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01:20 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
Right for one the 1 month rule not a punishment, its a requiment to play in clan league, so how the hell we on to the jay thing again.
and yes some its slighty longer than other but league runners cant pick when players decide to join funkypool,
so i belive the current rule should not be changed.
again it is not a punishment.
and yes some its slighty longer than other but league runners cant pick when players decide to join funkypool,
so i belive the current rule should not be changed.
again it is not a punishment.
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01:24 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
there aint one i aint tht daft ya no, but jay did a crime got punished for it so should serve his ban aswell as servin a league runners ban till he comes back whenever that will be.
whats point in Jay been on the staff if he cant discuss the points that have come up and give us HIS point of veiw without Dgen, Dextr or whoever it is posting for him?
whocares8x8 said:
Nowhere does it say that being banned means you can't be a league runner.
there aint one i aint tht daft ya no, but jay did a crime got punished for it so should serve his ban aswell as servin a league runners ban till he comes back whenever that will be.
whats point in Jay been on the staff if he cant discuss the points that have come up and give us HIS point of veiw without Dgen, Dextr or whoever it is posting for him?
01:26 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
You said I contradicted myself, so I was just defending myself by telling you that he has been punished the same way that any other banned player would.
staffie_man said:
how the hell we on to the jay thing again
01:27 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
theres an FCL chat page on facebook actually, we been talking on their all day while you lot been arguing with me if jay should stay or not.
listen to me, there has never been a league runner ban, no one commented at time kev got banned when jan ran league but why now? its the same thing.
league runners decide if jay is appropriate for the job not the members, atm jay has done nothing wrong to be worthy of being removed from his position, being banned makes no difference.
sooner people realise that the faster we can move on.
listen to me, there has never been a league runner ban, no one commented at time kev got banned when jan ran league but why now? its the same thing.
league runners decide if jay is appropriate for the job not the members, atm jay has done nothing wrong to be worthy of being removed from his position, being banned makes no difference.
sooner people realise that the faster we can move on.
Deleted User
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01:31 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
what as the facebook page gotta do with Jay discussing things on funkypool?
Jay cant express his views while hes banned Dgen dont you get that? If he cant express his views wats point in him been on the staff?
dgeneratio said:
theres an FCL chat page on facebook actually, we been talking on their all day while you lot been arguing with me if jay should stay or not.
listen to me, there has never been a league runner ban, no one commented at time kev got banned when jan ran league but why now? its the same thing.
league runners decide if jay is appropriate for the job not the members, atm jay has done nothing wrong to be worthy of being removed from his position, being banned makes no difference.
sooner people realise that the faster we can move on.
listen to me, there has never been a league runner ban, no one commented at time kev got banned when jan ran league but why now? its the same thing.
league runners decide if jay is appropriate for the job not the members, atm jay has done nothing wrong to be worthy of being removed from his position, being banned makes no difference.
sooner people realise that the faster we can move on.
what as the facebook page gotta do with Jay discussing things on funkypool?
Jay cant express his views while hes banned Dgen dont you get that? If he cant express his views wats point in him been on the staff?
01:31 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
Word it another way and its the same rules for all, 1 month and any player not registered to play before fixtures are released have to wait untill the next fixture set, I don't see why players that deactivate or get banned should be allowed back in halfway through a fixture set when a player thats been on here for years on the same account that joins a clan the day after the fixtures are released would have to wait 2 weeks for the next fixture set, thats what I would call unfair.
whocares8x8 said:
Just to summarize what is now the minority position:
I don't want to decrease the punishment or get away from the 1 month rule.
I want the punishment to be the same for every player.
Currently, it is 4 weeks for some and 6 weeks for others. In any rules system, I would consider that unfair. The same "crime" deserves the same "punishment".
I don't want to decrease the punishment or get away from the 1 month rule.
I want the punishment to be the same for every player.
Currently, it is 4 weeks for some and 6 weeks for others. In any rules system, I would consider that unfair. The same "crime" deserves the same "punishment".
Word it another way and its the same rules for all, 1 month and any player not registered to play before fixtures are released have to wait untill the next fixture set, I don't see why players that deactivate or get banned should be allowed back in halfway through a fixture set when a player thats been on here for years on the same account that joins a clan the day after the fixtures are released would have to wait 2 weeks for the next fixture set, thats what I would call unfair.
Deleted User
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01:32 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
well said james
move on from the jay venture
move on from the jay venture
01:32 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
you dont have to use funkypool to discuss stuff, in fact you can do everything away from funkypool but actually playing the games.
01:35 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
Two different situations- one joins before the fixture starts, the other joins during. That's the difference.
