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Posts: 19,967
18:40 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think it promotes gamemanship, it would be identical to the current situation except it's one less pointless default (I'm talking about another player continuing instead of a reset score). If you add a ban like I suggested then if a player tried doing it out of gamemanship then they would end up missing most of the next season and it wouldn't be worth it (that would certainly discourage gamesmanship more than the current system)
Posts: 22,512
18:41 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think games should be reset if a player did decide to leave at 6 - 1 down. I put my idea above about this which stated, the team that lost that player could sub in another player to finish the game. That subbed in player can not gain any points in the match though they can only stop the other player from scoring. So if the player left at 6 - 1 down and the team offered a sub and put them in and that player played the remaining 8 unplayed games and won 6 of them, then he/she has stopped the opp gaining those 6 points but the opponent won two frames so the final score would stand at 8 - 1.
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18:45 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
not being funny

another cup final or league clincher even in div 1
player (a) has been offline a week, he is your best player.

you play player(b) he is getting beat 3-1,, a bit of gamesmanship, deactivate and you sub in player (a) great way of doing things

how many players make new accounts at the end of a season on here in clans,,,,i can name loads

what do you think ???????

is it likely ??? of course it is,,, how likely is it to finsih a game knowing this wont occur

god ive got a negative outlook on life
Posts: 22,512
18:50 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
So basically what you are suggesting is that some clans may use this rule (if implemented) to use a better player in the game. so basically it would be used as a tactic.
Posts: 19,967
18:52 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well both players are still in your team and available for selection. Taking Jays idea that means the worst possible score the opposition can get is 3-1 best is 14-1. There's nothing stopping player B deactivating anyway and its hardly encouraging that player to miss out on the next 2 months is it? Most, if not all, players wouldn't deactivate to give their clan a chance of winning and put themselves out of contention for that long, the risk heavily outweighs the gain.

Even if it does happen we still have league runners, they can clearly see if things are being fixed and can intervene like they can for subs and swaps
Posts: 22,512
18:55 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There is pros and cons to it i think.

One being how would you feel and your clan feel if you lost out on the division title because your player deactivated and did not return. In return he gave the opposing clan just enough points to take that title, where as the rule at least gives you a chance to stop them getting those points needed.

No one can say they would not be annoyed or anything about that because they would...
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18:55 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
don't have a pop at the way i run my clan, thank you. someone getting banned is not down to me nor any other member of my clan, i do not see why we should be punished.

players getting banned - beyond my control
players not playing a game whats the difference - i can make subs if a player doesn't play and is my fault if it goes to default

^ there is a difference

i didn't say it should be replayed, i asked for peoples opinions on it as i feel personally it can be reformed, i like Jays suggestion to be honest.

and for your information, i have got my clan affairs in order, i know i can no longer captain a clan as i have new personal commitments and have therefore folded the clan. but i take full responsibility for all the defaults that happened with crazy eights and i am sorry if my new born baby is more important than a few clan matches

oh and technically too_good was your player when he got banned so don't harp on at me about "suitable players"
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19:00 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
tell you what rather than me have an oppinion,, which is of sound thought ,

change a rule and encorage more arguments on this thread, and in the league

i will post no more on this topic

nothing to do with wrong mindsets,,,, crazys talking about defaults i ask ya.... and saying iv got the wrong mindset

ive said all along
talk to the teams with none or fewest defaults and see how they manage it

dont bow to teams with high defaults in the first place
help them to conform to the rules, they will soon learn or fold as you have seen recently

dont change rules to help these teams, surely thats negativity
Posts: 22,512
19:05 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Past examples are not really working i think so here goes a more in depth one.

MVP v Shooters

bluenose1872 (4) - (6) its_me

bluenose1872 receives a ban, there for he can not play due to that. MVP sub in ab_rfc to complete the last 5 frames of the match.

ab_rfc (2) - (3) its_me

Alan plays the game and in return wins two frames for MVP, while Tratter wins a further three frames for Shooters. Alan has there for stopped Tratter gaining a further two points in the game but Tratter has received three points due to winning three frames. Making the final score stand at (9) - (4) to its_me.

