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00:10 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
As per usual you write about 'I and Yourselves' faust, sometimes change is to benefit ALL not just those who choose to embrace it.
Posts: 9,926
00:16 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Would've been a good idea if it was always like this. Could still be a good idea if it was for one, separate competition.

Now however, I have players that have played for me for over 2 years, some almost 3. Over half my team I have on facebook, and speak to regularly. We've become a team just like one of my real life pool teams. It really wouldn't sit right to have to forcibly break that up.

It's nothing to do with maintaining a status quo. Uprising have had ONE successful season, a couple of near misses, and the rest average at best. I don't resent Pro's success, or think their dominance makes the comp boring. I see it as something to aim for, to try and catch. This season, the top FIVE teams all recorded victories or draws against other top five teams. In any sport in the World this would be considered a success.

Would only look to trial it as a one off, not looking to change the FCL.............................................................................................................................yet
Posts: 10,109
00:32 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
As per usual you write about 'I and Yourselves' faust, sometimes change is to benefit ALL not just those who choose to embrace it.

I'm giving my perspective of a successful captain, that has kept a team going for many seasons. It's relevant to the discussion whether you can understand that or not.

Benefit of all? Imagine if this scheme did work, and you was the captain of one of these sides. Do you think there'd be any less grief than there was with Phoenix? Not a chance!

Horse, I'm all for it as a concept, in a separate competition. I still harbour doubts as to whether it could work with the site being like it is currently. There's fewer active players every week, and even the active players are less so than they used to be. The established clans have developed pathways of communications with their players over many seasons, and the experienced clans are the ones that make sure that the majority of fixtures get played. From a personal point of view, I have developed good working relationships with Matty, Sean, Zac, Sarah, Kat, Connor and even Huts when it comes to completing fixtures. So if the captains remained the same, that would be one positive, but all the understanding they've built up with their own players would be gone.

I'd definitely be happy trialling it, but only as a separate entity.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:47 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol i never see Chelsea give their players for free to smaller teams just to make the league interesting. There are a lot of good players around who arent in a clan and who can compete at good levels. Its good captains what we all miss. For example huts build a new team with players who werent in clans the previous season, which means that building a competitive team isnt impossible.

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.

I fully understand your why should we hand out our best players to others argument. The point is that clans are getting poorer by the season and many people keep saying it. The suggestion is something to mix it up to try and spice them up a bit.

It would only be a trial in one of the formats, i would not expect the FCL to change for next season

Edited at 21:08 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.
were not competitive whats the point of us being in the leagues then just to make up the numbers?? we want to win our games not just say hi gg gl cya ty for beating us no competition there
Posts: 9,926
00:50 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol i never see Chelsea give their players for free to smaller teams just to make the league interesting. There are a lot of good players around who arent in a clan and who can compete at good levels. Its good captains what we all miss. For example huts build a new team with players who werent in clans the previous season, which means that building a competitive team isnt impossible.

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.

I fully understand your why should we hand out our best players to others argument. The point is that clans are getting poorer by the season and many people keep saying it. The suggestion is something to mix it up to try and spice them up a bit.

It would only be a trial in one of the formats, i would not expect the FCL to change for next season

Edited at 21:08 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.
were not competitive whats the point of us being in the leagues then just to make up the numbers?? we want to win our games not just say hi gg gl cya

That is exactly what you are doing.

Yes you all want to win your games but over the season you will win nothing.
Posts: 7,297
00:51 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol i never see Chelsea give their players for free to smaller teams just to make the league interesting. There are a lot of good players around who arent in a clan and who can compete at good levels. Its good captains what we all miss. For example huts build a new team with players who werent in clans the previous season, which means that building a competitive team isnt impossible.

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.

I fully understand your why should we hand out our best players to others argument. The point is that clans are getting poorer by the season and many people keep saying it. The suggestion is something to mix it up to try and spice them up a bit.

