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Deleted User
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17:06 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Captain's decision.
Doesn't have any affect on enybody else if they want a lot of players to be able to make subs it's just another thing that gets games done.
Deleted User
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19:35 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is this season taking forever to start or what lol

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Posts: 11,057
19:42 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
therev said:
the teams that have got more than 1 captain and Vice captain are doing it to get around the posting substitutions rule that was talked bout

thats just my opinion

a clan should have 1 Captain and 1 Vice Captain

If there is a rule that only captains and vices can make a sub, then all clans must have the same amount of captains and vices. If there isn't a rule, it doesn't matter.
Posts: 7,164
19:48 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
need clarification on this please
Posts: 38,097
20:16 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
atm there are no limits to captain or vice, yes atm captains/vices do need to sub unless you give your team permission like MVP does during the 2nd week.
Posts: 7,164
20:19 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
so for argument sake

if i make all my players vice captains is that acceptable

it seems a little daft to have more than one of each in my oppinion
Posts: 12,419
20:37 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i stand by my opinion

_pro__frog_ said:
1 captain, 2 vices
Posts: 7,940
20:38 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
therev said:
the teams that have got more than 1 captain and Vice captain are doing it to get around the posting substitutions rule that was talked bout

thats just my opinion

a clan should have 1 Captain and 1 Vice Captain

Wrong, don't need to get round any rules, its up to the captain who posts subs, MVP have 2 co captains and 1 vice, if we want we could just give permission for everyone to post subs for the whole fortnight, I think more is better, means theres more chance of atleast one captain or vice being online, also means you have more people chasing players to get games played.

Why should a clan have 1 Captain and 1 Vice Captain ?
Posts: 7,940
20:43 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
atm there are no limits to captain or vice, yes atm captains/vices do need to sub unless you give your team permission like MVP does during the 2nd week.

And there should never be a limit set by league runners, how many captains / vice captains a clan has is their decision and should remain that way.
Posts: 7,940
20:55 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
therev said:
the teams that have got more than 1 captain and Vice captain are doing it to get around the posting substitutions rule that was talked bout

thats just my opinion

a clan should have 1 Captain and 1 Vice Captain

If there is a rule that only captains and vices can make a sub, then all clans must have the same amount of captains and vices. If there isn't a rule, it doesn't matter.

Why would all clans need the same amount if there was a rule ?. shouldn't matter.

Answer this, whats better ?, 1 captain and vice that are only on a few hours a day or a team of 3 or more that can be on at different times chasing to get games played ?.
Posts: 38,097
21:08 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
wasn't fussed tbh, i wasn't going to change it, i just wondered what people thought.
Posts: 974
21:19 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you look at snooker, the rule is the captain and the vice can only do sub changes. I personally feel this works really well. It just keeps it a whole lot more organised.

I don't get why teams have so many captains and vice anyway at times, it devalues the role in my opinion.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:20 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
People should be allowed to have as many captains and vices as they want, if the captain and vice go missing for a few days, this could leave the clan struggling to get games played. We (unbeatables) had a similar situation during the pre season friendlies, Adam and Vi weren't on for a few days and we needed to make a swap which would allow us to play 2 games instead of defaults. We were lucky at the time, as the oppostion captain made the swap for us. If they didnt the game might not of been played, which could of led to Unbeatables not being allowed in the league.
Posts: 9,926
21:21 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I cannot believe we are debating how many captains/vices should be allowed. The more the better to get games completed and subs done where necessary should be the correct answer. Each clan has to have the right as to how many they want to ensure there clan runs smoothly. The fact that some clans have captains/vices who are not online very often is already one of the major causes why games go to default and by adding these new rules that only x and y can do subs it is only going to get worse, why are captains so concerned about one of his clan players playing a game to get it complete as he sees someone online? It does not say much for what he as a captain thinks if he prefers game not to get played and wait for him to sub rather than getting it done as he enjoys the power of being the person to carry out the subs.
Posts: 7,164
21:24 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i asked for confirmation

see pros and cons however im not fussed

just want know so i can add a few vice captains, ive always taken it as 1 + 1
Posts: 9,926
21:26 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
i asked for confirmation

see pros and cons however im not fussed

just want know so i can add a few vice captains, ive always taken it as 1 + 1

From experience mate, more vice captains helps spread the workload and makes clan run more smoothly and it also takes some work off of you.
Posts: 38,097
21:27 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
wasn't fussed tbh, i wasn't going to change it, i just wondered what people thought.

quoted for horse
Posts: 9,926
21:30 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
dgeneratio said:
wasn't fussed tbh, i wasn't going to change it, i just wondered what people thought.

quoted for horse

Had already read it mate but still threw my tuppence worth in
Posts: 7,164
21:30 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont disagree

just finding out now, never been debated so im happy

Posts: 38,097
21:37 Wed 2 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
nps, on snooker we are hosting a captains league which consists of 1 captain and 1 vice, thats why i wondered what people thought. yep more vices etc makes the clan run better which is a 'pro' but the more you have then the less important the title is which is a 'con' so i just wondered what people views was.

wasn't going to change it as i know most of time sometimes pool captains and vices goes walkies so more vices would be handy.
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