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Posts: 38,097
14:38 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
a flaw with the month rule, say you sign up on 31st January you only have to wait until February as that only has 28 days what i propose is change it to a set day for everyone so 31 days (one month) 62 days (2 months) then its the same wait for everyone rather than some waiting 28 days and others 30 or 31.

so if you signed up on 31st Jan, if its 31 days you have to wait until 3rd March (2nd March if leap year) instead of 28th Feb

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14:38 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Don't like chris's idea at all, why limit the clan leagues to the best players?

Where did I say that???

I think probably at least 95% of us could name right now 11 teams that are suitable for playing in the coming season. Thats not to say that all would complete a season as we know from experience things happen. Those things can happen to any team too.

So that would leave one spot up for grabs. Come up with a reasonable way of deciding that one spot and thats your season ready to go. All players who want to play clans (good, not so good, new and old) can easily be accommodated in 12 teams at the moment.

As always though it seems there is a desire to over complicate things.
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14:46 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you limit the leagues to 12 clans then the best players will end up in those clans obviously, with nowhere for the rest to go.
You are also limiting the opportunity to captain to 12 people, the amount of players that have tried getting into the leagues and have been put off by joining clans with captains that haven't got a clue or clans that have folded before they've even got underway is crazy.
If we tighten the restrictions on captaincy to 2 seasons experience and vice-captaining for a season then you will have more and more people coming into clans and staying there.
As for over complicating things? Your ideas want to re-structure all of FCL every week when it's totally unnecessary
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14:49 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
If you limit the leagues to 12 clans then the best players will end up in those clans obviously, with nowhere for the rest to go.

In the nicest possible way that is utter tosh

Show me players that want to play clans that cant within 12 clans. Thats why there are, and always will be spaces. Granted in future that might change but there are no signs of that happening yet.
Posts: 7,164
14:54 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris no way should league runners be able just to choose teams

spells out why with the recent debate on the FBL discussion

to many people just open there mouths before checking things out ,,, to easy to make mistakes
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15:01 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well it can't change with super-chris's proposal can it?
Why can you only take one line of a comment and try and pull it apart?
We get players asking all the time to join and i'm certain that at least 20 players not captaining in the league at the moment could go off and make a reliable team because they have the experience to do it.
Another thing that puts people off is because the standard is so high, be good to eventually get to 3 leagues and with the right people captaining we would grow.
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15:01 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Someone explain really what the point of pre-season qualifying games is then? We never used to have them as anyone who has been around for long enough will know and to be honest in terms of reliability, getting games played and clans completing full seasons it is no better now than it ever was then.

Craig, you and I could draw up a list now of the 12 starting clans for Season 16 and they would be exactly the same list.

I actually believe you increase stability by stating up front who your 12 clans are going to be and giving them time to prepare rather than have the uncertainty of doing set pre-season games where the outcome is unknown and then with about a week to go after that till the season starts in earnest.
Posts: 38,097
15:02 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
a flaw with the month rule, say you sign up on 31st January you only have to wait until February as that only has 28 days what i propose is change it to a set day for everyone so 31 days (one month) 62 days (2 months) then its the same wait for everyone rather than some waiting 28 days and others 30 or 31.

so if you signed up on 31st Jan, if its 31 days you have to wait until 3rd March (2nd March if leap year) instead of 28th Feb

Posts: 7,164
15:05 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
there is alot of things i agree with but many more i dont

and foolish comments like this, give me no faith the new league runners when comments like this are made

diamond jem

Next time you quote rules at us for FCL Craig, we will ignore you, how about that?

are you expecting people who make comments like this and may other comments,,, regarding ignorance and biased be allowed to choose 12 teams i think not

the only way this works is if your part of friends and family not a good way of choosing 12 teams do you
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15:06 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris-Those lists would be based on how much experience the captain has mainly right?
Well if the new clans that formed without experienced captains were told 'sorry, you have to have 2 seasons experience and a season as vice and the clan had to be set up more than a fortnight before the pre-seasons' then a suitable captain would have more than likely made another new clan out of the reliable players in those and we would have 13 decent clans!
Posts: 22,512
15:07 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why we have pre season? Take Lions Den for example if we just let them in the league straight away with out these pre season games it would be pointless as they would fold like they have. At least with pre season you get the reliable teams in to play and hopefully through out the season they stay reliable.

