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Deleted User
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23:15 Mon 14 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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23:18 Mon 14 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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23:28 Mon 14 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

After discussions with Admin I am pleased to Announce ... ONCE IN A LIFETIME Tournament!!!

Sunday 3rd November. 9PM - 8UK Tournament

Sunday 1st December 9PM - 9US Tournament

Sunday 5th January 9PM - 8US Tournament

And so on from there on

128 Entrants! One Great Tournament. One Great Champion.

All we need... is You. You to Join. Every Single one of you to Join in this very Special Tournament... in which the aim is simple, for 128 members to Join in... The Biggest Tournament of ALL TIME..... Be part of the biggest tournament FunkyPool has Ever and WILL EVER see!
Our objective is to get all the old players interested in the tournament side of things once again, This was a massive sucess over on snooker, thanks to m_wood ...With help from admin and other members we are hoping to make this even better than the one over on snooker

So Make sure you are here on Sunday 3rd, at 9pm.. tell everybody, and get everybody to Join!

ALL MEMBERS WELCOME!!!! But be warned... there is only 128 spots available
Posts: 19,819
04:35 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
cool :) will be there, though i hate 8buk.
will the 4th one be straight pool?
Posts: 292
05:53 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Gonna request a name change.... Once in a lifetime doesn't happy every first sunday of a month
Deleted User
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08:27 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Gonna request a name change.... Once in a lifetime doesn't happy every first sunday of a month

once a month. pms tourni??
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:17 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
People may want them more often, but if there is a decent amount of time between each tourney then more people will flock to the tourney when it kicking off.

For instance, the world cup. It has such a sacred meaning, because it only happens once every 4 years, if it happened every year, then it would lose its status as one of the best trophies to win.

I hope this tourney and its creators stick to keeping it at a tourney a month, because it will keep people wanting to come back and play in it.
Posts: 4,775
15:57 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes, that will keep bringing I'm guessing 100+ people here once a month. A weekly tournament would bring not quite as many but a lot more than what we have now....... once a week.

It all depends on what the aim is, if its just to have a special tournament and that's it then yes....... once a month. If its to get people online all the time, and I don't mean 24/7 I mean more than once a week...... there needs to be something in between.
Deleted User
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21:46 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If its once a week, the tournament loses its value. Keep it once a month or once a season.
How does it lose its value, people know at time if i join tourny at this time i know loads of players will be on, like 9 ball marathons used to be like 4-5 years ago, like always 40+ entries

I think daily would be perfect! No doubt it will have 50+ each time...thats already a MAJOR increase in the tournaments we play everyday
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:48 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I missed out on the snooker 1 cause i didnt see the tourny pop up to join, i was in game, and am jus a bit disappointed that i missed it, gutted really

Edited at 18:54 Tue 15/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:57 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I want to join another asap, and im sure deep down majority do want to play it now if they could lol. Come lets take a real vote here...

I think for the once a week or month should be a random tournament, as it will be multiple types in one tournament.
Or we have that option of 1 Tournament per game type daily (minus arcades/or with them, if enough want that).


Once a month:

Once a week:

Once a day:
Posts: 1,594
22:14 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The thing with tournaments is there is just way too many, ya no its a joke in itself that there are more than 1 tourny going on at any given time...

Everyone should have the chance to play every tournament, like say i played the 9 ball tournament and won it, while this was happening an 8us 1 started which i could not join but i could of won that aswell..

Makes no sense to me, there is just no value in tournaments because of the volume they come in, the medal hunters ( u no who u are ;)) should not really be top of the list, its only through how much time they spend on the site opposed to how good they really are which is wrong, u shudnt be punished for not spending enough time on the site which is obviously why it was put it place, to try n keep people on here longer, but in fact its done the opposite!

On these big events, i would vote for 4 a year thats 1 every 3 months, big advertising before the tourny like the snooker 1 had and leave it as that, anything under a month would not be worth doing, why not ruin something else funky :P
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:19 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I want to join another asap, and im sure deep down majority do want to play it now if they could lol. Come lets take a real vote here...

I think for the once a week or month should be a random tournament, as it will be multiple types in one tournament.
Or we have that option of 1 Tournament per game type daily (minus arcades/or with them, if enough want that).


Once a month:

Once a week:

Once a day:

its already sorted and aranged mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:22 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I want to join another asap, and im sure deep down majority do want to play it now if they could lol. Come lets take a real vote here...

I think for the once a week or month should be a random tournament, as it will be multiple types in one tournament.
Or we have that option of 1 Tournament per game type daily (minus arcades/or with them, if enough want that).


Once a month:

Once a week:

Once a day:

its already sorted and aranged mate
Just i saw poolbiird talking bout it still, and figured we should take a vote...i think the players deserve that much
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:48 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
No vote needed.. why would we want one more often then every month.. it would just be the same as any other tourny..

I probably wont even play more then 1 or 2 of these cos there too close together at every 4 weeks..

There need to be as few as possible during the year to keep people interested and excited about the upcoming event..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:51 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
well its never gonna change the tournaments daily...until people realize all it takes is planning, like on snooker, then we can have 50+ in each tourny daily.

I will have to do this on my own, ill get loads for a UK marthon ;) in due time..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:57 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I will be recruiting for a tournament probably a random tourny

Sunday October 20th
Posts: 4,775
23:17 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I want to join another asap, and im sure deep down majority do want to play it now if they could lol. Come lets take a real vote here...

I think for the once a week or month should be a random tournament, as it will be multiple types in one tournament.
Or we have that option of 1 Tournament per game type daily (minus arcades/or with them, if enough want that).


Once a month:

Once a week:

Once a day:

its already sorted and aranged mate
Just i saw poolbiird talking bout it still, and figured we should take a vote...i think the players deserve that much

Your wasting your time lol The aim obviously isn't to bring more players on a daily basis, just once a month
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:24 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
People will not come on daily to have a 50 + tourny , there needs to be build up

theres no pleasing everyone which is why , I HAVE decided every 4 weeks is probably about right.

Totally up to you if you want to set up something seperate

Posts: 4,775
23:25 Tue 15 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
They did before so why wouldn't they again?

I don't agree with daily btw, I'm on about weekly...... but still
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