left are obsessed with tournaments they can't get enough of them. I don't think the poor moderating has helped the site at all either tbh

" Obsessed with tournaments ". The reason being, there so easy to win now. Who doesn't like seeing there own name appear in the announcements?!? I know personally love when I manage to win a Tournament and see my own name in the announcements. Plus with so few players in each Tournament it means anyone can win a Tournament. It is practically another ranked game that offers more ranked points. As opposed to an actual Tournament.

^ This is my opinion ^
Posts: 38,097
14:13 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
True but i agree with Nicknax which is pretty much the point i wanted to get across, more tournaments means less lobby games which also means less players potentially signing up, bring tournaments down to one every two hours again and hopefully that will solve the guest issue
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14:19 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
True but i agree with Nicknax which is pretty much the point i wanted to get across, more tournaments means less lobby games which also means less players potentially signing up, bring tournaments down to one every two hours again and hopefully that will solve the guest issue

Tournaments should be something special. One per week or something..

So there A REAL achievement. Not just something any tom n harry can win. Something worth actually playing for. It will mean A LOT more pressure during Tournaments, also will prove who are the top players.
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14:22 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah savannah you are exactly right tournaments are that easy win now which is what makes them absolutely worthless, get rid of most of the tournaments which would then force more people to create a game and then some new members might stick around, when there's new members signing up and then finding it virtually impossible to get a game what are the chances of them logging in again

Nicknax them type of threads are not allowed on funky anymore, mods are on them like a dog after it's dinner, It's hard to see what rules they are breaking tho tbh?
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14:31 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
get rid of most of the tournaments which would then force more people to create a game and then some new members might stick around, when there's new members signing up and then finding it virtually impossible to get a game what are the chances of them logging in again

When I first started playing I came on during the day here in Australia. Not even going to lie, there was around 5 or 6 people online THE ENTIRE DAY.. I could not get a game what so ever outside of a Tournament. It's been the same all the time. So I'm forced to play during the night time / early morning in order to actually play a game. And with the same people in every single Tournament. The chances of winning a Tournament game is very low. Unless its during the day in Australia, then you can win 10 Tournaments and not play a single game....
Posts: 38,097
14:35 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
True but i agree with Nicknax which is pretty much the point i wanted to get across, more tournaments means less lobby games which also means less players potentially signing up, bring tournaments down to one every two hours again and hopefully that will solve the guest issue

Tournaments should be something special. One per week or something..

So there A REAL achievement. Not just something any tom n harry can win. Something worth actually playing for. It will mean A LOT more pressure during Tournaments, also will prove who are the top players.

We have a Super Tournament on first Sunday of each Month which quite a few enter
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14:40 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
When was the last time anyone was ever close to the highest rankings?! The highest rank I've seen so far has barely been 800, yet some players have reached a max rank of 950+ Before. What ever happened to these players? Why does it seem everyone ranked 600 now plays like 800 yet there's hardly and Professionals on the game?!? Has the game become so easy that anyone can play at a Professional level? Or have all the true Professionals / Virtuoso quit?!?!
Deleted User
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14:52 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Most of the top players that are left mainly only play clan games and killer, probs the odd tournaments. It's virtually impossible to find ranked games against decent opponents so I guess that's the reason why the rankings are so low
Deleted User
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15:02 Fri 13 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I personally think everyone is 100 points higher then what there rank actually says. In some peoples cases 200 points higher lol. That's the way the play anyways :/
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Another Idea to Boost the Site

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