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Posts: 19,819
21:14 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sent eemad a message on saturday I beleive without looking. He hasn't been on since but I will keep an eye out :)
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00:10 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jose_enrique v theukspoon

36-5.... gg pal, very unlucky, and when i missed i got very lucky!
Posts: 31,220
03:55 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
One day left. eemad remains AWOL.
Posts: 19,819
04:03 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
As I said I sent him a messge but he hasn't been online since
Posts: 974
20:07 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm way too busy at work. Currently acting manager at work (Not bad considering I only turned 20 a few week ago!)

But basically, I'm not going to have too much time over the next several week it looks like, and I have other priorities over both sites which come first. Oh and I need to slot the pub in there as well

So for that reason, I'm dropping out of this. Thanks for having me cloone, was nice to be part of an event on here which actually worked!
Posts: 2,463
23:28 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Congratulations eemad.
Sad to see you go though, we're 1-1 in this thing, really wanted a tie breaker Although I know you'd have probably won it
Posts: 31,220
03:25 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
So, numerous changes afoot this week with some withdrawals, both forced and voluntary. The procedure here remains that we process the results as normal, then compile a provisional ladder, then change the players about, then evolve an amended ladder, and finally derive the fixtures from there.

So, to begin with, the results from Week 10:

beenjammin (1) 52-21 cphaynes (2)
beenjammin stays at Step 1, loser stays at Step 2

eemad (2) WD-BYE punkpoet (3)
punkpoet is promoted to Level 2, eemad is relegated to Level 3

tinie (3) 39-33 w_hoolahan (4)
tinie stays at Step 1, w_hoolahan stays at Step 2

dunkyfunk (4) deact.-BYE clooneman (5)
clooneman is promoted to Level 2, dunkyfunk is relegated to Level 3

eggfriedrice (5) WD-BYE chris (6)
chris is promoted to Level 2, eggfriedrice is relegated to Level 3

theukspoon (6) 5-36 jose_enrique (7)
jose_enrique is promoted to Level 2, theukspoon is relegated to Level 3

9ballsniper1 (7) BYE

The decisions on the unplayed games are straightforward: eemad and eggfriedrice have announced their withdrawal from the competition, and dunkyfunk remains deactivated. Congrats to eemad on being acting manager where you work, pity you're gone, but we'd be delighted to have you back I think your record was something like played 9 won 8, which is crazy...! (One of these days I hope to get every result from this into a database or a spreadsheet just to make statistical buffoonery easy for myself...!)

So that leaves our (very!) provisional Week 11 ladder looking like this:

Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: punkpoet**, cphaynes
Level 3: tinie, eemad*
Level 4: clooneman*, w_hoolahan
Level 5: chris***, dunkyfunk**
Level 6: jose_enrique, eggfriedrice****
Level 7: 9ballsniper1, theukspoon

Dunkyfunk is well and truly gone for two weeks with no sign of a reappearance, so we say goodbye to him, which is a shame because El Clasico is no more. Search the thread for details With the removal of dunkyfunk, eemad and eggfriedrice, the half-revised ladder looks something like this:

Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: punkpoet**, cphaynes
Level 3: tinie,
Level 4: clooneman*, w_hoolahan
Level 5: chris***,
Level 6: jose_enrique,
Level 7: 9ballsniper1, theukspoon

And with so few players remaining, it's possible to describe everyone's next games in a paragraph. Beenjammin and punkpoet will play, and cphaynes and tinie will play. Then there's a gap in Level 3, so Plan A in these cases is to get the two players on the next level to play each other, so yours truly and w_hoolahan will do battle there. The two players on Level 5 will do likewise, except there's only one player there (chris), so jose_enrique (on his own on Level 6) gets vacuumed up a level, and the two Level 7 players both get sucked up to Level 6 and will play for a place in Level 5.

The amended table for Week 11 then looks like this:

Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: punkpoet**, cphaynes
Level 3: tinie
Level 4: clooneman*, w_hoolahan
Level 5: chris***, jose_enrique
Level 6: 9ballsniper1*, theukspoon

The asterisks are there on a literal basis and don't mean that any player was at fault. Simple example: punkpoet, whose last two opponents were deactivated and pulling out. Also, I've added one after 9ballsniper1, because if you go back a page you'll see that he was originally meant to play anyway until I had to change the fixtures because he was deactivated. Maybe he'll be back, a chance I'll give all deactivated players.

And that only leaves the fixtures. As always, players on different levels will swap places if the lower player wins. And in this week, players on the same level are playing for promotion (i.e. the loser stays put).

