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02:13 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)
Week 26 update
sarny_lad relegates ritcho who had held onto the middle position in Division 2 for the last two weeks (or fortnights...!). No games played yet in Division 3, so I'm gonna have to investigate that. It happened before that there was no promotion from a division (and therefore no relegation from the division above), and that remains a possibility.
Results so far
Division 1
scott7a 53-2 punkpoet
Division 2
beenjammin 35-11 sarny_lad
beenjammin 35-19 ritcho
ritcho 20-36 sarny_lad
Division 4
clooneman 9-48 irish_ninja
lethal_playa 39-26 irish_ninja
clooneman 28-37 lethal_playa
Division 6
9ballsniper_ 7-37 powerfool
To be played
Division 3
w_hoolahan vs jose_enrique
w_hoolahan vs dgeneratio
jose_enrique vs dgeneratio
Division 5
mattywellie vs tweedweasle
mattywellie vs potlimit
tweedweasle vs potlimit
Deadline: Monday, January 21st.
New players for Week 27
sarny_lad relegates ritcho who had held onto the middle position in Division 2 for the last two weeks (or fortnights...!). No games played yet in Division 3, so I'm gonna have to investigate that. It happened before that there was no promotion from a division (and therefore no relegation from the division above), and that remains a possibility.
Results so far
Division 1
scott7a 53-2 punkpoet
Division 2
beenjammin 35-11 sarny_lad
beenjammin 35-19 ritcho
ritcho 20-36 sarny_lad
Division 4
clooneman 9-48 irish_ninja
lethal_playa 39-26 irish_ninja
clooneman 28-37 lethal_playa
Division 6
9ballsniper_ 7-37 powerfool
To be played
Division 3
w_hoolahan vs jose_enrique
w_hoolahan vs dgeneratio
jose_enrique vs dgeneratio
Division 5
mattywellie vs tweedweasle
mattywellie vs potlimit
tweedweasle vs potlimit
Deadline: Monday, January 21st.
New players for Week 27
02:17 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)
Woohoo not long to go for us to play
02:35 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)
New players for Week 27
Hmmm, 5 of you, how to integrate you all...! I'll either split you into two groups or I'll rank you by ranking as it stands on Monday, or some other way, I dunno yet.
Update on Division 2 procedure if no games are played: there's the further option of relegating everyone. It was used before back when the ladder was a... ladder. As opposed to a league, which is fundamentally what it is now.
New players for Week 27
Hmmm, 5 of you, how to integrate you all...! I'll either split you into two groups or I'll rank you by ranking as it stands on Monday, or some other way, I dunno yet.
Update on Division 2 procedure if no games are played: there's the further option of relegating everyone. It was used before back when the ladder was a... ladder. As opposed to a league, which is fundamentally what it is now.
02:36 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)
Is there a post what explains what this is as a whole? Just so i know what it is i am doing and all that rubbish?
05:34 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)
Yes there is in fact! Normally I'd send you to the very first post, but the competition has undergone a change in format from a ladder to a league based on divisions of three players with promotion and relegation between them. The post and all subsequent posts basically provide a recent history. If you're bored you can read the earlier ones too
And luckily for you, someone asked me in an offline message how it worked, so here's a copy-and-paste job that might make it even easier:
"Basically each division will have three players (most of the time!), and every player has two weeks to play the two opponents in their division.
Whoever finishes top of their division gets promoted. Whoever finishes bottom gets relegated. People who don't play face removal after a couple of rounds."
And luckily for you, someone asked me in an offline message how it worked, so here's a copy-and-paste job that might make it even easier:
"Basically each division will have three players (most of the time!), and every player has two weeks to play the two opponents in their division.
Whoever finishes top of their division gets promoted. Whoever finishes bottom gets relegated. People who don't play face removal after a couple of rounds."
06:03 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)
Sounds easy enough to understand that
I am on more than most so should have no trouble playing any games.
I am on more than most so should have no trouble playing any games.
22:43 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)
w_hoolahan 27 - 36 jose_enrique
a run of 24 for me but 2 in one happened a few times unluckily as well.
a run of 24 for me but 2 in one happened a few times unluckily as well.
