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Posts: 7,940
09:25 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not going to get into a debate over 10 points, I just want this season over, completion bonus binned and hopefully league staff that know what they are doing, hope I'm not asking for too much lol
Posts: 7,164
09:33 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody very clearly when a panel of people can award a default bonus ...then say some weeks later has an about turn and says it should not have been awarded....

im trying to be helpful ,,,, but again with your vast knowledge and great understanding , this should not happen

Once again doubted, there seems to be little digs in your comments, not sure how much training you think it takes for an online game... would you like to ask my employer for a number of days off for this "training"?

well very clearly reading dgens posts back
the default panel awards MVP a bonus that they should not have had in the last fixture set ?????

now in this one they are not entitled ...... but your not awarding them
very clearly somthing is wrong

Why should they have to? The default panel do not owe you any explanation to their decisions, there isn't just one person, it's a collection of people so obviously they saw something that made them agree on an outcome.

you dont owe me an explanation at all, but very clearly somthing went wrong with MVP defaults,,

you say there isnt just one person,, so how could this default be so badly wrong.

when i ask some one to explain im not talking defaults in general im talking about this one.... surely you agree
Posts: 7,164
09:41 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Were you asking for this training when you became part of the default team Craig being unexperienced yourself?

ermmmm yes melody i did ,,, bit obvious really wouldnt you think,, jan explained everything to me very clearly watched me for a while put me right about a few things, and told me to stick to facts ,,,,,, and rules

jan did a great job along with potty
Posts: 22,512
09:47 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can we please stick to the matters at hand. Craig you are entitled to your opinion and your reply to melody but please can we try and get the league going a bit more smoothly and less of the slating and stuff that may happen again.

The above subject about MVP and the points is going to be looked at from what i have been told by James so you will know when we know .

Craig do you have anything to say on the matter i posted on the previous page mate?
Posts: 7,164
09:52 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i do jay and the bonus points or whatever we would like to call them

will post later
Posts: 22,512
09:54 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cool mate, and the completion bonus is going to be binned next season as not many people are liking it, if it keeps people happy and is good for the league then i am willing to hear anyones thoughts
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10:40 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just seems to me that Completion Bonuses are OK but tackling the problem from the wrong side. At the moment teams enter a fixture knowing there is 140 points available to win but also knowing they have no ultimate control over whether they can earn 10 of them.

Instead of awarding Completion Bonuses how about changing them to Non Completion Penalties and deduct points from either, or both sides, at fault.

Could be a 5 points loss for each game not completed up to a maximum of 10 points per fixture. The starting position is that 5 point penalty applies to the team losing each default decision, however where a default decision is a draw then either both, or neither, team suffers the penalty based on the information available on how much effort was put in to try and play the game.

It's not a huge difference to how it is now but it would punish teams causing these problems and also mean that teams would always be in full control over how many points they take from each fixture.
Posts: 11,057
11:21 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
Instead of awarding Completion Bonuses how about changing them to Non Completion Penalties and deduct points from either, or both sides, at fault. The starting position is that 5 point penalty applies to the team losing each default decision.
I was thinking about the same concept a while back, but concluded that it would bring about similar arguments.
Small problem with the bolded part above- an 8-7 or 9-6 default decision usually means that a similar amount of effort was made, or just slightly more of an effort by one clan. The other side will still be deducted 5 points?

I think the arguments will shift away from the completion bonus and towards the single default decisions themselves (which nobody has complained about so far). There will be massive arguments about why an 8-7 went one way and not another.

I think it might be worth a go for next season though, just to see its practical effects.

Ultimately, it comes down to the perception of the default panel by the captains and players here. People are happy until a decision goes against them. Then they threaten to boycott, call people biased and cheats, etc. No default team can work like that, regardless of the system being used.
The idea of using a player from each team is good, but as we've seen, friendships still exist and people will still question decisions. Example- Shooters believe that there is a multi-clan conspiracy going on to bring them down... -_-
Posts: 9,926
11:25 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Regarding next season:

I have seen many posts as of late about the default panel and the mixed reactions going on. I want to make this league fun and enjoyable for all with out the arguing that goes on everyday (twice a week would be better ). Anyway i thought of an idea on this so please express your opinions on the matter all are welcome and i will take your ideas on board also.

I was thinking about having a member from each of the participating clans on the default team. Obviously this would mean there would be atleast 10+ people on the panel but i think it could work out for the best. We have a few people from the same clan on the panel and i think only one person from a clan should be there, obviously if they captained a clan then they would not be able to vote on there own clan default but im looking for trustworthy people to do this so if they can give a vote against there team then i would be more than happy to allow them to vote.

