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06:12 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
barely win here lol
pool_beast_ (4)v (3) the_9_ball 8US
ulm8 ggs, such a nice guy he is, never change man
pool_beast_ (4)v (3) the_9_ball 8US
ulm8 ggs, such a nice guy he is, never change man
12:34 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
can someone with some sense speak to tratter pls, and ask him to arrange a time with me, instaed of goading me into silly arguments insinuating I daren't play in messages, I want to play the game, and definetley will do, I just want a time to play as itlokes not as easy as him seeing as im browsing or online, I just leave it running as I do facebook, I need a time to suit and will compromise, as especially during week I take our lass to and from work, shes a carer and shes in and out all time,plus theres my daughter.
I asked u paul if u would speak to him and ive always found u a reasnoble bloke, if u have spoke to him it hasn't made any difference, just ask him to satate a few times he can be on , between now and deadline, and ill match one, thanks
I asked u paul if u would speak to him and ive always found u a reasnoble bloke, if u have spoke to him it hasn't made any difference, just ask him to satate a few times he can be on , between now and deadline, and ill match one, thanks
15:01 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
Umm apparently I played beenjammin last night and lost 3-0, sorry guys, have very little recollection of this game haha
15:30 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
Nice result its_me man, did you do it ?
Next time post what type game it is you two played, as I can't get annoyed having to look ...
I'd like a word too king, who's scott I've never heard him before, another fake newbie ?
Must be to steal 2 frames off its_me........
lol blue down da di dup... 8uk... we both played well
tratter wins 6-2.... fbl
its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
Nice result its_me man, did you do it ?
Next time post what type game it is you two played, as I can't get annoyed having to look ...
I'd like a word too king, who's scott I've never heard him before, another fake newbie ?
Must be to steal 2 frames off its_me........
lol blue down da di dup... 8uk... we both played well
16:44 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
FBL Fixture Set 3
Fighting Eagles (20) vs (27)The Professionals
_pool_beast_ (2) v (6) cphaynes
kingdadcool (3) v (5) fuunky
eaglestrike v mattywellie
_funkypool (6) v (2) mr_magic
breksis (2) v (6) _redhering_
its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
_marc_ v dvz
_niall_ v beenjammin
Fighting Eagles (1) v (6) The Professionals
this is of the pros thread... is it right or have u not updated it mikiiiieeeeee
Fighting Eagles (20) vs (27)The Professionals
_pool_beast_ (2) v (6) cphaynes
kingdadcool (3) v (5) fuunky
eaglestrike v mattywellie
_funkypool (6) v (2) mr_magic
breksis (2) v (6) _redhering_
its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
_marc_ v dvz
_niall_ v beenjammin
Fighting Eagles (1) v (6) The Professionals
this is of the pros thread... is it right or have u not updated it mikiiiieeeeee
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18:27 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
LOL gotta stay sober niall it helps sometimes .
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18:35 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
Fighting Eagles 19 vs 34 The Professionals
Deadline: 28th July 2013-( FBL Games)
8US _pool_beast_ (2) v (6) cphaynes
8US kingdadcool (3) v (5) fuunky
9US eaglestrike v mattywellie
9US _funkypool (6) v (2) mr_magic
8UK breksis v _redherring_
8UK its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
Straight _marc_ (0) v (7) dvz
Straight _niall_ (0) v (7) beenjammin
Killer Fighting Eagles (2) v (5) The Pro's
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting Eagles 16 vs 29 Uprising
_niall_ v 2andygorams 8US
_pool_beast_ (5) v (3) the_9_ball 8US
conch212 v slimeball 9US
eaglestrike (5) v (3) derik_dalton 9US
willz147 (3) v (5) zantetsukenz 8UK
its_me v cgibson92 8UK
kingdadcool (2) v _nerdzz_ (5) Straight
_marc_ (0) v (7) pirate_steve Straight
Fighting Eagles (1) v (6) Uprising Killer
.Deadline: 28th July 2013
Edited at 18:36 Sat 20/07/13 (BST)
Deadline: 28th July 2013-( FBL Games)
8US _pool_beast_ (2) v (6) cphaynes
8US kingdadcool (3) v (5) fuunky
9US eaglestrike v mattywellie
9US _funkypool (6) v (2) mr_magic
8UK breksis v _redherring_
8UK its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
Straight _marc_ (0) v (7) dvz
Straight _niall_ (0) v (7) beenjammin
Killer Fighting Eagles (2) v (5) The Pro's
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting Eagles 16 vs 29 Uprising
_niall_ v 2andygorams 8US
_pool_beast_ (5) v (3) the_9_ball 8US
conch212 v slimeball 9US
eaglestrike (5) v (3) derik_dalton 9US
willz147 (3) v (5) zantetsukenz 8UK
its_me v cgibson92 8UK
kingdadcool (2) v _nerdzz_ (5) Straight
_marc_ (0) v (7) pirate_steve Straight
Fighting Eagles (1) v (6) Uprising Killer
.Deadline: 28th July 2013
Edited at 18:36 Sat 20/07/13 (BST)
22:07 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
_marc_ vs beenjammin
9 ball
9 ball
22:11 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
Would appreciate being replaced on this team're a much better team than people think for sure, this is nothing to do with this clan. Great group of guys, just seems as though my recent results may end up causing you guys to lose fixtures that you all are capable of winning. I'm not as good as I used to be and clans are apparently my curse. I've no problem continuing to play with you guys but I also don't mind being replaced,thanks.
