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Posts: 7,164
10:29 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
more to the point can we have clear topics to discuss and a time scale layed out.......

am i right in saying this is whats been decided

1 transfer per season woth captains permission
1 member of each clan on defaults

and 20 ppl in a clan ( dont agree could kill clans and and with uneven skill levels i dont know how 20 fits into 8 which will lead to more players sat around with a nice badge
as suggested you could play them in FBL..... FBL has nothing to do with this league and is run independantly and is run well and stands out in its own right)

and finally reducing game from 3 x 5 to 3 x 3 is a no go ..good

have i missed anything ????????? just alot of pages to read...

next topic please
unless capping a league discussion thread is it after sarah made a point,,,, she may not post alot but im sure its was her idea about defaults ,,,, ???

singles and fixtures anything come of that thought tht was a good idea to keep it interesting ??
Posts: 7,164
10:31 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is it though? Let's look at our track records.

realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll YYYYYYYYYYYY dont go there i wouldnt ,,,,,,, thats your oppinion im sure
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10:32 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alot of members i feel need to simmer down and realise this is a game a online game of pool..It's not the b'all and end'all of life...Get a grip its meant to be enjoyed and for someone new coming in to read this guff will be like "what is the point".
Posts: 11,061
10:42 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
Is it though? Let's look at our track records.

realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll YYYYYYYYYYYY dont go there i wouldnt ,,,,,,, thats your oppinion im sure
Which part?

And the decision was 16 players in a clan, not 20.
Posts: 11,061
10:44 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
white_noise said:
I said cap it 24hrs ago
dgeneratio said:
i agree with Seb on the capped front
ab_rfc said:
whocares8x8 said:
This league could be run so much smoother if the discussion thread was capped like a while ago.
Totally agree with the part in bold

Also, what's with your obsession about my posts? As you can see, several others agreed and ab originally suggested it.
Deleted User
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10:59 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jeez its a clan league! People Bursting veins over jack!

One thing i do agree this is mentioned pages back is One from each clan is in the default panel! (but thinking how would this happen?)
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11:03 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
opps look a crouton pops up ..crunchy...If u want to protest or suggest at least answer your mail MR.
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12:21 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
ipotalot said:
The fact that sarah is a captain that never posts her opinions on here and you are a captain that always does constantly yet the one time she does give an opinion you suggest the thread should be capped is totally ridiculous.
You'll find I suggested it well before that (yesterday I think) after ab had brought it up and several others supported it. That's in response to craig as well. This isn't only me talking.

ipotalot said:
The thread has moved on a long time ago maybe it's you who needs capping seb.
Is it though? Let's look at our track records. Together with dgeneratio, I have run a very successful clan league over on snooker for the last 3-4 seasons. It currently has 96 participants that enjoy themselves. There have been a grand total of 10 posts on the discussion thread there, all of them related to a private argument between two players.
Clearly, I'm doing something right.

Your greatest accomplishment in that time is that you almost single-handedly moved the pool discussion thread along 50 pages. You even argued 10+ pages against a decision voted on by members.

Thanks for that. We appreciate your service to the league.

Yes the thread has moved on, none of us give a flying you know what about what you do on snooker or how self important it makes you feel.
All you have been doing for the past few pages is trying to start an argument about an issue that was done and dusted ages ago....sad little man
Posts: 1,594
12:27 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
how about 1 person from each clan is only aloud to use this discussion thread to represent there team and share ideas if they have any.
Posts: 11,061
12:30 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol ipotalot. I just don't understand why you were all over me.
I made a suggestion: Let runners make the decisions because votes lead to arguments. Several others had also made that suggestion. You called me an idiot for it.
You feel justified?
Posts: 974
12:46 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well the snooker league has gone great if you asked me. Very very little changed over there over the last few seasons and why? Because we accept that we can't have every rule how we want it to be.

The clan league rules here and on the snooker are incredibly similar (apart from the actual games played, but that's not the issue at all anyway).

Once people learn that they can't have all the rules their way, the better.

