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Posts: 2,463
02:12 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Games between players of more equal ability are more susceptible to luck (one of your previous points). You could end up not gaining many points from both games as opposed to one.

exactly, it makes no diffference, 15-0 and 0-15, or 8-7 and 7-8, you get 15 points either way
Posts: 7,974
02:12 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It allows for games to be played - where there is no reason on either side for them not to be - if there is no Captain or Vice Captain online.

Chris the above happened we should encourage new players
not set them up
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02:18 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Games between players of more equal ability are more susceptible to luck (one of your previous points). You could end up not gaining many points from both games as opposed to one.

exactly, it makes no diffference, 15-0 and 0-15, or 8-7 and 7-8, you get 15 points either way

No you missed the point - two games susceptible to luck and you could end up with 0 from both (in the extreme ). Make the swap and you reduce the luck in one game and have the chance of 13 - 15 from your better player. Your other may still luck out too in their game.

However all hypothetical so pretty pointless.
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02:19 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It allows for games to be played - where there is no reason on either side for them not to be - if there is no Captain or Vice Captain online.

Chris the above happened we should encourage new players
not set them up

The only people with a chance to guarantee it, without at the same time stifling the chance to get other games played where they can, are those in control of the clan.
Posts: 9,926
02:20 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
we had an issue with this rule last seaosn
subbing in and out of games on dead line day, this does need looking at

i was in a fixture and online all the way through

a team waited till i was offline and got a new player who didnt no the rules to sub in

this isnt what the league wants is it ??

this was open abuse of the rule, why do you need it captains and vice captains are normally on last day anyway and make a list of players available to play anyway

so what makes this rule viable

I remember the occasion you speak off, but it is for the individual clans to make sure that there players know what is expected of them on deadline day, it should never be a league rule in my opinion.

For your game, your captain just needed to post on your thread stating that no one was to sub in as you had done everything you could to get game done and now if you didnt get it played on deadline day it would go to default. Or they could have posted saying only player 'a' and player 'b' are allowed to sub in. Both of these things are instructions from a captain / vice captain as to how they want their team to run, neither have anything to do with the league rules.
Posts: 2,717
02:22 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Forgot u need to be a noticable figure of ideas and thoughts before your heard in this thread....................................

burn the league start over.
Posts: 2,717
02:23 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
no mind the minors..

all top names need only post!!
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02:25 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Forgot u need to be a noticable figure of ideas and thoughts before your heard in this thread....................................

burn the league start over.

I read your post but couldn't make out which side you were on. You spoke of leagues being won by teams that win the most fixtures - which is effectively what we have and then you said you were in favour of leagues being won by frames which is similar to leagues being won by goals scored - ie by winning margins rather than by beating opponents.
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02:25 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The current system does rely on the integrity of clans, but it is supposed to be there to reduce defaults.

Realistically the only way you are going to "solve" the subbing issue (and yes, I know it has been exploited) is too change the rule to either;

- Captains/Vices are the only clan members who can perform subs/swaps at any point in the fixture. (Will arguably increase defaults and relies on captains/vices being online)

- Any clan members can perform subs/swaps (Relies on each clan member being educated on their responsibilities, which in an ideal world they should be anyway)

I'l reiterate Chris' point and say league runners should not get involved in clan management issues.
Posts: 2,717
02:28 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Forgot u need to be a noticable figure of ideas and thoughts before your heard in this thread....................................

burn the league start over.

I read your post but couldn't make out which side you were on. You spoke of leagues being won by teams that win the most fixtures - which is effectively what we have and then you said you were in favour of leagues being won by frames which is similar to leagues being won by goals scored - ie by winning margins rather than by beating opponents.

No i said frames can count if the 2 top teams come against each other and have the same amount of points..may frame difference only count then.( thats what i mean).

Points in the league is what i would like a as a player who don't post much on discussion but id like this heard.
Deleted User
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02:31 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Forgot u need to be a noticable figure of ideas and thoughts before your heard in this thread....................................

burn the league start over.

I read your post but couldn't make out which side you were on. You spoke of leagues being won by teams that win the most fixtures - which is effectively what we have and then you said you were in favour of leagues being won by frames which is similar to leagues being won by goals scored - ie by winning margins rather than by beating opponents.

