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19:53 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Not at all Tratter.
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19:56 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 20 vs 40 The Professionals
Deadline: 28th July 2013-( FBL Games)
8US _pool_beast_ (2) v (6) cphaynes
8US kingdadcool (3) v (5) fuunky
9US eaglestrike v mattywellie
9US _funkypool (6) v (2) mr_magic
8UK breksis (2) v (6) _redherring_
8UK its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
Straight _marc_ (0) v (7) dvz
Straight _niall_ (0) v (7) beenjammin
Killer Fighting Eagles (2) v (5) The Pro's

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting Eagles 19 vs 34 Uprising

_niall_ v 2andygorams 8US
_pool_beast_ (5) v (3) the_9_ball 8US
conch212 v slimeball 9US
eaglestrike (5) v (3) derik_dalton 9US
willz147 (3) v (5) zantetsukenz 8UK
its_me (3) v (5) cgibson92 8UK
kingdadcool (2) v _nerdzz_ (5) Straight
_marc_ (0) v (7) pirate_steve Straight
Fighting Eagles (1) v (6) Uprising Killer
.Deadline: 28th July 2013

Edited at 17:03 Sun 21/07/13 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
20:02 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You've missed...

pirate_steve (12) v (3) conch212

from your FCL results.
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20:09 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well put king,you are better at those speeches than i am. but i ment the exact same thing its the Team Spirit that counts.
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20:10 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Marc,i highly understand your feelings in this matter.But i have a idea that i wish you and Niall would both atleast begin with both have played way to many games.As you said yes we do have a good Team,but it is just that a Team not a 2 man army.
I was gonna send you a offline message.but i think ever Eagle has some say not just me,king and tratter.
So I highley recommend less games for both of you.I was part of the decision to sub out a couple players in FCL but not my decisoin entirely.I new it was gonna be very hard to beat Pro's as thay also sent in there best players against us.but i woulda done the same.yes we are a Team to be reckoned with.And any good Team is gonna continue putting in there best players against us.I truley think we need to get back to the basic's and just play are games win, loose are draw.this was how we got here in the first place.I dont care how great of a player you are gonna have a loosing streak.i have seen it in real 1 time i was a good 9 ball player but went on a streek i couldnt seem to pull out of.I was complaing to a older man and he told me to not pick up a cue for 1 week.and i listened,came back and was playing great.sometimes we all need a break.try it it works. And i would like for all the players to offline message me,tratter are king as to which games thay feel is better for them.And the last thing we need is to lose players over a few bad days.thx mikee(DO NOT PROOF READ LOL)
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20:12 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
kingdadcool;]Ok all hands up I got it wrong
As many of you will be aware, when I submit team sheets for FCL fixtures I do so in general trying to pick from the whole of our squad. On this occasion however having done so I had communication from some of you saying I should sub in some of our higher ranking players in order to have a better chance of winning.
This has failed on several counts....
Other teams have scorned our players which means they have been made to feel inadequate, and some of our stronger players now feel bad about losing.
My initial gut feel was correct.
Fighting Eagles stands or falls by the strength of the entire squad.
I count you all as my friends!
We can do no more than to try and play our best for each other!
Deleted User
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20:16 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 3
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)

Fighting Eagles 25 v 50 Professionals

its_me v _redherring_
_pool_beast_ (4) v (11) scott7a
breksis (5) v (10) cphaynes
_niall_ v mattywellie
_marc_ (5) v (10) beenjammin
destroyer_16 (4) v (11) onevisit
eaglestrike (7) v (8) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (8) fuunky

Uprising 52 v 38 Fighting Eagles

2andygorams (8) v (7) kingdadcool
cgibson92 (8) v (7) _pool_beast_
pirate_steve (12) v (3) conch212
derik_dalton v its_me
zantetsukenz (10) v (5) willz147
irish_ninja v _funkypool
_nerdzz_ (8) v (7) _niall_
angry_bacon (6) v (9) _marc_

Deadline: 28th July 2013
Posts: 3,610
21:03 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
faittttiiii...... uve said that twice pal about marc and niall/.......... they r to good to leave out of the team
Posts: 492
21:24 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Alright guys, thanks everyone and no I don't necessarily want to leave. But if i get consistent with bad results and if you guys feel like it could be costing you the fixtures, feel free to sub me out. But i'll gladly play as long as you guys leave me in the line-up
Deleted User
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21:39 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Way to go Marc and thx for playing for the Fighting Eagles.
And i just had the pleasure of watching him win the str trny also.well done marc

