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Ditch the friendly tournaments

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06:23 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
What are you on about?

You obviously haven't been around the forum long enough to know that I have interesting ideas and opinions

ipotalot said:
Get rid of the really popular micros that fill up in seconds and alternate with more friendlies that we've all seen nobody wants to play?!?!


They are "really popular and fill up in seconds" because it only takes eight people!!

If you take away some tournaments, then you will have a higher amount of people in all tournaments, no matter what it is.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:27 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
with that set up people would be waiting 4/5 hours for a tournament they actually wanted to play.

Which would actually be a good thing. Another reason why there are low numbers in tournaments across the board is because people can wait and choose which tournaments they want to play. So lets say that there were only 10 people online that like 8 Ball UK but 50 online that like 9 Ball and there is a UK and 9 Ball tournament on within 15 minutes of each other, then you will have one popular tournament and another very unpopular tournament. But the winner of the unpopular tournament gets the same prize as the one who wins the 9 ball (minus a few tournapoints).

Space the tournaments out and you will have everyone fighting for one tournament, which is only fair.
Deleted User
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07:10 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
There aren't low numbers in tournaments across the board for a start just the friendlies.

Peak time yesterday
8 ranked
25 entries 21 games
8 friendly
7 entries 4 games
9 ranked
32 entries
28 games
9 friendly
5 entries
3 games
8 UK ranked
43 entries
60 games
8 UK friendly
8 entries 5 games

Point 2 you don't just get a few more tournapoints you get about 100 for winning a tourney with 8 people snowball got 600 for winning that UK with 43 entries.
The idea is to give people what they want so more people stay on here and keep coming back there won't be anyone on here to play the tourneys with your idea.
Posts: 7,940
08:49 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Get rid of the really popular micros that fill up in seconds and alternate with more friendlies that we've all seen nobody wants to play?!?!

not all micro tournies fill up in seconds, infact not all fill up.

At the moment newbies can't enter the hourly ranked tournaments, not everyone likes to play ranked games, the friendly ones are there for anyone but especially newbies to get used to playing tournaments, this is funkypool, its not all about winning points, theres alot more to this site.

Edited at 06:05 Tue 05/07/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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10:02 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Only micros that don't fill up are from 2 in the morning till 9 and from midday till midnight they fill in seconds they're popular.
From the stats from the last 24 hours it's plain to see eveyone does like playing ranked, you get more people in a ranked tourney at 3am than you do in a friendly at peak.
Take them out and you have more tourneys that people want to play 30 people playing instead of wasting a tournament at peak time for 5 people to play 3 games.
Deleted User
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10:52 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
ipotalot said:
What are you on about?

You obviously haven't been around the forum long enough to know that I have interesting ideas and opinions

ipotalot said:
Get rid of the really popular micros that fill up in seconds and alternate with more friendlies that we've all seen nobody wants to play?!?!


They are "really popular and fill up in seconds" because it only takes eight people!!

If you take away some tournaments, then you will have a higher amount of people in all tournaments, no matter what it is.

Sorry only just seen this one...just shown you struggle to get 8 people at peak time to play a friendly tournament yet for 2/3 of the day every micro fills up in seconds every hour.
Why do you want to force people to play tournaments they don't like? That doesn't work, you leave me with just an arcade to play then i would just log off or go play killer.
If I kept logging on and not getting tournaments I liked I would lose interest in the site and like I have said earlier the numbers for the ranked tourneys are decent.
Posts: 388
13:10 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with the dismissal of friendly tournament at peak time, however i dont agree with getting rid of the micros, they are a GOOD addition to funkypool.

But yes, i would prefer to see a ranked tournament in the evening rather than a friendly tournament which hardly anybody enters.

However, Micro's are good... Keep them!
Posts: 38,097
13:56 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
how about this then?

at peak time put 2 or 3 micros (rotating) and 1 friendly tournament at :15 :30 :45 past the hour and put a ranked tournament in the hour slot.

only for peak time though so say between 6 pm and 12 am. and after that can be hourly tournaments since you don't get as many entries.

that way we keep friendly tournaments (i don't think they should be eliminated entirely) and micros can be lowered also.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:12 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see any need to touch the micros, they're doing well so why interfere with them?

You could have the friendlies totally seperate as they are supposed to be aimed at newbies and you don't get anything for them start them at 5 past the hour then you could have a whole 24h schedule of them and free up 14 slots a day for decent ranked tourneys...everyones happy.
Posts: 38,097
14:38 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
then you will still get the argument, not enough entries blah blah blah.
Posts: 2,530
14:38 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I think we all know that this ipotalot is a douche and if micros arent to go then you should at least lower the tournapoints you win. If you entered 2 micros and won them both for 10 hours then you could easily win the tournapoints day event without even playing a proper tourny.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:46 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Why would you get the argument dgen they wouldn't be in the tourney schedule so who care's who cares how many people enter.
rubber_duck whats your problem muppet? No reach around last night? Selfish these truckers eh?!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:51 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Ieveryones happy.