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23:35 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)
Marc,i highly understand your feelings in this matter.But i have a idea that i wish you and Niall would both atleast begin with both have played way to many games.As you said yes we do have a good Team,but it is just that a Team not a 2 man army.
I was gonna send you a offline message.but i think ever Eagle has some say not just me,king and tratter.
So I highley recommend less games for both of you.I was part of the decision to sub out a couple players in FCL but not my decisoin entirely.I new it was gonna be very hard to beat Pro's as thay also sent in there best players against us.but i woulda done the same.yes we are a Team to be reckoned with.And any good Team is gonna continue putting in there best players against us.I truley think we need to get back to the basic's and just play are games win, loose are draw.this was how we got here in the first place.I dont care how great of a player you are gonna have a loosing streak.i have seen it in real 1 time i was a good 9 ball player but went on a streek i couldnt seem to pull out of.I was complaing to a older man and he told me to not pick up a cue for 1 week.and i listened,came back and was playing great.sometimes we all need a break.try it it works. And i would like for all the players to offline message me,tratter are king as to which games thay feel is better for them.And the last thing we need is to lose players over a few bad days.thx mikee(DO NOT PROOF READ LOL)
I was gonna send you a offline message.but i think ever Eagle has some say not just me,king and tratter.
So I highley recommend less games for both of you.I was part of the decision to sub out a couple players in FCL but not my decisoin entirely.I new it was gonna be very hard to beat Pro's as thay also sent in there best players against us.but i woulda done the same.yes we are a Team to be reckoned with.And any good Team is gonna continue putting in there best players against us.I truley think we need to get back to the basic's and just play are games win, loose are draw.this was how we got here in the first place.I dont care how great of a player you are gonna have a loosing streak.i have seen it in real 1 time i was a good 9 ball player but went on a streek i couldnt seem to pull out of.I was complaing to a older man and he told me to not pick up a cue for 1 week.and i listened,came back and was playing great.sometimes we all need a break.try it it works. And i would like for all the players to offline message me,tratter are king as to which games thay feel is better for them.And the last thing we need is to lose players over a few bad days.thx mikee(DO NOT PROOF READ LOL)
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03:39 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)
FCL Fixture 3
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)
Fighting Eagles 25 v 50 Professionals
its_me v _redherring_
_pool_beast_ (4) v (11) scott7a
breksis (5) v (10) cphaynes
_niall_ v mattywellie
_marc_ (5) v (10) beenjammin
destroyer_16 (4) v (11) onevisit
eaglestrike (7) v (8) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (8) fuunky
Uprising 40 v 35 Fighting Eagles
2andygorams (8) v (7) kingdadcool
cgibson92 (8) v (7) _pool_beast_
pirate_steve v conch212
derik_dalton v its_me
zantetsukenz (10) v (5) willz147
irish_ninja v _funkypool
_nerdzz_ (8) v (7) _niall_
angry_bacon (6) v (9) _marc_
Deadline: 28th July 2013
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)
Fighting Eagles 25 v 50 Professionals
its_me v _redherring_
_pool_beast_ (4) v (11) scott7a
breksis (5) v (10) cphaynes
_niall_ v mattywellie
_marc_ (5) v (10) beenjammin
destroyer_16 (4) v (11) onevisit
eaglestrike (7) v (8) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (8) fuunky
Uprising 40 v 35 Fighting Eagles
2andygorams (8) v (7) kingdadcool
cgibson92 (8) v (7) _pool_beast_
pirate_steve v conch212
derik_dalton v its_me
zantetsukenz (10) v (5) willz147
irish_ninja v _funkypool
_nerdzz_ (8) v (7) _niall_
angry_bacon (6) v (9) _marc_
Deadline: 28th July 2013
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04:09 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)
Ok all hands up I got it wrong
As many of you will be aware, when I submit team sheets for FCL fixtures I do so in general trying to pick from the whole of our squad. On this occasion however having done so I had communication from some of you saying I should sub in some of our higher ranking players in order to have a better chance of winning.
