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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:04 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
well said spoonie and yes bulling captains is a no.
Posts: 8,885
02:15 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
bulling captains is a big no no
Posts: 9,926
02:23 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Reworded rule is the way forward
Posts: 880
02:40 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
soo as it stgands i cant sign for anyone else due to bein booted out (sorry havnt been on for a few days need to catch up lol)
Posts: 974
02:55 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
girl_power7 said:
soo as it stgands i cant sign for anyone else due to bein booted out (sorry havnt been on for a few days need to catch up lol)

I vote against the rule change to be honest. I know it's unlikely, but someone could quite easily go to one clan, lose a few matches massively, get booted out for some reason and then join another clan.

I just think there is too many issues with it. A season doesn't last that long as it is. If a player gets booted out of a clan anyway, it usually is for some reason and not for the sake of it.

However, on another note, if a player has signed up for a clan when season starts, and doesn't play a fixture, then I think they should be able to move freely until they have actually played a game, as I don't believe this is the case currently.
Posts: 880
03:00 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
eemad said:
girl_power7 said:
soo as it stgands i cant sign for anyone else due to bein booted out (sorry havnt been on for a few days need to catch up lol)

Posts: 8,885
03:02 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree that the seasons arnt long but if u enjoy playing it and not able 2 its a long time well it is to me anyways
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:20 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have no problems with players being allowed to join a diff team if they have been released from a clan through no fault of their own , however,if a captain has a good player in their team, they dont release them for no reason. if a player refuses to play games, causes problems that disrupts the rest of the team,and the player threatens to leave, what option is there ?
if the rule is going to be changed, surely there needs to be guidelines
Posts: 22,512
06:09 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Re-word the rule.

My eyes hurt after reading 6+ pages!

James, concerning next season, im going to find a few spare minutes this week to have a chat with you as im unsure where i stand as a runner this past few weeks and also a chat about the next season.

Oh yeah about the default forum being public, totally against this also. That would cause more un needed arguments i feel.

Sorry all been busy so the above was my catch up haha
Posts: 5,250
09:09 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

They know who they are :

1. My deactivation had nothing to do with you or the clan but was more a protest about something else. (which i was watching on a newly created account at that time). The clan was in good hands as i felt and you then "tabbed" me with a brush of someone you are befriending at this time and they back you up pity them. You were released because of the constant 1 post went... "Leave me out of the fixtures ahead i am having no luck and playing badly". To next post "I got no games this set this is out of order (other party agrees in another post).
Then i do sub you in and then its more moans because of your opponent you have to play saying "thanks for putting me in against them".

No win situation...both moaned like hell about it then gave nothing back but more Negative Waves once we tried to help and members of the clan even outside the hierarchy complained of your behaviour. As i see you brought it upon yourself think before you post stuff. And don't make childish comments on official threads trying to get the sympathy act.
Posts: 974
12:03 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't know who that user is (I presume they have posted within the last few pages and if I look through properly I can work it out, but I can't be bothered), but anyway, if that was definitely the case, then to be honest I wouldn't let them in for the reason of season. Not playing fair if all that is true.

And this is where the discretion comes in where league runners will review it comes into play and could cause a lot more issues than it solves. The current rule is clear as day and I have seen very little problems with it over the seasons, while this one when a player does get told they can/can't play for rest of season, it's going to annoy some party that's for sure.
Posts: 2,185
12:49 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't change a rule half way through guys. The players were released because they disrespected their captain. Leave it till next season before you bring in the rule. Rules are rules. Wait till next season, then bend 'em adjust 'em break 'em as much as you bloody want.
Posts: 7,164
12:58 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
james as a matter of course i wouldnt change the wording of the rules as yet, the season has one more fixture set to be released after the current one we are in.
Posts: 7,164
13:08 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i believe where the wording was introduced in the way it was to stop as eemad said

I vote against the rule change to be honest. I know it's unlikely, but someone could quite easily go to one clan, lose a few matches massively, get booted out for some reason and then join another clan.

i believe if a clan captain states the player is released on amicable terms then this player could then become a free agent,

if a player bullies / harass a team captain or causes unnecessary disruption and or causes defaults

this player should be banned maybe a little strong till the end of a season and not allowed to play in any clan league

my oppinion

but not until next season
Posts: 38,097
13:29 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
so far 6 is for the reword and 3 is against.

@ damien we would look at each case individually look at both parties info and clan threads to ensure the info is correct then make a choice there and then

not all cases would pass (e.g. captains bullying people to leave)

@ craig 2 more after this league ends in about 7 weeks
Posts: 974
13:41 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
What's to say you get different stories from the captain and player in question? How do you sort that one out? Print screens are too easy to edit so you can't really use them!
Posts: 2,185
13:55 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Damo's right. Either way these people should NOT be allowed back in the league this season.

I could purposely get kicked out of my clan just out of boredom and go join someone else.

*I love my clan btw, don't kick me out please :P *
Posts: 974
13:57 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
As I did state though as well, if someone joined a clan but haven't played a game for them in that season, then I can't see why they can't move freely throughout the season till they play a game.
Posts: 38,097
13:57 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
eemad said:
What's to say you get different stories from the captain and player in question? How do you sort that one out? Print screens are too easy to edit so you can't really use them!

fair point
Posts: 8,885
14:50 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dextr said:

They know who they are :

1. My deactivation had nothing to do with you or the clan but was more a protest about something else. (which i was watching on a newly created account at that time). The clan was in good hands as i felt and you then "tabbed" me with a brush of someone you are befriending at this time and they back you up pity them. You were released because of the constant 1 post went... "Leave me out of the fixtures ahead i am having no luck and playing badly". To next post "I got no games this set this is out of order (other party agrees in another post).
Then i do sub you in and then its more moans because of your opponent you have to play saying "thanks for putting me in against them".

No win situation...both moaned like hell about it then gave nothing back but more Negative Waves once we tried to help and members of the clan even outside the hierarchy complained of your behaviour. As i see you brought it upon yourself think before you post stuff. And don't make childish comments on official threads trying to get the sympathy act.

whooooooow steady on jack constant moans id like to say jess never did and her comment was out the blue but if u peeps noo thats her and ive never 1ce treid to get people to feel sorry for me and u know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited at 14:38 Fri 09/12/11 (GMT)
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