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Posts: 9,926
21:12 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I disagree, there is a probable score. If we played 100 matches, you'd certainly win some of them (and yeah you spanked me good once ) but the average score of those 100 matches is predictable.
This average should be our starting score for a default, before effort is considered.

How can it be predictable if on my day i can spank you if i play well

Unless you think everyone would predict a10 -5 win for me

That is why ability and predictions should never come into defaults as anyone can beat anyone on their day.

Defaults are only a default as the players involved have not managed to play the game which in 90% of the cases is because one or both players have not put in the effort required.

Uprising don't get defaults as there players chase and the captain happily swaps or subs to get games played early. If one of their games did go to default i could almost guarantee it would not be due to lack of effort on uprisings part. So there players are active and chase games and they have a great captain who is proactive in getting games played. If all clans were run like this we wouldn't have to worry about defaults there wouldn't be any
Posts: 2,463
21:14 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
(responding to ash)
Of course there are matches with surprising results, but if that killer match was played 100 times......

Would rather them all get played, surprises welcome. But if it wasn't played, starting with the most probable score lessens the impact of the default.
Posts: 9,926
21:17 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
(responding to ash)
Of course there are matches with surprising results, but if that killer match was played 100 times......

Would rather them all get played, surprises welcome. But if it wasn't played, starting with the most probable score lessens the impact of the default.

No all it does is not allow for the unpredictability of pool. And it means defaults will always be biased towards the better players or teams which is wrong as a default is down to getting a game played and effort.
Posts: 2,463
21:23 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i disagree again keith, anyone canNOT beat anyone on their day, unless we're talking about a race to 2

Ability should be considered,
A, great player vs B, poor player.
probable score 14-1 ok?
Goes to default, noone to blame, tried equally.
B does not deserve equal points, if it had been played 20 times he might have scored more than 3 points once or twice.
To only consider effort made, would be a huge hit to playerA's team, and it would actually reward B's team,

Defaults are suppose to prevent unplayed games from affecting the league table. To start with the most likely score, is least likely to affect the league table. Yes, the unpredictability has been lost, but that was lost when the game didn't get played.

Edited at 19:36 Wed 26/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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21:29 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
What's to stop a team keeping their best player till near the end of the fixture, sub them in versus the oppositions inactive one knowing full well the panel will go hmmm not a chance to the inactive one and award all points to the player subbed in as they are much better on stats or having a better season?

This is an extreme example but a way to manipulate and also if the said player is mates/pally with those on the disclosed panel (which should be kept secret) how can you stop anyone being biased.

The whole ideas a farce and a joke, IF you haven't bothered to play a match you get diddly squat (Zilch) - If the Captain or Vices from other side (opponents) have failed to act appropriately then that's the duty of the League Runners or panel to investigate why and how to rectify such a thing from re-occurring, not judge whether someone's better than another. To ensure ALL things League wise run smoothly, hence the runner part in their title. (I'd prefer mystic meg) to predict the scores and guess what she got found out to be a fake.

Edited at 19:35 Wed 26/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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21:39 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
How about this scenario.

One fixture remaining and Phoenix storm are 5 points clear at the top of the FCL table.

You complete all your matches and get 61 points.

Uprising only play 7 matches scoring 52 points with the 8th going to default, but it is beyond all reasonable doubt they have put 100% effort into getting that match played. The final match is pirate_steve vs beenjammin. (not that been would have a default like that )

Uprising have not had a 15 - 0 all season with their highest being a 13 -2. It is highly unlikely that pirate_steve will score a high number of points in the fixture. However, because you are so adamant defaults get based truely on effort they of course get a 15 - 0 on the default bringing their match total too 67 points.

The default completely skews the league table and Uprising win the league by 1 points.

Sounds like a perfect system to me.

The idea is that defaults are compensation for a team not at fault. Everyone seems to be equating effort and points to the same thing - they are not. Effort has no direct influence on the league table, points too - So why should a default be based solely on effort?

Edited at 19:42 Wed 26/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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21:49 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
One the Default score available should not be 15, IF effort and application is applied then through no fault of Uprisings then they should be awarded whatever points they deserve according to set criteria.

They miss out on the league not through their own fault but does take 2 to complete a fixture. IF a League Runner notices no matches or a possible problem then surely you would assume they would act than just watch the match go to default? To ensure ALL matches can get played or the league to run smoothly.

Wouldn't be surprised maybe they might be given an extension who knows...only the league runners decide.
Posts: 2,463
21:55 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
What's to stop a team keeping their best player till near the end of the fixture, sub them in versus the oppositions inactive one knowing full well the panel will go hmmm not a chance to the inactive one and award all points to the player subbed in as they are much better on stats or having a better season?

You brought up last minute subs before, and I said then I'm pretty sure the player used in the default would be the one that was there for the majority of the fixture. (if not, it should be this way)
Do you read other people's posts?
Deleted User
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22:01 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Start a Default 10-10 then deduce from the following 2 points a time.

