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16:49 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
Even tho I'm outta the equation now, would it make sense to maybe release fcl and cups 1 week,then fbl and sl a week later. my thinking behind this is sl and cups are quicker, therefore paired with bigger fixtures.......or have i got that wrong? :s
but whichever combination, it would mean only 2 deadlines a week instead of 4
Personally I prefer having them all released together, all the same deadline so you can get your games arranged straight away and job done.
Different deadlines make captains prioritise the one with the deadline closest too.
I just thot havin 2 deadlines a week would be less hassle for players and captains
Even tho I'm outta the equation now, would it make sense to maybe release fcl and cups 1 week,then fbl and sl a week later. my thinking behind this is sl and cups are quicker, therefore paired with bigger fixtures.......or have i got that wrong? :s
but whichever combination, it would mean only 2 deadlines a week instead of 4
Personally I prefer having them all released together, all the same deadline so you can get your games arranged straight away and job done.
Different deadlines make captains prioritise the one with the deadline closest too.
I just thot havin 2 deadlines a week would be less hassle for players and captains
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16:58 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
Same deadline times will ruin it imo, it gives Captains more responsibility and utilizes the team as a whole more. Having the same days will be like just being/participating in 1 league tbh.
Bring back the cups but release separately the 1st few rounds, give new Captains, teams time to adapt to things.
Limiting/Reducing clan sizes will be to the detriment of fixtures getting played, incorporate auto subs, this wont take the responsibility away from Captains in fact might assist them to apply common sense with team selections.
Bring back the cups but release separately the 1st few rounds, give new Captains, teams time to adapt to things.
Limiting/Reducing clan sizes will be to the detriment of fixtures getting played, incorporate auto subs, this wont take the responsibility away from Captains in fact might assist them to apply common sense with team selections.
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17:18 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
What about playing each other twice? I know it leads to a long season unless you have 2 divisions which is always flawed because of clans folding and some new clans being so strong but so much of the league positions is down to luck of the draw in fixtures when you only play teams once.
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17:22 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
2 times would be better, also no same players can play each other twice?
What about playing each other twice? I know it leads to a long season unless you have 2 divisions which is always flawed because of clans folding and some new clans being so strong but so much of the league positions is down to luck of the draw in fixtures when you only play teams once.
2 times would be better, also no same players can play each other twice?
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17:25 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
2 times would be better, also no same players can play each other twice?
I agree with playing each other twice but the no same players thing is a little too far in my opinion.
What about playing each other twice? I know it leads to a long season unless you have 2 divisions which is always flawed because of clans folding and some new clans being so strong but so much of the league positions is down to luck of the draw in fixtures when you only play teams once.
2 times would be better, also no same players can play each other twice?
I agree with playing each other twice but the no same players thing is a little too far in my opinion.
17:37 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
I wouldn't change anything in the format, great like it is. But in the scoring system, I say do away with the bonus points, or at least change it back to 10. With the cup back, you'll have one competition decided completely by team fixtures. Can't the league then be decided completely by frames won throughout the season?
About killer in fbl ( I agree it fits there best), I was a supporter of 2 vs 2, easier to arrange, easier to keep score, but after having seen it in practice, I agree that 3 vs 3 is more fun, and I'd like to see it come back.
I hope it'll have an accurate scoring system though, that it'll recognize the difference between placing 3rd or 6th. Imagine a game, letters vs #'s,
1st A
2nd 1
3rd B
4th C
5th 2
6th 3
Shouldn't this have a different score than this?...
1st A
2nd 1
3rd 2
4th 3
5th B
6th C
The #'s did much better the second game yeah? Shouldn't the scoring system recognize that?
Someone suggested 3 for 1st, 1 for 2nd, and 0 for 3rd-6th. It would make it easy to keep score, I give you that. My problem with it is it would score both games exactly the same.
One more thing, I like the idea someone mentioned about adding a straight game to the super league format.
About killer in fbl ( I agree it fits there best), I was a supporter of 2 vs 2, easier to arrange, easier to keep score, but after having seen it in practice, I agree that 3 vs 3 is more fun, and I'd like to see it come back.
I hope it'll have an accurate scoring system though, that it'll recognize the difference between placing 3rd or 6th. Imagine a game, letters vs #'s,
1st A
2nd 1
3rd B
4th C
5th 2
6th 3
Shouldn't this have a different score than this?...
1st A
2nd 1
3rd 2
4th 3
5th B
6th C
The #'s did much better the second game yeah? Shouldn't the scoring system recognize that?
Someone suggested 3 for 1st, 1 for 2nd, and 0 for 3rd-6th. It would make it easy to keep score, I give you that. My problem with it is it would score both games exactly the same.
One more thing, I like the idea someone mentioned about adding a straight game to the super league format.