03:21 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
So it's the end of another gameweek, and here are the results of Week 26:
Division 1
scott7a 53-2 punkpoet
punkpoet is relegated to Division 2
Division 2
beenjammin 35-11 sarny_lad
beenjammin 35-19 ritcho
ritcho 20-36 sarny_lad
beenjammin is promoted to Division 1, ritcho is relegated to Division 3
Division 3
w_hoolahan 27-36 jose_enrique
w_hoolahan BYE-N/S dgeneratio
jose_enrique BYE-N/S dgeneratio
jose_enrique is promoted to Division 2, dgeneratio is relegated to Division 4
Division 4
clooneman 9-48 irish_ninja
lethal_playa 39-26 irish_ninja
clooneman 28-37 lethal_playa
lethal_playa is promoted to Division 3, clooneman is relegated to Division 5
Division 5
mattywellie N/S-deact. tweedweasle
mattywellie N/S-BYE potlimit
tweedweasle deact.-BYE potlimit
potlimit is promoted to Division 4, mattywellie and tweedweasle leave the competition
Division 6
9ballsniper_ 7-37 powerfool
powerfool is promoted to Division 5
scott7a remains the man at the top of the pile, and faces another challenge in Division 1 from beenjammin. w_hoolahan and jose_enrique just make it over the line. Otherwise, I think I would have promoted no-one. In that division, dgeneratio unfortunately takes a tumble down a division due to computer problems I believe. I get relegated down to Division 5 for the moment, tweedweasle who has deactivated can be considered well and truly gone, and mattywellie remains gameless for a while now, so we say goodbye to him until he makes his return.
Now, we have some new players, so here are the preliminary divisions in Week 27:
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6
9ballsniper_ gets sucked up to Division 5 due to the absences. And I've decided that the new players will enter Divisions 6 and 7 based on their straight rankings as they stand now.
Division 6
Division 7
And the fixtures for Week 27:
Division 1
scott7a vs beenjammin
Previous meetings
Week 25: Div 1: beenjammin 31-36 scott7a
Division 2
punkpoet vs sarny_lad
No previous meetings
punkpoet vs jose_enrique
Previous meetings
Week 13: punkpoet (3) 19-42 jose_enrique (4)
Week 20: punkpoet (2) 40-34 jose_enrique (3) (Composite result: 22-13 & unknown)
sarny_lad vs jose_enrique
Previous meetings
Week 25: Div 3: jose_enrique NP-NP sarny_lad
Division 3
ritcho vs w_hoolahan
Previous meetings
Week 25: Div 2: w_hoolahan 15-35 ritcho
ritcho vs lethal_playa
Previous meetings
Week 20: Group B: lethal_playa 35-31 ritcho
w_hoolahan vs lethal_playa
No previous meetings
Division 4
dgeneratio vs irish_ninja
Previous meetings
Week 1: dunkyfunk (2) 35-29 dgeneratio (3)
Week 24: Div 5: dgeneratio 36-18 irish_ninja
dgeneratio vs potlimit
No previous meetings
irish_ninja vs potlimit
No previous meetings
Division 5
clooneman vs powerfool
No previous meetings
clooneman vs 9ballsniper_
No previous meetings
powerfool vs 9ballsniper_
Previous meetings
Week 26: Div 6: 9ballsniper_ 7-37 powerfool
Division 6
lethal_lures vs erigert
No previous meetings
lethal_lures vs sean9
No previous meetings
erigert vs sean9
No previous meetings
Division 7
crazzymadman vs bluenose1872
No previous meetings
Deadline: Monday, February 4th. Good luck!
