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Deleted User
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13:46 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Harrassing people is never cool chappy
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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:57 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You are all failing to actually attribute the tappy greyhound situation to xth man like it should be. Folk keep saying they were 'backed into a corner'. If xth man hadn't made a sub we would of won. We as a clan were encouraging the sub so we could win on the tables. The whole 6-0 situation arose because the rest of the team put xth man in that position. If xth man as a clan had kept it closer then they could have made a sub or not made a sub at their lesuire! Again let me point out, if xth man made the sub we went through, if you didn't make the sub we went through, no one backed no one in to a corner other than their own performances leading to the last game. If we had had a 2 point lead xth man wouldn't have made the sub and would have went through. Let's all stop making out unbeatables forced xth man Into something where quite frankly we didn't give a toss and would have went through either way.
Posts: 38,097
14:06 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree it is a shame that the opposition only needed that one point but reason i said it is because of what you described as a no win situation, yeah we could have done better but most of our best players was knocked out by a good competition in our own clan. If we used one team it may have been different or not as it is about the form and mentality of the day.

I agree the opposition deserved the result but on principle i wouldn't make the sub but in the eyes of competition i agree the sub should have been made.

Personally the other clan could have subbed two days earlier but with another plays slight inactivity (or so they say) it may not made much difference.

Just one of those circumstances where times didn't match and a clan needed to sub to get the game played.

Anyways i wish that clan all the best in the next round
Posts: 19,967
15:20 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have I agree with what onevisit has said, I can't see there being any problem with the same situation if the scoreline was closer or further away. A lot of the frustration was really at the situation not the opposition because I don't see what UB would've done differently whatever the scoreline was.

It was typified by the suggestion that horse abused his role to get the extension. It meant his team might not progress where with no extension they certainly would have and I am 99% certain Chris would've done exactly the same thing. That just screams frustration that the result is not quite set, but in reality the outcome won't change either way and yet they still have to wait on when the player did nothing wrong.

It's unfortunate, but that's the way it goes sometimes. You can't really condone defaults which away an outcome heavily other than when absolutely necessary and if you had a default you wouldn't want it to alter the winner ideally.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:42 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry but the rules in super league specifically say that the default should have been 6-0 to specifically stop people leaving inactive players in too long.
chris would not have extended for no reason and it was extended for their benefit, not ours as the only active sub they had huts24 had already dodged playing and would clearly do so all day again as he did.
Zante, onevisit and dgeneratio....never seen 3 people in more need of crayons than the 3 of you being honest.
Will not miss the levels of stupidity
Posts: 38,097
21:39 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol just trying to balance mate, in my opinion of doing defaults the score would have been 5-1 or 6-0 but i would guess most would choose 5-1 as Horse and Greyhound both made efforts however little it was compared to the entire fixture.

already said though i would be reluctant to sub due to principles of active versus inactive and i wasn't really happy on the night to be honest.

in terms of being logical for those who want to win the fixture, the sub was the only logical move as 5-1 at default, opponent through, we play a slim chance we could win 6-0 or more therefore a chance to go through.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:11 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry but the rules in super league specifically say that the default should have been 6-0 to specifically stop people leaving inactive players in too long.
chris would not have extended for no reason and it was extended for their benefit, not ours as the only active sub they had huts24 had already dodged playing and would clearly do so all day again as he did.
Zante, onevisit and dgeneratio....never seen 3 people in more need of crayons than the 3 of you being honest.
Will not miss the levels of stupidity
you are the only person on the site that thinks it would have been 6-0 and that's after you said we should have got a point on the thread on the Saturday I think it was. We may need crayons but go ask your mummy for more toys and dummy's and the first has been well and truly thrown out the pram and the second has been spat right out a few times now! Pmsl.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:20 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't say you should have got a point, you just can't read.

Super League Rules for the 4th time for the clinically stupid

8.9.1 Number of points awarded
The point total for any default game could be anywhere between 6 and 0, depending on the efforts made by each player to play the game. For example, two completely inactive players would be given a result of 0-0, not 3-3. It is an expectation that there will be little reason for unplayed games given the number of players available and the time allowed to complete a fixture, therefore the starting position for a default score, before consideration of any information provided, will be 0-0. However conversely where one side has made considerably more effort to get a game played than the other then it is likely that team will earn the maximum possible to act as an overall deterrent to inactivity, apathy or any deliberate attempt to deny the opposition the chance to score points.

By the rules it should have been 6-0 specifically to stop behaviour like your clans that everyone agrees is wrong, if anybody had the guts to go through with it then people would stop manipulating the system and the players that put in the effort to play games would actually get to play them.

Now which colour crayon?
Posts: 19,967
22:29 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry but the rules in super league specifically say that the default should have been 6-0 to specifically stop people leaving inactive players in too long.

Completely wrong. Their aren't rules for default scores, there are guidelines. They don't state that, you quoted the part pertaining to how many frame should be awarded (8.9.1 Number of points awarded) which it says the maximum should be avoided. Plainly that means all frames are awarded which isn't a given in a default. It also says likely, not definitely. If you're going to clutch at straws, at least understand what you are clutching at.

8.9.5 Not using substitutions
A clan failing to use their option of substituting a player into the game within the deadline counts negatively.

^ that conclusively means, you would've had some negatives in the default. Therefore, no chance at 6-0.

chris would not have extended for no reason and it was extended for their benefit, not ours as the only active sub they had huts24 had already dodged playing and would clearly do so all day again as he did.

Yes he would have, if the default wouldn't have an effect on the outcome (e.g. in a cup format game) he wouldn't bother. If it did, he would rather give an extension so it can be played without a default deciding the winner.

