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Posts: 7,974
01:17 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not getting involved in this discussion what is done is done
however on thing I have picked up on

how does anyone know the outcome of the default
how can anyone say it wouldn't be 6-0 or 3-3

I find this one point a little difficult to grasp
know one should no the outcome of any default
before it becomes a default, then its up for deliberation

when reading it appears to me people already knew the
outcome and wasn't speculation

you yourself say this Keith as the league runner
that players stated Tappy wouldn't get a 6-0
baffled on how a default is calculated before it becomes one and how players opinions form a default score
is this new for this season, just I never read it anywhere

enlighten everyone please, then we can decide whether its worth playing games or letting them go to default
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01:52 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Ash was well aware of that, obviously i wont be as big of a loss as tinie, sam, crazykid or any of the other names you thought were coming that i could list but maybe if they didnt see you acting like such a rodney on the forums all the time people would want to join.
Oh and I'm getting £13.50ph at the moment, not huge money but very good for my area of the country.....that softens the blow of dealing with you somewhat
i never brought your work into it PMSL but thanks for the info. Hopefully one day you'll earn a good wage for any part of the country and not just yours......especially working nights. Its rather sweet of you to make my word so weighty in so many peoples destinys. I'd of thought no one cared what I thought but hey turns out I'm perhaps the biggest influence of decisions in the clan league. A heavy responsibility I ope I can carry for a time to come. Again though, for someone spending no further time on this and happy not having to deal with me you seem to be spending a fair whack of a few £13.50 hours on it.

Why would I need to earn a decent wage for London when I don't have to pay London prices on property, clothes or beer?
Don't worry about the rest of the world you just concentrate on how youre going to get through the next fortnight till giro day on 2 cans of beans.
Posts: 9,456
02:09 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Come on guys, why all the stupid silly arguments! What has happened is done let's have a debate about improvements and support needed for the leagues! All this crap can only go against an already great established leagues! Yes some slight issues but let's discuss them and not get personal remember the clan league has already lost a runner so let's step up and support it we don't want it failing over a few small issues that can be sorted easy!

My example of the issue with default lies in the proof of effort to get the games played, this then drives people to post on clan threads and post about activity! I have never had an issue with games! I message my player we agree a time and date!!!! Sorted.... I think clan games should be left to each player to arrange and if they have no response after a certain time frame then it's down to the relevant captains to arrange a sub between teams and maybe an offline message! Once agreed then post subs so everyone knows this isn't tatical and agreed with the team captains!

I was also thinking if the leagues split why don't we run an FA cup style draw where a random team plays this means that a lower team could end up getting into the final stages without being based on just their skill v opponents etc

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02:14 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agreed crazzy, that was what I was saying this morning

It has been a problem for a long time mate which has obviously got worse with player's activity on the site getting less.
I don't see an easy solution although I do think something could be done with changing the system so games are arranged by message and that's all that counts for defaults, would cut out a lot of the arguments too.
It takes 1 minute to log in on your phone and reply to a message whilst you're sat on the loo or at work or sat on the loo at work.
If games get played naturally that wouldn't matter of course but it would cut out all this crap of posting that your player is on can we have a sub, you would have to make subs in plenty of time to allow games to be arranged properly and would stop the situation that we are talking about happening.
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08:53 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow, who'd wanna run this joint!
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09:34 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Ash ... huge money but very good for my area of the country.....that softens the blow of dealing with you somewhat
i never brought your work into it PMSL but thanks for the info. Hopefully one day you'll earn a good wage for any part of the country and not just yours......especially working nights. Its rather sweet of you to make my word so weighty in so many peoples destinys. I'd of thought no one cared what I thought but hey turns out I'm perhaps the biggest influence of decisions in the clan league. A heavy responsibility I ope I can carry for a time to come. Again though, for someone spending no further time on this and happy not having to deal with me you seem to be spending a fair whack of a few £13.50 hours on it.

Why would I need to earn a decent wage for London when I don't have to pay London prices on property, clothes or beer?
Don't worry about the rest of the world you just concentrate on how youre going to get through the next fortnight till giro day on 2 cans of beans.
oh so you still do wish to deal with the like of me. Again the joke by someone to someone along the lines of get a job is old hat trats. You could try earning a decent wage so when you go to brag it's something to actually brag about. Just for the record I run a business, I choose the hours I work and £13.50 an hour for working nights, oh dear.

Edited at 07:39 Fri 27/02/15 (GMT)
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09:38 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not getting involved in this discussion what is done is done
however on thing I have picked up on

how does anyone know the outcome of the default
how can anyone say it wouldn't be 6-0 or 3-3

I find this one point a little difficult to grasp
know one should no the outcome of any default
before it becomes a default, then its up for deliberation

when reading it appears to me people already knew the
outcome and wasn't speculation

you yourself say this Keith as the league runner
that players stated Tappy wouldn't get a 6-0
baffled on how a default is calculated before it becomes one and how players opinions form a default score
is this new for this season, just I never read it anywhere

enlighten everyone please, then we can decide whether its worth playing games or letting them go to default
what crap. Why did you always get upset when defaults scores went against you? Did you know what the outcome should be, did you try and fix the outcome? No we can all hazard a guess at what the score would have been. On this occasion the only person in the entire world who thought the score would have been 6-0 is the baby throwing his toys out the pram again. The rest of us guess it wouldn't have been. Quite frankly suggesting it was a fix is moronic.
Posts: 7,974
10:22 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not getting involved in this discussion what is done is done
however on thing I have picked up on

how does anyone know the outcome of the default
how can anyone say it wouldn't be 6-0 or 3-3