You never can nor will make everyone happy.

ipotalot said:

Peak time yesterday
8 ranked
25 entries 21 games
8 friendly
7 entries 4 games
9 ranked
32 entries
28 games
9 friendly
5 entries
3 games
8 UK ranked
43 entries
60 games
8 UK friendly
8 entries 5 games

1) Those numbers are down across the board. We used to have 50, 60 sometimes seventy people in tournaments.

2) You can't get a true number of how many people are actually avoiding friendly tournaments. Because they start at half past the hour, the standard tournament is in full swing (end of 1st or start of 2nd round). Therefore a majority of people are actually involved in the standard tournament, and would have no interest in the other tournament, no matter what it was. Unless we actually had a stand-alone friendly tournament, you can't acuratley guage numbers. Most tournaments at half past the hour seem to have lowish numbers.

3) Not all micro's are popular, not even in peak time - Do we scrap them because only two people play? Of course not. But on the whole I think we do need fewer tournaments.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:15 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire-the fiendlies were looked at over a 24h period on and off peak times and the numbers are ridiculous, picking one micro out doesn't make it the same think we can all accept they are generally full up quickly and popular.
The tourneys were changed to half hourly to accomodate the new arcade games without losing too many of the existing tournaments like you said not everyone is happy but take that up with nick.
Everyone's choosing to use this to argue about a lot of different stuff.

Point is losing 14 tournaments a day that people don't play for 14 that people do and we can do it by putting friendlies on a different schedule, they should be anyway they're nothing like the other tourneys.
Posts: 38,097
15:42 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
reason i said it was because it will be exactly the same way it is now, just more tournaments, need less not more.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:51 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not saying you're wrong, i'm saying that there is a better way to do this then just jumping on the gun and culling one thing because it's unpopular. It's unpopular because there is too much competition around it.

Just because it's losing out to competition doesn't mean it's not important and should be scrapped. In my opinion, friendlys are important for newbies to get used to the game and for those who don't want to risk rank points.

Not so long ago, all tournament matches were friendly. There were no TournaPoints and there was only one tournament every hour. During peak times, there would be as many as 100 people in a tournament. Marathons and even some standard tournaments took 2, sometimes 3 hours to complete, so thats when some varients like speed and micro came in.

When ranking etc came in, there was critisism and that but people have eventually came to accept it...friendlies then were completley abolished (as far as I know) and since ive gone away and came back, the friendly tournament has returned.

All I am saying is that while friendly tournaments can probably be scaled back, there are other types of tournaments that are scheduled too often as well. I'm in the same position as you wanting to see as many tournaments with as many people in them as possible; but we wont maximise the potential just by culling one type of tournament.

We need to find the right balance between number of tournaments and amount of people playing tournaments.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:57 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:

Point is losing 14 tournaments a day that people don't play for 14 that people do and we can do it by putting friendlies on a different schedule, they should be anyway they're nothing like the other tourneys.

In short, we have 14 tournaments too many to start with.

I think what we need is two tournaments an hour, regardless if its standard, micro, friendly, speed, marathon or arcade; and not three or four like we have now.

It's cluttering everything up and not discouraging people to actually create a room and play to five or ten frames, like a lot used to do.

Edited at 13:02 Tue 05/07/11 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
16:06 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
true plus as damee said snooker has 50% more users and we only have 2 per hour, most of time even 1 per hour and we don't even have a 25 hour schedule like you lot do.

only advantages pool has to snooker is more randoms, 25 hour cycle and more variety of choice in micro (snooker we only have arcade).

i do believe the early hour tournaments do need looking at although you get a lot of foreigners on here.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:31 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Very good points aflumpire and dgen I look at the schedule though and in the last 12 hours there has been one proper random tournament, 1 speed random and 1 random friendly. In the next 4 hours there is another random friendly.
I know I haven't been on here as long as you but when i joined the random ranked were getting 50 a time.
8 ball tourneys are 12 hours apart and you have 14 friendly tournaments that nobody plays taking up slots.
Think the marathons losing numbers is down to tournapoints not reflecting the difficulty as well, that was raised to nick and he agreed and says he will be changing it.
Posts: 38,097
16:40 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
only reason random is low in numbers is because games keep getting included in overall.
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Ditch the friendly tournaments

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