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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:32 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
ALL Leagues should be run by Mods tbh, that's where a lot of problems seem to stem from.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:55 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Why should Mods need to run the leagues? League runners are there to do that. And if it gets out off hand Mods do get involved to stop it going further.
Posts: 10,109
06:12 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The problem isn't clan numbers, it's the amount of clan hoppers, and captains that are poor at recruitment. This will happen however many players are in a team. Just like in real life, loyalty is a rare commodity - and if you've spent 2 years finding players that aren't clan hoppers - you should be rewarded for this rather than punished.

After spending 2 years making an effort to find 15 loyal, great players - why should I have to cut numbers just because some captains are rubbish at recruiting, and some players have no loyalty? It's dumbing down to the lowest common denominator, which never works in the long term.
Posts: 7,974
11:22 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Poor captains, clan hoppers and poor recruiting
Isn't the problem with clan pool

There are only a small number of great players on this site
The league isn't right at all

Let's try and answer your points
1) clan hoppers
they have been around since clans started and in any other sport, success is what drives these players and friendships and will always continue
2) rubbish captains
In clan pool there has always been poor captains but the above has a big part to play
Also there have and still are very good captains with good reliable players
Some with not the greatest players, however still want to play clan pool
3) poor recruiting
There are only so many great players only so many reliable players
But new players enter the leagues and have a massive wake up call
At the demands of clan pool, they leave and never return
Not poor recruiting or captain gist called the demands on people who play this site for fun

You've missed some important reasons why the above points happen
No matter what sport your involved in no one likes or enjoys being slaughtered, yes raise your game and pit your wits in maybe one or two games but week in week out be serious
Captains have sold a dream to players that we can be competitive
Reality it just didn't happen
The captain wasn't rubbish he put a team together
You say been rewarded, what by battering novice players into submission week in week out, hammering captains and players on threads
Posts: 2,094
11:35 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Why should clan numbers be reduced, no one is stopping clans from having less players if that's what they want. I don't see why we should be punished for having a loyal and reliable team
Posts: 7,974
11:41 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Captains having to motivate his or her players to keep getting hammered week in week out is hardly rubbish is it, it's special

Teams playing each other with the same standard players giving players and captains the chance to be competitive is what is required
Not having a world champion boxer fighting a pub fighter

2 or 3 divisions is what's required smaller teams, players and captains to be encouraged to do so

Stronger and more capable teams play each other more

Cricket and rugby do this there called tests, once in a while they have a word cup to see who is the best in the world

Less crap on threads less games less players in teams leads to better competition more fun

Means more time for players and captains to establish themselves

Teams of 16 are needed for the amount of games and the amount of leagues to be played in

One league more competitive divisions more choices as in killer etc more fun and less demands on players and captains

If you where a new captain with new players reading your comments you say getting hammered week in week out
Doesn't encourage clan hoppers and been a rubbish captain
Recruiting the captain did this and lost his players and team
Because bigger teams get off on battering them

Give them a chance to establish themselves take your blinkers off
Don't slate new players and captains,,,,,,,,, encourage them

Clan threads are full of encouragement lol
Posts: 10,109
12:25 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't agree with anything you've contributed there Craig. Uprising started as the worst team, took many a battering, but the players stuck with me. I know for a fact I can recruit a team full of noobs, and make the team last the season. Any other captain could do the same, but none of them seem to want to be in the same clan for more than one season.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:29 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
More tripe by craig, no one likes getting beat. Well thank god you pointed that out. Good teams beat bad teams. Do these tests only get played between the top nations in rugby or d teams like Samoa, Canada etc play too? Utter tripe.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:29 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Does make me laugh how a certain captain that rhymes with gash is preaching about thinking about next season and what not this early....and yet I've found out that he's asked at least two of our players to join him!

Wonder who he's thinking of booting from the team...
Posts: 7,974
12:54 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't agree with anything you've contributed there Craig. Uprising started as the worst team, took many a battering, but the players stuck with me. I know for a fact I can recruit a team full of noobs, and make the team last the season. Any other captain could do the same, but none of them seem to want to be in the same clan for more than one season.

So beating up on newbies is a good thing
Says it all
Team captains have always come and gone
And shush stu a team full of noobs go back at your original team list

Teams need to be playing as close as they can to skill levels of others
I don't care what was or is
Things have to change

How can you say it's great beating up on teams
You don't or hardly ever play clan games, why ?
It's simple your ego, when you get beat it would be hard to bare when your the only player to lose or you hand pick your opponents
so you don't play

It's much the same in lower teams some players cringe at having to play top players knowing they will probably get smacked 14-1or15-0
So they go AWOL
Much the same as the example you set
It's not a dig it's an example

Getting off on beating not so great teams isn't great
And you don't agree speaks volumes

The sooner league runners go back to two divisions the better
Posts: 7,974
13:01 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
More tripe by craig, no one likes getting beat. Well thank god you pointed that out. Good teams beat bad teams. Do these tests only get played between the top nations in rugby or d teams like Samoa, Canada etc play too? Utter tripe.

