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Deleted User
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13:37 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
what about a separate killer league so fbl can go back to basics and it would just mean the killer league would require players be registered for the fbl clan.
wjy nkt go create a seperate event? I have made myself clear on killer for THIS SEASON.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:39 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
what about a separate killer league so fbl can go back to basics and it would just mean the killer league would require players be registered for the fbl clan.
wjy nkt go create a seperate event? I have made myself clear on killer for THIS SEASON.

thats what i saying and leave fbl to be run without killer
Posts: 10,109
14:17 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's disappointing for us, as we was 15 - 9 up against Pro's due to this...

derik_dalton & pirate_steve (6) vs (2) beenjammin & dvz

And was likely to go on and win that fixture. Now it appears we could lose the fixture as the result is scrapped. We'd also won the 3 other FBL killer games we went to a lot of effort to play. The fairest way would be to scrap killer after the initial set was complete.

I'm thankful you're going to the effort of running the league, but this decision COULD cost us 1st or 2nd place already!
Posts: 7,940
14:59 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Its unfortunate that killer has to go but I can see where onevisit is coming from, a few days ago some people suggested its best to run it at a minimum for this season and then after all leagues are finished have a look at how to go forward for the good of clan leagues overall, onevisit is trying to keep it going for the members that enjoy the FBL despite some people including myself suggesting it shuts down for the season, hes willing to put his time into it so lets all give him a chance to get through the season then see where it goes from there.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:06 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash, think you'll find the majority of our FBL matches are against some of the top teams in the league where we got a hammering in killer. Funny how you're all for killer being dropped.

I would take it on, but some of us have work.....
I'm doing 10-12 hours at work a day, have a puppy to contend with, a missus and a social life....

"It's just the way he wants to carry it on." That is most certainly his way or the highway....

I've never been an advocate fro Killer, from day 1 I've always said it should not be included in the Leagues. However I know when to 'put up and shut up', we don't run the Leagues, we have never even asked too so we should accept what rules or guidelines are place before us.

It's too easy to criticize, maybe a little more empathy and people would actually realize it's not as easy as people think.

onevisit (nor any League Runner) will ever please everyone 'that's life', also no-one is forcing anyone to participate in the leagues.

Yeah maybe some teams have lost out of points and maybe a position or too, it's unfortunate. We have not returned just because Killers been scrapped, we have returned for many reasons and it's good to be back.

As for time, don't start trying to get personal, you know nothing about me and what I do, good for you working all them hours, been there done that, doesn't make anyone better than anyone else.

Edited at 12:14 Tue 22/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 2,094
15:12 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It is harsh on us and other teams that have got good killer results but it seems onevisit is the only person willing to keep the league going so we have to back him with whatever he chooses to do, good luck m8!!
Posts: 19,967
16:33 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems a bit unfair after deliberately not offering a restart to scrap killer already played. Especially since that will have a big impact on the season now, if you were going to scrap games why not just restart the season since its barely just started, so you can scrap everything and then no clan is treated unfairly. Clearly certain clans will miss out and others will benefit largely.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:35 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash, think you'll find the majority of our FBL matches are against some of the top teams in the league where we got a hammering in killer. Funny how you're all for killer being dropped.

I would take it on, but some of us have work.....
I'm doing 10-12 hours at work a day, have a puppy to contend with, a missus and a social life....

"It's just the way he wants to carry it on." That is most certainly his way or the highway....

I've never been an advocate fro Killer, from day 1 I've always said it should not be included in the Leagues. However I know when to 'put up and shut up', we don't run the Leagues, we have never even asked too so we should accept what rules or guidelines are place before us.

It's too easy to criticize, maybe a little more empathy and people would actually realize it's not as easy as people think.

onevisit (nor any League Runner) will ever please everyone 'that's life', also no-one is forcing anyone to participate in the leagues.

Yeah maybe some teams have lost out of points and maybe a position or too, it's unfortunate. We have not returned just because Killers been scrapped, we have returned for many reasons and it's good to be back.


Edited at 12:14 Tue 22/10/13 (BST)

Where did I even mention your name Ash? Typical you, think everything is about you and everyone's out to get you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:36 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems a bit unfair after deliberately not offering a restart to scrap killer already played. Especially since that will have a big impact on the season now, if you were going to scrap games why not just restart the season since its barely just started, so you can scrap everything and then no clan is treated unfairly. Clearly certain clans will miss out and others will benefit largely.