This would only be brought in if a player was banned/deactivated or left the clan. If a captain was to remove the player with no reason at all then technically it is there own fault if that game is not finished and it should go to default. If the game was just not completed for what ever reason (both blue and its_me just could catch eachother online again) then of course that game would go to default.
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19:05 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
who mentioned your baby ????
,,, personally i am amazed that you have time to be on funkypool at all with a new born,

having 3 children myself,all living at home i appreciate what hard work it is

i know a little about this subject too..... but thats not for this thread is it
Posts: 22,512
19:07 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Of course as people have said - the above happening is very rare as it does not happen much so in return if the rule was implemented then chances are it would not be enforced often.

I myself like the idea, but if the majority are totally against it then i don't see why i should implement it into the rules.
Posts: 22,512
19:07 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
who mentioned your baby ????
,,, personally i am amazed that you have time to be on funkypool at all with a new born,

having 3 children myself,all living at home i appreciate what hard work it is

i know a little about this subject too..... but thats not for this thread is it

He is sleeping and got nothing else to do
Deleted User
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19:08 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
we didn't have high defaults to start with, it was only when my personal life took over that i didn't have time to manage a clan, i already said that it was entirely my fault but if i didn't have Riley then i would have continued as a low default clan.

i hardly think that this rule change would cause any more arguments, it is you that causes arguments when trying to get your point across about something. rather than putting forward a constructive comment, you attack my clan? there is no need, i only wanted a discussion on this rule.

i didn't request to discuss this rule for my own benefit as my clan has folded, it is just a scenario that came to light during season 16.
Posts: 19,967
19:08 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You can have an opinion, just don't make personal comments to people - fairly simple really.

It won't cause arguments on this thread because it will be carefully thought through whether changed or not.

LL is a team with low defaults, we'd be quite happy with that rule. Maybe people who want games to go to default/quite happy for them to go to default shouldn't have their input in this discussion. You'd be against a rule that can reduce defaults when properly used?
Posts: 38,097
19:09 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
people are forgetting in the instance i wrote, BOTH captains need to agree for the rule to take place, the emphasis is on "both" which means say it was player A (MVP) vs player B (Shooters), lets say player A got banned, the players A captain could ask doesn't mean they have to to see if the game can be replayed with a sub, if player B captain disagrees then its a normal game where it could go to default, if player B captain agreed to restart if it went to default it would favour player B as player A got banned.

so if player B captain doesn't like the rule they would just refuse to restart and its a normal game.

not bothered what happens just explaining what i meant
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19:10 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
jay im not bothered
i said my piece, i dont think it should be encouraged

personally if you believe in the rule change it, why ask on discussion what people think,, just do it and every one conforms

i wasnt having an argument it was oppinion until yet again ppl make it personal... why cant people just listen to other ppls oppinions before shooting them down

in life dont have problems just have solutions and then stick with them

or shall we all have a referedum
Posts: 22,512
19:13 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Then again though player B's captain could just disagree because they think they will get the rest of the points from the default panel. Even if player A had tried to get the game played before he/she was banned.

I really don't agree with the restarting of a whole game though, as the player B who is not at fault would have to give up those frames they deserved to win.
Posts: 22,512
19:14 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah... just because i like the idea does not mean i want to implement it, don't want to implement an idea that lets say 60% of the clan population hate. If that made sense.
Posts: 19,967
19:15 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Because this league isn't a dictatorship, it's a league for the funkypool community so as such the community has its input into the decisions on here to try and give them what the majority want. Otherwise you'd have people leaving the league a lot more and it would become a mess.

Again, YOU (as always) are the one to make it personal. You never listened to other peoples before you shot theirs down, why should they do the same for you?

I think captains/runners input would be needed in each situation to use this rule, otherwise 9 times out of 10 one captain would refuse
Deleted User
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19:16 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry this is the last I will reply to you because I can't get past your contradictory comments. I only said that just letting it go to default isn't how we should look at this. YOU then attacked MY clan so YOU made it personal.

I wanted to bring this to the discussion thread as I quit as league runner and wanted to bring this to league runners attention using the proper channels whilst giving other members a chance to have their input on it
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