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02:54 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why not just make it that if a players does deactivate etc, then the opponent gets the choice of starting again or continuing with the current score. It does not punish the player or team affected by the player leaving.
Posts: 7,940
03:04 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
just for clarification on snooker we have at the moment, giving the default bonus to teams not at fault ONLY if the conceded game is left (e.g. ban/deactivation/conceder).

also on snooker if someone gets banned...

Player B gets banned after playing the game and we know with almost certainty (decided by defaults team) that it was a duplicate account. 2 days before the deadline, the team put another player in to play the fixture, but it doesn't get played and goes to defaults. It will count as if the player who was subbed in was offline until the time the sub was made. That way, the default is heavily in favor of the clan without the banned player.

doesn't include deactivation for now as snooker has only defaults bonus and no win bonus.

thoughts on this too?

default bonus should be given to a clan if its not their fault no matter what the reasons are, not just for: ban/deactivation/conceded

Theres usually someone at fault for most defaults and the oponents shouldn't be punished by losing bonus points.
Posts: 7,940
03:15 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
tokko said:
Why not just make it that if a players does deactivate etc, then the opponent gets the choice of starting again or continuing with the current score. It does not punish the player or team affected by the player leaving.

I like this idea, but I still think it only gets to continue or restart if the player leaves within the first 5 games and also deactivates which will mean they are out the league. anytime after the 5 games it goes to default with the player leaving at fault and oponents still get default bonus points if all 8 results are decided at no fault of theirs.
Deleted User
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03:24 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
dgeneratio said:
just for clarification on snooker we have at the moment, giving the default bonus to teams not at fault ONLY if the conceded game is left (e.g. ban/deactivation/conceder).

also on snooker if someone gets banned...

Player B gets banned after playing the game and we know with almost certainty (decided by defaults team) that it was a duplicate account. 2 days before the deadline, the team put another player in to play the fixture, but it doesn't get played and goes to defaults. It will count as if the player who was subbed in was offline until the time the sub was made. That way, the default is heavily in favor of the clan without the banned player.

doesn't include deactivation for now as snooker has only defaults bonus and no win bonus.

thoughts on this too?

default bonus should be given to a clan if its not their fault no matter what the reasons are, not just for: ban/deactivation/conceded

Theres usually someone at fault for most defaults and the oponents shouldn't be punished by losing bonus points.

Don't agree with that part otherwise if one team has made the running through the fixture and know they will get a 10-5 or better at default they would just let it go there.
Should be just ban/deactivation/conceded would add a bit of league runners discretion where you can appeal to have them added if the other team hasn't had an active or eligible player throughout the fixture.
Posts: 7,940
03:50 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry I got lost there lol

I agree mate

we need to remember this is only for games going to default due to a player leaving then deactivating or refusing to finish by the deadline.

A player conceding can sometimes be talked round to getting it finished

I'm now thinking forget continuing or restarting with a sub, that could get confusing and unfair for various reasons, just look at why it didnt get finished and if its because a player got banned, deactivated or refuse to finish the opponents get their default bonus points. keeps it simple and sounds like whats done on snooker. I think lol

Edited at 02:04 Thu 17/11/11 (GMT)
Posts: 7,164
12:30 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
when a new clan starts up and it names players without consent what is the punishment ???

and if a player is in an existing clan and makes a new clan whilst still playing without consent from the captain, is the player still deemed to be naming himself within this new clan,

just your thoughts please
Posts: 19,819
12:35 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey craig lol hmmm interesting. As Sarah gave me her permission it doesn't matter if you ment me :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:30 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agree with that alan, I did like the sub idea originally but you are right it could lead to better player being subbed in and we can't have any possibility of this being used tactically so leaving the score to the defaults and just tweaking the match bonus rules is much easier.
Posts: 7,940
14:13 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also add that if a player leaves a match unfinished and let it go to default by refusing to finish or deactivating they get banned from the league for the rest of the season when or if they reactivate, No problem if a player deactivates then reactivates if they go on to finish.
Hopefully this will make players think twice before messing their opponent about and letting their clans down.

Edited at 12:21 Thu 17/11/11 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:35 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
No problem if a player deactivates then reactivates if they go on to finish.

Surely there should be an issue where a player leaves a game when they're losing, or not playing well, or when the other player is playing well, rather than play through to a finish? Otherwise what is to stop every losing player trying that?

Difficult to police but I doubt there are instances where the team captain wouldn't suspect the truth and could take action themselves.

If you commit to starting a game it should be on the understanding it is played through a finish no matter what. Of course unforseen circumstances could arise to mean you might not be able to finish but then could both players not post their agreement to this interruption?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:45 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brought that up before chris, agree totally that once you start a game you should really play it in one go but the problem is there is no way of proving whether someone has had to leave for a genuine reason or because they are playing baddly.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:47 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know but, just for example, immediately deactivating after leaving the game is a good indication of what probably happened.
Posts: 7,940
14:49 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
So, if they deactivate, the fixture automatically goes to default and the player is banned from the league, no 2nd chance to finish if they reactivate.
If they leave and dont deactivate theres always the chance their captain will talk them into finishing. if they refuse to finish they should be banned from the league, Captain should boot them out to be honest.
If a player leaves and the fixture goes unfinished due to deactivation, ban or refusing to finish their opponents can still be awarded default bonus points depending on the other 7 fixtures.

Sounds good, I could go with that.

Edited at 13:18 Thu 17/11/11 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
15:10 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
atm craig we warn the clan in question then ban them from league the next season on 2nd offence.

warnings work quite well as it shows people we mean business and not messing around.
Posts: 7,164
15:50 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks very much for clearing that up dgen

very helpfull
Deleted User
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22:04 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
ab_rfc said:
No problem if a player deactivates then reactivates if they go on to finish.

Surely there should be an issue where a player leaves a game when they're losing, or not playing well, or when the other player is playing well, rather than play through to a finish? Otherwise what is to stop every losing player trying that?

Difficult to police but I doubt there are instances where the team captain wouldn't suspect the truth and could take action themselves.

If you commit to starting a game it should be on the understanding it is played through a finish no matter what. Of course unforseen circumstances could arise to mean you might not be able to finish but then could both players not post their agreement to this interruption?

simple! do not start to play your matches if you have not got time to fininsh them? thats why you should always post on both teams threads what you have agreed to play and at what time....! its not rocket science? 1. contact to arrange to play at a suitable time for both of you. 2. stick to it.
Posts: 7,940
22:35 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeh that is simple and its what most players do but unfortunately you get the odd few that start then leave when they are losing or playing badly, and some have been known to deactivate.
Posts: 9,926
22:59 Thu 17 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think if a player deactivates the clan who he plays for should have the option to sub a player in to finish the game, but the player who subs in starts at score when the first player left/deactivated. If a sub is used to replace a player who has deactivated and the player who has deactivated then at a later point reactivates he is out of the league for the rest of the season automatically. If timescales allow it, i would suggest captains would allow a couple of days for them to reactivate before subbing but it would be up to them.
Posts: 974
00:13 Fri 18 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
All I want to know is what will happen with my game? Was 3-1 up, he left then deactivated.
Posts: 7,940
00:21 Fri 18 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
We don't want players in the league that leave matches unfinished then deactivate, yes they might reactivate and possibly finish but the chances of them doing it again are very high, I don't want to play someone knowing they have left before and might do it to me.

I'm not keen on the sub idea but would go along with it.
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