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15:50 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
ipotalot said:
Exactly, you know the rule hasn't been changed but you carry on anyway?!
Just because you are involved it doesn't make the existing rules bendable
Come on mate, look at the reason for the rule and then use common sense. We know for a fact that the clan will fold at the end of the season. Our captain has agreed to announcing the names. We will all continue to play for UT this season.
Rules have reasons- if they now hinder more than they help, they must be changed.

I dont agree with the rule at all, as far as i'm concerned you're free agents when the season finishes so why shouldn't you be able to be named in a different team for next season.

What I don't agree with though is that chips 'n' gravy had a warning for exactly the same thing and haven't named anyone since. Dgen gets warned about it and he tries just changing the rules and carrying on.

Why not have one set of rules for everyone and just stick to them and as kev said rules are changed at the end of the season if they need to be.
Deleted User
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15:53 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
calm down and have a piece of cake
Posts: 11,056
15:53 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Agree with that.
However, fact is- if we can't name at least some of our players (UT captain has given permission), then RIGHT NOW this clan will most likely fold.
Therefore, the rule needs to be amended NOW.

I still think the rule makes sense, but if the captain of the affected clan gives permission, announcements should be permitted.
Deleted User
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15:54 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally calm and into steak not cake
Deleted User
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15:59 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't see why the clan would fold.
Players posting constantly show who is part of the clan just have to keep within the rules, this clan is no different from any of the others that have started up so why should there be an urgent rule change?
Wolf pack and mouseketeers got through last season without any troubles.
Posts: 38,097
16:25 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
difference is i got permission to name, myself, seb and virtuoso1978 from the clan owner, we haven't named anyone else joining who are in clans.

and the example about chips n gravy yeah they aren't naming now but if you name or not, you know who is joining so that doesn't make sense tbh.

all rule changes is ideas, the snooker experience was just an idea and given by feedback it won't happen but this naming thing is a rule what needs amending, only you disagree with it so at the present time majority want it changed.
Deleted User
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16:41 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You and one other member were named by long_shot or whoever it was in the friendly, much like Chips 'n Gravy named another individual in a team sheet, they got warned and captainking has been warned.

The Snooker clan won't be given any preferential treatment, in fact because they're from snooker I'll try to give them more of a hard time
Posts: 11,056
17:04 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
My main point is, the rule as it stands now gives clans a lot more trouble than it helps.

We are clearly not destabilizing any clans. We have permission from the captain of the clan concerned and (as far as I know) have not named any players from other clans. We don't expect preferential treatment, but I will be captaining the clan next season. How am I supposed to get it to work if I can't name myself lol??

The rule exists to stop clans from being destabilized and folding mid-season. We are not doing this and the rule just makes building this clan a big hassle at the moment.

I don't know what happened with Chips&Gravy - did they have permission from the captains etc?

I agree with the rule, but there needs to be that exception.
Posts: 7,940
17:50 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see the problem with naming players as long as that players present captain has been notified, look at football and pre contracts, for example Rangers have a player joining at Xmas, surely if its ok to do it in such a big sport like football why not on here
If thats not acceptable why not have a rule that clans can name players after the halfway point of each season, that way it would help both clans, old clan has time to find replacements and the new clan can then name the player for friendlies.
Deleted User
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17:58 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The point is there is nothing in the rules about 'if captains give permission it's ok'
Dgen suggested there should be so blatantly knows how the rule currently is yet continues to break it.

2 months ago
anoneeemouse said:

1) anoneeemouse captain sarah
2) no_talking vice captain rick
3) greyhoundshaun
4) cannibals jon
5) mk_lad
6) discreet_eddedmonton
7) d187
8) can_not_name
9) can_not_name
11) madhatter30martin
12) iam___legendconor
13) Can_not_name

Everyone else has had to abide by this rule and also how is printing ccfc1927 on a clan pic and posting it on the thread not naming a player?
I assume kev didn't give you his permission to do this?
Just stick to the rules like everyone else has had to and is having to.
If they get changed later then fair enough but the way they are now you got warned and just carried on naming players, if that was anybody else you would be telling them they shouldn't be allowed in FCL.
Deleted User
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18:00 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The problem was ab_rfc posted those pictures, he knew exactly what he was doing though. I spoke to captainking earlier and he said he was going to ask for those pictures to be removed, will wait and see what comes of that
Posts: 7,940
18:45 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the pics have now been removed,

I make the pics then i post the pics.

There was no rules broken by Snooker Squad as I am not and won't be part of their clan.

I do apologise to the league and also to the one and only player that seems to have a problem with naming players.
Posts: 38,097
18:55 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers ab.

only time we named was in a clan friendly, when im not sure if the friendly organised knew what they was doing.

UT captain given us permission to name UT players so we named UT players.

about the pictures, captainking asked for them to be done, ab did them and maybe adrenaline took over i don't know but when he saw his mistake he edited it out so pics didn't show.

also im not the one shoving that rule in peoples faces, ive always said if the previous captain gives permission it should be ok to name.
Posts: 7,940
18:58 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
thats what it was, adrenaline took over lol

ab_rfc said:
I don't see the problem with naming players as long as that players present captain has been notified, look at football and pre contracts, for example Rangers have a player joining at Xmas, surely if its ok to do it in such a big sport like football why not on here
If thats not acceptable why not have a rule that clans can name players after the halfway point of each season, that way it would help both clans, old clan has time to find replacements and the new clan can then name the player for friendlies.
Deleted User
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19:15 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
the pics have now been removed,

I make the pics then i post the pics.

There was no rules broken by Snooker Squad as I am not and won't be part of their clan.

I do apologise to the league and also to the one and only player that seems to have a problem with naming players.

Bit sarcy thought the mods were supposed to be holier than thou?

Only people that are arguing for an immediate change are the ones in the team in question, go figure genius.
I agree with the rule change but not till the end of season and not to accomodate one specific team when the rule has been followed by every other team.
Some people obviously are just too up themselves and full of self importance to follow the rules like everyone else and dgen you've never argued for a rule change before it involved you.

Edited at 16:19 Wed 10/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
19:22 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
actually i thought the rule was a bit dumb beforehand as i spoke to kenny on msn about it one time before snooker squad was made.

and you don't know that as your not in snooker clan league.

about ab's idea i agree, it gives people time to find replacements early instead of only been notified at transfer window.

ive done nothing wrong here and UT owner gave snooker squad permission to name UT players so they have done so.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:29 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
There is nothing in the rules about a captain giving permission as you well know dgen so stop repeating the same rubbish.
You suggested a rule change, fine. Kev said rule changes are done at the end of season.
You just continued naming yourself and seb so you have done something wrong despite being warned that you were now in the same situation as chips 'n' gravy.
You just think you can do what you want the rule changes that took place last time all got placed on the FCL forum and people had their say not 'dgen wants to announce his squad so let's change this rule mid-season that everyone else has had to stick to.'
Deleted User
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19:29 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
p.s don't give a rats about snooker
Posts: 38,097
19:33 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
didnt say change it mid season.

just felt if captain gave you permission to name then you could, ive always been like that, even with other clans.

you just like to argue with me and certainly got a grudge.

pretty soon it looks like another thread i cant post on because 1 person doesn't like me.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:59 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't hold grudges at all I just don't like one rule for one team and one for everyone else and i really can't see why you have made all this fuss instead of just sticking to the rules like every other new clan has managed.

You are asking for the rule to be changed mid-season, you even wrote what you thought it needed to be changed to earlier.
Why won't your ego just accept that the fair thing to do is stick to the rules till the end of the season.
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