It would only be a trial in one of the formats, i would not expect the FCL to change for next season

Edited at 21:08 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.
were not competitive whats the point of us being in the leagues then just to make up the numbers?? we want to win our games not just say hi gg gl cya ty for beating us no competition there

we (black scorpions ) have a few things we can win horse and we beat u well in FCL last set and in SL .

Edited at 22:00 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:55 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
in other words to all players new that join ---dont form or join a clan as your only there to make the numbers up and to get tonked by the top three teams yas will win nothing so its best just to forget it,,,hmmm good advert horsey

Edited at 22:02 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 22:04 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
01:04 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol i never see Chelsea give their players for free to smaller teams just to make the league interesting. There are a lot of good players around who arent in a clan and who can compete at good levels. Its good captains what we all miss. For example huts build a new team with players who werent in clans the previous season, which means that building a competitive team isnt impossible.

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.

I fully understand your why should we hand out our best players to others argument. The point is that clans are getting poorer by the season and many people keep saying it. The suggestion is something to mix it up to try and spice them up a bit.

It would only be a trial in one of the formats, i would not expect the FCL to change for next season

Edited at 21:08 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.
were not competitive whats the point of us being in the leagues then just to make up the numbers?? we want to win our games not just say hi gg gl cya ty for beating us no competition there

we (black scorpions ) have a few things we can win horse and we beat u well in FCL last set .

Well done you beat another clan who are there to make up the numbers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:06 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol i never see Chelsea give their players for free to smaller teams just to make the league interesting. There are a lot of good players around who arent in a clan and who can compete at good levels. Its good captains what we all miss. For example huts build a new team with players who werent in clans the previous season, which means that building a competitive team isnt impossible.

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.

I fully understand your why should we hand out our best players to others argument. The point is that clans are getting poorer by the season and many people keep saying it. The suggestion is something to mix it up to try and spice them up a bit.

It would only be a trial in one of the formats, i would not expect the FCL to change for next season

Edited at 21:08 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.
were not competitive whats the point of us being in the leagues then just to make up the numbers?? we want to win our games not just say hi gg gl cya ty for beating us no competition there

we (black scorpions ) have a few things we can win horse and we beat u well in FCL last set .

Well done you beat another clan who are there to make up the numbers

dont ya just LOVE sarcasm
Posts: 6,417
01:16 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol i never see Chelsea give their players for free to smaller teams just to make the league interesting. There are a lot of good players around who arent in a clan and who can compete at good levels. Its good captains what we all miss. For example huts build a new team with players who werent in clans the previous season, which means that building a competitive team isnt impossible.

Black Scorpions will win nothing so they are not competitive.

I fully understand your why should we hand out our best players to others argument. The point is that clans are getting poorer by the season and many people keep saying it. The suggestion is something to mix it up to try and spice them up a bit.

It would only be a trial in one of the formats, i would not expect the FCL to change for next season

Edited at 21:08 Sun 21/09/14 (BST)

Clans are getting poorer because u have only 10 people on the server during the day not because Underdogs cant win the league.
Posts: 6,417
01:18 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Me personally im against playing in the same team with people i might not like. After all i come on this site to have fun myself, not playing games for random people
Posts: 1,986
01:28 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To bad its not like it was years ago,when we had two divisions.
So the lesser teams didn't have to play the best Teams on the site like today.But i agree with Kieth those days are over and will no return.Now its same old 2 are 3 Teams win all the games.
And i truly think Captains like krazyash are to blame as all he wanted to do from day 1 was make changes which didn't set well with a lot a players.
(old saying,if it aint broke don't fix it lol)
Posts: 6,417
01:29 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmao lets all blame krazyash
Posts: 3,846
01:29 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
A sucessful team in any sport or anthing in life is built with loyalty, camerraderie and good leadership, if u think ill play for any other random team tha kiddin, i wunt even play at all if it werent 4 playing wi certain lads
Posts: 6,417
01:36 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
A sucessful team in any sport or anthing in life is built with loyalty, camerraderie and good leadership, if u think ill play for any other random team tha kiddin, i wunt even play at all if it werent 4 playing wi certain lads

