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Posts: 38,097
15:36 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sarcastic...umm yeah lol.

To be honest, except fixing server and emails, i'm not sure what admin has done lately but thats another story.
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15:37 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sarcastic...umm yeah lol.

To be honest, except fixing server and emails, i'm not sure what admin has done lately but thats another story.

Says the disgruntled ex-mod.

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15:41 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
So saying admin don't do anything for the good of funkypool isn't naming and shaming? Well that's what he does and here are the admin.


He could have at least had the balls to name those that were unresponsive to his needs and not paint them all with the same brush.

Perhaps Chris will take this opportunity to rectify that mistake or retract his comments fully with regard to admin commitment?

So he shouldn't have said "admin" because that is naming and shaming, what he should've done is given specific names of admin? Which you have named in your post attempting to shame Chris who posted vaguely to avoid shaming...

Ladies and gentleman, the award for the most genius post of the year goes to...

What he did was to paint everyone with the same brush AKA lacked the balls and was deliberately vague. His comment points at ALL admin for this very reason. With respect that's not on.

If you have a problem with a member of staff use contact us. Chris had no problem spouting that off to others, yet the moment he becomes a member and the rules don't seem to apply to him...

I can slow it down for you if you like?
Deleted User
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15:45 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your list of things they do is a tad repetitive and a tad short. What I would expect of admin is they decide wether or not they wish to try enhance the site and move it forward, if they don't then they should step down as admin. Most of the traffic on this site, and that's not a lot, is clan related yet they were unwilling to support Chris in maintaining that little traffic. I would expect them to push the site in terms of getting numbers up, I would expect them to answer questions put to them directly on the forums. I would expect them to come up with updates for the game to keep it interesting. I would expect them to not change the whole dynamic of the site without consulting its actual users. I would expect them to hold each member to the same standard of following the rules. I would expect the discipline side to be dealt out the same for all members on the site. I expect them to not have double standards when it comes to the forums.

My list really could go on. The site is all but dead and if it wasnt for clans it would be and nothing is being done. I think that tells the story a whole lot better than anyone on here possibly could.
Posts: 19,967
16:01 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
What he did was to paint everyone with the same brush AKA lacked the balls and was deliberately vague. His comment points at ALL admin for this very reason. With respect that's not on.

If you have a problem with a member of staff use contact us. Chris had no problem spouting that off to others, yet the moment he becomes a member and the rules don't seem to apply to him...

I can slow it down for you if you like?

Myself and some Admins have reached the end of the line, and a parting of the ways, over some things.

No need to slow it down, you're just making it up as you go I guess you want all the nominations and not just the award.
Deleted User
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16:10 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sarcastic...umm yeah lol.

To be honest, except fixing server and emails, i'm not sure what admin has done lately but thats another story.

Says the disgruntled ex-mod.

Come on, keep posting. You're making the threads lively
Posts: 38,097
16:12 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
He's just jealous
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16:13 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
What he did was to paint everyone with the same brush AKA lacked the balls and was deliberately vague. His comment points at ALL admin for this very reason. With respect that's not on.

If you have a problem with a member of staff use contact us. Chris had no problem spouting that off to others, yet the moment he becomes a member and the rules don't seem to apply to him...

I can slow it down for you if you like?

Myself and some Admins have reached the end of the line, and a parting of the ways, over some things.

No need to slow it down, you're just making it up as you go I guess you want all the nominations and not just the award.

Ok, i'll paint it another way just for you. It seems you are having difficulty understanding.

I thought they should actually be doing something, anything, for the good of the site...

...and they didn't.

You honestly believe that comment is acceptable? Chris clearly states that ADMIN do nothing for the good of this site, which he knows isn't true. If it were the case he would name those admin instead of deliberately leaving it open for anyone reading this to have the opinion that say 'fastboysam' does nothing for the good of the site, which he clearly does and would be an incorrect assumption.

Chris would have removed his post had he been mod. To me that's ironic.
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16:15 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
So what does he do then? Read that it?
Posts: 10,109
16:23 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have not seen a single positive example of admin's work, only negatives. If this site was a company, the vast majority of the staff would've been laid off years ago. In terms of effort, decision making and generally slowing down the decay of the rotting corpse of funkypool, chris wiped the floor with all the admin combined.
Posts: 19,967
16:24 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well since you ignore the fact that he clearly don't say all admin, like you posted saying he had it's pretty clear you are just trying to personally attack he's and cause trouble on the forums. You think this is acceptable?

If he'd have done what you say he should've then you'd be having a to at him for that and admin/mods would have removed his post. Since it is sill there then clearly it's not a problem. It's quite clear that it is a peaceful protest.

If Chris would've removed that post if he were mod, why did far worse posts not get removed by him on this very thread? Or why has another member of staff not removed t since he wasn't the only one who moderated the forums. Short answer is it doesn't step over a line, like you are determine it does.

