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Black Magic - Because we can! Ooosh!

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:53 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I am going to try and keep calm whilst I type this as I am not exactly happy...
1. I was not trying to stop Ash from doing anything, when Ash mentioned starting a clan to me and asked what I thought I told him to do what he thought was best

2. It isn't about "getting on with other captains" when I receive as many complaints as I did, then I have to look in to it. Simply asking all the captains for their opinions on someone wanting to be a captain is to ensure that I am not going to get agg all next season

3. If you think it is just sour grapes then you are sadly mistaken, I had to deal with an accusation of bullying about a week ago involving Ash and I said to the accuser that I would message all captains about Ash, this was BEFORE he started the clan.

Nice to see that you instantly make a snap judgement without knowing all the facts.

Was talking to Jay in pm after Ash left and he told me you were fuming about it, that fits in more with the way I read it than your 'objective league runner' version.
If you thought he was that bad at dealing with other clans then you wouldn't have been happy for him to do it this season for you.
No captains have ever been messaged before for their opinions on a lot more volatile people than Ash.
Don't want to argue about it I just don't agree with it being done
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:01 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I will be leaving at the end of the season to join up with Ash at Phoenix Storm.

Enjoyed my time here and have learned a lot and wish the clan all the best for the future seasons.

Before that i will get any remaining games of this season done asap.

Posts: 8,885
06:26 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League

Black Magic (12) vs (42) Untouchables

powodzenia (1) v (7) mrmagic
berzerk (1) v (7) mich

gb_stu (3) v (5) bluenose1872
solskjaer20 (3) v (5) brooksy1986
_maverick_ (3) v (5) emmajane
thegreatone7 v greenie1983
pixie_dust v snowden
ooo_u_tap_2 (0) v (7) i_am_blessed
Black Magic (1) v (6) Untouchables

Black Magic (35) vs (25) Underdogs

gb_stu (5) v (3) the_viking
powodzenia (5) v (3) anoneeemouse
jack_86 (5) v (3) jimmyd20
fry06 (1) v (7) virtuoso14
pixie_dust v markselby7
rocketweaz8 (3) v (5) todd2000
emmajackson (7)v (0) woodwizard
krazyash_07 (7)v (0) born_killer
Black Magic (2) v (4) Underdogs

Deadline: 25th August 2013
Format: 7 frames of 8US,9US or 8UK, 3 frames of Straight or 1 game of Killer

Edited at 03:29 Mon 19/08/13 (BST)
Posts: 8,885
06:27 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League

Black Magic (35) vs (40) Pocket Dynamos

powodzenia v larson
solskjaer20 v punkpoet
_maverick_ (5) v (10) bigcjl2
rocketweaz8 (7) v (8) jasonb
jack_86 (5) v (10) marksmith

thegreatone7 (10) v (5) cue_control_
emmajackson (8) v (7) lfc12
ooo_u_tap_2 v fastboysam

Fighting Eagles (30) vs (15) Black Magic

_marc_ v berzerk
_niall_ v gb_stu
its_me (9) v (6) ooo_u_tap_2
destroyer_16 v solskjaer20
kingdadcool (12) v (3) jack_86
vegas (9) v (6) krazyash_07
willz147 v thegreatone7
breksis v pixie_dust

Deadline: 25th August 2013
Format: 5 frames of 8US,9US and 8UK
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:28 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Beth IF i can do anything to help keep BM afloat I will.
Posts: 8,885
06:30 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Beth IF i can do anything to help keep BM afloat I will.

yaa hun
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:37 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Beth IF i can do anything to help keep BM afloat I will.

Ive already told you BM is folding so just leave it!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:52 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
pixie_dust 0 v 7 snowden
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:59 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
pixie_dust 0 v 7 snowden

ul Jema, you don't usually play straight pool any ways, neither do I.
Posts: 7,974
14:00 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I am going to try and keep calm whilst I type this as I am not exactly happy...
1. I was not trying to stop Ash from doing anything, when Ash mentioned starting a clan to me and asked what I thought I told him to do what he thought was best

2. It isn't about "getting on with other captains" when I receive as many complaints as I did, then I have to look in to it. Simply asking all the captains for their opinions on someone wanting to be a captain is to ensure that I am not going to get agg all next season

3. If you think it is just sour grapes then you are sadly mistaken, I had to deal with an accusation of bullying about a week ago involving Ash and I said to the accuser that I would message all captains about Ash, this was BEFORE he started the clan.

Nice to see that you instantly make a snap judgement without knowing all the facts.