So then, if you managed to read all that(!), here are the fixtures for Week 11:

beenjammin (1) vs punkpoet (2)
cphaynes (2) vs tinie (3)
clooneman (4) vs w_hoolahan (4)
chris (5) vs jose_enrique (5)
9ballsniper1 (6) vs theukspoon (6)

Deadline: next Wednesday, March 14th. Good luck all!
Posts: 4,971
18:26 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
w_hoolahan 29- 35 clooneman .. gg v close.
Posts: 31,220
18:37 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
w_hoolahan had a run of 16 points
clooneman had a run of 3 points
clooneman had a run of 9 points
clooneman had a run of 2 points
w_hoolahan had a run of 15 points
clooneman had a run of 10 points
w_hoolahan scratched white (foul)
clooneman had a run of 11 points

Straight Pool Friendly - clooneman (1) 35-29 (0) w_hoolahan

There were two other fouls in the match (tip-tap safety play in the pack that didn't touch the cushions), and I had one run of 1 that left me eithout a pot and I had to play safe, but other than that, every point if accounted for there, and the score was 30-24 to Wes before he pottted the white after I missed a pot but broke the pack and got lucky and left nothing really on. GG, but robbery of the worst kind by me...
Posts: 2,463
21:14 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin 35 - 23 punkpoet

very sporting fellow. I was losing 11-0 when i got disconnected. Logged right back in and he let us continue instead of claiming a win . I told him if he got to 24 before i got to 35 I'd leave it to him, that game finished 35-12, but I think his 11 points should be counted.
Posts: 19,819
21:23 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks matey was a gg hopefully one day I will beat you
Posts: 31,220
02:07 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think so too. I haven't set rules regarding what happens with disconnects, but that's where I would be headed if I did, i.e. that the score at the time the game was cut off is a latest score and that the new game adds to that score. So using your example guys, punkpoet was 11-0 up, so that would be 11 points towards the result when the two players reconvened, giving punkpoet a target of 23 (= 35 - 11) and beenjammin a target of 35 (= 35 - 0). Of course, if there were a disconnection or if the server restarted or something at, say, 30-30, you'd have the unusual situation of players coming in a playing first to 5... Or they might decide to replay, who knows. But like I said, there's no rule yet.

Two games down, three to go...
Posts: 31,220
04:48 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
(One of these days I hope to get every result from this into a database or a spreadsheet just to make statistical buffoonery easy for myself...!)

Wooo! I did it! :D

Previous meetings between this week's players...
beenjammin vs punkpoet
Week 5: punkpoet (3) (-1)-54 beenjammin (4)

cphaynes vs tinie
Week 9: cphaynes (2) 38-2 tinie (3)

clooneman vs w_hoolahan
No previous meetings

chris vs jose_enrique
No previous meetings

9ballsniper1 vs theukspoon
Week 1: theukspoon (9) 37-17 9ballsniper1 (9)
Week 4: theukspoon (7) 35-27 9ballsniper1 (8)
Week 8: theukspoon (6) 38-14 9ballsniper1 (7)
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17:55 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
apologies, but i would like to pull out.
Posts: 19,819
19:59 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think so too. I haven't set rules regarding what happens with disconnects, but that's where I would be headed if I did, i.e. that the score at the time the game was cut off is a latest score and that the new game adds to that score. So using your example guys, punkpoet was 11-0 up, so that would be 11 points towards the result when the two players reconvened, giving punkpoet a target of 23 (= 35 - 11) and beenjammin a target of 35 (= 35 - 0). Of course, if there were a disconnection or if the server restarted or something at, say, 30-30, you'd have the unusual situation of players coming in a playing first to 5... Or they might decide to replay, who knows. But like I said, there's no rule yet.

Two games down, three to go...

Was his idea as I didn't want to claim a fake win at 11-0. Seems the fairest way.
At 30-30 I would of fully replayed.

Also love the previous encounters addition :)
Posts: 2,463
21:18 Sat 10 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah, the stats are good stuff, entertaining
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17:26 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jose_enrique 28-39 chris

I was my usual blind, appalling self whilst he was unfortunate to have a little lag and also in potting more than ball at once several times otherwise it wouldnt even have been close.
Posts: 31,220
21:19 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
We say goodbye to theukspoon who has decided to exit the competition with a 4-4 record. Thanks for taking part.

Results so far
beenjammin (1) 35-23 punkpoet (2)
clooneman (4) 35-29 w_hoolahan (4)
chris (5) 39-28 jose_enrique (5)
9ballsniper1 (6) BYE-WD theukspoon (6)

To be played
cphaynes (2) vs tinie (3)

We are into March, guys, and I really don't know if I'll be able to keep this going over the summer as I will not be in front of the internet as much as I am. As it is, I'm already away from the internet at weekends, and that will be the case during the summer. Therefore, here are the options:

1a) Put a simple stop to it when I can't go any further
1b) Park the ladder and continue in September from exactly where we left off
2) Let someone else take over it
3) Organise a way to find an overall winner, and I have an idea for this
Posts: 19,819
21:38 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I say 1b unless someone sultable can take other.
I barely understand the ladder as it is so deffinatly not me
Posts: 2,463
01:08 Mon 12 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't like option 1a, happy with any other
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Straight pool ladder

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