Then according too:

1. Effort
2. Messages sent (Are they concise, do they make sense)
3. Co-operation between (players and teams)
4. Activeness
5. Extra -Mile (Did either offer alternate players) not necessarily a sub)


1. Players ability (are they likely to win this or get hammered)
2. What team do they play for (and don't tell me this wont be part of the prediction (you can't rule it out more than you can IN))
3. What effect will it have on the League (who cares, 2 weeks to play a fixture, if not played then obviously not enough effort or application made from BOTH sides)

Just an idea - I PREDICT this to be completely squashed or ridiculed and I didn't need a PANEL to get to that conclusion.
Posts: 9,926
22:06 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Start a Default 10-10 then deduce from the following 2 points a time.

Then according too:

1. Effort
2. Messages sent (Are they concise, do they make sense)
3. Co-operation between (players and teams)
4. Activeness
5. Extra -Mile (Did either offer alternate players) not necessarily a sub)


1. Players ability (are they likely to win this or get hammered)
2. What team do they play for (and don't tell me this wont be part of the prediction (you can't rule it out more than you can IN))
3. What effect will it have on the League (who cares, 2 weeks to play a fixture, if not played then obviously not enough effort or application made from BOTH sides)

Just an idea - I PREDICT this to be completely squashed or ridiculed and I didn't need a PANEL to get to that conclusion.

Why are you starting with 20 points when there are only 15 available in an FCL game?
Deleted User
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22:21 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Coz i dont think 15 should be on offer, plus no one should get 10 if so why the default in the first place.
Posts: 9,926
22:24 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Coz i dont think 15 should be on offer, plus no one should get 10 if so why the default in the first place.

You offer is 20 points if they both had 100% effort and messages to get game done which is clearly wrong. In the past if this scenario has happened the score on default would be 7-7.
Deleted User
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22:42 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ahh fair enough maybe start on 7.5 then each? Can increase but should one then deduct from the other? Making the full 15 available.
Posts: 7,297
23:24 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just thought of an idea why don't we allow 1extra day more after deadline for any unplayed games so defaults shouldn't be the option .
Deleted User
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23:27 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
What's the point in setting deadlines then? IF some fixtures are given Lifelines?
Deleted User
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00:59 Thu 27 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any chance mike could be made eligible for this set to allow some games with eagles to be played. Also cause of the extenuating circumstances, ie both captains comps busted meaning they are losing players, can a signing or two be made eligible immediately? Don't see the issue as a one of to keep a team going.
Posts: 7,974
03:11 Thu 27 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
How about this scenario.

One fixture remaining and Phoenix storm are 5 points clear at the top of the FCL table.

You complete all your matches and get 61 points.

Uprising only play 7 matches scoring 52 points with the 8th going to default, but it is beyond all reasonable doubt they have put 100% effort into getting that match played. The final match is pirate_steve vs beenjammin. (not that been would have a default like that )

Uprising have not had a 15 - 0 all season with their highest being a 13 -2. It is highly unlikely that pirate_steve will score a high number of points in the fixture. However, because you are so adamant defaults get based truely on effort they of course get a 15 - 0 on the default bringing their match total too 67 points.

The default completely skews the league table and Uprising win the league by 1 points.

Sounds like a perfect system to me.

The idea is that defaults are compensation for a team not at fault. Everyone seems to be equating effort and points to the same thing - they are not. Effort has no direct influence on the league table, points too - So why should a default be based solely on effort?

Edited at 19:42 Wed 26/03/14 (GMT)

In this situation I would ask why my captain didn't to make subs
And why he left it so late
If the game went to default
The team would deserve to win or lose the league title
In this scenario
Posts: 7,974
03:25 Thu 27 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Remember games heading for defaults
It Is the captains responsibility to make subs and ensure games are played

Stop puzzy-footing about here
If players can only play weekends don't put them in
It's a 2way thing
If players refuse to play boot them out

It's weak and tactical captains that are to blame
If a player can't sort a game in the first few days they shouldn't be in the fixture to start with
Defaults aren't the problem
It's crap captains

How can captains include deactivated players, twice that's happened this season

League runners should step in and bloody sort it

Don't blame act on it

If you see it penalise them there and then
Deduct points

Again it's not a player that dictates when and how a game gets played
It's a commitment in joining a clan
If they can't or won't it's the captains fault
Boot them
Reduce the number of games and increase teams

Only reliable players need to join

Ban managers
Again it's their commitment to the league that their players are committed to playing games

Why have a player that only plays mornings against a player who only plays evenings

Swap them

Stop the crap on threads and use them for the intended purpose to arrange games

If players can't arrange a time the captains should intervene
And sort it

Edited at 01:28 Thu 27/03/14 (GMT)
Posts: 1,405
03:40 Thu 27 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
How come you have went from heaping praise on the runners and the current set up to now saying its a total farce ?
Deleted User
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04:46 Thu 27 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
How come you have went from heaping praise on the runners and the current set up to now saying its a total farce ?

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