This has failed on several counts....
Other teams have scorned our players which means they have been made to feel inadequate, and some of our stronger players now feel bad about losing.
My initial gut feel was correct.
Fighting Eagles stands or falls by the strength of the entire squad.
I count you all as my friends!
We can do no more than to try and play our best for each other!
As many of you will be aware, when I submit team sheets for FCL fixtures I do so in general trying to pick from the whole of our squad. On this occasion however having done so I had communication from some of you saying I should sub in some of our higher ranking players in order to have a better chance of winning.
This has failed on several counts....
Other teams have scorned our players which means they have been made to feel inadequate, and some of our stronger players now feel bad about losing.
My initial gut feel was correct.
Fighting Eagles stands or falls by the strength of the entire squad.
I count you all as my friends!
We can do no more than to try and play our best for each other!
14:06 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)
Very honest post pal, illbe on after 2000 if ttratters about
Edited at 12:18 Sun 21/07/13 (BST)
Ok all hands up I got it wrong
As many of you will be aware, when I submit team sheets for FCL fixtures I do so in general trying to pick from the whole of our squad. On this occasion however having done so I had communication from some of you saying I should sub in some of our higher ranking players in order to have a better chance of winning.
This has failed on several counts....
Other teams have scorned our players which means they have been made to feel inadequate, and some of our stronger players now feel bad about losing.
My initial gut feel was correct.
Fighting Eagles stands or falls by the strength of the entire squad.
I count you all as my friends!
We can do no more than to try and play our best for each other!
As many of you will be aware, when I submit team sheets for FCL fixtures I do so in general trying to pick from the whole of our squad. On this occasion however having done so I had communication from some of you saying I should sub in some of our higher ranking players in order to have a better chance of winning.
This has failed on several counts....
Other teams have scorned our players which means they have been made to feel inadequate, and some of our stronger players now feel bad about losing.
My initial gut feel was correct.
Fighting Eagles stands or falls by the strength of the entire squad.
I count you all as my friends!
We can do no more than to try and play our best for each other!
Very honest post pal, illbe on after 2000 if ttratters about
Edited at 12:18 Sun 21/07/13 (BST)
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16:21 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)
We need more of this within clans. Well said mate its a team game.
Ok all hands up I got it wrong
As many of you will be aware, when I submit team sheets for FCL fixtures I do so in general trying to pick from the whole of our squad. On this occasion however having done so I had communication from some of you saying I should sub in some of our higher ranking players in order to have a better chance of winning.
This has failed on several counts....
Other teams have scorned our players which means they have been made to feel inadequate, and some of our stronger players now feel bad about losing.
My initial gut feel was correct.
Fighting Eagles stands or falls by the strength of the entire squad.
I count you all as my friends!
We can do no more than to try and play our best for each other!
As many of you will be aware, when I submit team sheets for FCL fixtures I do so in general trying to pick from the whole of our squad. On this occasion however having done so I had communication from some of you saying I should sub in some of our higher ranking players in order to have a better chance of winning.
This has failed on several counts....
Other teams have scorned our players which means they have been made to feel inadequate, and some of our stronger players now feel bad about losing.
My initial gut feel was correct.
Fighting Eagles stands or falls by the strength of the entire squad.
I count you all as my friends!
We can do no more than to try and play our best for each other!
We need more of this within clans. Well said mate its a team game.
17:45 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)
i think marc and niall should play all games.... there both 2 of the best on here
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17:59 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)
at least they get there games played. plan on replying to any of my messages or how do you usually arrange games?
i think marc and niall should play all games.... there both 2 of the best on here
at least they get there games played. plan on replying to any of my messages or how do you usually arrange games?
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Fighting Eagles!
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