I think the runners have said it won't be changed though- so no more from me on this.
ab_rfc said:
I don't see why players that deactivate or get banned should be allowed back in halfway through a fixture set when a player thats been on here for years on the same account that joins a clan the day after the fixtures are released would have to wait 2 weeks for the next fixture set, thats what I would call unfair.
I think the runners have said it won't be changed though- so no more from me on this.
Deleted User
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01:36 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
REALLY no beep sherlock
but the main focus is on funkypool right? so if jays banned he cant air his views on here while hes banned so no one can see what hes sayin AT ALL cos you(Dgen) Dextr or Whocares can post on the behalf of him
dgeneratio said:
you dont have to use funkypool to discuss stuff, in fact you can do everything away from funkypool but actually playing the games.
REALLY no beep sherlock
but the main focus is on funkypool right? so if jays banned he cant air his views on here while hes banned so no one can see what hes sayin AT ALL cos you(Dgen) Dextr or Whocares can post on the behalf of him
01:38 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
he doesn't tell us to post though thats the difference (or me anyway), i post jays views on my own accord, doesn't mean im posting for him as hes not asked me to do so.
so no rules broken imo.
anyway jay stays as league runner thats the end of it, now move on.
so no rules broken imo.
anyway jay stays as league runner thats the end of it, now move on.
Deleted User
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01:40 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
the bit in bold says YOU post Jays views therefore a rule is broken as ur posting JAYS views not YOUR OWN
dgeneratio said:
he doesn't tell us to post though thats the difference (or me anyway), i post jays views on my own accord, doesn't mean im posting for him as hes not asked me to do so.
so no rules broken imo.
anyway jay stays as league runner thats the end of it, now move on.
so no rules broken imo.
anyway jay stays as league runner thats the end of it, now move on.
the bit in bold says YOU post Jays views therefore a rule is broken as ur posting JAYS views not YOUR OWN
Deleted User
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01:41 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
i tell u what no one is happy unless there a whitch hunt for a league runner i been victim of this now jay. what would u do if there was no league runners and no league so come on lets stop the whitch hunt when u a runner u will never please everyone it is impossable too as there so many to please and every one has a differant oppinion so please lets move on .
01:41 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
sometimes makes me wonder if losing my posting rights is actually a good thing...
Deleted User
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01:44 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
thats easy to answer
i would carry on playin ranked and tourney matches so be nowt different, what would you do staffie?
staffie_man said:
i tell u what no one is happy unless there a whitch hunt for a league runner i been victim of this now jay. what would u do if there was no league runners and no league so come on lets stop the whitch hunt when u a runner u will never please everyone it is impossable too as there so many to please and every one has a differant oppinion so please lets move on .
thats easy to answer
i would carry on playin ranked and tourney matches so be nowt different, what would you do staffie?
01:48 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
easy he would look after his staffies, but how about the people who enjoying playing the league?
01:48 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
Dan your fighting a losing battle mate so might aswell move on, the player concerned is not a funkypool member at the moment and I think you'll find that no rules are being broken here, if dgen wants to seek help or advice from anyone thats really up to him, whether they are a member or not.
horse10000 said:
Please can everyone remember the forum posting rules.
Posting on behalf of a banned user or naming and discussing banned users is not allowed and could result in posting rights being revoked.
Please can everyone remember the forum posting rules.
Posting on behalf of a banned user or naming and discussing banned users is not allowed and could result in posting rights being revoked.
Deleted User
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01:49 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
nothing would get bored very easy and not bother.
look i dont know the history between u and jay but is there really need for a whitch hunt.
has jay done something wrong to the league.
look i dont know the history between u and jay but is there really need for a whitch hunt.
has jay done something wrong to the league.
Deleted User
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01:51 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
probs is a losin battle alan but im standing up for what i believe in which many people wouldnt dare do cos they are scared of gettin banned from playin in the clan league, if i get banned for airing my views so be it ill carry on playin ranked and tournies on ere wouldnt bother me at all.
01:52 Fri 14 Oct 11 (BST)
not going to ban you, your entitled to your opinion like everyone else.
ive only ever banned 1 person in my 7 seasons in the clan league and that was due to harassment.
therev said:
probs is a losin battle alan but im standing up for what i believe in which many people wouldnt dare do cos they are scared of gettin banned from playin in the clan league, if i get banned for airing my views so be it ill carry on playin ranked and tournies on ere wouldnt bother me at all.
not going to ban you, your entitled to your opinion like everyone else.
ive only ever banned 1 person in my 7 seasons in the clan league and that was due to harassment.
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