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16:57 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
ipotalot said:
Pointing out how ridiculous someone's lies are is not bullying Jo if you don't want people to do it you shouldn't post impossible scenarios or simply don't spoil the league for others by cheating...tend to think getting caught had more to do with the deactivation.

Have to say I am with Lee on this, no one bullied her until deactivation, she deactivated because she was simply caught out.

When us League Runners have sufficient evidence to suggest cheating or multiple users on a League entered account, we will take action. Just remember that not everything relating to this incident may have been on the forum, not that I will disclose anything but how do you know what we have been sent in offline message? Answer... You don't.

Why is there someone always trying to challenge a decision we make without possibly knowing the full facts? If it does not directly concern you or your clan then you really have no reason to question it.

You have no proof they are or were the same person you jumped to conclusions because of a mistake made on her behalf, all i'm saying is in my opinion there was no need for those sarcastic comments, snide remarks and accusations made by certain people on a public forum. It should have been dealt with privately or contact us used ~ That's all i have to say on the matter
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16:57 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
big_mouse said:
diamond_jem said:
I know Ant, gets fustrating at times

Rick, also I think you are missing the point - you cannot slate them if they had admin permission.

what point am i missing jem tell me i like to no

it clearing states in the rules of the site

rick your missin the "admin giving permission" part

yes i read that part and to be honest which ever admin told you that needs to step down he or she is clearing not reading the sites rules
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16:58 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jooodles, why wasnt ur comment like that made a month ago when the same sort of situation came about?
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17:00 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
antione08 said:
big_mouse said:
diamond_jem said:
I know Ant, gets fustrating at times

Rick, also I think you are missing the point - you cannot slate them if they had admin permission.

what point am i missing jem tell me i like to no

it clearing states in the rules of the site

rick your missin the "admin giving permission" part

yes i read that part and to be honest which ever admin told you that needs to step down he or she is clearing not reading the sites rules

exactly what ive already said rick...but you still can NOT slate a player for havin 2 accounts when a member of admin have given permission..its not the players fault if they av been given permission
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17:04 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
come off it ant it states it in the rules mate in black and white for everyone to see
you have be a member a long time same as the others have so you should no what ever admin told you that has made a big mistake
people do make mistakes
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17:06 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no i wont come off it...admin should know that simple rule off by heart. Admin gave permission to the player im talkin about, so nothin wrong with havin 2 accounts on the players behalf, admins mistake, not players

so the player was completely within their rights to create a 2nd account and use it as a friendly account

slate the admin involved, not the player with 2 accounts
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17:08 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jooodles said:

You have no proof they are or were the same person you jumped to conclusions because of a mistake made on her behalf, all i'm saying is in my opinion there was no need for those sarcastic comments, snide remarks and accusations made by certain people on a public forum. It should have been dealt with privately or contact us used ~ That's all i have to say on the matter

a)how much more proof do you need...ridiculous to even query it especially when it was admitted in message but..
player 'a'-why have i been subbed out
mr x-beacuse you are leaving
player b-but I would have played it anyway

how is that not proof that someone is sat there on 2 accounts lol...ridiculous and the sarcastic comments came after the ridiculous explanation.
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17:08 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I never even said they were the same person but there was clear multi use of an account(s) - one which had just played a league game that had a rather surprising outcome.

The scenario that took place had been proved to have happened just 7 days before that too.

Majority of it was dealt with offline actually, a couple of questions and comments on a forum does not amount to bullying.

Jumping to conclusions? - again you don't know whats happened through offline messaging and how many complaints we have had about it previously.
Posts: 38,097
17:12 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ant/rick only one solution, get an admin to post once and for all about second accounts.

