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The Unbeatables ~ We Aim To Pot, Not Plot ;)

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Posts: 6,417
16:12 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to put this out there, the arguments all seem to hinge on huts permission. Well if you read the rules word for word, rule 7.5 at no point says it needs a captains permission to approve this starting from 0-0 in order to get games played, it specifically says clan. As braveheart is a member of the clan is that not the clan making the attempt therefor making it valid. As for a sub needing permission, was this not played after midnight making it played on deadline day making it any players able to sub themselves in? If you follow the rules to the letter the game should stand as all rules were followed.

I dont agree with it. Yes true, it isnt specified to captains, but for the game to stand 2pac should be removed from their team now till the end of GSC. And do you think braveheart has the right to remove players from his team considering hes not captain? Thats why it says that clans should agree with it and not an individual player.
On the other hand i dont know why this game has caused so much tension, even if it went on default i think its pretty obvious who would have won it based on effort.

Thats something i didnt know. If its like that than i agree with chris too.
Just for the record, Harry and I had agreed in principle to a sub and game to start at 0-0 as long as Chris had agreed yesterday.
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16:13 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The only trouble is, we all know how childish and immature nuts can be, he will probably be on ignore now for rising above the lunacy of the captain
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16:13 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to put this out there, the arguments all seem to hinge on huts permission. Well if you read the rules word for word, rule 7.5 at no point says it needs a captains permission to approve this starting from 0-0 in order to get games played, it specifically says clan. As braveheart is a member of the clan is that not the clan making the attempt therefor making it valid. As for a sub needing permission, was this not played after midnight making it played on deadline day making it any players able to sub themselves in? If you follow the rules to the letter the game should stand as all rules were followed.

I dont agree with it. Yes true, it isnt specified to captains, but for the game to stand 2pac should be removed from their team now till the end of GSC. And do you think braveheart has the right to remove players from his team considering hes not captain? Thats why it says that clans should agree with it and not an individual player.
On the other hand i dont know why this game has caused so much tension, even if it went on default i think its pretty obvious who would have won it based on effort.
it's irrelevant what I think, I was just telling you what should happen because the way the rule is written. Under the rules, not common sense, this was always valid. Huts tried to use the rules without reading them properly.
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16:17 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
All valid questions.

Removal of a player from a clan is only required to activate the automatic right for a clan to make the substitution in a partially played game. Without that it becomes a matter for agreement between clans and in the last 24 hours of a fixture period that agreement can be expressed by any clan member on behalf of either clan.

The overarching rule though has to be the one that completely removes all restrictions on the making of subs in the last 24 hours. That exists to stop any situation whereby any vacant captain or vice captain leads to a game not being played where it otherwise would (or could) have been.

A clan wishing to restrict permission for the making of subs in the last 24 hours can still do so, but it has to be on the understanding that they are the only ones that can enforce that within their clan, not anyone else. If it is not followed for any reason at all then that is an internal matter for them alone.
Posts: 38,097
16:17 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
correct ruling in my opinion as hippes would not have been available so unless hippes had messed up effort wise theres no reason why the captain wouldn't do everything in his power to avoid a default.

clans should focus on completing games rather than thinking of defaults unless a player is inactive or makes no or little effort. thats why i think the leagues need a completion bonus again to give clans the incentive to complete games even if its 5 points (lower than win bonus)
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16:22 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Its a cup game - any completion bonus is irrelevant!!
Posts: 2,717
16:22 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
New Business!!

I said!!

Posts: 13,570
16:49 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
So yeah i'm confused with all the posts in the last few pages.. Does hippes' result stand against braveheart??

If it does count which it looks like it will , u will get all clans do this and I hope they do as it will cause trouble like it has , its called bending the rules which is accepted.

hardly, I think I made the point, in fact don't think there's many I didn't get across, but this wasn't a case of me leavin coz I was getting beat which I wouldn't do anyway. was a technical problem. the fact that the scoreline was a draw too. I've done the majority of the running n messaging, not much help coming from any1 in clan until harry last night. there was no arguments about this until last night funnily enough, when it could have been agreed to by you huts, but for I'm guessing personal reasons and you getting yourself banned before, you have let yourself down yet again.

In my opinion a match was played and did NOT go to default which is what we're here play pool!!

loved stu's new name for Scorpions reminds me of trying to sort out stuff with elite farce

anyway I gotta go tay work now or can I get a default on that??????
Posts: 7,324
16:51 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Franer if you ever post tripe like that on this thread again not only will I quit I will come find you and batter you with an Everton flag
Posts: 13,570
16:52 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville v dv8

8us: 3 - 2
9us: 2 - 3
8uk: 4 - 1

overall 9 - 6 to Andy. enjoyed these, v tight games. think I beat him on silly mistakes, and timing out on penultimate rack at 7 - 6 down was a disaster
Great match and best of luck m8
Posts: 492
17:43 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
_marc_ vs. erigert


neither of us really played well but he had horrible luck, potting 2 practically every shot
Posts: 3,250
17:49 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Good win marc

and unlucky there hippes, good player that.. We're still well in to win both FCL matches
Posts: 3,250
17:57 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixture Set 3

Unbeatables 2 v 0 Uprising

turtle1560 v cgibson92
franer_ v 2andygorams
mad_matt v derik_dalton
poolbiird v ritcho
_egotistical v sharky89
_niall_ v r1p0m4n_v2
t1pster v pirate_steve
_marc_ (2) v (0) erigert

The Professionals 0 v 0 Unbeatables

beenjammin v turtle1560
miss_harriet v _marc_
mattywellie v franer_
m0nster v mrmagic
_redherring_ v _egotistical
scott7a v _niall_
dvz v lateo1993
sixty_plus v greyhound

Deadline: Sunday 14th September
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18:44 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Unbeatables
Was: nathyboy vs horse10000
Now: king8ball1 vs horse10000

* nathyboy offline 4 days plus I can contact king more easily.
Posts: 492
19:13 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
_marc_ vs. cgibson92


9 ball



sorry guys, I have absolutely no luck when it comes to clan games, that's the reason I've avoided them so many years
Posts: 3,250
19:25 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Still a very good 6 mate, well done there
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19:54 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt v thegreatone7

us8 2-2
us9 4-0 (runout me)
uk8 1-3

overall 8-5 mad_matt

Ggs and gl for the rest of the season

Edited at 17:39 Sun 31/08/14 (BST)
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20:26 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
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20:51 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
_marc_ vs. cgibson92


9 ball



sorry guys, I have absolutely no luck when it comes to clan games, that's the reason I've avoided them so many years

6 points is a very good return against one of the most consistent players on funky mate, well done
Posts: 492
20:56 Sun 31 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks alot
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The Unbeatables ~ We Aim To Pot, Not Plot ;)

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