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Posts: 11,061
14:50 Wed 9 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I have accepted it.
I thought it would be ok to ask whether fastboysam actually made a decision or whether their vote was still 1-1
Posts: 703
15:40 Wed 9 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i gave my opinion, however we agreed that in the circumstances sarah put out that statement instead.
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19:36 Wed 9 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lee, you keep posting the same thing over n over it comes down to this every time and every time its the permission was publicly announced for this guy to sub in.

Edited at 11:02 Wed 09/05/12 (BST)

Will happily stand down after this decision, there was no comparison between the 2 situations and i'm not wasting my time going through threads to make a decision that I have been asked to make only to have it over-ruled.
Posts: 6,262
19:45 Wed 9 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Where the fbl rules regarding subs originally based on the fcl rules for making subs ?
Posts: 11,061
00:50 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Suggestion for next season:
Get rid of the default bonus- these arguments would've been avoided. Nobody cared about the game scores here- the bonus points were what mattered. The completion bonus is very contentious and is not worth the trouble.
Posts: 38,097
01:01 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
reminds me of the FCL last season in a way when we tried to distinguish who deserved bonus through defaults etc, since getting rid its helped in a fashion but at same time it normally stops the incentive to complete games.
Posts: 11,061
01:10 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
In theory, but look at the FCL defaults since taking away the bonus- way down.

edit: and arguments.

Edited at 22:45 Wed 09/05/12 (BST)
Posts: 7,940
01:39 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree with Seb
Deleted User
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02:06 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like you to show me, where there have been arguments regarding default bonus in the FBL this season

FBL has ran very smoothly the way it is, i dont see were there has been anything anywhere regards this, im not saying there hasnt been one ,,
so if it isnt broken why try to fix it

the default panels have done great this season,
not to many players or captains complaining about the outcomes of the defaults either

however always room for improvement.
Posts: 11,061
02:10 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The current arguments about the subs were all brought up mainly because the implications about the default bonus were massive for the outcome this season. If this was only about the game's result, it would've been far less important.
It's all about the bonus that you get or don't get because of the subs.
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02:15 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to ask peoples views on the following
sarah posted before regards this

we are hoping to introduce a team game somthing people have been asking about for a while, we want to introduce it to the FBL schedule this forthcomming season

we would like 6 man killer 3 from each team, if we cant get this agreed work 4 man killer

we think it would be competitive have a tactical edge and be lots of fun. once its going we think it will be great fun and very popular

we know getting players on at the same time maybe a problem at first. but weve looked at not having nominated players just anyone who is online , we are sure wants this gets going poeple will want to play and be online

points will be awarded from 6 to1 nor 4 to1

oppinions please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:22 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The current arguments about the subs were all brought up mainly because the implications about the default bonus were massive for the outcome this season. If this was only about the game's result, it would've been far less important.
It's all about the bonus that you get or don't get because of the subs.

maybe in your oppinion, certainly not in my eyes

but i certainly will not be going down that line i respect the leagues decision and will abide by the ruling, and make no further comment (if you want to continue this discussion maybe feel free to offline message me)

i didnt see or hear anyone discussing outcomes reagards the default bonus. i did what i did out of spite and have since apologised for my actions , so in my humble oppinion your wrong. 2 matches out of how many games gone to default ?
Posts: 7,940
03:49 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to ask peoples views on the following
sarah posted before regards this

we are hoping to introduce a team game somthing people have been asking about for a while, we want to introduce it to the FBL schedule this forthcomming season

we would like 6 man killer 3 from each team, if we cant get this agreed work 4 man killer

we think it would be competitive have a tactical edge and be lots of fun. once its going we think it will be great fun and very popular

we know getting players on at the same time maybe a problem at first. but weve looked at not having nominated players just anyone who is online , we are sure wants this gets going poeple will want to play and be online

points will be awarded from 6 to1 nor 4 to1

oppinions please

Must admit I expected a few comments about this suggestion, posted a day ago and no ones got an opinion on it, strange lol, it doesn't interest me but others might want it.
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03:55 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Think they could add 2 x 6 man killer games onto the FBL games with 3 pts for 1st, 2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd
That way all scores are still possible 6-0, 5-1, 4-2, 3-3 in each..shouldnt be hard to arrange really and will add some fun to things.
Would also mean the straight games aren't deciding nearly every fixture.
Posts: 7,940
04:37 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I have to disagree, if any games are going to default it will be killer and how would a default panel predict scores for that, I've no idea lol
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08:53 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I feel that killer should not be implemented during the new season but done as a trial having no bearing on the league whatsoever. A sepearte " Killer " table to be added to the website. See how that goes and as alan said work out a default system
Deleted User
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19:33 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]

This was never posted anywhere on the the three threads, yes he might be an eligible to play it but he never informed Latin Legends, his own team and also never posted the sub on the subs thread this can not be taken as been played surely as he never did the correct steps which are below


5.1 Informing the league hosts
All substitutions must immediately be posted in the official league forum thread named "FBL Substitutions Thread". This enables fixtures and the web site to be updated promptly.When posting on the Substitution Clan Thread, swaps or subs,please use the following format eg.

Division 1 / 2
Game Type, 9us,8us,8uk, or straight
Killer any online player is permitted to play
Swap or Sub
Player user name
Player A v Player B
is now
Player A v Player C

5.2 Informing the opposing clan
All substitutions and swaps must immediately be communicated to the opposing clan captain or vice captain. It is advised to use both the clan forum thread as well as offline messages for this, to allow information to reach the affected player in case of a vacant captain.
(It is advised when doing a swap or a sub to offline message all players concerned) Incase of a vacant captain / vice a list of players that maybe used should be posted on both clan threads and the official substitution thread by the captain or the vice.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:24 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Shooters were allowed to break all the subs rules less than a week ago with someone who isn't even on their teamsheet making subs.
The same person who still isn't even on their teamsheet has now given someone permission to sub into a game without following any of the rules that were even posted on the threads after the last time!
Can we get back to the same rules for everyone again?
How can craig be a league runner when he either can't get a grasp of the rules or just thinks that they dont apply to him or shooters?!
Again no permission given for this sub, you have 2 captains and 2 vices that live on here and they still can't do things properly.
Like to know how I got outvoted on the original decision too really as Sarah was supposed to be staying out of it as she is one of the shooters captains.

Edited at 18:28 Sun 13/05/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:27 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]

4 subs eligible posted there on Latins page

got anything to say about that ipotalot?
Posts: 19,967
21:29 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
He's a co-captain now, it was posted on the team changes thread. But permission was giving for players to sub in, they didn't sub in after a strict warning was given regarding subs, that they have to be spot on from now on.

Could easily say vidic was subbed out of that fixture
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