You sound more like a women scorned, was Chris responsible for booting you once and you found a chance to try and get back at him? Ohh, you really hurt him. He might've gotten a stitch from laughing at how bad your posts are. You showed him!
Deleted User
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16:37 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You sound more like a women scorned, was Chris responsible for booting you once and you found a chance to try and get back at him? Ohh, you really hurt him. He might've gotten a stitch from laughing at how bad your posts are. You showed him!

Are you for real?

Okay, admin on here do nothing, especially if you're a demoted mod that didn't get an admin position you RIGHTLY deserved. Yes, i said rightly.

Admin do a lot for this site, easily more than those people that come on for a few clan games and post negative comments regarding admin, mainly due to their moderator application being rejected.

In fact i wonder how many of the admin moaners on here were once willing members looking for that precious mod position? Last time i checked wasn't broken and you can still play pool...
Posts: 10,109
16:42 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You sound more like a women scorned, was Chris responsible for booting you once and you found a chance to try and get back at him? Ohh, you really hurt him. He might've gotten a stitch from laughing at how bad your posts are. You showed him!

Are you for real?

Okay, admin on here do nothing, especially if you're a demoted mod that didn't get an admin position you RIGHTLY deserved. Yes, i said rightly.

Admin do a lot for this site, easily more than those people that come on for a few clan games and post negative comments regarding admin, mainly due to their moderator application being rejected.

In fact i wonder how many of the admin moaners on here were once willing members looking for that precious mod position? Last time i checked wasn't broken and you can still play pool...

I'd rather let YOU babysit than become admin, or a mod.

If you can't see the ongoing, rapid decline of the site, then there's no talking to you. There is a huge feeling of disappointment within the entire playing community on here, and your personal vendetta against the only person trying to do something about it - makes you equally as complicit as admin are.
Deleted User
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16:52 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
'You can stl play pool' that's the point, no you can't. It is very likely at any given time you will not be able to play pool as no one is on to play a game with. As for wanting to be mods or admins, at least they want to do something for the benefit of the site, something currently lacking. As for mods in general I personally see them do plenty.
Deleted User
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16:54 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you can't see the ongoing, rapid decline of the site, then there's no talking to you. There is a huge feeling of disappointment within the entire playing community on here, and your personal vendetta against the only person trying to do something about it - makes you equally as complicit as admin are.

I see the decline and i see the crappy tournament schedule, but trial and error. You seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick.

What i don 't condone is blaming admin who give up their FREE TIME in an effort to keep this site afloat. People move on, as does technology, so now people want to play on ipad etc.

It's not rocket science.

Some, like yourself, look for the nearest person you can have a dig at and in this case it's admin. The same admin that DO keep this site running, along with the moderators, in their own time. What i definitely don't expect to see is ex-mods like Chris throwing the dummy from the pram and breaking site rules because he didn't get his way, especially when he's penalized others in the past for practically the same thing.
Deleted User
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17:04 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's the point though, they don't give up their free time. Also trial and error? two years later it's a long trial.
Deleted User
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17:12 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see the decline and i see the crappy tournament schedule, but trial and error.

You want me to engage, so on this point I will. For fourteen months I tried to get the schedule changed. As you know, that does not need any input from nick unless there is a really major change. A major change was not particularly needed - at least not in the short term. Any Admin can make most changes to the schedule.

You're dead right. It's not rocket science. And changing the schedule may not have attracted additional players. But there's no reason why it could not be changed and it might just have helped keep some players around.

If you don't do it then we wont ever know. That's a key point.
Posts: 10,109
17:19 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's the point though, they don't give up their free time. Also trial and error? two years later it's a long trial.

They give up their free time infrequently. They've also seemed to have formed a cartel to stop anyone that might take the site forward from joining in their little clique.

If I could see some examples of their work, they may get the same admiration I have for chris. However, they just seem like a bunch of people bored of the site, that value the pseudo power their status brings.
Deleted User
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20:12 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Honestly don't understand how you can accuse chris of naming and shaming by not naming a specific admin? Obviously if he did name the person or persons in question like you wanted him to then he would have been breaking site rules.
it is frustrating for everyone that the simplest suggestions that would take very little effort and are common sense are ignored constantly ob the forums and a lot of loyal members finally got fed up and left.
Chris obviously has his views on what is needed to save the site as do most of us and after years of frustration couldn't carry on, he cared enough to bang his head against that brick wall for years though and do the moderator role unpaid for years and run the leagues unpaid for seasons and to give us all an honest explanation of why he was stepping down...that deserves respect not attack.
Posts: 19,819
21:38 Tue 3 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a shame Chris has quit as a mod tbh, lost 2 decent mods recently now. I have to say I do agree with saying some admins are lazy, I unlike most have actually said it to them hence why I am being careful with what I say (2 all ready don't like me ).
Though fastboysam has been in my clan since the start and I get along with him great.
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