if i was allowed a friendly account i would use it for carom on snooker only to go for a target what requires ALOT of resetting.
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17:14 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The simple fact is that if you can't trust who is playing on which account then you have to ban both....from the league not the site.
Should have been end of story but craig decided to bring it all up on here which has caused more unnecessary embarrassment to the players than any of that on underdogs thread.
It was early hours of the morning around 10 people would have seen it and only about 5 knew the accounts were banned from the league now....not any more
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17:14 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
no i wont come off it...admin should know that simple rule off by heart. Admin gave permission to the player im talkin about, so nothin wrong with havin 2 accounts on the players behalf, admins mistake, not players

so the player was completely within their rights to create a 2nd account and use it as a friendly account

slate the admin involved, not the player with 2 accounts

it simple ant report the admin that told you omg you going on like a old woman lol and you no its not right so why keep on with it i put the rules of the site up to show but i had no need as you no the rules already
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17:16 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen mate, i dont need a solution lol, havin 2 accounts doesnt effect me. im clearly statin that someone cant slate someone who has been given permission to have 2 accounts

simple as really mate

yes its bein lead astray by admin, but thats hardly the players fault. its about responsibilty, and the admin member involved is responsible for givin permission in the first place
Posts: 8,885
17:19 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
seen as were talking bout jess acount witch brings mine into it my acount is one remember me soo all she needs was my laptop to be on and use my account without me knowing jay has the mesg that she sent him that says i qoute "i was useing her acount to get in a better team"

thats all i have to say
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17:19 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
antione08 said:
no i wont come off it...admin should know that simple rule off by heart. Admin gave permission to the player im talkin about, so nothin wrong with havin 2 accounts on the players behalf, admins mistake, not players

so the player was completely within their rights to create a 2nd account and use it as a friendly account

slate the admin involved, not the player with 2 accounts

it simple ant report the admin that told you omg you going on like a old woman lol and you no its not right so why keep on with it i put the rules of the site up to show but i had no need as you no the rules already

yea i know the rules set out by 1 member of the admin team in black and white, and i know the rules set by another member of the admin team who stated 2 accounts was fine aslong as ones friendly

i dont need to report anyone lol, i dont av 2 accounts, so doesnt bother me
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17:24 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thegreatone7 said:
seen as were talking bout jess acount witch brings mine into it my acount is one remember me soo all she needs was my laptop to be on and use my account without me knowing jay has the mesg that she sent him that says i qoute "i was useing her acount to get in a better team"

thats all i have to say

so jess was usin ur account? by admition from u and jess
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17:24 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not going to get into a massive debate because we dealt with the matter and fact is we cannot trust either Jess or Beth in the League any more. We made the right decision in how to deal with the situation.
Posts: 8,885
17:28 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
thegreatone7 said:
seen as were talking bout jess acount witch brings mine into it my acount is one remember me soo all she needs was my laptop to be on and use my account without me knowing jay has the mesg that she sent him that says i qoute "i was useing her acount to get in a better team"

thats all i have to say

so jess was usin ur account? by admition from u and jess

yes she did and i didnt know she was on mine as i was on xbox

and im not tryin to start out jem just puttin my point across seen as its suddenly hot topic
Posts: 11,057
17:30 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
whocares8x8 said:
The only reason it would affect the league is if a player uses two accounts in the league. If only one of the accounts is entered in the league, I don't see a reason for the league to get involved, since it won't affect it.
As soon as more than one account is used in the league by the same player, the league should ban all accounts involved.
that is such a silly comment on that its unreal i play one for the league and the other one i play normal that what a lot done when pot_the_lot was doing it the ones that are moaning are the ones that use to do it
in any league play in your real account
ok i make 5 new names up will not say a word change my ip address bob your uncle
I have to say, I don't really know what you said there. Either it's due to the fact that English is my second language, or it's your inability to separate your sentences... if you want me to understand it, post it with some sort of grammar checker.
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17:30 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thegreatone7 said:
antione08 said:
thegreatone7 said:
seen as were talking bout jess acount witch brings mine into it my acount is one remember me soo all she needs was my laptop to be on and use my account without me knowing jay has the mesg that she sent him that says i qoute "i was useing her acount to get in a better team"

thats all i have to say

so jess was usin ur account? by admition from u and jess

yes she did and i didnt know she was on mine as i was on xbox

and im not tryin to start out jem just puttin my point across seen as its suddenly hot topic

ok fair enough
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17:33 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's not you Seb

This would not be hot topic if it was not brought to this thread, to save the two players embarassment we dealt with it via offline message but discretion seems to have gone out the window.
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