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Newbie suggestion..

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Posts: 8,938
00:32 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
.. scrap them!

Of course by that I mean do away with newbie status.

I think it would encourage new users as they can enter tournaments right away, and it would once and for all deal with the endless moaning about "fake newbies" that crops up every day or two

There would still have to be a set number of games required before being allowed to post on forums to keep spammers at bay.
Deleted User
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00:36 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

To many people moan about Newbie's even though there is basic ways of avoiding them, but im on side with this suggestion.
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00:39 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the 'newbie' modification works well, achieves what it aims to and should stay. With that in mind, I certainly agree that tournaments should be open to all players.

My own preference would be to do away with all the descriptions though - pro, virtuoso, adept etc - lose them all!!

Edited at 22:53 Sun 20/11/11 (GMT)
Posts: 12,185
00:44 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:
.. scrap them!

Of course by that I mean do away with newbie status.

I think it would encourage new users as they can enter tournaments right away, and it would once and for all deal with the endless moaning about "fake newbies" that crops up every day or two

There would still have to be a set number of games required before being allowed to post on forums to keep spammers at bay.

Totally agree with the removal of newbie status, however this will never stop the multiple account users!

Of which I am sure that you are well aware of not only my opinions, but others alike...
Posts: 11,057
00:52 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Doesn't doing away with newbie status ruin the ranking system? You'll just lose millions of points to someone who is usually a virtuoso. Newbie modification prevents this.
Posts: 12,419
00:57 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
keep the newbie modification - but allow newbies into tournaments like it used to be
Posts: 2,185
01:27 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
We all love fake newbies
Posts: 2,185
01:29 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
_pro__frog_ said:
keep the newbie modification - but allow newbies into tournaments like it used to be

Agreed but say I beat a pro...which occasionally happens...they only lose 0.somot points and I gain the usual amount. Seems fair
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02:46 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
No way. You can't avoid who you play in tourneys and with all the resetters, deactivators, 2nd accounts, banned users coming back constantly the current system is definitely needed.
Posts: 22,512
03:13 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Allow newbie's in like it used to be?

Then the current rank system would be even more stupid as playing a newbie and losing the double points and stuff.
Posts: 1,170
03:30 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
winning 0.5 and losing 6points in a tourny hmm... doesn't sound tempting at all....

Wasn't the whole idea of having friendly tourny's for guests and newbies to give them an incentive to sign up/ stay and constantly play?

To be able to make an account and straight away then start playing ranked tourny's doesn't seem appropriate tbh and i think you'll find another 50/50 split
Deleted User
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03:36 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You let newbies into tourneys then everyone will be resetting stats even more, if they are genuine newbies then they would need to get used to the game anyway and the micros are ideal for a bridge to the main tourneys.
Posts: 1,170
03:39 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
also the newbieness bar to tournys was brought in for that purpose so many reset it would be a joke of a tourny playing as 860 vs 100 675 who reset each time they win a tourny or a set amount.

If your going to remove newbieness then they need to be set at a higher level for example now 750 is what you can sit on start them there to let them find their own ranking. The higher players then benefit as do the "newbies". Win win situation.
(aware the higher stats were mentioned on a previous post aint going to source though)
Posts: 2,463
03:57 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
Doesn't doing away with newbie status ruin the ranking system? You'll just lose millions of points to someone who is usually a virtuoso. Newbie modification prevents this.

I agree totally
Deleted User
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06:50 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
People will just keep resetting to gain loads of points in tournaments. That will really destroy the site IMO
Posts: 13,570
06:56 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
long live the newbies!!
Posts: 8,938
10:50 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
broxi said:
People will just keep resetting to gain loads of points in tournaments. That will really destroy the site IMO

You can't gain points by resetting
Deleted User
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12:21 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You can if you 674........
Deleted User
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14:18 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:
broxi said:
People will just keep resetting to gain loads of points in tournaments. That will really destroy the site IMO

You can't gain points by resetting

If an 800.0 rank resets to 675.0 and beats a 790.0 rank, how many more points does he get compared to if he hadn't reset?
Deleted User
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14:24 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exactly, in the first round of a marathon tourney a resetter could take 20 pts and when you're up to 850 or so that takes 20 games to get back even in tourneys!
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Newbie suggestion..

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