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Posts: 7,164
17:18 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
look at the defaults from div 1 for example

a player i know well has had a game go to default how
and why when a nice player like him is on regular enough is contactable on snooker aswell has a game go to default.

with effort on both sides alot of defaults could be avoided, again captains
Posts: 38,097
17:21 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
dgen i still think alot of the issues here are a reluctance for captains to make subs

it appears teams that are not willing to make subs at all or wait until the last weekend seem to have trouble, and worthy teams are getting defaults becuase of these teams / players

thats reason for my first post as people tend to sub on the last week (nothing wrong with it) but with 3 week deadline you expect a little leeway, just saying shorter the deadline the more focused and alert the players are.

example micky mouse cup, used to be 1 week deadline sure it was little time to get games played but it worked, i liked that format, i do like the cup format now as well, i think they couldn't have been a better 2 clans for the final (MVP and Shooters) and we will see if it lives up to the hype (it has so far and a close final is always the best)

the problem lies with the main league itself
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19:41 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
cue_ control

all have double accounts now the 3 out of TPA team
Posts: 38,097
19:43 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks Rick, if he does it again then ALL his accounts will be banned from the league.
Posts: 9,926
22:57 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
next time xmas comes along (if FCL is still here) i think you should have the week break for xmas as this season playing through xmas has accumulated 16 defaults (maybe a few more unless we got them all) and thats the same as we have had all season throughout both divisions.

also next season i don't think we should have 3 week deadlines as players seem to go missing and players are relaxed so you could cut the 3 week deadline for final fixture too.


You have a week off you are left with 2 weeks to play the games instead of 3, why reduce the time and expect less defaults, doesn't make sense. The extra week is to allow for inactivity of players at that time.

We had 3 fixtures and managed no problems to get them done. I do think clans need to look at reliability of players, not advising clans they will be away etc and late subbing etc by captains doesn't leave time to get games played. As you can sub players in and out if games aren't played after a week i look for any of our opponents online and then if we have any player online who can play, sub them in straight away and get game completed, this is the only way to get games completed and save defaults. Waiting for subs and not subbing early causes defaults. inactive players you have to take on the chin as a clan and it is up to the clan how you resolve this.
Posts: 38,097
23:23 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
already explained in my post, longer the deadline the more relaxed players tend to be, the individual league proves that, i know its a 2 month deadline but same principle, just feel shorter the deadline more alert players are.
Posts: 9,926
23:43 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
already explained in my post, longer the deadline the more relaxed players tend to be, the individual league proves that, i know its a 2 month deadline but same principle, just feel shorter the deadline more alert players are.

If your players are relaxed you need to get on to them and chase them as captain / vice
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23:52 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
look at the defaults from div 1 for example

a player i know well has had a game go to default how
and why when a nice player like him is on regular enough is contactable on snooker aswell has a game go to default.

with effort on both sides alot of defaults could be avoided, again captains

So which game are you hinting at there?

The one were our player got 1 reply saying 1 word?
The fixture where we had a sub in on the last day after complaining for over a week their player hadnt been on and being told it was 'Xmas' so 9 days offline was understandable?
Or finally the fixture where the player asked to be subbed out and we got given a sub that hadn't been on for 16 days and logged into game for 1st time late on Sunday night?

Just generally interested!
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00:13 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
16 days is a no no

he was browsing alot and never seen 1 opponent online if u mean that guy

but its default now

anyway if craig is on about a different game i do not know
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00:43 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
angel said:
doubted2 said:
look at the defaults from div 1 for example

a player i know well has had a game go to default how
and why when a nice player like him is on regular enough is contactable on snooker aswell has a game go to default.

with effort on both sides alot of defaults could be avoided, again captains

So which game are you hinting at there?

The one were our player got 1 reply saying 1 word?
The fixture where we had a sub in on the last day after complaining for over a week their player hadnt been on and being told it was 'Xmas' so 9 days offline was understandable?
Or finally the fixture where the player asked to be subbed out and we got given a sub that hadn't been on for 16 days and logged into game for 1st time late on Sunday night?

Just generally interested!
we had no subs available at the time, we had players online first week where we played most of our games with the other team we played, we then had a player online most of the day deadline day yet your captain comes online keeps him waiting then logs off.

16 days offline irrelevant he was subbed out of that game and not used till last 3 days when he was subbed in then came on, on the Friday check your thread where he posted, should try posting FACTS not FICTION.

Posts: 38,097
00:44 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
enough you two, let the default panel decide
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00:47 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted Image

16 days... Have one with 15 days and the date if you dont believe.

Edit: Sorry Dgen mate but I don't like people making out Emma is a liar, and I deliberately picked a picture I didn't send default team, Emma was quierying doubted anyway not UB.
Posts: 38,097
00:48 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
default information should remain on the default forum and not where people can see them.

just wait for the panel to decide.
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00:50 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He was subbed out theukspoon subbed in and the game got played, so it is irrelevant got subbed back in Friday into a different game and then posted on your thread the day he got subbed in. Go check i only post FACTS (some say im rafa benitez)
Posts: 31,220
22:05 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just butting in here about the two accounts thing... Was it not a rule of this (or maybe another) clan league that any new account had to wait two months before being allowed to play in a clan?
Posts: 9,926
22:12 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Just butting in here about the two accounts thing... Was it not a rule of this (or maybe another) clan league that any new account had to wait two months before being allowed to play in a clan?

Used to be 2 months for new players in this one, but they reduced it to a month a couple of seasons ago.
Posts: 7,164
22:41 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
and for the record i was talking about my m8 dunkyfunk

a reliable nice player ,,,,,,,,,

i take alot of notice of top dogs fixtures for many reasons

id be looking at starting line ups and how many subs top dogs offer up ,,,,, been in that situation myself a few times,, pointed it out to dgen on more than one occasion

i have a special interest as we are close to the top and await the defaults scores with great eagerness

not slating or anything its a competitive league of which i take alot of interest in

no multiple accounts here either

Edited at 20:47 Wed 11/01/12 (GMT)
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23:00 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Just butting in here about the two accounts thing... Was it not a rule of this (or maybe another) clan league that any new account had to wait two months before being allowed to play in a clan?

what is the rule in this now when people have 2 accounts is admin meant to deleted one or the other and give them a warning if they court again they get booted from the site
Posts: 38,097
23:04 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
normally one is banned and thats it
Posts: 7,164
23:05 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if you read the rule rick its very un clear
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