Would be nice if people went a week on here without posting anything to change or any issues and just see how it all goes!
Posts: 11,061
12:56 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to show ipotalot some of the stuff he's been saying (because maybe he isn't aware of it?), here's a lovely selection of his contributions for this thread. All within the last 48 hours. That will be all from me. I hope we can ignore each other from now on.

ipotalot said:
sad little man
ipotalot said:
You're an idiot seb
ipotalot said:
What an idiot
ipotalot said:
For someone who is so holier than thou you resort to stupid babyish little digs
ipotalot said:
chris will you stop with the stupid ideas!!
ipotalot said:
Wish you would come and live on my planet, might get some common sense.
ipotalot said:
It's that stupid, childish comment that you keep going back to
ipotalot said:
Will you stop making that pathetic comment!!
ipotalot said:
stop throwing that rubbish aroind every 5 minutes
ipotalot said:
Stupid decision that will lead to more defaults
Posts: 38,097
12:58 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dan - why does everything need to go to a poll? increasing clan size by one isn't a major change so doesn't need a poll

Sarah - If members has final say on pool they would be chaos as we have seen already, should just let runners deal with it

Lee - its the thread what needs capping to be honest, i just want it to be a civilised conversation without an argument, disagreements are fine all of you but shouting about it isn't the right direction

Damien: yeah, i actually got most of the snooker rules from the old FCL then reworded to suit us but the snooker clan league was actually born by player input and when a choice is made over there they don't argue but accept the choice the runners make

perhaps if people accepted runners choices then maybe just maybe this can be a great league

by the way what do people think of the individual league? it will definitely be changed to a knockout tournament format but how would you like it changed?

My Idea - 16 Players knockout in 8US, 8UK, 9 Ball, Straight (5 frames per round, 3 if Straight) (64 players total) with an added Plate competition

Chris's Idea - every player is entered in the competition (nearly 200 players) and will only be removed by player consent (3 frames of US, UK and 9 Ball << i think).

both games would have deadlines to complete games.


Edited at 11:07 Thu 05/01/12 (GMT)
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13:03 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dgen there were no arguments until your bosom buddy came back on to deliberately cause them.
I wasn't discussing anything on here until he came on throwing digs at me and he just keeps prattling on about debates from yesterday and the day before.
They've been dropped and moved on from if Seb would learn to read he would have seen that.
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13:07 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seb I stand by those comments and you have proved what a sad little man you are by going through and digging them out most are of course in response to digs from people like yourself but hey we're just supposed to take it from you aren't we lol.
Nobody was arguing on here before you came along, nobody was discussing transfers and nobody was carrying on arguments from days ago....I wasn't even posting anything more on here!!
Happily sorted out a new rule to stop clans folding with jay and left the thread alone shame you can't stop it's pathetic (can add that to your little list )
Posts: 11,061
13:19 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just saying, I haven't seen anyone else calling people idiots, etc. around here.
You called me idiot twice for suggesting the runners should make the decisions, not the players (not a dig). You called decisions, comments, and ideas stupid, rubbish, and pathetic (mainly chris, ab, and dgen).
Just doesn't seem respectful in any sense of the word and heavily contributes to 50 pages of mostly crap.
Good night!
Posts: 2,742
13:39 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
You're an idiot seb because you come on to just stir up arguments again because you see the thread is quiet, everyone is being civil and has moved on and still you are trying to goad me into an argument.
You might come on with the pretence of being mr nice guy but it's totally transparent.
Move on unless you have something to say on league matters and if you want to dig at me practice what you preach and use personal message.
Last suggestion I made couple of hours ago got agreed to straight away with no hassle so why you feel the need to come on and dig I don't know.

Sorry guys put the irony lmao
Posts: 7,164
13:45 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
maybe back to POOOOOOOOL topics

how many times do we have to hear about snooker,,, its so great
is it ??????????
well ive played snooker for 2 seasons and never met people so rude and there is arguments or are we sooooo forgetfull

move on

Back to topic pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posts: 2,742
13:47 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker is not a patch on the arguments and idiots on here...
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13:47 Thu 5 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
Just saying, I haven't seen anyone else calling people idiots, etc. around here.
You called me idiot twice for suggesting the runners should make the decisions, not the players (not a dig). You called decisions, comments, and ideas stupid, rubbish, and pathetic (mainly chris, ab, and dgen).
Just doesn't seem respectful in any sense of the word and heavily contributes to 50 pages of mostly crap.
Good night!

You've already admitted you were digging at me in your post about stuff from yesterday or the day before that had long since been dropped..coming online to do that when the thread is peaceful is idiotic so you got called an with it.
You heavily contribute to pages and pages of crap on a regular basis so are in no position to throw that at anyone and these 3 or 4 pages of crap wouldn't be on here if you hadn't come on digging at me.
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