Exactly my point Zante...thank you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:58 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Restart the FBL, we are only in the 1st fixture, that way treats all the same and also give onevisit time to set up a new website etc seeing as the other ones been completely removed.

Restart with no killer, less fixtures per set and start Afresh.

Job done.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:03 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Restart the FBL, we are only in the 1st fixture, that way treats all the same and also give onevisit time to set up a new website etc seeing as the other ones been completely removed.

Restart with no killer, less fixtures per set and start Afresh.

Job done.

Can't believe i'm going to say this Ash, but agreed lol

It'd be so much easier and things would be alot more fair too.
Posts: 1,405
17:03 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
A reboot is the best option and fresh start from scratch.

Be it 2, 3 or 4 weeks from now that it begins who cares.

That time alone would allow the runner to sort out what needs sorting and get the league running properly under his/her jurisdiction.
Posts: 19,967
17:05 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought the problem was too many fixtures not matches, with the SL soon to drop to 1 match per set that means only 2 or 4 players per clan will get to play killer so I don't see why it needs to be removed. It's easy to get it played.

I do think onevisit is doing a great job stepping up after the change in management shall we say. But now i see at least 80 odd points that have been removed which is a substantial amount to take out of a season.

Scrap FBL individuals for this season, that has t been touched on and since it hasn't started yet it would make no difference.

I don't see how killer is clogging up the schedule, the amount of games we have in each fixture is not the problem. It's the amount of fixtures we have per set. Removing killer will by and large have no impact on that. It's purely down to the amount of fixtures. We have 21 days left to play all current games, which a decent chunk have been played. So theres more than plenty of time to get killer played since most clans would get it finished before completing their non killer games. By that time the schedule can be put back into 2 matches per set and then there's no problem.

To me killer looks like a scapegoat
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:10 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Restart the FBL, we are only in the 1st fixture, that way treats all the same and also give onevisit time to set up a new website etc seeing as the other ones been completely removed.

Restart with no killer, less fixtures per set and start Afresh.

Job done.

Can't believe i'm going to say this Ash, but agreed lol

It'd be so much easier and things would be alot more fair too.

Lol, miracles do happen
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:17 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Maverick-myself and everyone else who have posted before wanting killer don't want it in it's current format for fbl.
As for restarting the season you guys want to scrub loads of games for the sake of a couple?!
Seasons are very short, onevisit said many times he isn't against killer but to look at it in conjunction with the other leagues after the season...that's what needs to be done because you have 4 killer games each set in super league with a crazy scoring system that take longer to get started than to play. Killer should be in FBL rather than super league but not in the current format. I'm sure all the league runners can discuss things after the season and get 3 totally unique leagues that work brilliantly together we just have 1 season without it to get there.
Posts: 7,940
17:25 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Never going to get everyone to agree so I'll repost the following.

Do people not think 3 leagues, possibly 2 cups, and two individual competitions (not to mention any snooker involvement too) is a little bit much to have on the go all at the same time?

Is this not an opportune moment to maybe take stock and work out a better way of accommodating everyone's favourites into a better schedule?

Just floating the suggestion.

Have to agree with this, people are always complaining theres too many games to play, give the FBL a break and once the FCL and SL season ends take a look at how this format can be incorporated into them somehow, 3 leagues is just crazy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:28 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
People like the FBL format and don't want to see it dropped
Posts: 19,967
17:33 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Is it not better to restart the season a week in, instead of playing months for a season that's lost part of its credibility.

I've not seen any post indicating otherwise, but this FBL season is scheduled to run until april. 6 months is hardly short.

Makes more sense to carry on with the 4 games in 4 weeks we have now then revert back to 2 per 2 weeks and only play each other once. Would bring the whole thing in line with the other 2 leagues.

As for the amount, there's only 2 games per team in SL. Some clans have 4, but because they opted for 2 teams and with the super league having less games, it doesn't really make a difference since a default in that league is rare. And it's going into the last set of 2 matches, after that it'll be one killer per team from the ones who get through (meaning some won't have any killer in 2-3 weeks.

I don't see how we can't have 3 unique leagues that work brilliantly together this season. The change to get it back to norm seems simple, so why is it being complicated?
Posts: 2,463
17:56 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree totally with zantet's last 2 posts. Said these things myself pages back. Also predicted the disputes, told ya so ;)

We've been given an extension, problem solved. No reason to scrap killer, other than certain people not wanting it, but again, it was there when they signed up. But if you insist on changing the format, restart the season.

Edited at 15:00 Tue 22/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:17 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
6 months? blinking nora!
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