17:42 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
Playing each other team twice would give a more accurate outcome.
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17:44 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
You could make the scoring
1st 5 pts
2nd 2 pts
3rd 1 pt
as yes your clan taking the top 3 places should be rewarded as should knocking out a member of the other team and that would still fit in with the scoring system of the other game types.
I've always agreed that a 10 point bonus is plenty for winning a match 20 is excessive.
1st 5 pts
2nd 2 pts
3rd 1 pt
as yes your clan taking the top 3 places should be rewarded as should knocking out a member of the other team and that would still fit in with the scoring system of the other game types.
I've always agreed that a 10 point bonus is plenty for winning a match 20 is excessive.
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17:49 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
Straight in Super League fits well because of the bonus points too, you get extra points for events anyway so a 30 plus run is a recorded event that could be rewarded the same way.
17:53 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
no bonus points at all.
Could it not be done for instance..you win your FCL game v your opponant 10-5 9-6 8-7 etc etc..you get 3 points on top of your score for winning.
Gaining the points that way totally takes out the bonus part of the game.
If not that just how about points tally..at the end of a season..
Played 10 won 9 drew 0 lost 1 = ? 1st?
Played 10 won 8 drew 1 lost 1 =? 2nd ?
Lets just try and make it as simple and easy as possible..instead of bonuses etc etc.
surely there is a way.
Could it not be done for instance..you win your FCL game v your opponant 10-5 9-6 8-7 etc etc..you get 3 points on top of your score for winning.
Gaining the points that way totally takes out the bonus part of the game.
If not that just how about points tally..at the end of a season..
Played 10 won 9 drew 0 lost 1 = ? 1st?
Played 10 won 8 drew 1 lost 1 =? 2nd ?
Lets just try and make it as simple and easy as possible..instead of bonuses etc etc.
surely there is a way.
17:59 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
I like that a lot better, but still don't think it's perfect. Doesn't 4th place deserve something for beating 2 players? Often they won't be his teammates, but I understand rewarding 4th could prevent a washout score when they are his teamates.
unless... here's an idea,
-1 for 6th, 0 for 5th, and 1 for 4th (could tweak 1st - 3rd however you see fit). That way when it's a perfect score for one team (1st, 2nd and 3rd), the losing team (4th, 5th, and 6th) won't get something for nothing. Too complicated maybe?, an idea though
You could make the scoring
1st 5 pts
2nd 2 pts
3rd 1 pt
as yes your clan taking the top 3 places should be rewarded as should knocking out a member of the other team and that would still fit in with the scoring system of the other game types.
I've always agreed that a 10 point bonus is plenty for winning a match 20 is excessive.
1st 5 pts
2nd 2 pts
3rd 1 pt
as yes your clan taking the top 3 places should be rewarded as should knocking out a member of the other team and that would still fit in with the scoring system of the other game types.
I've always agreed that a 10 point bonus is plenty for winning a match 20 is excessive.
I like that a lot better, but still don't think it's perfect. Doesn't 4th place deserve something for beating 2 players? Often they won't be his teammates, but I understand rewarding 4th could prevent a washout score when they are his teamates.
unless... here's an idea,
-1 for 6th, 0 for 5th, and 1 for 4th (could tweak 1st - 3rd however you see fit). That way when it's a perfect score for one team (1st, 2nd and 3rd), the losing team (4th, 5th, and 6th) won't get something for nothing. Too complicated maybe?, an idea though
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18:09 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
But in the team result context if you beat 2 players that aren't in your clan then you have 2 players scoring in the top 3 anyway.
Only thing that wouldn't be possible with 5,2,1 is a draw you could make that possible with 4,3,1 but in my opinion the winner of a killer match should get the win for the clan.
Only thing that wouldn't be possible with 5,2,1 is a draw you could make that possible with 4,3,1 but in my opinion the winner of a killer match should get the win for the clan.
18:24 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
Good point, if I look at it that way, it eases my concern, but 1st, 4th, and 5th is still better than 1st, 5th, and 6th. That difference won't get recognized. A small difference though, I'd be happy enough with rewarding only 1st-3rd.
I agree that the clan with 1st place shouldn't lose, but it would be interesting if 1st place only guaranteed a draw, would make it more of a team game if he still relied on his teammates to bring in the victory.
Edited at 16:34 Sun 29/12/13 (GMT)
But in the team result context if you beat 2 players that aren't in your clan then you have 2 players scoring in the top 3 anyway.
Good point, if I look at it that way, it eases my concern, but 1st, 4th, and 5th is still better than 1st, 5th, and 6th. That difference won't get recognized. A small difference though, I'd be happy enough with rewarding only 1st-3rd.
I agree that the clan with 1st place shouldn't lose, but it would be interesting if 1st place only guaranteed a draw, would make it more of a team game if he still relied on his teammates to bring in the victory.
