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Posts: 7,164
16:44 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
great, so craig is a default panelist..

oh here comes fairness

if crazy 8's have no default member, i would like to volunteer thankyou

is there any need for your personal slating of me on this forum...

as a matter of fact lethal_lure is the shooter default person, as he was last season
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16:46 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i was refering to me volunteering to be the crazy 8 defaulter.
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16:47 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
Craig it leaves nothing to be desired!!!

why would you argue and moan for a 1 per clan defaultee in the FCL when you wont even implement a fair default panel in your own league! or as far as we know anyway.

I would like this quite clear, craig has nothing to do with the defaults.

if a clan wishes to have one of their players on the default panel, there will be 1 player per clan allowed. No member will have access to their own teams divisions defaults.

Shooters already have a player on the default panel, lethal_lures, who will be staying on as a panel member for next season.
Posts: 22,512
16:50 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not often i need to do this but i did ask for opinions on the default panel thing for the FCL, at the time when i appointed Sarah as a league runner she also thought it was a good idea and i like the fact that an idea i had is also being implemented into the FBL.

At no point was the issue every argued about, and 99% of the people thought the idea would work if i am correct.

Would also like to point out that lethal_lures is a very good member for the default panel, his predictions are always spot on in my opinion. Have been thinking of asking him if he would like to do FCL to and represent the Shooter team.

I know most of the panel already . Lips are sealed.
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16:54 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
i was refering to me volunteering to be the crazy 8 defaulter.
If people would like to volunteer to join the default panel, if they could please get the captain to offline message me, and i will send the link , and relevant information,


League Runner
Posts: 11,061
17:34 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
anoneeemouse said:
It has been explained in offline message seb, as to why the decisions were overruled.
You aren't answering my question though and didn't do it in offline messages either. I understand why you thought you had to change the decision.
However, what gives you the right to overrule the default panel's unanimous decision?
If it doesn't matter what they say and you can just choose your opinion, then we don't need a defaults team. You didn't explain what gave you the right to overrule the defaults team in several offline messages, so I asked here.
Your last post didn't explain that either.
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17:43 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Not often i need to do this but i did ask for opinions on the default panel thing for the FCL, at the time when i appointed Sarah as a league runner she also thought it was a good idea and i like the fact that an idea i had is also being implemented into the FBL.

At no point was the issue every argued about, and 99% of the people thought the idea would work if i am correct.

Would also like to point out that lethal_lures is a very good member for the default panel, his predictions are always spot on in my opinion. Have been thinking of asking him if he would like to do FCL to and represent the Shooter team.

I know most of the panel already . Lips are sealed.

i see no one been ask from top pool aces yet lol
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17:45 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
anoneeemouse said:
theukspoon said:
i was refering to me volunteering to be the crazy 8 defaulter.
If people would like to volunteer to join the default panel, if they could please get the captain to offline message me, and i will send the link , and relevant information,


League Runner

As you messaged a vice an hour ago asking if we wanted a player in the default team, I assume that an offline message from a vice will do?

Just incase anyone get confused with who the message is addressed to I am looking for a reply from the league runner, just so people don't confuse the situation answering in place of league staff.
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00:36 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
angel said:
anoneeemouse said:
theukspoon said:
i was refering to me volunteering to be the crazy 8 defaulter.
If people would like to volunteer to join the default panel, if they could please get the captain to offline message me, and i will send the link , and relevant information,


League Runner

As you messaged a vice an hour ago asking if we wanted a player in the default team, I assume that an offline message from a vice will do?

Just incase anyone get confused with who the message is addressed to I am looking for a reply from the league runner, just so people don't confuse the situation answering in place of league staff.

anoneeemouse any news?
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01:08 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
As the vice was online, they were messaged . The captain of the team will need to confirm any player that is chosen to join the default panel .
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01:19 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
In the message you said if you want a player on the defaults panel "please get them to offline message me" there was no referance to the captain =/
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10:46 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
angel said:
In the message you said if you want a player on the defaults panel "please get them to offline message me" there was no referance to the captain =/
The vice was online at the time , the captain was also messaged .
If a vice suggests someone, or a player nominates themselves, the captain would be messaged to confirm that they are happy for that player to represent their team on the default panel.
Posts: 1,594
12:13 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
angel its really simple, get ur captain to put ur name forward, job done.

dont over complicate things.
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18:46 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done to everyone in season 3

Congratulations to :

Division 1 winners : Shooters Revenge

Posted Image

Division 2 winners : Pythons

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FBL Cup winners : Pythons

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18:47 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Golden Cue Div 1 winner : lethal_lures

Posted Image

Golden Cue Div 2 winner : dvz

Posted Image

Well done all

League Runner
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19:03 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

The new FBL website is available to find all league information

It is suggested that all Captains and players, read through the rules, and are familiar with them for the new season.

League Runner
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21:01 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.1 Clan size
Clans must have a minimum of 8 players, with one being identified as clan captain and preferably another as vice captain as backup. Each clan may have a maximum of 15 players .

if the other to leagues have 16 players in there team why cant you otherwise you have leave out one team member

5.8 Swaps
A maximum of 1 swap is permitted per fixture per clan. A swap can be made between format to format in the fixture, however if the swap is reversed by the opposing team this may go against them if the game goes to default due to this action.

why not open this up more then one swap
Posts: 22,512
21:12 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is a totally different league though, just because FBL has some rules that came from FCL does not mean that they have to follow them all or go along the same guidelines as them.

If it has been set as 15 players then that is just something someone will have to deal with, not every clan has 16 active players though at any one time so it would not be a problem in my eyes.
Deleted User
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21:32 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't know where you have got that rule from rick are you looking on the new site?

1.1 Clan size
Clans must have a minimum of 10 players (all teams must have at least 2 valid substitutes , however 8 players will be accepted with league runners permission), with one being identified as clan captain and another as vice captain. Each clan may have a maximum of 16 players .

Because of the format of FBL you could very easily manipulate the system if more swaps were allowed, picking your matches effectively.
Remember also that each team can swap once and you can ask your opposite captain to use their swap if it is genuinely helping to get a game played then i'm sure they would.
Deleted User
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22:35 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't know where you have got that rule from rick are you looking on the new site?

1.1 Clan size
Clans must have a minimum of 10 players (all teams must have at least 2 valid substitutes , however 8 players will be accepted with league runners permission), with one being identified as clan captain and another as vice captain. Each clan may have a maximum of 16 players .

Because of the format of FBL you could very easily manipulate the system if more swaps were allowed, picking your matches effectively.
Remember also that each team can swap once and you can ask your opposite captain to use their swap if it is genuinely helping to get a game played then i'm sure they would.

was reading the old one lol
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