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Deleted User
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22:29 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Stop getting banned then!
Posts: 38,097
22:32 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
he cant help it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:43 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
He's doing pretty well on this account though!
Posts: 1,381
22:47 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
My ears are burning
Posts: 38,097
22:48 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hes itching to swear i can feel it

anyway back on topic,

anymore ideas or improve on some we have?
Posts: 19,967
22:53 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't need the rule changing at all I think, if you choose to get banned/deact then you should face the consequences of your actions - you know before that you'll wait, yet you still deactivate or do something to get yourself banned

got people who manage years fine on the same account - This is my first account and I've kept it fine, only thing i've had is a rightful boot and a harsh boot in over 4 and a half years - Jame's account is 9 days older than mine (not sure if it is his first) but he's also kept it without any problems - and theres people around who've done it for longer

Only one person is to blame for them having to wait longer, I don't see the point in helping them out
Posts: 38,097
22:55 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yep my first, no boots or bans either
Posts: 19,967
22:57 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You were mature when you created it, i was 13 and could be a little *word Jay would say*

But it proves it can be done, and that there isn't really an excuse for people not to do it without accepting a 1 month wait
Posts: 1,381
23:02 Thu 15 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Why the word that i would say haha is it pick on Jay day today? haha
Posts: 8,885
21:06 Fri 16 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i love this game :P
Posts: 968
21:19 Fri 16 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Banning and deactivating is a seperate issue, and should be dealt with that way as well!
Posts: 38,097
12:09 Sat 17 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
just a couple of points id like to make if possible

1) can we close the door on substituations, that once you are with a team and sign you are with that team for the season unless the team folds, and the players become free agents
the way it used to be with no arguements

this rule will stop the rubbish from this season happening again and a very clear ruling

2) the total and absolute disregard of the naming of players for new clans before the window, and league runners being firm with blatant rule breaches

these 2 items have caused more trouble this season for many teams both used to be standard rules,

3) when a deadline is set by the league for matches to be played. how can these dates be changed specifically in the cup, how and why should extensions be made, why have deadlines if this was the case

league games wernt granted extensions all season nd regardless of what who and where, if deadlines are set with teams of 14 and 15 players why would an extension be needed. this isnt an old gripe its history, it needs addressing for the start of the new season.
Posts: 9,926
13:42 Sat 17 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Point 1 - Everyone should have the right to be released from their current side and play for any other team. A player gets no games with his current clan, why should he stay stuck to the same clan?

Point 2 - As a clan captain, i would prefer any player who is moving clans at end of the season to announce it sooner rather than waiting to the end of the season, it gives me time to replace them for next season. Also as can happen if a new clan starts up and poaches several players from the same clan it gives them time to replace them as if it was just announced at the end of the season it would probably finish the clan they all leave from.

Point 3 - I was against the extension in the cup, but i have to say that it worked very well and prevented defaults deciding the outcome so credit to league staff for showing common sense and allowing it to happen. Next season as far as i am aware they are going to start cup earlier so we have 2 weeks so hopefully this shouldn't happen again, but lets just trust league staff to get it right if it occurs again.
Posts: 1,381
13:51 Sat 17 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You are right Keith cup will be starting early i think, it will be running alongside the league games so that the Cup and League finish on the same day, im sure thats the plan, it was the last time me and james spoke about it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:02 Sat 17 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the rule about not being able to go to another clan was if you had already played for your current clan you're not allowed to join another think this should be brought back myself.
Posts: 11,057
14:15 Sat 17 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Transfer window!

About the naming new players rule: it was brought in with good reason and that reason remains valid. I like the current system, where captain's permission allows the naming of new players.

Edited at 11:22 Sat 17/09/11 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:01 Sun 18 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to reapply the pool sharks to fcl

thanks rusty
Posts: 11,489
13:15 Sun 18 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
great rule i had no problem releasing my players after i was told by the clan there going to but i think players should tell the team there playing before they get released ive had a few players what found a new clan and got there new captain to tell me what i thought was wrong i should of been the first to know there leaving
Posts: 5,250
07:50 Mon 19 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Rusty you can apply for entrance to FCL when we ask for entrants for new season.

Cke1982 yes your player should have informed you first and if he/she never then its you that can say they can't be named in the clan they are joining unless you allow by posting on that clans thread that u have allowed naming.
Posts: 19,819
19:48 Mon 19 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree with doubted2, once a player agrees to play for a team they shouldn't be allowed to leave a few days later.
There should be a transfer window for players already in a clan but free agents can join clans at anytime.
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