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Deleted User
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15:19 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You keep ignoring the fact that nothing has happened against the rules and none have been made up as we go along.

I did actually say the use of the generic term 'Captain' included 'Vice' if you read.

That pretty much covers it all.
Deleted User
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15:44 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
So you're saying that is within the rules to boot players from other teams and add players then.
Doesn't matter what terminology you use, neither the captain nor the vice, nor the caretaker or team mascot signed Sarah so either everyone is allowed to take over whatever team they like or rules have been broken.
Deleted User
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15:51 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 1

The Unbeatables 46 - 77 The Professionals (6)
Elite Force 42 - 41 The Reliable Ones (4)
Pocket Dynamos 60 - 61 The Reliable Ones (6)
The Unbeatables 40 - 40 Fighting Eagles (4)

12 games to go - Deadline is Midnight UK Tonight

Latest League Table is here...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:56 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
So you're saying that is within the rules to boot players from other teams and add players then.
Doesn't matter what terminology you use, neither the captain nor the vice, nor the caretaker or team mascot signed Sarah so either everyone is allowed to take over whatever team they like or rules have been broken.

Least she booted a banned member
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:57 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
So you're saying that is within the rules to boot players from other teams and add players then.
Doesn't matter what terminology you use, neither the captain nor the vice, nor the caretaker or team mascot signed Sarah so either everyone is allowed to take over whatever team they like or rules have been broken.

Least she booted a banned member

shhhh or i'll boot you
Posts: 2,094
19:47 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a strange one. If a captain isn't capable of keeping there own clan going then why would a captain from another clan want to waste there time helping out to try and get them back on track only for the clan to be in the same position again a few days/weeks later, may as well just let it fold like normal, If they aren't bothered then why should you be.
Deleted User
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21:04 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am guessing they dont feel like they are wasting their time?

People get different things out of clans and funkypool in general. I know I really enjoyed playing a couple of seasons with The Underdogs and helping turn them from a clan no one wanted in the leagues, and a clan people were encouraging to fold, into one that has been as reliable as any for a while now and indeed often more reliable than some 'good' clans.

As I have said before, if any clan folds or withdraws at any time then so be it. It is a fact of clan life.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:43 Sun 3 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 2

All games have now been released as per...

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 17th February.

Posts: 7,974
00:33 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
there are people on here that make me chuckle

sniper youve bleated on about how you wernt consulted after you wrapped the clan, flip side you folded it question did you inform your clan members

i no of at least 3 you didnt , these 3 players ive known for a long time and are regular good players on funkypool

so stop playing hard done by, your record in clans speaks for itself.. end of

ipotalot as for you, does this clan have anything to do with you ?

are you an advisor to this league ?

does this league answer to you ?

i think the answers are all simple your not !

so mind your own business,

Chris has ran leagues without many problems very few arguements, has a differant approach to many clan problems which are resolved 99.9% of the time.
and has a great team supporting this league and him

just because ipotalot dosnt agree who cares.

just my humble oppinion
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:32 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
So apart from a lot of brown nosing and the usual Craig rubbish rant you haven't anything to add about who actually added your missus to TRO...glad you agree with the new rules
Posts: 38,097
12:32 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
only question i have is was this person added to team not by themself but someone in the clan.

If yes then they have right to make any change
If no then any changes shouldn't count since they are not in team officially

I know this person intentions are noble and i do not have a problem with them personally but lets reverse this if anyone can do a change i could put myself in Underdogs and screw them over, doesn't seem right at all.

i know i will get a rant for this but i am not bothered. It is a discussion thread afterall
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:42 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Completely agree, I am all for helping the clans out, I too am trying to get TRO on track by doing what I can but from an outsiders perspective.

Unfortunately Sarah was not posted in by an authorised clan member, sniper has no authority anymore, Owen has been offline for over 2 weeks, wisky007 hasn't been on and kathleen_b I believe has left.

Despite our best efforts, I do think it is time to call it quits for TRO unless some miracle happens and Owen comes back lol!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:57 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Love the league, hate the absolute rubbish that comes out of some people's mouths/fingers. Seriously I can add myself to any team now? Come the end of the season ill add myself to the team with the most points and I automatically win the league.

Although a captains job isn't the same as in the other league the captain and vices should hve to still announce players it's as simple as that, but hey them sinners/shooters have always found ways to use rules to suit themselves :).
Posts: 38,097
13:14 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seriously I can add myself to any team now? Come the end of the season ill add myself to the team with the most points and I automatically win the league.

sounds like a plan

but i can see the runners saying this is one time offer however if you do it for one team then everyone else wants it too which because you allowed it already you would have to allow the other teams to do it too otherwise it is unfair on the others.

I know it sounds harsh but rules are meant to be same for everyone and shouldn't really be changed unless it is really needed which this isn't one of those times
Posts: 2,094
13:36 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well if one person is allowed to do it then obviously anyone is dgen. It will be madness if this starts happening regular, things would soon change then I bet!!
Deleted User
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15:09 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
fair enough i should have got one of the team to post on the thread that i was in the team, my mistake, didnt realise everyone would have such a big issue with it. what people dont realise is it wasnt just a case of me thinking i fancied running another clan, i was asked by a couple of the members if i could help them, as they had been messed so many times.i spoke to the majority of the team to make sure they were all happy if i helped out, all of which were, as they want to keep their team going.
Once / if wisky comes back , if he doesnt want me to help out then thats up to him, if he folds them its his choice, but at least i have tried helped out a team of players that wanted to stay playing in the league, despite a tough start. so there are no more probs i am sure one of the team will post me in on team changes so all this is sorted
Posts: 8,315
15:23 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think a few of us tried to help T.R.O got it thrown back in our faces .. Yes noone likes to see a clan fold . One minute they was in the next they wasent no wonder the team had no idea what was going on .. So you think because your in the clan it will change ? and will other clans get their games played ?.i agree with jema think TRO should fold now , and hopefully the few that was active find another clan to play in...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:40 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe they should , but also maybe a team , who the majority want their team to keep going and want to play should be given a chance
with them being a bit more organised for this new fixture , hopefully it will work out for them. If it doesnt then fair enough but at least they have been given the chance that they wanted. Considering the chaos they had during the last fixture ,i think they did well and managed to complete one of their fixtures , and also didnt have the most defaults. With a bit of guidance and organisation im sure they will pull together as a team , and i believe deserve the chance to show that they can do it.
Posts: 8,315
16:11 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well it would be upto TRO clans active members if they want to continue. Also looks like they need more players to join..
Best of luck to them..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:29 Mon 4 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't want tro to keep going, it's a terrible clan so unreliable and Ahoukdnt even be given a chance people have tried to help it and people have had it thrown back in their faces. Ridiculous trying to get games played is like trying to make a penny last as long as a pound.
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