Imagine yourself playing for krazyash, would be great haha

Sorry to say but this idea of alternating teams is crazy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:39 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To bad its not like it was years ago,when we had two divisions.
So the lesser teams didn't have to play the best Teams on the site like today.But i agree with Kieth those days are over and will no return.Now its same old 2 are 3 Teams win all the games.
And i truly think Captains like krazyash are to blame as all he wanted to do from day 1 was make changes which didn't set well with a lot a players.
(old saying,if it aint broke don't fix it lol)

lmao,,lets see was it ashs idea i think not so why blame ash,,,ash may have wanted changes but isnt everyone on funkypool entitled to an opinion,,or is it just the top three teams fatmikee
Posts: 8,315
01:42 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To bad its not like it was years ago,when we had two divisions.
So the lesser teams didn't have to play the best Teams on the site like today.But i agree with Kieth those days are over and will no return.Now its same old 2 are 3 Teams win all the games.
And i truly think Captains like krazyash are to blame as all he wanted to do from day 1 was make changes which didn't set well with a lot a players.
(old saying,if it aint broke don't fix it lol)

lmao,,lets see was it ashs idea i think not so why blame ash,,,ash may have wanted changes but isnt everyone on funkypool entitled to an opinion,,or is it just the top three teams fatmikee

Believe it or not ,,., i agree with mikee on that one .. if not broken why change it..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:46 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To bad its not like it was years ago,when we had two divisions.
So the lesser teams didn't have to play the best Teams on the site like today.But i agree with Kieth those days are over and will no return.Now its same old 2 are 3 Teams win all the games.
And i truly think Captains like krazyash are to blame as all he wanted to do from day 1 was make changes which didn't set well with a lot a players.
(old saying,if it aint broke don't fix it lol)

lmao,,lets see was it ashs idea i think not so why blame ash,,,ash may have wanted changes but isnt everyone on funkypool entitled to an opinion,,or is it just the top three teams fatmikee

Believe it or not ,,., i agree with mikee on that one .. if not broken why change it..

yes we know why as your another one of his many admirers ,,,idc what anyone says ash had ideas they never got implemented big deal so now were turning the convo back towards him are we ,,,children please jeez
Posts: 10,109
01:49 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To bad its not like it was years ago,when we had two divisions.
So the lesser teams didn't have to play the best Teams on the site like today.But i agree with Kieth those days are over and will no return.Now its same old 2 are 3 Teams win all the games.
And i truly think Captains like krazyash are to blame as all he wanted to do from day 1 was make changes which didn't set well with a lot a players.
(old saying,if it aint broke don't fix it lol)

lmao,,lets see was it ashs idea i think not so why blame ash,,,ash may have wanted changes but isnt everyone on funkypool entitled to an opinion,,or is it just the top three teams fatmikee

Believe it or not ,,., i agree with mikee on that one .. if not broken why change it..

yes we know why as your another one of his many admirers ,,,idc what anyone says ash had ideas they never got implemented big deal so now were turning the convo back towards him are we ,,,children please jeez

Actually mate, I think you'll find only Mikee is discussing Ash. As far as I'm aware, we're discussing Horse's idea here!
Posts: 8,315
01:49 Mon 22 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To bad its not like it was years ago,when we had two divisions.
So the lesser teams didn't have to play the best Teams on the site like today.But i agree with Kieth those days are over and will no return.Now its same old 2 are 3 Teams win all the games.
And i truly think Captains like krazyash are to blame as all he wanted to do from day 1 was make changes which didn't set well with a lot a players.
(old saying,if it aint broke don't fix it lol)

lmao,,lets see was it ashs idea i think not so why blame ash,,,ash may have wanted changes but isnt everyone on funkypool entitled to an opinion,,or is it just the top three teams fatmikee

Believe it or not ,,., i agree with mikee on that one .. if not broken why change it..

yes we know why as your another one of his many admirers ,,,idc what anyone says ash had ideas they never got implemented big deal so now were turning the convo back towards him are we ,,,children please jeez

You would know then eh ..
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