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Posts: 22,512
16:04 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyway people i need to go just now, i'll be around later probably, so i will have a look through and see what the hot topics are, have a good afternoon ladies
Posts: 22,512
16:06 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
I think you should start off with 16 as the cut off point and then have the defaults panel look at the defaults.

What you mean exactly mate?

Just there is only 16 games for the teams to play (two fixtures to each clan)
Posts: 11,056
16:06 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
I think you should start off with 16 as the cut off point and then have the defaults panel look at the defaults.
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16:07 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I like Sebs suggestion
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16:10 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Jay will you stop telling people to not discuss league matters on the league discussion thread. Nobody is arguing and you haven't bought the rights to any of these pages.
We're discussing league matters on a league discussion thread.

Perfectly reasonable

bluenose1872 said:
All ready said enough on it Lee mate.

Craig can you offline message me about what you just put above please? and in more detail. Im going to see my daughter soon but i can look at it soon.

No more posts on the subject from me

bluenose1872 said:
Im getting sick of you now mate to be honest, i asked a simple request and that was to keep the avicii thing off the forum, you wonder why heated arguments start well it is for that reason people dont keep it off the forum!

I am head league runner, so im doing what is best for the league hense why asking the above! Im trying to do a good job by the league. Let me do what i need to do, and preventing arguments from arising is one of them jobs, wont be long till your posting your sick of arguments.

That is you throwing the rattle out of the pram/attacking me and the only reason is because I said you cant tell people not to use the forums properly/think you're god...that should explain things to you and jem
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16:15 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lee, not going to get into an argument with you but I do not need things to be explained to me, what I saw was direct ignorance to a request to you from Jay.

And if you think that is Jay throwing his rattle out the pram, you are sorely mistaken.
Posts: 7,164
16:19 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
doubted2 said:
lee / matty i totally agree with what your saying,
however IF this happened it must be stamped on cheating at this level is an unreal level to go to,,, all in the name of winning........

i also dont think league runners if they have the proof should need a rule to justify their actions whoever that maybe

Bringing the league into disrepute is simply not acceptable

and lee youve never had these type of arguments until recently....

Craig we all know how different the tune would be if your player was involved though.
If he was caught stabbing somebody to death in the miiddle of a televised international at wembley stadium you would argue his innocence for weeks.
This is based on rumours and hearsay.
Don't get what the last sentence implies or is pointing out?

lee i really dont get you on this ,,,, its a virtual pool site stabbing some one to death some analogy hmmmmm
i wish you wouldnt continue telling me what,, i would or wouldnt do

on top of that shooters run a clean ship, , i asked the player in question on a differant account to play for shooters

the problem is why do people feel the need to continue to change accounts..... and lee the shoe isnt on the other foot is it ... it sits clearly with you and team angry
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16:20 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah 16/16 to start with, if people know they have to get the full set to start with to be sure it sets a trend, the scores dont matter at all so anyone can play anyone but if defaults come a team could have 4 that aren't their fault at all or (like our FBL game with pythons) a team could have 1 and it show how totally unreliable they are because they had no active players in their squad and players that hadn't even agreed to play for them and were just lucky we had players on to sub in at all times when their player came on for 15 minutes in the whole fortnight.
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16:22 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
Lee, not going to get into an argument with you but I do not need things to be explained to me, what I saw was direct ignorance to a request to you from Jay.

And if you think that is Jay throwing his rattle out the pram, you are sorely mistaken.

It's there in black and white jem no point arguing with you about anything to do with Jay is there you're hardly impartial.
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16:26 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If Jay is wrong, I would tell him, I have had numerous arguments with him about the league when I do not agree so don't just assume I am biased when I have my own mind thank you.
Posts: 38,097
16:30 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
anyway for Jem/Jay should i make a Hall of Fame and Clan League signups forum page on here? this helps with finding information (although most would still be buried).

it would also help for records/winners of the league in the future.

Posts: 7,164
16:30 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lee your saying league discussion thread howay

Craig we all know how different the tune would be if your player was involved though.
If he was caught stabbing somebody to death in the miiddle of a televised international at wembley stadium you would argue his innocence for weeks.

i wish this would stop,,,, its not my player.. and im sure lee you can discuss somthing without making the above statements... hardly appropriate is it
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16:32 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think everyone just needs to quit with the subject if you have something to say on the matter to a certain person i think this should be done in offline message as jay asked for it to be done . That is what i did and look no arguing coming from my end i just think that everyone needs to start listening to the league runner when he asks something he didnt demand it he asked in a polite way so lets just calm down and if something needs to be discussed do it in a pleasant manner via offline message ?
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16:34 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:

1)lee i really dont get you on this ,,,, its a virtual pool site stabbing some one to death some analogy hmmmmm
i wish you wouldnt continue telling me what,, i would or wouldnt do

2)on top of that shooters run a clean ship, , i asked the player in question on a differant account to play for shooters

3)the problem is why do people feel the need to continue to change accounts..... and lee the shoe isnt on the other foot is it ... it sits clearly with you and team angry

1)Doesn't matter what the context is the analogy is just pointing out the extent to which your arguments stretch when arguing the case for shooters sometimes and the hypocrisy of saying we can't question a decision when in the same post saying you agreed with our point.

2)No question that Team Angry have a whiter than white wash too this is regarding something that might have happened seasons ago but hasn't to my knowledge been proven and wasn't against any rules at the time anyway

What is clearly about me and Team Angry? I haven't broken any rules ever and nor has my team, would accuse you of slander there as you normally do but it's only a pool site lol
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16:42 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
If Jay is wrong, I would tell him, I have had numerous arguments with him about the league when I do not agree so don't just assume I am biased when I have my own mind thank you.

I don't assume you have proven it by only joining many discussions with the 'don't have a go at my perfect boyfriend' approach.
Check back if you don't believe me or don't, i'm not bothered either way but I didn't start ranting and raving for no reason, there wasn't any arguing going on and jay had a rant.
I don't care would have dropped it 2 seconds later but if you're gonna keep arguing the toss when it's there in black and white i'm gonna argue back so probably best you drop it really.
Posts: 7,164
16:45 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
naaa lee im not arguing nothing,,, again you summise,,

as you are,, im also entitled to my opinion ,, because i dont agree dosnt mean im arguing , this is also nothing to do with shooters ,, so why bring the team into it again ,,, double standards

the discussion is about a player who may or may not have had multiple accounts and was allegedly found out.. and banned accordingly

i get the discussion lee no arguments here ... you also dont have to shout and stamp your feet either i am entitled to discuss the topic when i do i also dont represent everyone in the shooters team this my opinion lee
Posts: 38,097
16:50 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
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16:50 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Does though craig because you just said you offered the player in question a place in shooters so answer me...
1)Why would you do that for a player who may or may not have had muliple accounts?
2)If he had accepted you not turned you down would you not be on here arguing for his entry same as I am?

We all know the answer to question 2 but you can try and say no if you like will give me a giggle
Posts: 7,164
16:53 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
is this maybe the time too change the topic

and may i propose a new one

relagated teams should be relagated and enter a play-off system to maintain divison one status

this could be incorporated into pre-season qualification
it cant be right teams dont win any or a few games or game in numerous seasons and still keep their divison one staus just because other teams fold

thoughts please
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16:55 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry James, was getting distracting by something thinking they know it all when they don't...

...can you send me some information on your idea in offline logging off for a bit now and will read it when I come back
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