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Straight pool ladder

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Posts: 2,463
22:23 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin 70 - 7 dunkyfunk

I finished with a 48 run gg
Posts: 31,220
20:37 Sun 19 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Straight Pool Friendly - punkpoet (1) 41-30 (0) clooneman

One of those games...! punkpoet got a nice 14 to close it out, well done
Posts: 19,819
20:56 Sun 19 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Back to my winning ways ish....
As we said in the game the quality wasn't amazing it was very scrappy game and though i was potting well (surprisingly) it felt I had no luck what so ever apart from fluking in the final ball lol.
cloone did knock in a beut but scratched the white.
2-0 to me overall against you matey
Posts: 31,220
21:40 Sun 19 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
2-0, eh, hmmmm..........!

Results so far
beenjammin (2) 70-7 dunkyfunk (3)
tinie (3) 41-2 (4) w_hoolahan
punkpoet (5) 41-30 clooneman (6)
theukspoon (6) 38-14 9ballsniper1 (7)

To be played
eemad (1) vs cphaynes (2)
eggfriedrice (4) vs chris (5)

Remember, those who do not play face relegation, and it is automatic. 1) This means it'll just happen if the scenario described the rule transpires and it involves you, and 2) when I say players "face" relegation, that's describing it lightly, or even incorrectly.

Update: reminders sent.

Automatic relegation - this means there will be no decision on my part; it'll just happen, so there can be no appealing after the fact. If there are problems, let me know beforehand.

Edited at 19:47 Sun 19/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 974
23:57 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I should be on most of day tomorrow so hopefully get this game played!
Posts: 974
17:51 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Straight Pool Friendly - eemad (1) 52-8 (0) cphaynes

48 run to me, ul pal!
Posts: 31,220
01:53 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just in the nick of time...!

So, Week 8 has come to an end, and here are the results:

eemad (1) 52-8 cphaynes (2)
winner stays at Step 1, loser stays at Step 2

beenjammin (2) 70-7 dunkyfunk (3)
winner stays at Step 2, loser stays at Step 3

tinie (3) 41-2 (4) w_hoolahan
winner stays at Step 3, loser stays at Step 4

eggfriedrice (4) vs chris (5)

punkpoet (5) 41-30 clooneman (6)
winner stays at Step 5, loser stays at Step 6

theukspoon (6) 38-14 9ballsniper1 (7)
winner stays at Step 6, loser stays at Step 7

cajanka (7) BYE

All the higher players won, which is the first time that's happened I think, so no changes on the ladder, before making the adjustment for the unplayed game:

Level 1: eemad
Level 2: beenjammin, cphaynes
Level 3: tinie, dunkyfunk
Level 4: eggfriedrice**, w_hoolahan
Level 5: punkpoet, chris*
Level 6: theukspoon, clooneman
Level 7: cajanka*, 9ballsniper1

* and **, you know what they mean

eggfriedrice (4) vs chris (5) was unplayed, and in the absence of any reasons, contact, etc, both players automatically drop a level, which leaves the revised ladder looking like this ahead of Week 9:

Level 1: eemad
Level 2: beenjammin, cphaynes
Level 3: tinie, dunkyfunk
Level 4: punkpoet, w_hoolahan
Level 5: clooneman, eggfriedrice**
Level 6: theukspoon, chris*
Level 7: cajanka*, 9ballsniper1

with the players in the fixture below them each ending up a level higher to replace them, so punkpoet goes up to (4), and I go up to (5). As a winner, punkpoet still plays the losing person above him, which will be dunkyfunk. However, Level 5 contains a losing player (me) and the errant eggfriedrice, so I play to go up, whereas eggfriedrice plays the winning player below him, theukspoon. I hadn't forseen the ramifications on the following week's fixtures after I drafted the new rule, but there's little room for anything else. Feel free to question it though, as I end up being the beneficiary of it.

So then... the fixtures for Week 9 look like this:

eemad (1) vs beenjammin (2)
cphaynes (2) vs tinie (3)
dunkyfunk (3) vs punkpoet (4)
w_hoolahan (4) vs eggfriedrice (5)
clooneman (5) vs theukspoon (6)
chris (6) vs cajanka (7)
9ballsniper1 BYE

Deadline: next Tuesday, February 28th. Good luck all!
Posts: 974
02:24 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If I win the next 2, I'll leave this competition, it's unfair on me being top all the time
Posts: 38,097
02:27 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
when will it end? or is it one where its blue in the face
Posts: 31,220
02:54 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
eemad said:
If I win the next 2, I'll leave this competition, it's unfair on me being top all the time

Nooo... That would like Barcelona retiring from the Champions League, or Roger Federer giving up tennis, or Esther Vergeer giving up wheelchair tennis (she's currently on a run of 444 games unbeaten!).

dgeneratio said:
when will it end? or is it one where its blue in the face

Correct. It will end when I get sick of it, or when everyone else gets sick of it. That said, I have no idea what I'm going to do with it during the summer, when it's doubtful I'll have as much time for it as I do now. I might park it till September, or wind it up, or hand it off to someone else.
Posts: 974
20:18 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spoke too soon I finally lost! Not sure about score, as I left once he got to 35 as I'm off to the pub! About time though in all fairness! Wp mate!
Posts: 2,463
20:23 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin 41 - 23 eemad
neither of us played our best at the beginning, I tightened up at the end though with a 38 run
ul eemad, I know you're the better player. Yall watch, in 2 weeks he'll have the top step back
Posts: 31,220
02:23 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
EEMAD LOST! There's hope for us all! Well done guys on what looks like good games now and in the future!
Posts: 38,097
02:27 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
EEMAD LOST! There's hope for us all!

can't believe robots can overheat can you you thought they would stay active with their supercomputer knowledge and cooling fan to keep a clear mind
Posts: 19,819
21:17 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
OMG I can't beleive the king has been overthrown
It is good though that its not just eemad number one every week :)
I am sure you will get back up there matey.
Posts: 19,819
00:39 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I sent dunkyfunk a message asking when he can play. he replyed asking if i can come on which i didn't see till now but hes deactivated :(
Posts: 19,819
00:41 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dunkyfunk said:
hey guys and girls, Im sorry to say that my funky career has ended.... sorry for not getting my game played too, just aint got the time anymore.

thanks for having me in this clan for the short period I've been here

love use all

dunkyfunk xx

So do i get a bye then
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00:46 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
cajanka has been offline for a month, so could i take his place and start at the bottom? just a suggestion tho
Posts: 19,819
00:53 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Owen cloone always new entries at any time :) You will have to start from the bottom
Deleted User
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01:12 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
im fine with starting at the bottom
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Straight pool ladder

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