No i said frames can count if the 2 top teams come against each other and have the same amount of points..may frame difference only count then.( thats what i mean).

Points in the league is what i would like a as a player who don't post much on discussion but id like this heard.

What....You mean.....kind of like we are trying to do with the FBL?
Posts: 9,926
02:33 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Scrap the bonus points system..

Play it like a league should be played -frames for against -points.

If one team batters another to submission by 98 points..then their rivals for the league win by 88 it will count on difference only if the 2 said teams draw V one another in there respective match up.

Hense points( 3 a win 1 a draw) total add up at seasons end..wins the league etc etc..sorry if i said things wrong but im sure use get me.

I have asked for the 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw several times. And frames only come into play to separate teams level on points. Usually it gets disregarded as there is a desire to beat players by as many points as possible and for teams who lose games to still to win league if another team is unbeaten.

I also suggested each individual match be worth 2 points which has also been disregarded. That was despite shown last season that the league would have been exactly the same apart from SS and uprising would have been the other way round and again it gets rid of the bonus points.
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02:36 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No i said frames can count if the 2 top teams come against each other and have the same amount of points..may frame difference only count then.( thats what i mean).

Points in the league is what i would like a as a player who don't post much on discussion but id like this heard.

Ahh OK thanks for that.

That is effectively what there will be this season. If teams beat their rivals twice they should almost certainly finish above them. If they beat them once and lose the other then it will come down to frames won and lost across the season. Similarly if they draw twice.
Deleted User
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02:37 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Scrap the bonus points system..

Play it like a league should be played -frames for against -points.

If one team batters another to submission by 98 points..then their rivals for the league win by 88 it will count on difference only if the 2 said teams draw V one another in there respective match up.

Hense points( 3 a win 1 a draw) total add up at seasons end..wins the league etc etc..sorry if i said things wrong but im sure use get me.

I have asked for the 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw several times. And frames only come into play to separate teams level on points. Usually it gets disregarded as there is a desire to beat players by as many points as possible and for teams who lose games to still to win league if another team is unbeaten.

I also suggested each individual match be worth 2 points which has also been disregarded. That was despite shown last season that the league would have been exactly the same apart from SS and uprising would have been the other way round and again it gets rid of the bonus points.

Again, isn't this kind of like we have tried to do with the FBL?

Do you guys want 3 identical boring leagues or am I missing something?
Posts: 2,717
02:38 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok il try put this simply

If u get 3 points etc for a win over another team (full fixture) or ie (me v pirtate_steve) he win 8-7..3 points for that per match ..use get me? so 8 matches 3x8 all wins for 1 team -= 24 points. and so on so forth .

so 1 point for a overall fixture ..draw only.

sorry for confusion but thats what i do..i talk riddles but i hope use get me here.

FCL this way.!!
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02:41 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'l leave this discussion down to Chris, I'm flogging a dead horse
Posts: 2,717
02:41 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see this as a way the team who dont lose a match for instance goes on to win the league....

as points would mean they top the league no matter what frames say..
Posts: 9,926
02:44 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see this as a way the team who dont lose a match for instance goes on to win the league....

as points would mean they top the league no matter what frames say..

Couldn't agree more but there is a love of winning frames on here, rather than individual clan games.

Fbl has changed to this format, but FCL where there is 15 frames per game and 20 bonus points for a fixture win is the league that is crying out for it.
Deleted User
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02:44 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok il try put this simply

If u get 3 points etc for a win over another team (full fixture) or ie (me v pirtate_steve) he win 8-7..3 points for that per match ..use get me? so 8 matches 3x8 all wins for 1 team -= 24 points. and so on so forth .

so 1 point for a overall fixture ..draw only.

sorry for confusion but thats what i do..i talk riddles but i hope use get me here.

FCL this way.!!

I think you will find that is one of mine and horse10000's preferred options - and also one that was discussed for another League. It will be in the Cup this season so maybe a chance to see how effectively it works.

However just because something is my preferred option I would not 'force' it on anybody.
Posts: 2,717
02:46 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

No dead horse here

Just i will apologise for not reading your FBL thread beforehand.

This is exactly what is needed..that change in scoring system is perfect for FBL and only FBL..

FCL just tweak it slightly.

Again sorry .
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