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Deleted User
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13:44 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thought this was the new receptive league?

Ive introduced problems that dont exist that you have posted you will need to bring rules in for!! Glad thats sorted - good luck!!

Sorry chris was getting tired after the latest 4 pages and didn't see that bl3ss3d had re-joined that conversation which made me think you were just being argumentative and led to me mis-reading your last comment....apologies.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:59 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thought this was the new receptive league?

Ive introduced problems that dont exist that you have posted you will need to bring rules in for!! Glad thats sorted - good luck!!

Have you ever read animal farm?

How have I been unhelpful?

Your problem
-Eagles didn't have 3 on the last night they had 2
My answer
-Try again another day, bare with them they are a bit light on numbers at the moment. It's the first time you have tried to play the game and have 10 more days to go

Your problem
-Their captain isn't helpful
My answer
-Go through gordo because we always find he gets them all organised through games with no fuss.

I read animal farm in school close to 20 years ago as most people that grew up in England will have at least.
We didn't overthrow anyone, nobody can compare the way things are being run now with aren't being clever you are just showing your motives.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:04 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  

How have I been unhelpful?

Your problem
-Eagles didn't have 3 on the last night they had 2
My answer
-Try again another day, bare with them they are a bit light on numbers at the moment. It's the first time you have tried to play the game and have 10 more days to go

Your problem
-Their captain isn't helpful
My answer
-Go through gordo because we always find he gets them all organised through games with no fuss.

They DID have 3 players online yesterday! I have said that 4 times now, why on earth would I try to have arranged a match if they only had 2 players online!

So your telling me to ignore their captain? I have posted on their thread and still had no aid so obviously Gordo isnt exactly helpful either!

My motives are to not be screwed over in preseason friendlies because we have been given an extremely unactive clan!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:07 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Nobody will get "screwed" over as you put it we are not here to make anyone's time hard on here. Everyone will be given a fair shot as I you have an inactive clan to play it will show with the amount you try and get your games plAyed.
Posts: 38,097
14:08 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The good thing about allowing a 3v3 game to be played as 2v2 (or 3v2 or whatever) is that there's already a built-in punishment in place. Any team that doesn't start with 3 players has no chance of winning 6-0 (since to get a 6-0, the winning team must have all 3 players left).

agree with this, if a team want to carryon with 2 players long as your captain agrees then thats what should happen as you would be losing points as a disadvantage also you would be one man down so its not really in your favour.

but on deadline night you need a set time (e.g. 8 or 10 pm) if less than 3 are online at that time then so be it, remember you only need 3 players in total to start a killer game
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:12 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Nobody will get "screwed" over as you put it we are not here to make anyone's time hard on here. Everyone will be given a fair shot as I you have an inactive clan to play it will show with the amount you try and get your games plAyed.

Matty I understand and trust the fact that YOU would look into every eventuality but I dont appreciate being told im in the wrong for trying to arrange a clan game when their team had 3 players online and we had 6 players online at the time!

Can i bring the suggestion here that, as someone who has supported the idea of killer since day one, that either we have

1) 1 game of 3x3 killer (so 2 in the 2 weeks, 1 verses each team)


2) 2 games of 2x2 killer (so 4 in the 2 weeks, 2 verses each team)

Think either of those two options would be a lot more practical and have more chance of getting played!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:21 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  

They DID have 3 players online yesterday! I have said that 4 times now, why on earth would I try to have arranged a match if they only had 2 players online!

So your telling me to ignore their captain? I have posted on their thread and still had no aid so obviously Gordo isnt exactly helpful either!

My motives are to not be screwed over in preseason friendlies because we have been given an extremely unactive clan!!

Obviously has to be 3 players that want to play online, they had 2 players that wanted to play in it.
It was the first day you had tried to play it! (Said that more than 4 times)
We tried to play a game with mouseketeers they had 3 on but one had the chance to do an FCL friendly with a closer deadline so played that.
Next night came and we played the killer game without any problem.
Of course they are going to get more unresponsive if you are posting crap on their thread for no reason.
The guidelines were quite clearly set out for arranging without causing arguments, no need for all this have it recorded that you tried yesterday and had 3 ready to play, they didn't.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:23 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Of course they are going to get more unresponsive if you are posting crap on their thread for no reason.

As a excaptain and a league runner, you are telling me posting two players havent been on in a week is "crap" as you put it?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:26 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The one thing I will say is this. The killer can work with the guidelines set out. If a clan is inactive that doesn't go against you if you try and get the game played and the posts are there to prove it then when it comes to default time it will clearly be a no brainier lol. So let's just try and get them played.

We understand there will alway be teething problems with new ideas but we as runners are trying our best to make the league more fun to play in and be apart of. If at any time we feel the new ideas are hindering that we will deal with that also.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:28 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The one thing I will say is this. The killer can work with the guidelines set out. If a clan is inactive that doesn't go against you if you try and get the game played and the posts are there to prove it then when it comes to default time it will clearly be a no brainier lol. So let's just try and get them played.

We understand there will alway be teething problems with new ideas but we as runners are trying our best to make the league more fun to play in and be apart of. If at any time we feel the new ideas are hindering that we will deal with that also.

