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Newbie suggestion..

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Posts: 22,512
14:48 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is a pain in the backside, this newbie thing would not bother me if it was not double rank in tournaments. Thats just me though can't speak for everyone else.
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14:55 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
All the resetting, 2nd accounts, deactivating and starting new accounts and banned returners ruin the rankings in my opinion but not a lot they can do about it I suppose.
Like the double rank for tourneys though
Posts: 22,512
15:06 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well i served my ban and have done nothing wrong since, but the resetting and the 2nd accounts can be very annoying.
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15:16 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I meant when the bans are longer people just make new accounts
Posts: 8,938
18:09 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^ Bans apply to the person not the account, so making a new one only makes the ban time longer..

broxi said:
spinner said:
broxi said:
People will just keep resetting to gain loads of points in tournaments. That will really destroy the site IMO

You can't gain points by resetting

If an 800.0 rank resets to 675.0 and beats a 790.0 rank, how many more points does he get compared to if he hadn't reset?

No point in bothering with the exact figures, as the answer is very clearly well over 100points less..
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18:43 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ultimately resetters gain absolutely nothing at all.

The Newbie Moderation could be altered more to favour established players on 'genuine' rank scores. This can be done by either reducing the amount of points that can be lost to a 'newbie' further or even in fact changing it so that no points can be lost to a 'newbie' account at all.

But by still giving full points to a 'newbie' account for any wins they will rise faster to a more realistic score. The aim should be to get every player to their 'true' rank as quickly as possible which is assisted by allowing all accounts to enter tournaments.
Posts: 38,097
18:48 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have an idea, not sure if it will work.

eliminate newbieness, with a new rank not sure what you would call it. but maybe give full points to the resetters in this rank and only give half to genuine rank that way its the same if they lose resetters lose the full points and resetters lose half that possibly use the current 'newbie rank system' as a guideline.

of course the rank modification still has to stand.

probably not thought out well and if so i apologise

but i have an idea, maybe give a 'token' to those who don't reset (perhaps once a month) and they could have 2 hours in game time worth of double rank or maybe some other unlockables.

^ thinking more like call of duty here with their Prestige System
Posts: 12,419
18:59 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
double rank would mess up the leaderboards as people would be able to reach a really high rank
Posts: 38,097
19:06 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
_pro__frog_ said:
double rank would mess up the leaderboards as people would be able to reach a really high rank

not really as it would be the same as tournament rank. perhaps make it for normal ranked games. you would still lose double too.
Posts: 12,419
19:13 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
you must see where im coming from though
Posts: 12,185
19:17 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
Ultimately resetters gain absolutely nothing at all.

Resetters gain a considerable amount regarding having all stats reset thus gaining a better chance of improving on what they already had.

They also have the knowledge of game principles and skill factor, using varying techniques, of which a genuine newbie wouldnt have.

They also have the added bonus of a greater point win for beating the more experienced player when they are eligible for the tournaments.
Posts: 11,057
20:54 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
Ultimately resetters gain absolutely nothing at all.
I'm not too worried about whether resetters gain something, I'm worried about established players losing loads!

chris said:
The Newbie Moderation could be altered more to favour established players on 'genuine' rank scores. This can be done by either reducing the amount of points that can be lost to a 'newbie' further or even in fact changing it so that no points can be lost to a 'newbie' account at all.
I like the second part. If established accounts can't lose any rank to newbies, they won't mind playing them in tournaments!

chris said:
But by still giving full points to a 'newbie' account for any wins they will rise faster to a more realistic score. The aim should be to get every player to their 'true' rank as quickly as possible which is assisted by allowing all accounts to enter tournaments.
I would only agree with allowing newbies to enter tournaments if your previous idea (no loss/gain from games against newbies) is implemented. Otherwise, I still want to be able to choose whether to play against newbies or not, which I can't in tournaments.
Posts: 13,570
20:57 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
who cares lol
Posts: 38,097
20:58 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
who cares lol

<3 doing that!

made you look!
Posts: 38,097
21:02 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
_pro__frog_ said:
you must see where im coming from though

sure i do but trying to think of ways of trying to get people to stop resetting, i admit i reset a lot on snooker so something to stop me from doing so like my token idea (doesn't have to be 2 hours double rank) but something along those lines.

i like the not losing rank from newbies part, only bad thing is you can play newbies knowing full well you can only go up and not down, do the newbies lose anything?
Posts: 11,057
21:18 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
i like the not losing rank from newbies part, only bad thing is you can play newbies knowing full well you can only go up and not down, do the newbies lose anything?
No, I would imagine everything stays the same for the newbies. But the established account doesn't win or lose anything from the games against newbies. That way, they could play in tourneys without annoying anyone.
Posts: 38,097
21:19 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ah so basically a friendly game for main account and ranked for newbies
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21:21 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
do the newbies lose anything?

Yep - the newbie would still gain or lose from each game, as they do now, to establish their level.

jimfaebod said:
Resetters gain a considerable amount regarding having all stats reset thus gaining a better chance of improving on what they already had.

But ultimately gain nothing if they subsequently reset and start again. If they don't reset then they eventually find their true position as they would have done without the reset - ultimately gaining nothing again (other than, maybe, 'designer' stats which many would view as meaningless anyway)

jimfaebod said:
They also have the knowledge of game principles and skill factor, using varying techniques, of which a genuine newbie wouldnt have.

Which, as above, ultimately gains them nothing.

jimfaebod said:
They also have the added bonus of a greater point win for beating the more experienced player when they are eligible for the tournaments.

Which has the benefit of getting them up to a more genuine higher score as quickly as possible. I don't think that is a concern. I think the concern is players losing large amounts of points to false 'newbies'. Do away with that loss and that fear goes away.

Besides not all 'newbies' are resetters and of course resetters will never go away.

But, as I have said before, the thing that drew me into this site from day one of signing up was playing tournaments. That is currently something denied to new players. If that is a reason for causing even one new member not to return to this site then I think that is wrong.

Edited at 19:54 Mon 21/11/11 (GMT)
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00:12 Tue 22 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
Ultimately resetters gain absolutely nothing at all.

The Newbie Moderation could be altered more to favour established players on 'genuine' rank scores. This can be done by either reducing the amount of points that can be lost to a 'newbie' further or even in fact changing it so that no points can be lost to a 'newbie' account at all.

But by still giving full points to a 'newbie' account for any wins they will rise faster to a more realistic score. The aim should be to get every player to their 'true' rank as quickly as possible which is assisted by allowing all accounts to enter tournaments.

It isn't their true rank chris because not only are they taking 7 pts a game off people who do things properly they aren't losing anything when they lose games either.
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00:14 Tue 22 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:
^^ Bans apply to the person not the account, so making a new one only makes the ban time longer..

Plenty of people on here openly on their 5th or 6th account with all the others still banned so don't know how that works out.
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Newbie suggestion..

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