I have a question though for people, do you think that new signings to clans should be allowed to be used during the pre season games? typically i mean free agents from folded clans and people that have never actually played in clans before. If they are going to be a part of the clan and want to show how reliable they are then we should do it ~ That was the argument made to me in private message and now im posting it to see what others think, im not going to say yes if it is hated idea.
Posts: 7,164
15:07 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen who really cares its still a month and im sure commom sense will prevail in a leap year or other

most ppl may have read and just choose to ignore it, if its such a problem why didnt you sort it in your last tenure of the league

then for you to repeat it hmmmmmmm
Posts: 7,164
15:10 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
have i missed somthing last season pre season friendlies were the most important thing since sliced bread whats changed this season

and wonderfully important they were
Posts: 38,097
15:10 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
because i only thought about it just now.

think about it, how is it fair for say myself to wait 28 days and be eligible for fixture and someone else 31 days to miss the fixture by a day. how is it fair? its not, putting the account age to a set day e.g. 31 days then its the same wait for everyone despite if the months has 28,29, 30 or 31 days.
Posts: 22,512
15:10 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
there is alot of things i agree with but many more i dont

and foolish comments like this, give me no faith the new league runners when comments like this are made

diamond jem

Next time you quote rules at us for FCL Craig, we will ignore you, how about that?

are you expecting people who make comments like this and may other comments,,, regarding ignorance and biased be allowed to choose 12 teams i think not

the only way this works is if your part of friends and family not a good way of choosing 12 teams do you

Thats all well and good because really we dont need your faith.

I totally agree with what diamond_jem said, your the first to quote any slight rule on here but as soon as it was done on that discussion thread you were defensive and always saying "lets move on" sadly a discussion does not move on when you ask it to. Never does on this thread why be any different in the rest
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15:11 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've always stuck to the same opinion and I see no reason to change it Jay, once a fixture starts anyone who isn't in the team or eligible at the start can't be allowed to play.
I think the accounts that will be old enough on day 1 of the season should be allowed to play in pre-season games but you shouldn't be able to sign someone halfway through a fixture and have them play.
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15:13 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Chris-Those lists would be based on how much experience the captain has mainly right?

Not pulling apart one line

No it wouldn't mainly be based on that. That would be one but there are many other factors. What players have they got? What do we know about them? How often to they play regularly on the site in non-clan games? What is going on in their threads? What have they done in the past in clans? I dont actually believe it is necessary to have played a full season if the potential captain looks the part.

One example, although I dont really want to, but nevermind. __7baller__ briefly tried to set up his own clan once he saw Lions Den were in trouble. Before that he had made a lot of effort to try and get Lions Den functioning properly by encouraging players to play and contacting opponents. He also played his games. Once he was told by the league runners that he couldnt captain a clan without the relevant experience he accepted it without argument and returned to Lions Den to try and do it all again. Those are the type of members that need encouraging in clans to build a more successful competition instead of placing hand-cuffs on what they can and cannot do.

That is all I am saying. I don't expect it to change because people get very set in their ways in this league.

Edited at 13:17 Fri 17/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,164
15:17 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
im pleased about that jay really pleased

was all good when it was just shooters

she soon changed her tune when friends and family were involved hmmmmmmmmmmm

not just the cup for you but the league,,,,,,,, also

your above comments ,in support it, laugh a minute

and her comments about sarah were disgraceful im surprised admin wernt involved there aswell
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15:17 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Point of pre seasons is to check that clans can play the fixtures given to them to prove they are reliable enough to organise and play games without defaulting.

Anyone who is eligible to play in the first fixture of the official season should be allowed into the pre season friendlies, even if they are not one month old just yet, clans do need to test their players reliability.

But, we did want to give these kinds of players a chance, eg sarny_lad, but due to immense protest, we had to reverse the decision.
Posts: 22,512
15:18 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah i completely understand that mate, i was thinking it through before i posted because people have been saying we should do our best to help a struggling clan(s). Underdogs for example last season they were very reliable until there team started having problems in the middle of the season that is where there defaults started cropping up and things, now they are building yet again a reliable team but they only have 8 - 9 players that are actually able to play because new players can't play.

Either way i'll go with the majority on this anyway as im stuck either way haha I think most wouldn't like to see it happen but i do understand what your saying.
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