Hold on im not even talking bout killer now! i have posted twice once to inform a captain his players have been off for a week let alone one player in the fixture against us who hasnt been on in a month, and then to inform them where we stand on the clan killer.

And i have now been accused by one of your league runners of posting pointless "crap"!

Which is entirely out of order on his part!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:30 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Of course they are going to get more unresponsive if you are posting crap on their thread for no reason.

As a excaptain and a league runner, you are telling me posting two players havent been on in a week is "crap" as you put it?

Killer games can be played by anyone, we are talking killer here aren't we?
Posting that pintofshandy didn't answer your messages and was unresponsive is posting was such a shame? seriously lol.

Anybody else would have just put
'We had 3 on tonight for killer you had 2 on so we'll try again tomorrow at 8 cheers'

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:32 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Of course they are going to get more unresponsive if you are posting crap on their thread for no reason.

As a excaptain and a league runner, you are telling me posting two players havent been on in a week is "crap" as you put it?

Killer games can be played by anyone, we are talking killer here aren't we?
Posting that pintofshandy didn't answer your messages and was unresponsive is posting was such a shame.

Anybody else would have just put
'We had 3 on tonight for killer you had 2 on so we'll try again tomorrow at 8 cheers'


Pintofshandy is also my opponant in FBL therefore yes it is an issue that he is unresponsive as it means i cant get my us8 ball game done aswell

So my opponant not responing to my efforts to get intouch with him is "crap" aswell? I cant wait to see what you expect to get in default info if your telling me that a player ignoring messages is "crap" and not important.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:33 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Hold on im not even talking bout killer now! i have posted twice once to inform a captain his players have been off for a week let alone one player in the fixture against us who hasnt been on in a month, and then to inform them where we stand on the clan killer.

And i have now been accused by one of your league runners of posting pointless "crap"!

Which is entirely out of order on his part!

You got a response to that from mikee...something along the lines of 'don't start this crap so early in the fixture Alex' I think.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:38 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Hold on im not even talking bout killer now! i have posted twice once to inform a captain his players have been off for a week let alone one player in the fixture against us who hasnt been on in a month, and then to inform them where we stand on the clan killer.

And i have now been accused by one of your league runners of posting pointless "crap"!

Which is entirely out of order on his part!

You got a response to that from mikee...something along the lines of 'don't start this crap so early in the fixture Alex' I think.

You have accused me of posting "crap", i have made 2 posts

1) informing players have been offline, and i dont think when a player hass being off for a week there is an point of posting it is "so early in the fixture"


2) pointing out that we tried to get the game played and pintofshandy was ignoring my messages, again as he is my opponent it is a very important point to make!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:39 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Pintofshandy is also my opponant in FBL therefore yes it is an issue that he is unresponsive as it means i cant get my us8 ball game done aswell

So my opponant not responing to my efforts to get intouch with him is "crap" aswell? I cant wait to see what you expect to get in default info if your telling me that a player ignoring messages is "crap" and not important.

You were talking about the killer game, you asked him to play in the killer game obviously.
He didnt respond to a message about the killer game then not a message about your FBL 8 ball game.
As he played a superleague game yesterday for them against the best player on here and always plays his games and is active I am sure we won't have any default info from his 8 ball game to bother with.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:42 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Alex pintofshandy wasn't sure he had a clan friendly, I asked him to fire you a pm, he says the Eagles are laid but back, but that doesn't get games played unfortunately

They dont even know they have games! I have messaged him about a number of games and he has ignored it. He also ignored pms from his own team and doesnt accept pms anyway!

This is not just a killer issue this is a player issue!
Posts: 11,061
14:47 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I played pintofshandy 2 days ago in my Super League fixture without any problems at all. Maybe it has something to do with you.

But is this really an important enough issue to have 2 pages of arguments??
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:48 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Right everyone stop with the bickering "as that's what this is".

We are supposed to be new receptive runners but we are behaving like the last ones at the moment and tbh it is quite annoying to be frank with you.

I fully support the runners I have chosen to run the fbl alongside me but I also understand the comments that players are making.

I have an idea but will discuss it with other runners once I am home as then post later.

Please just for now stop the bickering on this thread as at the minute we are not discussing we are bickering and it's a discussion thread :-) thanks.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:49 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Alex pintofshandy wasn't sure he had a clan friendly, I asked him to fire you a pm, he says the Eagles are laid but back, but that doesn't get games played unfortunately

They dont even know they have games! I have messaged him about a number of games and he has ignored it. He also ignored pms from his own team and doesnt accept pms anyway!

This is not just a killer issue this is a player issue!

This is the wrong place for this, if you have an issue arranging a game with a player then get your captain or vice to sort it.
Not a league matter and not for the league discussion thread.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:55 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Right everyone stop with the bickering "as that's what this is".

We are supposed to be new receptive runners but we are behaving like the last ones at the moment and tbh it is quite annoying to be frank with you.

I fully support the runners I have chosen to run the fbl alongside me but I also understand the comments that players are making.

I have an idea but will discuss it with other runners once I am home as then post later.

Please just for now stop the bickering on this thread as at the minute we are not discussing we are bickering and it's a discussion thread :-) thanks.

Thank you for stepping in Matty As I said my issue is how am spoken to, so hopefully this will improve now.
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