I find this one point a little difficult to grasp
know one should no the outcome of any default
before it becomes a default, then its up for deliberation

when reading it appears to me people already knew the
outcome and wasn't speculation

you yourself say this Keith as the league runner
that players stated Tappy wouldn't get a 6-0
baffled on how a default is calculated before it becomes one and how players opinions form a default score
is this new for this season, just I never read it anywhere

enlighten everyone please, then we can decide whether its worth playing games or letting them go to default
what crap. Why did you always get upset when defaults scores went against you? Did you know what the outcome should be, did you try and fix the outcome? No we can all hazard a guess at what the score would have been. On this occasion the only person in the entire world who thought the score would have been 6-0 is the baby throwing his toys out the pram again. The rest of us guess it wouldn't have been. Quite frankly suggesting it was a fix is moronic.

your comments are unacceptable
above there is a request from admin to discuss but not to get personal so please refrain from it
Deleted User
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10:31 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Personal? You just called Keith a cheat PMSL. I clearly stated if you are suggesting it was a fix that is moronic. Did I say you were a moron? No. You have just confirmed you thought it was a fix though
Posts: 7,974
10:48 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Personal? You just called Keith a cheat PMSL. I clearly stated if you are suggesting it was a fix that is moronic. Did I say you were a moron? No. You have just confirmed you thought it was a fix though

again don't get personal and don't tell lies
in my post is the word cheat used ? no
so please less your argumentative posts
and maybe stick to the discussion

I never asked for you to slate or humiliate people
in your responses to my post

my post was a fair summary in my opinion
and as you've stated the word Keith was mentioned
so maybe, let Keith respond

and please remember this is a discussion thread
not lets make personal comments about people and humiliate then making them feel uncomfortable to post and make the thread uncomfortable for others to post
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10:52 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You are a pice of work like. I have as much right to discuss here as you.

'When reading it appears to me people already knew the outcome'

That would be cheating and as you believe that is what happened you are effectively calling Keith a cheat.

Could you just clarify the situation if not. Do you think people knew the result of the default before any default happened and it wasn't speculation?

If you answer yes you are calling Keith a cheat, if you answer no then as per your posts were pointless.
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10:55 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh and if you could show me any personal comment aimed directly at you that would be awesome. My guess is you won't.
Posts: 7,974
11:27 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If I was wanting to abuse my position I could have offered no extension and let game go to default as like most players have pointed out you were never going to get a 6-0 default so UB would have progressed to the final.

before making accusations about people calling others cheats, which I never implied anywhere in my post
I responded to a post made by Keith

the above comment is one I referred too
now if you would stop your argumentative accusations

and reading your above outcomes be them yes or no
seems a little ridiculous to me, because the only person who can answer that is the person who made that post

I would suggest before you post, you may want to read correctly the post referred to

you just decided upon yourself to post this response
to a reasonable question I asked

1) what crap.
I asked a question
2) Why did you always get upset when defaults scores went against you?
the default wasn't mine
3) Did you know what the outcome should be, did you try and fix the outcome?
me ? simple answer no, don't know why you asked me this
4) No we can all hazard a guess at what the score would have been.
correct and why not
5) On this occasion the only person in the entire world who thought the score would have been 6-0 is the baby throwing his toys out the pram again.
no need
6) The rest of us guess it wouldn't have been. Quite frankly suggesting it was a fix is moronic.
I suggested nothing
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11:31 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't follow our forum rules. Replies may also be deleted.

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11:55 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1. You suggested he knew the outcome of a default before it happened, that is crap.

2. I'm talking about in previous years when you spat the dummy cause of a default. Did you not pull your clan from the league a couple of times because of default scores?

3. Why were you upset by these defaults score unless you were guessing what you thought it should be which is what we all did.

4. That's the whole point we are making. We are guessing it was never gonna be 6 - 0 as was the rest of the world. It was you who suggested something underhand.

5. There is every need, are you not reading baby's posts? There was no need for you to suggest Keith is a cheat though.

6. If that's the case why believe I called you moronic? Unless you believe you are calling him a cheat you could never presume you were being called it. Your reaction tells the story.
Posts: 7,974
12:08 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1. You suggested he knew the outcome of a default before it happened, that is crap.

2. I'm talking about in previous years when you spat the dummy cause of a default. Did you not pull your clan from the league a couple of times because of default scores?

3. Why were you upset by these defaults score unless you were guessing what you thought it should be which is what we all did.

4. That's the whole point we are making. We are guessing it was never gonna be 6 - 0 as was the rest of the world. It was you who suggested something underhand.

5. There is every need, are you not reading baby's posts? There was no need for you to suggest Keith is a cheat though.

6. If that's the case why believe I called you moronic? Unless you believe you are calling him a cheat you could never presume you were being called it. Your reaction tells the story.

guess its ok to have an opinion
be it valid or not
Posts: 7,974
12:11 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
by the way
I'm neither of the definitions listed below
I find the use of the word very offensive and would you refrain from using it over and over again

moronic or moron

1. A person who is considered foolish or stupid.

2. A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
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12:12 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You also believe you weren't calling Keith a cheat so how could you belive I was calling you moronic?
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12:14 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't follow our forum rules. Replies may also be deleted.

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12:15 Fri 27 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
edit- Matty beat me to it.
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