Utter tripe ?
What trying to equal things out
Getting skill levels closer is tripe
We'll your comments speak volumes
But hey no surprise there

My comments are accurate and fair

Bad teams bad players behave yourself
New players come into clan life there not the greatest and their first experience is getting killed 15.0
Yes I'm sure you'd enjoy that and keep coming back for more

If they play people
as close too or equal too themselves
It would encourage players to stay

And get the longevity required to get better
Posts: 10,109
13:02 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
That is (yet another) post packed full of utter nonsense.

1. Even this season we still have four players that had never played for a funkpool clan pre-Uprising.

2. I never said anything about beating newbies. That's all the voice in your head.

3. I don't pick myself to keep players happy with enough games. Same reason Eri hardly played last season.

That is all fact, and anything you say different is either simple stubbornness, or a basic inability to understand.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:29 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The sooner league runners go back to two divisions the better

This Season's FCL does in effect end up as two Divisions as each team will have played the other clans around them of a similar standard twice during the Season.
Posts: 7,974
13:29 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
oh no here we go again
the start of the insults


if clan pool was so great why is it in such turmoil
to many games
to many leagues
to much hassle

clans have to sort this for the longevity of the game
trust me change will occur that's guaranteed
and it will be better for the overall experience of both new and existing players visiting the site and wanting to play in clan pool
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:29 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Utter tripe ?
What trying to equal things out
Getting skill levels closer is tripe
We'll your comments speak volumes
But hey no surprise there

My comments are accurate and fair

Bad teams bad players behave yourself
New players come into clan life there not the greatest and their first experience is getting killed 15.0
Yes I'm sure you'd enjoy that and keep coming back for more

If they play people
as close too or equal too themselves
It would encourage players to stay

And get the longevity required to get better
Your logic is so stupid!!!

Why would anyone not enjoy getting the best score they can? Did you try brag about two of your scores to me last week? One of them hilariously was a loss. I joined, got bashed, practised, got bashed less, practised, started winning, practised some more, bashed everyone on here, stopped practising, now not as good, The theme there is fairly obvious. I got better playing better players. Playing crap players all the time will never improve your skills. Everyone on here got bashed fairly regularly at the start but are all still here, including yourself. So who are you to say getting beat big is what's making folk leave when from your experience thats not the case. You made a point about tests, i rubbished that point, If you want two leagues say it rather than using tripe for reasoning.
Posts: 7,974
13:36 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The sooner league runners go back to two divisions the better

This Season's FCL does in effect end up as two Divisions as each team will have played the other clans around them of a similar standard twice during the Season.

Chris it requires 2 separate leagues based on ability
to keep the majority of players at a similar level both average and very good
the mix is so far out of touch
players getting beat 15-0 all the time or scores to that level isn't conducive to fair play, in my opinion
its needs addressing 2 divisions gives teams something to play for
winning is what its about
promotion and relegation
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:42 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Two Divisions does not cope very well with teams folding. If the wrong teams fold you can end up with one Division of 3 clans and one of 6 clans - which would probably have happened this season with the two clans that have folded already. Plus it only works properly for the one Season as then subsequently new good clans joining Division 2 completely destroys the equilibrium.

This season's format may solve those issues plus the issue of having more meaningful matches between teams of equal(ish) ability without making the format last overly long.

As for having something to play for, the teams in the bottom half at the split will then compete for the 'Division 2' title and also will potentially earn a bye through to the 2nd Round of next Season's Cup competition. Its just a small prize to compete for.

It may not work but at least deserves a chance.
Posts: 7,974
13:52 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

well my logic is stupid and tripe

read your post
ego is what your about, it shines through loud and clear
my bragging about games lmao
you made a comment about a score
that you would give in a default game purely speculation that's a fact
i gave 2 examples of results against far superior players to the one you said would beat me 10-5
the players i quoted were a class above
bragging lamo i gave an example back

you didn't like it, as you don't now hence the insults
as per, no solution offered just knock people with suggestions

let me tell you clan pool
has to many games
to many leagues
to much hassle and abuse getting games played
facts and its never been so bad
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:56 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

well my logic is stupid and tripe

read your post
ego is what your about, it shines through loud and clear
my bragging about games lmao
you made a comment about a score
that you would give in a default game purely speculation that's a fact
i gave 2 examples of results against far superior players to the one you said would beat me 10-5
the players i quoted were a class above
bragging lamo i gave an example back

you didn't like it, as you don't now hence the insults
as per, no solution offered just knock people with suggestions

let me tell you clan pool
has to many games
to many leagues
to much hassle and abuse getting games played
facts and its never been so bad
My ego has nothing to do with the fact you make a point and can't back it up. I loved pointing out you have been hammered plenty times this season but you count a loss as a great score. The point being When clan was at its 'peak' pplayers still got bashed week in week out. the difference is with one league its competitive at the top and also the bottom, two leagues never are when a new team is formed with probable division 1 players and they run away with it. Happens EVERY season with two leagues. I look forward to your gibberish response.
Posts: 7,974
14:03 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
currently reading your posts on the wolf pack thread speaks volumes to everything im saying
take your head out of the shed

gibberish ive read with interest your posts
every season it happens with 2 leagues it doesn't back your rubbish up

the very last season it happened both div one and div 2 teams folded

prior to that it was mostly successful
now check your facts
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