Edited at 19:55 Sun 21/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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02:49 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
its_me (Vice Captain)
kingdadcool (Captain)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
conch212 (Ken)
_pool_beast_ (touluca)
blueberry (Colin)
the__priest (Father)
147_balls (John)
Posts: 7,324
13:49 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the compliments and what not, I think you could be right about playing too many clan games, I've always been a firm believer that there should only be one clan league, I'd prefer to participate in just one anyway I'd have a lot more interest that way. Right now it's just mind numbingly boring and kinda frustrating playing all these games, as you said though it's a team game so I get them done. I'll hang around for sure, but I would prefer less games, even leaving me out of either of the leagues fixtures would be great!
Posts: 7,324
18:34 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
_niall_ vs mattywellie

8 ball us: 2-3
8 ball uk: 3-2
9 ball us: 0-5 (lol)

Overall: 5-10

Sorry guys but not difficult to see where it all went wrong, stupid game anyway is 9 ball Matty played pretty well though so can't complain too much!
Deleted User
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18:35 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I think we both know thy 9ball shouldn't of been 5-0 it was a good standard of games all in all mate ul and gl for the season.
Posts: 7,324
18:42 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Happens mate, thanks and gl to you too!
Posts: 3,846
18:44 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hello sorry to bother u,our lass is off work all week, and my daughter is on holiday with her gran, so weve decided to go camping for a few days, ill prob come back on saturday but its not definete, however i can always text faust and keep him upto date, im not goin till morning so, i can play my game against its me tonight, basically anytime after half 5 ish. or would it be poss to swap a fixture from the other 2 remaining games if tratter cant make it, sorry for any incovenience id like to play the fixture thats all
Posts: 7,974
19:41 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hello sorry to bother u,our lass is off work all week, and my daughter is on holiday with her gran, so weve decided to go camping for a few days, ill prob come back on saturday but its not definete, however i can always text faust and keep him upto date, im not goin till morning so, i can play my game against its me tonight, basically anytime after half 5 ish. or would it be poss to swap a fixture from the other 2 remaining games if tratter cant make it, sorry for any incovenience id like to play the fixture thats all

not causing trouble for either player here
but you were both online earlier for ages, why didnt you play then
Posts: 3,846
19:43 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hello sorry to bother u,our lass is off work all week, and my daughter is on holiday with her gran, so weve decided to go camping for a few days, ill prob come back on saturday but its not definete, however i can always text faust and keep him upto date, im not goin till morning so, i can play my game against its me tonight, basically anytime after half 5 ish. or would it be poss to swap a fixture from the other 2 remaining games if tratter cant make it, sorry for any incovenience id like to play the fixture thats all

not causing trouble for either player here
but you were both online earlier for ages, why didnt you play then

when craig i ant seen him, ive been on our lasses phone, shes been looking for campsites on laptop, so i couldnt really play anyway
Posts: 7,974
19:45 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hello sorry to bother u,our lass is off work all week, and my daughter is on holiday with her gran, so weve decided to go camping for a few days, ill prob come back on saturday but its not definete, however i can always text faust and keep him upto date, im not goin till morning so, i can play my game against its me tonight, basically anytime after half 5 ish. or would it be poss to swap a fixture from the other 2 remaining games if tratter cant make it, sorry for any incovenience id like to play the fixture thats all

not causing trouble for either player here
but you were both online earlier for ages, why didnt you play then

when craig i ant seen him, ive been on our lasses phone, shes been looking for campsites on laptop, so i couldnt really play anyway

gotyaa wasnt causing just didnt understand ... nps
Posts: 3,846
19:51 Mon 22 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hello sorry to bother u,our lass is off work all week, and my daughter is on holiday with her gran, so weve decided to go camping for a few days, ill prob come back on saturday but its not definete, however i can always text faust and keep him upto date, im not goin till morning so, i can play my game against its me tonight, basically anytime after half 5 ish. or would it be poss to swap a fixture from the other 2 remaining games if tratter cant make it, sorry for any incovenience id like to play the fixture thats all

not causing trouble for either player here
but you were both online earlier for ages, why didnt you play then

when craig i ant seen him, ive been on our lasses phone, shes been looking for campsites on laptop, so i couldnt really play anyway

gotyaa wasnt causing just didnt understand ... nps

Surely he would have seen ive been posting , and he hasn't replied to any regarding our game, or anything else
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