Division 1
scott7a 53-2 punkpoet
punkpoet is relegated to Division 2
Division 2
beenjammin 35-11 sarny_lad
beenjammin 35-19 ritcho
ritcho 20-36 sarny_lad
beenjammin is promoted to Division 1, ritcho is relegated to Division 3
Division 3
w_hoolahan 27-36 jose_enrique
w_hoolahan BYE-N/S dgeneratio
jose_enrique BYE-N/S dgeneratio
jose_enrique is promoted to Division 2, dgeneratio is relegated to Division 4
Division 4
clooneman 9-48 irish_ninja
lethal_playa 39-26 irish_ninja
clooneman 28-37 lethal_playa
lethal_playa is promoted to Division 3, clooneman is relegated to Division 5
Division 5
mattywellie N/S-deact. tweedweasle
mattywellie N/S-BYE potlimit
tweedweasle deact.-BYE potlimit
potlimit is promoted to Division 4, mattywellie and tweedweasle leave the competition
Division 6
9ballsniper_ 7-37 powerfool
powerfool is promoted to Division 5
scott7a remains the man at the top of the pile, and faces another challenge in Division 1 from beenjammin. w_hoolahan and jose_enrique just make it over the line. Otherwise, I think I would have promoted no-one. In that division, dgeneratio unfortunately takes a tumble down a division due to computer problems I believe. I get relegated down to Division 5 for the moment, tweedweasle who has deactivated can be considered well and truly gone, and mattywellie remains gameless for a while now, so we say goodbye to him until he makes his return.
Now, we have some new players, so here are the preliminary divisions in Week 27:
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6
9ballsniper_ gets sucked up to Division 5 due to the absences. And I've decided that the new players will enter Divisions 6 and 7 based on their straight rankings as they stand now.
Division 6
Division 7
And the fixtures for Week 27:
Division 1
scott7a vs beenjammin
Previous meetings
Week 25: Div 1: beenjammin 31-36 scott7a
Division 2
punkpoet vs sarny_lad
No previous meetings
punkpoet vs jose_enrique
Previous meetings
Week 13: punkpoet (3) 19-42 jose_enrique (4)
Week 20: punkpoet (2) 40-34 jose_enrique (3) (Composite result: 22-13 & unknown)
sarny_lad vs jose_enrique
Previous meetings
Week 25: Div 3: jose_enrique NP-NP sarny_lad
Division 3
ritcho vs w_hoolahan
Previous meetings
Week 25: Div 2: w_hoolahan 15-35 ritcho
ritcho vs lethal_playa
Previous meetings
Week 20: Group B: lethal_playa 35-31 ritcho
w_hoolahan vs lethal_playa
No previous meetings
Division 4
dgeneratio vs irish_ninja
Previous meetings
Week 1: dunkyfunk (2) 35-29 dgeneratio (3)
Week 24: Div 5: dgeneratio 36-18 irish_ninja
dgeneratio vs potlimit
No previous meetings
irish_ninja vs potlimit
No previous meetings
Division 5
clooneman vs powerfool
No previous meetings
clooneman vs 9ballsniper_
No previous meetings
powerfool vs 9ballsniper_
Previous meetings
Week 26: Div 6: 9ballsniper_ 7-37 powerfool
Division 6
lethal_lures vs erigert
No previous meetings
lethal_lures vs sean9
No previous meetings
erigert vs sean9
No previous meetings
Division 7
crazzymadman vs bluenose1872
No previous meetings
Deadline: Monday, February 4th. Good luck!
03:23 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Can i play this soon as i see Crazzy online?
03:29 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
You can play it immediately
Edit: with the agreement of your opponent of course
Edit: with the agreement of your opponent of course
18:00 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
This Division 3 is harder than the Division 2 last week
22:59 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Hmm, maybe! I had a look at the rankings, it's not certain, but it can be argued either way
Reminders sent to everyone. Thirteen days
Reminders sent to everyone. Thirteen days
02:12 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
Myself and crazzymadman played our game, on my screen i had passed the 35 mark and was on a 15+ run. I was logged out with no warning and the site page would not load but everything worked.
Crazzy can have the win if he wants to claim it though. As i have no way of proving otherwise.
Crazzy can have the win if he wants to claim it though. As i have no way of proving otherwise.
02:17 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
Jay you must have had the issue as i was on 34 and you was on 29 or so. i thought you was being ignorant before you was logged out mate
Its ok, lets play again i dont wont to take a game like this, this is for fun and im happy for the practice
Its ok, lets play again i dont wont to take a game like this, this is for fun and im happy for the practice
02:19 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
I'll be more than happy to re do the game mate. I was busy potting away so it is possible i never seen the connection timer on the top left.
02:21 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
Same time tomoz/over the weekend - sorted
02:21 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
Yeah that suits me mate, i am usually on around this time every night anyway.
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03:34 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
potlimit has been offline for 16 days and I believe dgeneratio is having some computer problems
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Straight pool ladder
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