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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:14 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Even most his clan want some change
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:26 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
wreck it again and back down to the usual I don't think the site can be wrecked anymore than what it is now, who are the usual suspects anyway considering most of the site what some changes...

Might be a good idea getting out a bit more Craig stop you constantly worrying about funkypool, a bit of fresh air will do you good
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:03 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
What I find so frustrating is that pretty much EVERYONE agrees that the rules as the stand are the best rules we have had yet they cannot understand why so many want change. Again, we know we are voting to make the defaults situation worse, we know we are voting to make arranging a game with an inactive opponent more annoying, we know we are voting for a system in the end we won't like. It's yet to register in the heads of the same few folk from their clan than post why we would do that. They would rather address people knowingly voting to make the league worse than address the root problem to keep it as is.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:17 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why doesn't each clan get times from their players, that they are usually on (e.g. I could say that I can be on, normally, anytime between 8.30am and 4.30pm). When the captains then submit the team sheets; they also send him the usual times people are on. This way, Chris can half match up timings = eliminating that excuse.

Obviously depends on Chris being totally unbiased and may also stop some of the complete randomness in player draws. On the plus side, Chris will have an idea on what could be problem times and will be able to tell whether people are trying to tactically sub, etc.

Feel free to scrutinise, just a quick idea.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:40 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I run a business and have three children to raise, I can't give you my times for an entire week as I can't remember a week where my plans haven't had to change. Like I say to all my opponents, a certain time should be ok but I'll confirm closer to it. So if I say wednesday next week, as it stands that's fine, so chris selects it and I have to change. The game is then unlikely to get played, and I'd get punished when I could have arranged it for many more occasions.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:46 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why doesn't each clan get times from their players, that they are usually on (e.g. I could say that I can be on, normally, anytime between 8.30am and 4.30pm). When the captains then submit the team sheets; they also send him the usual times people are on. This way, Chris can half match up timings = eliminating that excuse.

Obviously depends on Chris being totally unbiased and may also stop some of the complete randomness in player draws. On the plus side, Chris will have an idea on what could be problem times and will be able to tell whether people are trying to tactically sub, etc.

Feel free to scrutinise, just a quick idea.

It does take all the randomness out of it, but not all people have set times.

E.g, even though I am a UK daytime player, sometimes I will come on later if my opponent is a night time player, and sometimes vice versa.

As onevisit said, most people like the rules as they are, but just want one team to stop abusing the kind nature of the rest. Of course a team with that many very good players want to win things, and if they see matching up players after the fixtures come out as their best opportunity to win, then thats their prerogative, but it takes out the randomness that everyone else abides to.

Thats the main problem, hence why a lot of people are willing to change the rules to counter that.
Posts: 7,974
12:39 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
to clarify the clan leagues under Chris have never been ran better and fairer

the added bonus fewer defaults across all 3 leagues

this is what is wrong with FP ???

then you get funk making a dumb azz comment about me having a heart attack, your so bloody funny
don't pretend you don't no my heart is in AF and caused my stroke

your not funny at all, a little deranged maybe using peoples health to inflict more sick humour

this what is wrong with funkypool and clans the usual suspects posting argumentative, insulting and dam nasty posts, as I've said before deal with these people and FP will become a better place to be

not for a few but for everyone

reading pages and pages of rubbish on threads by the same old folk. tedious
admin will ban you for a dodgy name these days, but you can level loads of abuse at anyone as long as your untouchable
same people attack and question mods and admins abilities and decisions they make on how to run the site, these people give their time free
its unreal how these untouchables get away with their comments over and over again

people have been banned for much less

its not funny reading the constant and endless attacks on Ash its unreal how its been allowed to go on
and still does

deal with these people and funky will be a far happier place
for all not just a few who have massive egos
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:48 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh I'm sorry Craig I can't remember you telling me your heart is in af, get a grip you idiot, and top marks for your attempts at trying to get me banned, keep trying lad you might succeed one day