Was talking to Jay in pm after Ash left and he told me you were fuming about it, that fits in more with the way I read it than your 'objective league runner' version.
If you thought he was that bad at dealing with other clans then you wouldn't have been happy for him to do it this season for you.
No captains have ever been messaged before for their opinions on a lot more volatile people than Ash.
Don't want to argue about it I just don't agree with it being done

Short memory is your new account mr forgetful
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:15 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Bit sad to see how things have panned out with Black Magic, thought we had the makings of a decent team.

Sorry Jema

We're always looking at recruiting for Topguns so the door is open for any of you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:33 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
2 faced people on here and wonder why all hell breaks loose, and it's always the first contact that wins just like when you phone the pigs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
IF some Captains have a problem with me then they are really great at keeping it quiet, I would had appreciated them to be mature enough to speak with myself directly than run to the League Runners tbh.

As far as I am aware someone went to the league runners about you first and then as a captain I was asked and agreed it probably wasn't for the best.

Think you deserve to know my vote on the matter and my reasoning behind it so here goes.

1. You were left in charge of Black Magic for a week or so while Jem moved house a few weeks back and made a complete hash of it.
2. During that time you went on what seemed to be a power trip and started being abusive to people (including myself and my team), they are not just my views maybe I am the only one willing to say though.
3. I just don't think you are ready to be a captain for the reasons above and don't want the league to suffer due to someone who isn't up for the job so to speak. Yes this is just a pool game but for the joy of everyone involved it's best there are rules to follow.

I also think it is good people can voice their concerns over other captains/vice captains inabilities. People may say Elite Force are badly run but they are not really Lee and Harry do a good job and get subs made (maybe not at the desired times but that's their choice) and have very few defaults if any. Just my views don't shoot me!
Posts: 8,315
17:06 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we have subs please for powodzenia who has deactivated , also tappy if he not still in clan ..Thank you.
Posts: 19,819
17:07 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hey guys powodzenia has deactivated, ooo_u_tap too has left your clan can we have subs please.

Lol snap
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:15 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I also think it is good people can voice their concerns over other captains/vice captains inabilities. People may say Elite Force are badly run but they are not really Lee and Harry do a good job and get subs made (maybe not at the desired times but that's their choice) and have very few defaults if any. Just my views don't shoot me

I wont, you are fully entitled to your opinion and I appreciate your honesty, thank you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:17 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd make the subs if i had any idea who was left in the team

I'l leave it to Jema as she's able to herself in.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:31 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd make the subs if i had any idea who was left in the team

I'l leave it to Jema as she's able to herself in.

Thanks Gimme 10
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:52 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League

Black Magic (35) vs (40) Pocket Dynamos

_maverick_ v larson
solskjaer20 v punkpoet
_maverick_ (5) v (10) bigcjl2
rocketweaz8 (7) v (8) jasonb
jack_86 (5) v (10) marksmith

thegreatone7 (10) v (5) cue_control_
emmajackson (8) v (7) lfc12
pixie_dust v fastboysam

Fighting Eagles (30) vs (15) Black Magic

_marc_ v berzerk
_niall_ v gb_stu
its_me (9) v (6) ooo_u_tap_2
destroyer_16 v solskjaer20
kingdadcool (12) v (3) jack_86
vegas (9) v (6) krazyash_07
willz147 v thegreatone7
breksis v pixie_dust

Deadline: 25th August 2013
Format: 5 frames of 8US,9US and 8UK
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:52 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League

Black Magic (12) vs (49) Untouchables

powodzenia (1) v (7) mrmagic
berzerk (1) v (7) mich

gb_stu (3) v (5) bluenose1872
solskjaer20 (3) v (5) brooksy1986
_maverick_ (3) v (5) emmajane
thegreatone7 v greenie1983
pixie_dust (0) v (7) snowden
ooo_u_tap_2 (0) v (7) i_am_blessed
Black Magic (1) v (6) Untouchables

Black Magic (35) vs (25) Underdogs

gb_stu (5) v (3) the_viking
powodzenia (5) v (3) anoneeemouse
jack_86 (5) v (3) jimmyd20
fry06 (1) v (7) virtuoso14
pixie_dust v markselby7
rocketweaz8 (3) v (5) todd2000
emmajackson (7)v (0) woodwizard
krazyash_07 (7)v (0) born_killer
Black Magic (2) v (4) Underdogs

Deadline: 25th August 2013
Format: 7 frames of 8US,9US or 8UK, 3 frames of Straight or 1 game of Killer
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Black Magic - Because we can! Ooosh!

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