You would've 100% lost without an extension, with an extension it was 99% certain. It was for your benefit.
Deleted User
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22:29 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 2,374
Online 4 days ago
No you couldn't accuse me of the same avoidance Keith because you know full well that I didn't log off when greyhound logged in at all today, you're just doing your usual default crap.
You make out like it doesn't matter to you but if that were true then you would have subbed in x_connor, huts or deejay who were all playing games Friday night whilst you and turtle were also on to make the sub but no it had to be greyhound who played it, not caring that you left us no time to arrange it.
End of the day you've got your default point, we don't get the outside possibility of winning the game by it being played and i've not got to play despite being the most active player in the whole fixture.

Yip you never said it.......well apart from then.
Posts: 19,967
22:31 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Zante, onevisit and dgeneratio....never seen 3 people in more need of crayons than the 3 of you being honest.
Will not miss the levels of stupidity

Your team took it with dignity, you took it like a spoilt brat throwing the toys out the pram. Get over it. Good riddance to anyone who can't accept defeats, and to clan rage quitting. This was brought up with the intention of no arguments yet you've gone out of your way to descend it into one because things didn't go your way and you can't take it. The most stupid thing to come out of this saga was you accusing Keith of abusing his position.

Oh dear.
Posts: 19,967
22:33 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't say you should have got a point, you just can't read.

Super League Rules for the 4th time for the clinically stupid

8.9.1 Number of points awarded
The point total for any default game could be anywhere between 6 and 0, depending on the efforts made by each player to play the game. For example, two completely inactive players would be given a result of 0-0, not 3-3. It is an expectation that there will be little reason for unplayed games given the number of players available and the time allowed to complete a fixture, therefore the starting position for a default score, before consideration of any information provided, will be 0-0. However conversely where one side has made considerably more effort to get a game played than the other then it is likely that team will earn the maximum possible to act as an overall deterrent to inactivity, apathy or any deliberate attempt to deny the opposition the chance to score points.

By the rules it should have been 6-0 specifically to stop behaviour like your clans that everyone agrees is wrong, if anybody had the guts to go through with it then people would stop manipulating the system and the players that put in the effort to play games would actually get to play them.

Now which colour crayon?

Read above and acknowledge the mirror.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:39 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You've got your default point just means that you've posted enough crap now...not that you should get a default point.
If you had listened at school you would have a job, a mobile phone and probably value your time enough to appreciate it shouldn't be wasted by other people.
There was no request for a sub during the deadline as I was online the whole time, the deadline was extended specifically so there could be a request for a sub when I was at work and you would be guaranteed a point.
if people are too stupid to see the manipulation when it's as clear as that then it's your problem.
Not my problem, I've voted with my feet and please note the way the discussion turned to arguments as soon as you appeared as always.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:44 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Zante, onevisit and dgeneratio....never seen 3 people in more need of crayons than the 3 of you being honest.
Will not miss the levels of stupidity

Your team took it with dignity, you took it like a spoilt brat throwing the toys out the pram. Get over it. Good riddance to anyone who can't accept defeats, and to clan rage quitting. This was brought up with the intention of no arguments yet you've gone out of your way to descend it into one because things didn't go your way and you can't take it. The most stupid thing to come out of this saga was you accusing Keith of abusing his position.

Oh dear.

Again was a good healthy discussion until you planks joined in, nothing to do with defeat, only you are that pathetic to care about pictures of trophies.
It's to do with having your time wasted which everyone except dumb and dumber appreciate.
Hardly a rage quit when I'm finishing the season
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:54 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah so saying we have our point isn't you saying you think we have our point. Clear as mud. I find it hilarious you attempt to call people immature while at the same time saying folk should get a job and a mobile phone. Perhaps I don't have a phone or a job because circumstances in my life aren't going to well not enabling me to have either. Its a bit scummy of you to post at people's expense when you don't know the truth. Neither is correct but you really should find out just in case. As you have pointed out you have used your feet to do your talking, this is a clan league thread. You should be posting here why?
Posts: 38,097
22:55 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hope i'm not a "plank" as if you read back i replied to Zac first then this saga started so i didn't join in no conversation
Posts: 19,967
22:58 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
2 of us 3 planks were discussing it before you came in and the first thing you suggest is that your opponents don't have common courtesy, good sportsmanship and etiquette. Ironic and just represents who the real plank is.

You say that, but when we don't win a picture of a trophy we don't kick off. You get subbed out of one game and you quit clans. Who is the pathetic one really?

"There was no request for a sub during the deadline as I was online the whole time, the deadline was extended specifically so there could be a request for a sub when I was at work and you would be guaranteed a point." It was stated by your clan that you would not be subbed out at all before the extension.

Now, I posted a couple of points showing how you were wrong. Any response to those? or are you finally acknowledging and accepting you had no chance of a 6-0 default because you can't argue with what I said?

Not much of a season to finish when it's the final set, still a rage quit.
Posts: 19,819
23:21 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow that escalated, I didn't actually mean the UB XV game. In fact I know very little about that game and tbh don't really want to know lol.
I was asking really in general though with current PD's game in mind if I'm completely honest.
Posts: 13,570
23:31 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow that escalated, I didn't actually mean the UB XV game. In fact I know very little about that game and tbh don't really want to know lol.
I was asking really in general though with current PD's game in mind if I'm completely honest.

ooooh then let me tell ya lol
Posts: 19,819
23:32 Thu 26 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow that escalated, I didn't actually mean the UB XV game. In fact I know very little about that game and tbh don't really want to know lol.
I was asking really in general though with current PD's game in mind if I'm completely honest.

ooooh then let me tell ya lol

-hides- lol
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