Funny post tbh, I was playing a new member a few weeks ago who came from snooker and he told me you are one of the delightful for people he met over the few weeks he'd been playing, seems you are not quite the saint in game as you are on the forums
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:52 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
When is someone gonna put a dummy in his gob?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:52 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

then you get funk making a dumb azz comment about me having a heart attack, your so bloody funny
don't pretend you don't no my heart is in AF and caused my stroke
this what is wrong with funkypool and clans the usual suspects posting argumentative, insulting and dam nasty posts, as I've said before deal with these people and FP will become a better place to be

not for a few but for everyone

reading pages and pages of rubbish on threads by the same old folk. tedious
admin will ban you for a dodgy name these days, but you can level loads of abuse at anyone as long as your untouchable
same people attack and question admins abilities and decisions they make on how to run the site, these people give their time free
its unreal how these untouchables get away with their comments over and over again

people have been banned for much less
its not funny reading the constant and endless attacks on Ash its unreal how its been allowed to go on
and still does

deal with these people and funky will be a far happier place
for all not just a few who have massive egos
you make a point and anyone answers and you spout this drivel. Like you keep saying, if you have a problem take it offline as this post has no relevance on a discussion thread. If you gonna go running to admin, go do it without telling us everytime. I pointed out we all agree this is the best but your clan are making us change. If you don't like it moan at your clan!!!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:49 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
A few meaningless stats. And I dont guarantee them as 100% correct before anyone else tries to check it more in depth and disprove them.

Across the three Leagues this season based on approximately 11 Fixture Sets and 19 matches (or 24 matches for those with two SL teams)...

XVth Man________ 37 subs and 16 swaps
Pool Sharks______ 34 subs and 16 swaps
FPD____________ 32 subs and 7 swaps
The Revolution____ 32 subs and 1 swap
The Professionals__ 29 subs and 2 swaps
Uprising__________22 subs and 14 swaps
Pocket Dynamos___16 subs and 5 swaps
Unbeatables_______15 subs and 6 swaps


The Revolution____ 16 subs and 0 swaps
XVth Man________ 14 subs and 6 swaps
Pool Sharks______ 13 subs and 9 swaps
The Professionals__ 11 subs and 0 swaps
FPD____________ 9 subs and 1 swaps
Uprising__________7 subs and 3 swaps
Unbeatables_______6 subs and 4 swaps
Pocket Dynamos___3 subs and 2 swaps


FPD____________ 12 subs and 6 swaps
XVth Man________ 12 subs and 2 swaps
Pool Sharks______ 12 subs and 0 swaps
The Professionals__ 10 subs and 2 swaps
The Revolution____ 10 subs and 1 swap
Uprising__________9 subs and 6 swaps
Pocket Dynamos___8 subs and 3 swaps
Unbeatables_______3 subs and 0 swaps


XVth Man________ 11 subs and 8 swaps (2 teams)
Pool Sharks______ 9 subs and 7 swaps (2 teams)
The Professionals__ 8 subs and 0 swaps
Uprising__________6 subs and 5 swaps (2 teams)
Unbeatables_______6 subs and 2 swaps (2 teams)
The Revolution____ 6 subs and 0 swaps
FPD____________ 5 subs and 0 swaps
Pocket Dynamos___5 subs and 0 swaps

Make of this what you will.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:55 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris, i know this would be a pain in the backside, but any chance you could show when the subs/swaps are done?

eg. 1-3 days
4-7 days
8-11 days
12-14 days?

or if you want to throw me the stats, i can have a bash at it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:55 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No for that you would have to trawl through the subs threads plus the individual clan threads.
Posts: 10,109
14:00 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it's obvious what we can all make of this! It certainly dispels the myth that every clan is manipulating the system. Personally though, I don't mind lots of justified subs, and unlike many, I think making a swap because you see 2 semi active players online at the same time is a good thing. It's all about the context. Pool Sharks and FPD's are towards the top because they have had problems with inactive players, and everyone is thankful to both those clans for making subs to get the fixtures played.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:02 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No for that you would have to trawl through the subs threads plus the individual clan threads.

No worries, thought that might have been the case.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:07 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris the all important statistic, how many defaults? I have one and that weren't our fault.

I have admitted making a few too many subs, we unfortunately have lost some players and suffered some inactive ones. Just because they are inactive does not mean their fixtures should be.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:12 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the numbers of subs and swaps across approximately 137 individual matches per clan (162 for SL clans with 2 teams) shows that 68-87% of all matches are completed with the original named players still in situ.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:23 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The all important stat, how many defaults?? More than unbeatables with 44 less subs and 17 less swaps.

The most important stat is how many people are in arguements because of the amount of subs and swaps. Again something that isn't sinking in.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:29 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think its more likely it confirms that the general issue is not the subs and swaps themselves in terms of quantities, but the problem between personalities, the tone of posts and everything else linked.

I have seen any number of needless agressive posts which have been non-sub/swap related - ie in response to the way a particular result has been recorded/reported/celebrated - but involving the same individuals.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:39 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's just a coincidence that the team at the root of the problem with how happy every one is in the league tops the list.
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