Edited at 16:34 Sun 29/12/13 (GMT)
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18:38 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
Could we try and keep the discussion on the FCL please to avoid confusion! That means no killer discussion here.
There are discussion threads for the SL & FBL respectively
There are discussion threads for the SL & FBL respectively
23:45 Sun 29 Dec 13 (GMT)
As has been pointed out lots of times the 20 bonus is in place to try and prevent a team winning all their games and not winning the league. To go back to 10 would be a step backwards from something that has put in place due to experience. 20 is not perfect either as there is still a chance but far less likely. If we are so worried about the bonus, change the scoring format for the league. With 15 frames per game and 120 frames per fixture the current format means the ability to beat people heavily can be a better plus for a clan. A clan team can win 7 games 8-7 and still lose the fixture as their 8th player loses 12-3 or worse in the 8th game. Yet in reality one team has won 7-1 in individual ties. If you changed to points for a win for each game, it would do away with the requirement to win each game by as many points as possible and make scoring in a format that there would be no requirement for bonuses as the clan with the players who collectively win the most games and perform the best as a group of players would end up winning the league. Defaults would be far easier as well.
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00:14 Mon 30 Dec 13 (GMT)
As has been pointed out many, many times winning a game 61-59 and going 20 points ahead because of it is ridiculous overkill.
10 points is reasonable
10 points is reasonable
00:29 Mon 30 Dec 13 (GMT)
Bonus points for winning a fixture are silly either way you look at it.
If you want the unbeaten team to win, we should adopt a system like in all football leagues- 2 points for a fixture win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss. That way the unbeaten team always wins. Bonus points do not achieve this purpose (as we may potentially see in the FBL this season and last).
If you want the team with the most points collected to win the league, get rid of bonus points completely.
Killer should be 2v2, but teams should have the option of playing 3v3 or 7v7 if that's what they prefer. Why restrict it??
Clans are too big and there are too many leagues. Combine FBL and Super League into one league that includes killer. Decrease clan sizes to 12. Two Cup competitions.
If you want the unbeaten team to win, we should adopt a system like in all football leagues- 2 points for a fixture win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss. That way the unbeaten team always wins. Bonus points do not achieve this purpose (as we may potentially see in the FBL this season and last).
If you want the team with the most points collected to win the league, get rid of bonus points completely.
Killer should be 2v2, but teams should have the option of playing 3v3 or 7v7 if that's what they prefer. Why restrict it??
Clans are too big and there are too many leagues. Combine FBL and Super League into one league that includes killer. Decrease clan sizes to 12. Two Cup competitions.
00:53 Mon 30 Dec 13 (GMT)
Would be quite happy with the 2 points for a win and one for a draw so we could get rid of bonus points and an unbeaten clan always wins.
Bonus points for winning a fixture are silly either way you look at it.
If you want the unbeaten team to win, we should adopt a system like in all football leagues- 2 points for a fixture win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss. That way the unbeaten team always wins. Bonus points do not achieve this purpose (as we may potentially see in the FBL this season and last).
If you want the team with the most points collected to win the league, get rid of bonus points completely.
Killer should be 2v2, but teams should have the option of playing 3v3 or 7v7 if that's what they prefer. Why restrict it??
Clans are too big and there are too many leagues. Combine FBL and Super League into one league that includes killer. Decrease clan sizes to 12. Two Cup competitions.
If you want the unbeaten team to win, we should adopt a system like in all football leagues- 2 points for a fixture win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss. That way the unbeaten team always wins. Bonus points do not achieve this purpose (as we may potentially see in the FBL this season and last).
If you want the team with the most points collected to win the league, get rid of bonus points completely.
Killer should be 2v2, but teams should have the option of playing 3v3 or 7v7 if that's what they prefer. Why restrict it??
Clans are too big and there are too many leagues. Combine FBL and Super League into one league that includes killer. Decrease clan sizes to 12. Two Cup competitions.
Would be quite happy with the 2 points for a win and one for a draw so we could get rid of bonus points and an unbeaten clan always wins.
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01:07 Mon 30 Dec 13 (GMT)
2 points for a win? obviously that would make a crap league!
Once you're past 60 points in a match there is no point in playing the other games.
Say Pros beat SS and Uprising in the first set do we just stop the league?
The majority has always said 10 points for a bonus or none but horse just posts his lots of times and wins lol
Once you're past 60 points in a match there is no point in playing the other games.
Say Pros beat SS and Uprising in the first set do we just stop the league?
The majority has always said 10 points for a bonus or none but horse just posts his lots of times and wins lol
01:12 Mon 30 Dec 13 (GMT)
Because then we'd have frame difference as an important seperater. It might not decide the winner, but it could certainly settle some places lower down
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