The above is only an idea as to be honest i think the panel just now is great and they are not biased towards any team even if they have a past with eachother, i don't want to lose liable and trustworthy people on the panel so thats why i turn to you for suggestions on this matter.


I would agree that one member per clan on default panel may help.
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11:46 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
I'm not going to get into a debate over 10 points, I just want this season over, completion bonus binned

Posts: 7,164
12:00 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
seb seb seb

Example- Shooters believe that there is a multi-clan conspiracy going on to bring them down... -_-

no sorry seb everyone is entitled to an oppinion... as you are !!!!

nice example
please dont use the word shooters in an example,,, to be fair that is a clan,, when they are not even my views let alone another 14 players

when making silly remarks remember this, you broke the rules not me... thats fact not an example ,,,, and you were found out end of really

maybe get back on topic
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12:06 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
melody very clearly when a panel of people can award a default bonus ...then say some weeks later has an about turn and says it should not have been awarded...

The issue is when a poll is closed without all members voting and then the next one is with a different selection of people!

Not sure when it started to be called a 'default bonus' maybe when I go on my vast training experience from jan I'll start calling it that too!!
Posts: 7,940
12:09 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The completion bonus was brought in to encourage clans to get games played, its now causing arguments so its time to bin it, I say we have no bonus or punishment for each fixture set, there will always be arguments there, what I do suggest is that any clan that reaches a set amount of default losses in a season automatically get banned from the following season, no appeal, this maybe sounds a bit hard but I honestly believe this will make captains / clans push more to get games played and be more willing to sub and swap.
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12:12 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

Ultimately, it comes down to the perception of the default panel by the captains and players here. People are happy until a decision goes against them. Then they threaten to boycott, call people biased and cheats, etc. No default team can work like that, regardless of the system being used.
The idea of using a player from each team is good, but as we've seen, friendships still exist and people will still question decisions. Example- Shooters believe that there is a multi-clan conspiracy going on to bring them down

maybe if shooters stop moaning about decisions all the time and slating people with he comments
maybe the league run a lot smoother i never seen one clan moan so much in the discussion thread about every thing that goes on give the league runners a rest get on with running your team ????????
Posts: 7,164
12:13 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

one thing from me on your suggestion,,
for example
why punish 7 players who have shown reliability and through no fault of theirs take points away

they should be rewarded for being reliable and it will quickly show clan captains the type of players they need

hopefully it will reduce defualts

ive put a suggestion to jay it will need tweaking or could be binned at the first hurdle

the main thing here it seems many clans dont or wont get games played quickly for whatever reason

15 players now in a clan,,, 2 weeks to play there really is no excuse for games not getting played,, its down to clan captains why will they not make subs early

the reason and everyone says this site is for fun

total rubbish clan captains and players want to win hence twisting rules etc i want to win

? why do captains not make subs early
? why is there confrontation
? why breaches of rules


15 players 2 weeks hmmmmmmmmmmmm

captains responsibility not players or league runners sort them first
Posts: 7,164
12:16 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody said:
doubted2 said:
melody very clearly when a panel of people can award a default bonus ...then say some weeks later has an about turn and says it should not have been awarded...

The issue is when a poll is closed without all members voting and then the next one is with a different selection of people!

Not sure when it started to be called a 'default bonus' maybe when I go on my vast training experience from jan I'll start calling it that too!!

maybe melody maybe i need to go to a drama class aswell ,,
what your saying im sure now is differant people differant views

oh well still not our problem then really is it ,,,,,,,,,, like ive said
i must need my hoody on again and walk my dogs ... maybe clear my head
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12:17 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ant's just come up with a sensible idea.... Yea it does happen!!!

Instead of a bonus point for all the fixture how about per game. Say for example two points for each game in the fixture played. This would tempt teams who have many games left at deadline still trying to atleast get a few done.

A large number of points wouldnt be needed:

1per completed game giving 16
2per completed game giving 32

The advantage is surely the fact that a clan cannot chase into the distance merely on completion bonus' and it gives clans who may struggle at times some hope of picking up some extra points rather than automatically knowing they have lost them.
Posts: 7,164
12:18 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
rick please dont use the word shooters that means team

no need for silly remarks ... very constructive

any way maybe back to topic

maybe change the team name next season shooters loved by everyone
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12:19 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
The completion bonus was brought in to encourage clans to get games played, its now causing arguments so its time to bin it, I say we have no bonus or punishment for each fixture set, there will always be arguments there, what I do suggest is that any clan that reaches a set amount of default losses in a season automatically get banned from the following season, no appeal, this maybe sounds a bit hard but I honestly believe this will make captains / clans push more to get games played and be more willing to sub and swap.

go back to pots way less arguments then it just on the win bonus or just boot the bonus out who needs it
Posts: 7,164
12:20 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
tht idea was posted on page 29 and jay has it now
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