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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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Posts: 1,714
17:01 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not so much about them getting kicked out. Their captain needs to go though. It's very bad the way he is conducting himself and it's just going to damage the league's reputation.
Posts: 3,610
18:01 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not so much about them getting kicked out. Their captain needs to go though. It's very bad the way he is conducting himself and it's just going to damage the league's reputation.

why would u be bothered m8>? its an online game........ not real life silly
Posts: 1,714
18:09 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Me, im not. Its a friend of mine that I am saying this for. And the fact im not gonna bother with idiots in clans because i don't need it. I barely play clan games now as im never on. Silly.
Posts: 22,512
18:12 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
its_me, you have already had their clan page capped even though you insinuated the arguments that arose, now you feel like you need to continue it here. You are not in this league and nor is your team so technically have nothing to do with this league and have no reason to post.

You continue to do this and i will ask a moderator and admin to look at your posts that 99% of the time insinuate arguments.

I can tell the future though and i know soon you will post stating that i do not work and need to get a job and whatever other rubbish you can think of like Mr 24/7. See i saved you the trouble so now there is no reason to post
Posts: 1,714
18:21 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Glad to see im not on my own with these thoughts.
Posts: 22,512
18:22 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Now that is done with...

Fighting Eagles are not in the FCL League, i have been told that they want to join FCL next season though and i will deal with that if it is true that they want to join. Until then probably best not to mention them here since they have no association with this league anyway

Now i am bored...
Posts: 1,714
18:24 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok, remove this to the FBL league then, it's my bad for not realising which league they are in lol.
Posts: 22,512
18:26 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know it is clumsy
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23:32 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm going to be hanging up my clan-cue for a while and just wanted to say thanks to Jay for running this and to those who have a laugh and play the game as a game. I've had some great matches on here and had my butt kicked by some of the best. And the banter hasn't been too bad either!!

Getting matches played seems to have gotten a lot harder recently with people here that don't want to play and captains that don't want to sub. If this is the case then just leave so that those that want to play can do.

After my 2 month holiday I may return, if anyone will have me, but until then try to enjoy the funky leagues.
Deleted User
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23:34 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm going to be hanging up my clan-cue for a while and just wanted to say thanks to Jay for running this and to those who have a laugh and play the game as a game. I've had some great matches on here and had my butt kicked by some of the best. And the banter hasn't been too bad either!!

Getting matches played seems to have gotten a lot harder recently with people here that don't want to play and captains that don't want to sub. If this is the case then just leave so that those that want to play can do.

After my 2 month holiday I may return, if anyone will have me, but until then try to enjoy the funky leagues.

Take care Will mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:58 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm getting increasingly frustrated seeing captains tryin to put tactics in place to take out some teams players, for example onevisit has been asking all week to try and get a game played, then elite force finally make a sub yesterday even though it could of been done days ago and completed with the same two players, then because onevisit doesn't turn up last night (it wasn't arranged) elite force ask for a sub, I mean is this what these clans hve come to now? If that's not an ultimate lack of disregard for one persons acknowledgment to try and get a game played and the other teams lack of I don't know what is, pathetic underhand tactics, if this is tried against pros I will point blank refuse to sub and if I lose default because of it I will go mental as what they are doing to onevisit,seb and snooker squad as a whole is unfair, if it goes to default it will be interesting to read :-)
Deleted User
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17:02 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I noticed that the FCL Cup games are 6 -a-side in Round 1

Even number of matches x odd number of racks = even numbers of total racks.

Even numbers of total racks brings draws into the equation.

There's no tie-breaker described in the rules - although to be fair they also dont show 6-a-side matches so may be waiting on an update?

What's the plan?
Posts: 22,512
17:09 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If that game went to default then i see Snooker Squad MAYBE losing a point or something as they refused to sub to get the game played but then again Elite Force done the exact same thing a few times. Even so the game was never arranged so that can not be put down to onevisit at all in my eyes. Elite Force will want this game played as a default will make them worse off, and Snooker Squad and whocares8x8 never play for defaults so if it came down to it and he had to make a sub he would. It is TCL though not FCL but i see the reason for posting

Chris - Been having problems with the weebly site especially updating anything on rules recently. I did mention ages ago that the cup was changing to more players or less.

Every round now will be 6v6 in a game, the final will be 8v8. There has never been a tie-breaker rule for it though (I could add one) normally any time i have seen a tie-breaker though it usually goes to captain v captain to decide the winner or they choose a player from their clan to play the other clan chosen player.
Posts: 22,512
03:19 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 22,512
03:26 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
With season nineteen coming to an end in just over two weeks (officially comes to and end after the Cup Final) it is time to bring up the dreaded discussion of what could be changed or needs more adjusting. I have been messaged a lot through the season about possible changes and well to be honest i can't remember them all but one that did pop up a fair bit (usually from captains being left with some players short) was the two month rule on an account to even play in the league.

I would like to point out that one reason i implemented this was to stop the multi using and the large numbers of banned league players coming into the league much faster. There was other factors involved also but that is either here nor there.

I am more than willing to decrease this back to the normal one month though if people agree on it.

If you have any other issues or ideas please feel free to post them or message me at anytime, please note though that any ideas to change the format of frames or anything will be rejected straight away like they usually are. FCL has been like this for MANY seasons and i am not willing to change it unless you got every single clan member from all teams to agree, and i would need proof of them all
Posts: 19,819
03:48 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree 1 month is fine the account age.
I think there needs to be something done about tactical subbing, subs are there simply to get difficult games played not to get a leg up on your opponents.
I suggest we give reasons for subs on subs thread, for example if the 2 players cant get online the same time they post the conversation saying so.
If a player will be away a post of them saying so should be posted.
If a player is offline 7 days then make a sub ECT
As tactical subbing has gotten worse this season won't point fingers but you most know the clans who have been using it.
Awaits for the negative comments about my idea
Posts: 22,512
03:56 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I already spoke to you about this and said there is nothing that can be done, i am also not going to read through a conversation just to approve a sub, or go through the insults and other comments about maybe voiding a sub for an invalid reason.

It may be noticeable that clans do have tactics and they use them but it is a competitive environment and it is bound to be done. If a team with great players is going to play a team with not so great players then you expect them to use those great players to gain as much points as possible, simple really.

One thing i hate about subs though is the fact i release games and not long after it someone gets subbed or swapped out. FBL idea was good for this but the loop hole that followed is the reason i decided against the idea in the FCL. Most clans would wait until the three days or whatever have passed and then just make the same sub or swap. They might even tell their player not to play it as they have a plan.

The one about being off for seven days though is what most clans follow, not all do but most do.

There is only so much you can do to stop things like that, and im surprised you posted this after the discussion we had about it a few months ago.
Posts: 19,819
04:18 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I know i mentioned it to you Jay just seeing if others agree or disagree
I have never done tactical subs as i believe in my players.
Posts: 22,512
04:21 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Above is nothing i have not said to you though, will see what others make of it though
Posts: 13,570
04:39 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
if there isn't 1, there should be maybe a 5 day response time to messaging. would hopefully make defaults less frequent.
shouldn't be a problem for players that WANT to get games played.

sorry if there's summit in place for this or it's just impossible lol am duffed :s
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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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