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Posts: 38,097
02:46 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
jose_enrique played 2 games for us, so those should be replayed. Should I just name someone else to play them?

Haven't checked for other clans.

edit: dgen, tinie is with Pythons in FBL for now.

can sarah confirm action in bold please?
Posts: 22,512
02:47 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
A mistake was made by the league craig, it happens, it can be rectified, the teams didn't do anything wrong because they had permission but wrongly.
As soon as it was realised by the other teams involved they have offered to replay games involving the players.
Nobodies honour is at stake lol and no reason to withdraw from the cup unless you don't have eligible, willing players that is.

I believe this post as i will gladly replay any of the games, i never noticed the tinie thing until it was brought up i then went and looked into it and he is also ineligible i have offered to replay.
Posts: 22,512
02:48 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
anoneeemouse said:
anoneeemouse said:
The flaw in the current rule ,

1.6 Withdrawing clans
When a clan withdraws or is dissolved during a season all players in that clan are immediately considered free agents and may be signed by other clans at any time.

The players played in season 3, the teams folded in season 3, season 3 is still ongoing , meaning the teams folded during the season , as the rule states.
I still stand by this, and believe that no rules were broken , but i will definately make sure there can be no misinterpretations of the new rule next season.

However, as captains are happy to replay games , then a 3 day extension will be given to the teams involved, to get them replayed.

I hope this solves the problem, if captains need to know which games need replaying, then please offline message me and i will send the details.

League Runner

Can you please message me with the games that need to be replayed please for the Pythons. I have available subs to use as tinie was ineligible.
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02:48 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
an apology... is this some kind of joke? you will NOt get an apology from me for that, because I am happy to say what everyone else is thinking.

i am and never will be biased, I am more than happy to disagree with Jay because I don't need to share a brain with him. fact is, pythons were getting screwed over by a biased judgement and i am not the only one who thought it. looks like all those clans affected are willing to replay their games so looks like the matter is resolved.

i always respected sarah and maintained she was by far the nicest female on this site, but wow how people change... and quickly! thats all you will get from me now. if you want to discuss anything FCL related, you know where our thread is.
Posts: 11,061
02:49 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
jose_enrique 4 vs 2 upforit
jose_enrique 5 vs 1 cke1982
tinie 3 vs 3 0utlaw
tinie 5 vs 1 beatnicpres
mighty_zeus 6 vs 0 hotdave

Those are all the games that need to be replayed I think.
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02:49 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
whocares8x8 said:
jose_enrique played 2 games for us, so those should be replayed. Should I just name someone else to play them?

Haven't checked for other clans.

edit: dgen, tinie is with Pythons in FBL for now.

can sarah confirm action in bold please?

As long as the player is eligible for the fixture, games can be replayed from now.

Please will captains put the player who will be replaying the game on the subs thread, so i can update the tables

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02:49 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
im not even in FBL and i agree Pythons were getting screwed over..

Jem aint bias - she is the nicest female on this site.. (dont change)
Posts: 7,164
02:50 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i would like an apology and one is owed i believe

i said from the beginning, we had permission, then the usual lets hang shooters out to dry

lee i totally agree things can be sorted ,,,, however until it was discovered other teams had players involved it was oooh nooo the big bad shoooters and spoonie accusing shooters of cheating

i am doing the honourable thing and yes we do have a full compliment of players

id ask you to read back,, over previous pages on this thread

its all calm now,,,, why ? o dear its not just the shooters is it
Deleted User
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02:51 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hang on im not the only one making accusations.. and nobody owes you an apology, you need to replay some games though, stick your captaincy hat on
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02:53 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
read above lee

do you believe your last post

Obviously I believe it, I wrote it and as you named potlimit as one of the players you could have used and he hardly left on good terms.
Maybe you just don't think you can get a win with the players actually eligible and would rather be able to put it down to this.
Makes more sense than you doing the honourable thing lol
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02:55 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
2 hours ago my first post in reply to you craig

ipotalot said:
The fact is they've played and finished a full season for another clan, agreed it's not shooters fault if you asked first craig but they blatantly aren't eligible.
Posts: 22,512
02:56 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I never once mentioned Shooters were cheating read back on all my posts about the situation you will see.

I don't give a rats butt what other people are saying on the matter really, it is a free world and people are free to there own opinion. It is plain and simple there was a mistake made it was in the middle of being resolved and another mistake was found. I don't care who made the mistake or what did they have been found and are getting sorted .
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02:59 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
tinie v 0utlaw
pintofshandy v sean92
rocketweaz8 v pintofshandy
jose_enrique v cke1982
tinie v beatnicpres
jose_enrique vs upforit
mighty_zeus vs hotdave
tinie vs 0utlaw

The above games will need to be replayed.
I apologise to everyone , and i will ensure that all rules are clear for next season.


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03:01 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
what about the cup match?
Posts: 22,512
03:02 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
tinie v 0utlaw is mentioned twice? shouldn't that be...

tinie v 0utlaw
tinie v beatnicpres

Going by what you said as being replayed i think you mean captains need to sub there player out and put another in, as i took that as tinie just had to replay those guys for a second haha Im shattered brain is not functioning.
Posts: 38,097
03:04 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive noticed a possible flaw with defaults (no ones fault) but when i 'practice' i tend to be in the chat room practising my breakoff (mostly UK) and i can be doing that for at least an hour but the key point is it doesn't appear on results page etc so you have no 'proof' that you did in fact practice unless you state it in your messages report.

question is would the defaults team believe your word for it?
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03:08 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
To throw in the towel in the first FBL cup final a tad prima donna..Ah well you will go down in history.
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03:38 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
ive noticed a possible flaw with defaults (no ones fault) but when i 'practice' i tend to be in the chat room practising my breakoff (mostly UK) and i can be doing that for at least an hour but the key point is it doesn't appear on results page etc so you have no 'proof' that you did in fact practice unless you state it in your messages report.

question is would the defaults team believe your word for it?

We check forum posts too james so don't think you would have any worries!
Results get wiped regularly too so quite often by the time you get to score the defaults you only have 2 or 3 days on there. Events are good but some people play killer constantly and that doesn't show.
That's why without the logins if you aren't meeting your opponent naturally you've got to send a message and post on the threads asking for a sub if your opponent isn't's what people should be doing to get games done anyway but it also covers yourself.
Posts: 11,061
03:41 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
My upcoming default against dudeabides will be the most one-sided in history, if he doesn't log in by the deadline. You could even give me 7 or 8-0
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03:43 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
seb deducted 3 points for trying to influence the panels decision
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